The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 269: Big demon green lotus sword

The demon emperor, one of the strongest sword repairs in history, is the lifeblood of his life. The sword and the demon not only got the practice of the demon emperor, but also got the martial arts sentiment of the demon emperor. The three swordsmanship method is powerful, and the swordsman created by the Taoist masters, but the three masters are nothing compared to the demon emperor. The Great Empire, every small realm, the gap is bigger, and there are more small realms.

The sword demon had not used the demon sword method before, but because his opponent was not qualified to let him use it. Second, it is because the demon emperor swordsmanship is cultivated and it is difficult. Thirdly, using his current realm to display the Emperor's sword, it consumes a lot, even beyond his physical load.

If the strength of the Luo Tianhao, the powerful beyond the expectations of the sword magic, the sword magic will not display the magic sword. It’s just that Luoshui Tianhezhang and Wanlei’s smashing palms are already powerful enough. I didn’t expect Luo Tianhao to master a more sturdy palm. Overturned the earth and the palm of the hand, even the military in the late kings must be treated with caution, and if there is no heart, it is possible to overturn the ship in the gutter.

"The big demon green lotus sword!"

The sword and the magic hand held the man Wang Jian, a pair of cold scorpions, staring at Luo Tianhao. Under the sixth stage of the duel, all the warriors disappeared in front of his eyes. His expression, unprecedented concentration, in addition to the people Wang Jian, no other things. The sword is one, he and the man Wang Jian, have been integrated into one, regardless of each other.

Yuan Shiyuan source sword, rushed out of his body, and the two sides of the sword together. The consumption of the big demon Qinglian sword is extremely horrible. Only when the Yuanshiyuan source sword is sacrificed can it keep up with consumption. The sword demon has been desperate, if the big demon Qinglian sword can not kill Luo Tianhao, then, the loser's eight achievements are him.

Muir, the sword demon smashed the man Wang Jian out, and the infuriating, all instilled on the man Wang Jian. The Yuanshi original source sword broke out with a splendid brilliance. Even the warriors under the sixth duel were very glaring, and some warriors could not help but squint their eyes.

Luo Tianhao and Jianmo are both upside down. Therefore, the swordsman is clearly slanting from top to bottom, and in other people's eyes, it is going out from the bottom up. Not to mention those who are kings of the heavens, even the Emperor Tianzun, are moving. The momentum of the big demon Qinglian sword is definitely not as good as the sky, but they feel the deadly threat on the man Wang Jian.

"The swordsmanship he applied, to the control of the true spirit of the source, has reached a metamorphosis!"

The strength of the infuriating and the source, there is no leakage, so that the big demon Qinglian sword does not seem to have any momentum. However, when the big demon Qinglian sword truly shows the power, it is a stone-shattering, the wind is shaking, and the heavens and the earth are changing. The demon emperor's sword method is extraordinary, and it is not the same as the earth's palm.

Covering the earth and turning the palm of the hand is only created by the Emperor in Tianzun. The big demon Qinglian sword was created by the Emperor in the Great Emperor. In other days, the martial arts people want to cultivate the big demon green lotus sword, which is simply delusional. The reason why the sword magic can be used is because he got the martial arts sentiment of the demon emperor.

The big demon green lotus sword displayed by the sword magic is definitely not a real sword, but a simplification. If there is no enchanted kendo sentiment, it is whimsical to simplify the big demon green lotus sword. Of course, the simplified big demon green lotus sword, certainly not the original powerful, is more than enough for the current sword magic.

The man Wang Jian and the sword magic seem to have become a Qinglian, and they have been on the top for nine days. Even Luo Tianhao feels that it is not one person and one sword to deal with him, but a Qinglian is fighting with him. Where the Qinglian passed, the falling thunder was broken, and the heavy rain dissipated.

Qinglian seems to have the power of the world, and even the sixth stage of the reversal is restored to its original state. Other warriors only felt the vibration of the ground, but Luo Tianhao was flushed with his face, and the palm of his hand was broken. He had already suffered from the anti-phagic, the blood in his body was rolling, and the internal organs were in pain.

"It's over!"

Luo Tianhao's face changed dramatically, and his hair was blown up. An unprecedented sense of crisis was over his heart. He never thought that the swordsman in the middle of the day could actually display such a terrible sword. That is to cover the sky and cover the sky, killing a hundred days will be no problem for the mid-term military.

On the speed, Luo Tianhao is certainly not slow, but compared to the person Wang Jian, it is still a little worse. Jianguang crossed the void, and Luo Tianhao even if he kept retreating, he did not avoid Wang Jian. Luo Tianhao, who is retreating, his body suddenly stops, his face is full of incredible colors.

A Qinglian passed through Luo Tianhao's body. The sword and the man Wang Jian were standing in front of Luo Tianhao, but now they are standing behind Luo Tianhao. Luo Tianhao wants to say something, however, he just opened his mouth, and there is a blood mark on his face, running from the top of his head to his feet.

