The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 264: Undervalued Mu Xue

"Give you a time to recover, then do the last test."

After the third round of combat, after the end of the third test, there are only two warriors left in each duel. There is no need to draw lots. When the fourth game is finished, the top ten of the ancient palace will be born. The first one is ranked tenth, it is not important at all, and it will not take time to compare.

Whether it is the young warrior who was previously tested, or the young warrior who is in the air, they are beginning to adjust their own state. The final match will decide whether they will be eliminated or they can enter the fourth round of fighting. Who do not want to pass the third round of fighting? Who doesn't want to beat the last opponent.

Nine Great Heavens will not be eliminated until now. Their strengths are obvious to all. Even those who have doubts about them are now silent and able to pass the first round of combat and the first round of battle. A warrior is a genius, but the vast majority of them are still not the opponents of the nine great angels.

Wu Ziming, Bai Zhenjun, Jianmo, Lei Wenyuan, Zongrenfu, Di Yuanzhao, they are the geniuses who are really likely to defeat the nine great generals. The other four heavenly kings will be extremely vulnerable. For the four games, for them, it is actually a form.

Zongrenfu’s opponent is Xing Yuan, one of the nine great generals, and Lei Wenyuan’s opponent, Yuan Huaxin, one of the nine great generals, and Di Yuanzhao’s opponent, one of the nine great generals. Ying, the opponent of the sword magic, is one of the nine great heavens, Luo Tianhao, Bai Zhenjun’s opponent, is one of the nine great heavens, the star of Peng Xing, the opponent of Wu Ziming, is one of the nine great heavens. .

An hour, soon passed, the big square, quietly quiet, the ancient palace of the heavens will fight for the battle, the top ten is about to be born, of course they are very much looking forward to, especially the nine big heavens and other genius matchups They all want to know who is the ultimate winner.

"The time is up, the last match, from the first duel to the tenth duel, go one by one."

The previous duel platforms are all ***, there is no previous statement, but the last battle of the third round of combat is different from the test. If the ten duels are carried out together, many people may not know which one is good. The ancient dynasty’s squadron’s quest for the battle is that Huangfu’s Tianzun has the final say, and it is not important for other warriors to have opinions.

"I have cultivated the sword of the heavenly sword for eight years, and I also asked the Soviet brother to give me one or two."

On the first stage of the duel, a Tianjun martial artist smashed his hand toward Su Yuyu, and then he took out a stalker. Su Yuyu was the head of the Nine Great Heavens. One person, he did not defeat Su Yuyu's thoughts. However, he had no chance to fight with Su Yuyu. He certainly would not miss it.

It’s not everyone who can challenge Su Yuyu. If it’s not for Tian’s battle, Su Yuyu will not look at him. Of course, even now, it’s the same, because Su Yuyu didn’t open his eyes, he used his Tianpin sword method, Su Yuyu just waited quietly.

Until his sword, less than three feet away from Su Yuyu, Su Yuyu raised his right hand and shot it with one palm. His five fingers were like a five-handed sword, enough to open the Taikoo Mountain, his palm. It is more like a knife in the sky, crushing the vacuum, and smashing the clouds.

The Tianjian sword method that the heavenly kings used to display the martial arts was not enough to see. Su Yuyu only had a palm, and he broke his sword, and he also smashed the duel. A trial began to the present, Su Yuyu is a move to smash opponents down the duel, not at all like the confrontation of the border warlords.

"let us start."

On the second stage of the duel, Zhong Xingba said first, Su Yuyu has already solved his opponent. It is time for him to show his talents. He does not have the strength of Su Yuyu, and he wants a trick to blast his opponent to the duel. However, his opponent must not beat him, or how could he be ranked in the forefront of the Nine Heavens.

In the final match, Zhong Xingba finally exposed his powerful combat power. Even if his opponent already has the medium-term combat power of Tianwang, he can only be beaten by him, and even can be said to have no resistance. Their battles continued for a fragrant time, and they will lose time. Zhong Xingba’s opponent was still beaten by him.

"Ning Shijie, please also show your mercy."

After Zhong Xingba defeated his opponent, on the third stage of the duel, Ning Siyu’s opponent was the first to take the shot. He started to be strong and then he started to suffer. He believed that he was not the opponent of Ning Siyu, and he must master it. First, Ning Siyu not only did not panic, but also laughed incomprehensibly.

When the moon is empty, the stars of the sky are dotted in the innocent night sky. It is a clear night, but suddenly it rains heavily. The most important thing is that only the third duel is raining, other places are and before. The same, it is not rain, but the martial arts of Ningsi rain.

