The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 273: The third round of battle is over

On the ninth duel stage, Xing Yuan and Zong Renfu fought together. Both of them were disciples of the ancient emperor palace. They all heard about each other’s martial arts, and they were familiar with it. They really fought. Did not keep it, just did not kill, just to learn.

The disciples of the ancient emperor’s palace were watching intently. Because of the martial arts of Zongrenfu and Xingyuan, they could all cultivate and be able to see the martial arts they used to show their talents. For the disciples who cultivated the same martial arts, The benefits are great. The strength of Xing Yuan and Zong Renfu is definitely the leader among the peaks of the sky.

"How do I feel that Xing Yuan is even better than Mei Jianying."

Some warriors whispered, until now, Xing Yuan has displayed three martial arts, and every power of martial arts has surpassed Mei Jianying’s plum sword, if Xing Yuan In the battle with Mei Jianying, they felt that Xing Yuan’s chances of winning were much greater than that of Mei Jianying.

However, Zong Renfu’s combat power is extremely tyrannical. Even if Xing Yuan’s Tianpin martial arts is more powerful than one, it is always suppressed by Zongrenfu. Zongrenfu only uses one Tianwu martial arts. However, Xing Yuan can't beat him every time.

The martial arts under the ninth duel can be sure that it is not Xing Yuan weak, but Zong Renfu is too strong. It must be said that Huang Fu Tian Zun’s eyes are sinister and poisonous, and the top five tyrannical powers of the Nine Great Heavens have all passed the third round of fighting. The next four strengths are almost, one after the other, are eliminated.

"I admit defeat, there is no need to fight again."

Xing Yuan said with a smile, he did not expect that Zong Renfu’s combat power was so strong, he was always at ease. He tried hard to cultivate, just to surpass other people who were in front of him. He thought that he could show his talents in the battle of the list. I know that he can't beat a disciple who broke through to the peak of the day.

I wanted to make a blockbuster. As a result, I have not been out of the ancient imperial palace, and I have been eliminated. Xing Yuan’s bitterness, no one understands it. Although it is a nine-day angel, he is at the end, others mention him and mention Su Yuyu. There are absolutely two things. Now it seems that when someone talks about him in the future, I am afraid that it will not be as good as before.

"It’s your turn, don't delay your time, let's get started."

The test of the previous nine duels has ended. Only the tenth duel is left. Unfortunately, the tenth duel has no suspense. The opponents of Emperor Huangtian’s arrangement for Su Yuyu and Gu Hong are relatively weak. Huangfu Tianzun also counted on Su Yuyu and Gu Hong for the top five of the battle for the ancient domain, and their fighting power was there.

Sure enough, Gu Hong and his opponents only played three rounds. Gu Hong then blasted his opponent to the duel. The end of the tenth duel ended, meaning the last battle of the third round. The end of the test also means the end of the third round of fighting.

"Very good, you are the top ten of my ancient palace."

Huangfu Tianzun looked at the ten young warriors who passed the third round of fighting and smiled with satisfaction. Su Yuyu, Zhong Xingba, Ningsiyu, Muxue, and Xingxingpeng are themselves the nine great angels. They can pass the first Three rounds of fighting are normal. Sword Demon, Di Yuanzhao, Lei Wenyuan, and Gu Hong are the emperors who watched step by step.

Sword Demon, Di Yuanzhao, Lei Wenyuan, and Gu Hong can pass through the third round of battles, and the arrangement of Huangfu Tianzun is inseparable. No matter which of them is placed on the first duel, there is no Through the possibility of the third round of fighting, the talents of Jianmo and Gu Hong are enough to compare with Su Yuyu, but unfortunately the realm is insufficient.

Di Yuanzhao and Lei Wenyuan are the same as Su Yuyu's realm. However, Huangfu Tianzun believes that they are not the opponents of Su Yuyu. Don't look at Di Yuanzhao's conceit, as if the world is the first, he really wants him and Su Yuyu. When he fights, he will understand his pride, how ridiculous it is.

"There are rewards in the first two rounds of fighting, and there are rewards in the third round of fighting. Otherwise, give us tens of thousands of heavenly stones."

Lei Wenyuan smashed his hand and said it, let other warriors laugh and cry, and can play against the Taiyin Temple and the genius of the life-stricken building. It was the dream of other warriors. As a result, Lei Wenyuan did not want to fight in the fourth round. I received the Tianpin Lingshi from Huangfu Tianzun.

"Your kid is standing by, and you will definitely have a reward through the third round of fighting, but it has nothing to do with Lingshi."

Huangfu Tianzun took a look at Lei Wenyuan. He did not expect that Levin was in front of him. He did not even have a correct line. The reward for the third round of fighting was not prepared by him, but was prepared by the high-level officials of the ancient palace. They represented It is the ancient emperor's palace. If it does not perform well in the battle of the heavenly squad, it is to humiliate the ancient palace, and it is good to show the face of the ancient palace.

"In the next three days, you can go to the ancient monument."

