The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 271: Di Yuan Zhaosheng

"The original nine days will not be invincible. There is the first one. There may be a second one."

"In the end is the sword magic too strong, or the nine days will be in the middle and behind, not as good as before?"

If Luo Tianhao defeated the swordsman, the warriors present would not be surprised. Unfortunately, Luo Tianhao not only did not win, but also died on the sixth duel. It is said that the sword is too strong, and many warriors are unacceptable, because the swordsman is only in the middle of the sky. However, they witnessed the horrible power of the big demon Qinglian sword, saying that the sword is weak, and it is simply deceiving.

So far, three people have successfully passed the third round of combat. They are Su Yuyu, Zhong Xingba, Ningsiyu, Muxue, Xingxingpeng and Jianmo. In addition to the swordsman, the other five are the nine great generals, and the five of them did not participate in the first round of combat and the second round of fighting.

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

If it is not the help of Huangpu Tianzun, the sword magic is definitely not easy now. The use of phaseless stone carvings can indeed kill the Tianzun of Luojia. However, he wants to leave the ancient palace, it is not an easy task. Killing Luo Tianhao can be said to be a manslaughter. The third round of battle was originally a matter of life and death. However, the nature of the gods who killed Luo’s family is different.

"Nothing, you hurry to heal, and there is a fourth round of fighting waiting for you."

Huangfu Tianzun did not think that the sword magic can kill Luo Tianhao and become the top ten of the ancient palace. However, the sword magic can kill Luo Tianhao, enough to prove that he is stronger than Luo Tianhao, certainly qualified to enter the fourth round of combat. Anyway, he did not expect Luo Tianhao to become the top ten of the ancient domain. The sword magic can not become the top ten of the ancient domain. He also does not care.

"Great, I didn't expect you to be defeated, but it made me horrified!"

Lei Wenyuan gave a thumbs up to the sword, because he is very close to the sixth platform, so the power of the big demon Qinglian sword is very real. Luo Tianhao's cover of the earth is enough to make Lei Wenyuan take it seriously. I didn't expect the sword magic to easily break the earth.

Even Di Yuanzhao, I have to admit the power of the sword. Fortunately, the sword demon has already displayed the big demon green lotus sword. After Di Yuanzhao and the sword demon fight, there will be some defense. Di Yuanzhao can see that after the execution of the big demon green lotus sword, the sword demon becomes very weak. As long as the big demon Qinglian sword can not kill him, then he can kill the sword magic.

"The seventh duel, let's get started!"

The battle of the first six duels has ended, and then it is naturally a test of Di Yuanzhao and Mei Jianying. It can be said that the seventh stage of the duel is more suspenseful than the test. The comparison of the previous six duels is actually known to others. However, the results of the sixth stage of the duel are different from those imagined by others.

Mei Jianying, one of the nine great heavens, is the leader of the world. Di Yuanzhao, the heavenly king of the martial arts, has long been famous. He once played with Mei Jianying and Luo Tianhao, regardless of the outcome. Now, he once again battles with Mei Jianying. Others definitely want to know who wins and who loses.

"You will be able to pass the customs in the nine days, and the rest will be the same fate as Luo Tianhao. Of course, you can rest assured that I will not kill you, just defeat you!"

Even the swordsman defeated Luo Tianhao, Di Yuanzhao certainly can not lose to Mei Jianying. You must know that Di Yuanzhao used to compete with Luo Tianhao. As a result, the swordsman is two lower than Luo Tianhao and can kill Luo Tianhao. It is equal to saying that he is not as good as the sword, the sword magic can kill Luo Tianhao, the same can kill him.

"Meihua sword method!"

Mei Jianying did not use nonsense with Di Yuanzhao. When he came up, he used the plum sword method. A plum blossom blooms in the void, and the temperature on the seventh duel suddenly drops. The practice and martial arts of his cultivation are more powerful than Di Yuanzhao. If he loses to Di Yuanzhao, he must be famous.

Di Yuanzhao slowly pushed forward with both hands, and two huge stoves appeared. There has been a lot of ice on the seventh duel, but now, it has melted. Even those plum blossoms are one after another. The strength of Di Yuanzhao has long since passed, but would he have the confidence to defeat Mei Jianying?

In a short period of time, the two of them played dozens of rounds. Mei Jianying’s swordsmanship can’t be Di Yuanzhao, and Di Yuanzhao did not hurt Mei Jianying. They are unable to accept the current results, because Mei Jianying does not allow himself to be similar to the forces of the same forces. Di Yuanzhao thinks that the swordsmen can solve Luo Tianhao. If he can't solve Mei Jianying, he will lose face. .

"Hell King Boxing!"

The school that was created by the first holy king of the ancient domain is definitely extraordinary. Di Yuanzhao’s double fists were played again and again, and the seventh duel seemed to be a hell, and fire was everywhere. Mei Jianying couldn't resist it, and he had to retreat. He had no choice but to display a stronger sword.

