The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 255: I need to make fruit

C_t; "The names on the seventh island, you have all seen, whether you can pass the second round of battle depends on the realm and quantity of the beasts you killed. (--"

Until the end of the second round of fighting, Huangfu Tianzun only said his standard of judgment. Some of the martial artists on the Seventh Island changed their faces, and for the sake of safety, they tried to avoid the beasts. Unless they are the beasts they can easily solve, they will kill them.

Huangfu Tianzun not only considers the number of beasts, but also considers the realm of the beasts. It is obvious that the beasts of low realms are not much useful for killing. When he started, he didn't say it. He wanted to see the heart of the young warriors. A warrior who would only avoid the beasts, in his heart, certainly could not match the mighty warrior who killed the beast.

The warriors on the eighth island and the warriors on the sixth island are indifferent mentality. The warriors on the eighth island can certainly pass the second round of fighting, and the warriors on the sixth island are bound to be eliminated. Only the warriors on the seventh island can be eliminated or pass two possibilities. Of course, only those who are nervous will be them.

"Lee brother, let's go back!"

The sword demon smiled and the second round of the battle ended. It was time to accompany the lotus. According to the standard of Huangfu Tianzun, he can certainly pass the second round of fighting. The beasts he killed were naturally many, especially after he took the initiative to find the vicious beast. Being able to determine that he can pass the second round of combat, there is no need to continue to listen to the name of the warrior that Huangfu Tianzun announced.

"Look at your look, very confident, well, let's find a tyrant to drink."

Lei Wenyuan killed the eighth island, 100% can pass the second round of fighting, there is no need to worry. If Zhong Xingba heard what Lei Wenyuan said, it would inevitably ruin. It is a good thing for Jian Naiwen to pass the second round of fighting, but why is he still unlucky?

The departure of the two of them did attract the attention of many warriors, but they did not say anything. The name of the sword demon is on the seventh island. If they are now laughing at the swordsman, if the swordsman fights through the second round, will their faces be swollen?

Before they are determined that the swordsmen have been eliminated, they will not talk in a mess, because they have already felt the evil door of the sword. The first round of fighting swordsman won the championship, which exceeded everyone's expectations. In the second round of fighting, he actually killed the seventh island, and once again exceeded everyone's expectations.

Gu Hong did not leave, Di Yuanzhao did not leave, they can be sure that they can pass the second round of fighting, but they all want to know whether the sword can pass the second round of fighting. [] Gu Hong wants to fight with the swords and spirits in the same realm, Di Yuanzhao is the life of the sword.

"Tiancheng, really dead!"

Luo Tiancheng’s name disappeared on the light curtain, and he did not appear in the square. Luo Tianhao still held the last hope, and that was the light curtain error. But now, all the warriors on the Beast Island, as long as they are alive, have been driven out by Emperor Huangzong. There is still no Luo Tiancheng among them, only to show that Luo Tiancheng died on the Beast Island.

"Below, this seat announces the name of the warrior who passed the second round of combat, the person who heard the name, and after three days, participated in the third round of fighting!"

Emperor Huang Tian’s hands pressed down, making the vast square completely quiet. The warriors who came out of the Seventh Island, each erected their ears, hoping to hear their names. Regardless of whether the third round of combat can be the top ten, it is good to be able to pass the first two rounds of combat.

"Gu Hong, Lei Wenyuan, Di Yuanzhao, Zong Renfu, Lu Zhanlong, Bai Zhenjun, Wu Ziming... Sword Devil... Su Jiyu..."

The name of a warrior spit out from the mouth of Huangfu Tianzun. When he said the sword demon, the atmosphere in the field changed significantly. The warriors who had previously prepared to ridicule the swords and spirits could not help but be fortunate. Fortunately, they did not speak, otherwise the swordsmen would say nothing, and they would feel uncomfortable.

The first round of the first battle, passed the second round of fighting, the second Gu Hong, the third Zongrenfu, the fourth place Di Yuanzhao, the fifth place Lei Wenyuan, the sixth place Su Jiyu, all can participate in the first Three rounds of fighting. However, the seventh Luo Tiancheng died on the Beast Island. The eighth and ninth were all eliminated. The tenth Bai Zhenjun passed the second round of fighting.

When Huangfu Tianzun reported all the names of one hundred and one, it was someone who was happy and worried. The warriors who passed the second round of battle were of course happy, and the eliminated warriors were not happy. It is a pity that the second round of fighting has ended. Whether it is regret, or unwillingness, or the inability to accept the results, it will not help.

"Is it through? I hope that in the third round of fighting, you and I can fight!"

Gu Hong smiled and learned that the sword magic passed the second round of fighting, he was very happy. The first round of battle was lost to the sword demon. He was not willing, and his heart was not convinced. He wants to fight in the third round, suppressing the realm and the swords and spirits in the same realm. If the sword can win him, he will be convinced, otherwise, the first round of battle can not prove anything.