Luo Tianhao, one of the nine great heavenly masters, was actually split in the sixth stage of the duel. The bright red blood spurted wildly, and Luo Tianhao didn't even have the strength to stand up, and fell to the ground. The man Wang Jian has already opened him from the middle, even if the heavens will be strong and vital, they will not be able to recover.

"how is this possible?"

Previously, Luo Tianhao also pressed the sword to fight, cast a Thunder to destroy the palm, and almost killed the sword. Now, Luo Tianhao casts a more powerful cover to the sky, not only failed to kill the sword, but also was opened by the sword. The warriors on the square feel that they are living in a dream. Otherwise, how can there be such a drastic change in the battle?

One is the Heavenly King, and it is one of the nine great angels. The other is only the mid-term military. Luo Tianhao pressed the sword to fight, and even almost killed the sword magic, it is normal. If the swordsman kills Luo Tianhao, it is not normal. It should not be so.

Even Huangfu Tianzun feels extremely shocked, and other warriors are even more jaw-dropping. Luo Tianhao wants to kill the swordsman. Exceeding their expectations, the swordsman killed Luo Tianhao, which is beyond their imagination. Why is the competition for the sixth battle so intense? Why are they so hot?

"What are you doing? Hurry to save people!"

The first reaction was Huangfu Tianzun. The third round of fighting was held in the giant square. In order to be able to treat the wounded faster and better, the ancient emperor palace has already prepared ten Tianzun who are good at healing. After the sword demon suffered from the Thunder, they had to go to the treatment, but the elders were already present, and certainly they did not have anything.

Huangfu Tianzun withdrew the guardianship of the sixth duel, and a Tianzun rushed up, because he was a Luojia person, Luo Tianhao was his younger generation. Other Tianzun is rushing over the past, to be honest, Luo Tianhao's life and death, they are not how to care. If they can save, they will definitely save, and they will not be saved.

"Tianhao, are you okay? Can you hold it?"

Luo Zun’s Tian Zun stretched out his fingers and moved around Luo Tianhao’s body, locking Luo Tianhao’s vitality into the body. The ancient imperial palace is the emperor's power, the magic bullet, the heavenly treasure, or something, there is no shortage. As long as Luo Tianhao did not die on the spot, he was confident that he would save Luo Tianhao.

It’s just that there’s no such thing as a heavenly treasure and a panacea for life and death. He can only lock Luo Tianhao's vitality and temporarily save Luo Tianhao's life. Luo's elders should have that level of heaven and earth and a panacea, as long as he is willing to save Luo Tianhao, then Luo Tianhao will not die.

"Miscellaneous things! Just a test, how dare you take this poisonous hand?!"

Luo Tianhao's talent, the younger generation in Luojia, is definitely one of the best. When Luo Zun’s Tian Zun temporarily saved Luo Tianhao’s life, he extended a big hand and took it to the sword. With his Tian Zun's cultivation, it is easy to deal with the sword magic, and there is no difficulty.


Huangfu Tianzun screamed and hurriedly stopped in front of the sword demon. He appreciates the sword magic. If the sword is dead in the hands of Luo Tianhao, it can only blame the sword and the magic is not refined. However, if the Tianzong of the Luo family wants to kill the sword, he will certainly not agree. A big hand just stretched out, and it was shot by the Emperor Tianzun.

The same is Tianzun, the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Heaven, the Tianzun of the Luojia family, do not know how many times stronger. The first day of the chaos of the ancient domain, even the general holy king, see the emperor Tianzun have to detour. Luo Zhai’s Tian Zun is definitely not his opponent. Huang Fu Tian Zun is just a punch, but he will not be able to beat the Luo Family’s Tian Zun, and his bones have broken.

"The sky will fight for the battle. There will be rules for the battle of the list. No matter who is born or dead, who will give you the courage to intervene?"

After injuring the Tianzun of Luojia, Huangfu Tianzun not only did not worry at all, but also questioned it with sternness. In the status of Huangfu Tianzun, even if it is the Tianzun who killed Luojia, the top of the ancient palace is to impose a small punishment on him. The Tianzun of Luojia was wounded by Emperor Huangzun. He could only say that it was white, and no one would avenge him.


After using the big demon green lotus sword, the sword magic is feeling the pain. The violent consumption made him extremely weak, and even standing on the sixth stage of the duel was supported by the king sword. Huangfu Tianzun helped him to block the attack of Luojia Tianzun, and even if it was a trace of aftermath, he would suffocate his blood.

There was a hint of hatred in the eyes of Luo’s Tianzun. I didn’t expect Huangfu’s reaction to be so fast. Huangpu Tianzun hurts him. It is already a warning. If he dares to shoot, he is likely to die in the hands of Huangfu Tianzun. What he has to do now is to go back with Luo Tianhao and cure Luo Tianhao.

"Tianhao, you endure, soon you will be fine."

Tian Zun’s physical recovery is amazing. Even if the Tianzun of Luo’s family was injured by Huangfu Tianzun, there was no problem in normal action. Luo Tianhao looked at the swordsman's eyes full of grievances, and the swordsman not only killed him, but also let him face his face. Luo Tianhao, one of the nine great heavens, lost to a mid-term warrior. After that, Luo Tianhao was a joke!

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