A thick sword, like a cold ice, stabbed Di Yuanzhao. The overwhelming plum blossoms are one after another, and it seems that there is a dark fragrance, which is fascinating. Mei Jianying stepped on a strange footwork, sometimes appearing in front of Di Yuanzhao, sometimes appearing behind Di Yuanzhao, sometimes appearing on the left side of Di Yuanzhao, and sometimes on the right side of Di Yuanzhao...

Boxing shadows and swordsmanship, constantly intertwined, Di Yuanzhao shot more and more smashed, smashed countless plum blossoms. Behind Di Yuanzhao, there was a round of purple big days, which suppressed the origin of Mei Jianying's ice. The two of them are playing faster and faster, and Mei Jianying’s injuries are more and more.

"what happened?"

As time goes by, Mei Jianying’s sense of uneasiness is getting stronger and stronger. Until now, all the boxing figures that Di Yuanzhao played, even in the twinkling of an instant, Mei Jianying knew that he had lost. Those fists and shadows are condensed into one, as if even Qiankun had to be pierced, Mei Jianying could not resist.


The huge fist shadow, squatting on the sword of Mei Jianying, made the sword of the earth into a bow. If you continue, even the sword can break. At that time, two and a half of the ground swords can be inserted into Mei Jianying's body and ordered Mei Jianying's order.

"No wonder the King of Hell is so powerful. All the fists can be condensed together and the strongest punch is erupted."

Even Huangfu Tianzun was secretly scared. He did not expect that the King of the Hell had such a powerful ability. There is no suspense in the battle between Mei Jianying and Di Yuanzhao. It is inevitable that Di Yuanzhao will win. Mei Jianying may have more powerful means, but Di Yuanzhao also has it.

Mei Jianying abandoned the sword and all the punches were poured on him, leaving his sternum broken. Di Yuanzhao did not chase after it, because Mei Jianying had already flew out and rushed out of the seventh duel. The victory and defeat have been divided, Di Yuanzhao did not need to shoot again, and he did not dare to take Mei Jianying in the ancient palace.

"It’s a shame, it’s really amazing. When he and Mei Jianying were similar in strength, they can now win the battle of Mei Jianying."

"Nine Great Heavens have already lost two, Yuan Huaxin and Xing Yuan, will not lose?"

In fact, Ning Siyu and Mu Xue are already fortunate. If the swordsman and Di Yuanzhao fight with them, they can win, it is an unknown number. The swordsman and Di Yuanzhao are obviously much more powerful than their opponents. Luo Tianhao and Mei Jianying were defeated, not completely unacceptable.

"Sorry, I lost my face to the ancient palace."

Mei Jianying said with a low head that the cultivation of the emperor was actually lost to a fellow warrior who cultivated the Taoist, and indeed he was hit hard. In particular, Di Yuanzhao’s self-confidence looks even more uncomfortable in his heart. Unfortunately, the battle is over. He wants to brush the shame of this time and can only talk about it later.

After Di Yuanzhao and Mei Jianying finished, the sword magic was finally restored and the normal situation was similar. Of course, it was only similar in appearance. The sword demon gave Zhong Xingba a voice, let Zhong Xingba bring the lotus. He had long known that it was dangerous to fight with Luo Tianhao, so he did not let Lian Er come. Put the lotus on the house of Zhongxingba, the sword magic is still assured.

"Big brother, big brother!"

After Zhong Xingba let others bring Lian Er, Lian Er rushed to the sword. She jumped up and hanged on the body of the sword, and the pink face was attached to the face of the sword, and it was extremely close. Fortunately, the swordsman took advantage of the time to heal, or else, now it may have fallen to the ground.

"Lian, you are so big, still so sticky, shameless?"

In the previous situation of the sword, Zhong Xingba looked in the eyes, and naturally he quickly smashed the lotus. Fortunately, Lian Er did not resist, sitting quietly beside the swordsman. She also thought that the battle of the swordsman did not start, and did not want to disturb the swordsman. Compared to the first round of combat and the second round of combat, the time of the third round of combat is significantly shorter.

"Is Brother Wenyuan going to fight the bad guy?"

Lian Er pointed one finger at Lei Wenyuan and Yuan Huaxin on the eighth duel, and the other hand was holding the arm of the sword. When I came to the ancient palace, Jianmo and Lei Wenyuan had seen Yuanhuaxin, and Liner certainly remembered. It is only that Lian Er does not know the name of Yuan Huaxin, and can only be called the Huaxin Xin by the bad guys.

"Well, Lian, do you think Levin can win?"

The sword demon licked the head of Lilian, and asked with a pet. Lian Er shook his head, and then he said that the winner is definitely Lei Wenyuan. In the first round of combat and the second round of fighting, Zhong Xingba saw the blind trust of the lotus spirit against the sword demon. Now, Lier said that Lei Wen far won, but it made Zhong Xingba curious.

"Why do you think he can win?"

"Stupid, because Wenyuan brother is a big brother's friend, big brother is so powerful, Wenyuan brother will not even beat a bad guy?"

Lian Er dismissed Zun Xingba with disdain, as if he said that Zhong Xing did not have any brains. Zhong Xingba was coughed up, well, it turned out to be because of the sword.

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