When Huangfu Tianzun said the words "ancient monument", the sword magic obviously sensed that many of the warriors present in the scene had become very eager to breathe. The eyes of those who looked at the swordsmen and other people were full of envy. I can't wait to replace the sword and the like.

The ancient source world can allow the warriors below the king's kingdom to upgrade the realm faster. The ancient dream world can be used in the dreams of the warriors and the warriors in the same territory. No matter the life or death, the ancient animal world can make the warriors different. The fierce battle, honing itself in life and death.

However, the ancient source world, the ancient dream world and the ancient animal world, compared with the ancient monument world, do not know how many times worse, the ancient monument world is not anyone can enter, even if Zhong Xingba surrender all the contribution value It is not enough to practice an hour in the ancient monument. When the high-level officials of the ancient palace said the reward, even the Emperor Tianzun was envious.

Huangfu Tianzun understands that the reason why the top ten of the ancient emperor palace can enter the ancient monument for three days is mainly because of Gu Hong and Su Yuyu. Gu Hong is the father and son of the emperor, and the status is high. Naturally, there is no need to say more, Su Yuyu Not only is the talent high, but the status is not low, because the Su family also has the great emperor.

"The ancient monument, it turned out to be the ancient monument, it is a pity."

Xing Yuan clenched his fists and wanted to make another test. He lost to Zongrenfu. He was really unwilling, and the reward of the third round of combat was so tempting. Unfortunately, time could not be reversed. The loser was the loser. The things in the monument have nothing to do with him.

After Mei Jianying and Yuan Huaxin learned the reward, they also regretted it. They were full of confidence in the top ten. Who knows that they lost to their opponents. Now they can only watch Di Yuanzhao and Lei Wenyuan. Into the ancient monuments for three days of cultivation, even if they can't wait to compare Di Yuanzhao and Lei Wenyuan's skin cramps, they can't change anything.

"What ancient monuments, what is good for three days of cultivation, it is better to give me tens of thousands of heavenly spirits."

Lei Wenyuan is talking to himself, but he did not deliberately suppress his voice. The other warriors listened clearly. He quickly discovered that something was wrong, because the warriors looked at his eyes. It is extremely fierce, and I can’t wait to make him frustrated.

He knows some things about the ancient palace, but he never heard of the ancient monument. The ancient dream world of the first round of battle and the ancient animal world of the second round of battles really opened his eyes, but he I still don't know what kind of world the ancient monument is, and I don't even know how much benefit I can get in the ancient monument.

"If you want Lingshi so much, you can sell the opportunity to practice in the ancient monument for three days. I think there should be someone to buy it."

Huangfu Tianzun said with a smile, and it is clear that it is deliberately ridiculed by Lei Wenyuan. If the ancient monuments can be bought with Lingshi for three days, some warriors would rather go bankrupt, and they must exchange for the time of cultivation in the ancient monument. The price is high, but there are still warriors who can afford it.

"Tian Zun is right. If you want to sell, I can buy it now. There are absolutely no problems with 10,000 pieces of natural stone."

Yuanhua Xin said quickly, as if he was afraid of Lei Wenyuan’s remorse, 10,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, he would not be able to get out of a small Tianfeng, but they would come out with 10,000 pieces. Lingshi, certainly no problem, he is a star battle body, asking the family for 10,000 pieces of heavenly spirit stone, the family will definitely give.

Even Lei Wenyuan was shocked, 10,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, but a full 10 million pieces of Lingshi, he said tens of thousands of heavenly spirits, is the lion's big opening, did not expect Someone actually bids, and, in the past, Yuan Huaxin, who he defeated, said that Yuanhuaxin did not hate him, he did not believe it.

"You don't agree with him. If you have 10,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, you want to exchange the cultivation time of the ancient monument for three days. I have 20,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi."

Mei Jianying saw that Lei Wenyuan had already been tempted, that is, before the opening of Lei Wenyuan, he added the price to the 20,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi. Yuan Huaxin angered Mei Jianying, if not Mei Jianying. After the trouble, Lei Wenyuan probably agreed to him. After Mei Jianying lost to Di Yuanzhao, he left the giant square. He did not expect to come back now.

Lei Wenyuan's eyes are bright. If he can get 20,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, he can not only pay off the debts, but also leave 10,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, and then slowly gamble, if there are 10,000 days Pingling Stone, he still doesn't want to gamble, how to gamble, it is simply unimaginable.

"Thunder brothers, it is better to sell them to me than to sell them. I have 30,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, how about it."

Xing Yuan did not think that even someone wanted to take the three-day cultivation time of the ancient monument to exchange for Lingshi. He naturally refused to lag behind. If Lei Wenyuan agreed to Mei Jianying, then there would be nothing for him, only non-Gudi. Gong Gongzi will make such a stupid thing.

"If you don't sell it to me, I can make 50,000 pieces of heavenly stone."

When the Emperor’s parent-child Gu Hong’s exit was raised, the price was raised to 50,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi. His father was the emperor of the ancient palace, and the Tianpin Lingshi was nothing but a figure for him.

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