Di Yuanzhao is equally happy. If he misses the third round of fighting, then he wants to kill the swordsman again. It is certainly not an easy task. He also thought that the sword demon was a disciple of the ancient emperor palace. As a genius disciple of the nine imprisonment, he certainly did not dare to "chaos." With the potential of the sword, the status of the ancient imperial palace is certainly not bad. If he kills the sword, he may bring a big disaster to the nine imperial prison.

The battle for the Tianbang list is different, because it has already been stipulated that the duel is a life or death, and no revenge will be allowed in the future. Even if Di Yuanzhao is on the duel, the sword will be killed, and the ancient palace will not be able to deal with Di Yuanzhao for this reason, and even more can not be shot against Jiuyan.

"The sword is also passed?"

Su Jiyu was very happy to pass the second round of fighting, but he did not expect that the swordsman also passed the second round of fighting. Moreover, the name of the sword is very high, and his name is very late. The high-reality beasts killed by the swordsman are certainly many, and he does not know how much.

Only Huangfu Tianzun clearly knows that the number of beasts of the kings killed by the swordsmen is more than that of some of the eighth islands. In particular, the King Kong scorpion killed by the Swordsman has the strength of the late kings, and is equal to the strength of the Eighth Island. The swordsman is so powerful that Huangfu Tianzun has a number of hearts, but he will not tell others.

"The sword magic has passed. If the third round of battle meets with him, I must suppress the realm and play with him!"

Mu Xue shook his fist and said seriously. Don't say that others, even her own, are not optimistic about themselves. If she suppresses herself to the same realm as the sword, she is certainly not the opponent of the sword. However, she can suppress herself in the middle or late days of the day.

After coming out of the ancient animal world, the swordsman did not violently "dew" his own realm. Many people still think that he is the early stage of the heavens. They are suspected of the swordsman, because it is difficult to kill the seventh island with the repair of the sword, not to mention the second round of fighting. However, in the second round of the battle hosted by Huangfu Tianzun, they did not question anything.

The young disciples of the ancient palace worship the emperor, and the disciples of other forces understand that even the holy king of their power must give the emperor a certain face. In their realm, if they are questioned in public, they will certainly have no good fruit to eat if they are true.

"Which elder is the elder "gate"? Why haven't you found it yet? Is it that he is only the bottom disciple?"

The elders of the ancient emperor who came to investigate the origin of the sword magic are far more than one. When the first round of battle is over, they want to find the sword demon. However, after Zhong Xingba saw Zhong Xingyue, he refused all the disciples who were looking for swordsmen. Now that the second round of fighting is over, those elders’ interest in the swordsman has not only not decreased, but has greatly increased.

If the second round of the sword demon is eliminated, and a self-destructive look, there must be some elders who ignore him. However, the Sword Devil killed the Seventh Island and passed the second round of fighting. The number of elders of the Ancient Emperor, who was interested in him, not only did not decrease, but also increased a lot.

Gu Hong is the father of the great family, even if the talent is higher, the potential is bigger, and they have nothing to do with them. The teachings of their disciples are certainly not as good as the emperor. It is impossible for the emperor, who is in the ancient palace, to give him the money. However, the swords and the magic are different. The great emperor who sits in the ancient palace of the ancients has a son of Gu Hong, and the sword-resistant emperor certainly has nothing to do with it.

"You kid is really amazing, I didn't think that you can fight through the second round!"

Zhong Xingba had to admit that his vision was indeed worse than that of Lian. Fortunately, he did not raise the bar with Lian Er, or else he had to lose to Lian Er. Although Liner said that there is never any reason, her judgment is correct. She said that the swordsman can win the first round of the championship, and the swordsman will get it. She said that the sword magic can pass the second round of battle, the sword magic passed.

"I didn't think he could get to this point. Unfortunately, he will stop in the third round of fighting. The fourth round of fighting is definitely not his thing."

Lei Wenyuan shook his head. In the third round of fighting, he was selected among the 110 people, and he was selected as the top ten of the ancient palace. The fourth round of battles is the top ten of the ancient emperor's palace and the top ten of the yin yin temple and the first ten pairs of the life-stricken building, and the last tenth.

"You are wrong. The top ten of the ancient palace, there must be one for me. I need to make friends to save my friends!"

If there are outsiders present, the swordsman will certainly not say such words, because this is too arrogant. He has already regarded Lin Er, Lei Wenyuan and Zhong Xingba as their own people and said their own ideas. He does not think there is any problem. He is participating in the Tianbang list, isn’t it just to get fruit?

"It turns out that it is only the first to have fruit. Not that I am against you, with your current strength, let alone the first, the top ten have no chance."

Zhong Xingba sighed a sigh, even if he wanted to win the championship with his strength, there was no chance. The fighting power of the sword demon is definitely not as good as him. If you want to be the first, it is simply a daydream.


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