All the raindrops are formed by the origin of the water. They have enough holes to wear, even if it is a few hundred drops of rain, it is nothing to the heavenly kings, but tens of thousands of drops of rain, hundreds of thousands of drops. Rain, it is not the same, there are attacks everywhere, and there is no way to avoid it.

The Heavenly King’s martial arts squadrons repeatedly tried to block the inexhaustible raindrops. Unfortunately, everything was in vain. The clothes on his body gradually began to break. His body, more and more small wounds, if If you fight again, his life may be lost.

"I surrender."

He didn't take out the token, because he knew that Ning Siyu was not a sultry person. Sure enough, his voice just fell, all the raindrops disappeared, and he smiled bitterly. The duel, the strongest of the third duel, must be Ningsiyu.

There is no suspense in the comparison of the previous three duel platforms. Su Yuyu, Zhong Xingba and Ning Siyu can defeat their opponents. It is in the expectation of other warriors. What is really worth seeing is the fourth. The match between the duel and the ninth duel.

Mu Xue's performance is incomparable with the previous three. Every time she defeats her opponent, she has to spend a lot of effort. On the contrary, Wu Ziming can defeat his opponent in a short time and win. If Mu Xue The true strength is the same as what she showed, then she is probably not the opponent of Wu Ziming.

However, the disciples of the Ancient Emperor Palace did not worry much about Mu Xue’s loss. A person who can rank in the forefront of the Nine Heavens will definitely not be a weak one. Yuan Huaxin’s one behind can defeat the Land Warrior. How could snow not beat Wu Ziming?

"Mu girl, I am sorry, the top ten places in the ancient palace, Wu must be fixed."

The previous test, let Wu Ziming believe that Mu Xue is a virtual name, the ranking of the nine great heavens, after all, is a long time ago, and now their strength is definitely not the same, Wu Ziming is that Yuan Huaxin and Luo Tianhao, It’s better than Mu Xue. If the Nine Days will be re-ranked now, Mu Xue may be ranked last.

"If you really have the skills, the top ten places will give you one, very good."

Mu Xue not only was not angry, but also said with a smile, and did not smile at the face, Wu Ziming had other rumors to say, but the smile on the face of Mu Xue, so that the words behind him swallowed into the stomach, Mu Xue wants to have an identity and has a look. She smiles and looks good. Wu Ziming is embarrassed to say something unpleasant.

"The holy flame destroys the magic gun."

Wu Ziming took out a long gun and applied it to the Tianling martial arts of Tianlinge. He mastered the fifth level of the light source, and after displaying the holy flame to destroy the magic gun, the original silver lance was made white. The tip of the gun is even more swallowing the flame, as if it could incinerate the flame of the flame.

This is the night, even if there is moonlight on the earth, it is still not as good as white, but now, the fourth stage is more bright than the daytime, the snow-white rifle is attacked by Mu Xue, although Wu Ziming feels that the snow is False name, but still not half-hearted.

"winter is here……"

Mu Xue whispered, on the fourth stage of the stage, there was a heavy snow like goose feathers, and the third stage of the duel was just past. Wu Ziming would naturally not forget the tricks of Ningsi Yu, and the name of Ning Siyu had rain. Her attack is related to the rain. Then, Mu Xue’s name is snow, is it related to snow?

Wu Ziming’s hands were shocked, and the long-range guns gave a squeaking bang, strong temperament, and the four scatters, smashing a piece of snow, so what he didn’t think was that those snowflakes could not be beaten, how to say, Mu Snow is one of the nine great days, it can't be too weak.

"Guang, cold, palace."

Mu Xue said one word at a time. Whenever she finished a word, the temperature on the fourth stage of the duel was suddenly dropped. When her mouth spit out the words "Guanghangong" The fourth duel is completely frozen, even if it is the fourth duel, it is cold, and the cold wind seems to be poured into the bone marrow of other warriors.

Wu Ziming, who holds a long-range gun, has widened his eyes and has frozen into an ice cube. Fortunately, his holy flame melts the ice and makes him break free. The environment of the fourth duel has completely changed. Even if Wu Ziming, who is the peak of the sky, the body is trembled, cold can't.

Wu Ziming bit his teeth, forcibly holding a long gun and killing Mu Xue. Only when he beats Mu Xue, he can get rid of the predicament in front of him. Unfortunately, Wu Ziming has just taken action, Mu Xue is a distant one. Pointing at the past, slender fingers, white and red, crystal clear as jade, but let Wu Ziming feel the big horror.

The icicles, tens of thousands of icicles, extend from the front of Mu Xue’s fingers to the front of Wu Ziming. The ground guns and icicles collide, and Wu Ziming’s face changes greatly, terrible power, along the rifle. Passed to Wu Ziming's body, others only saw a figure, flew out from the fourth duel, and landed on the ground.

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