The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 287: Ancient demon

In the middle of the flowers, the leaves are not stained, and the young monk's body surface seems to have an invisible mask. Every drop of rain falls down the mask and falls to the ground. Fortunately, it is in Taikoo City, otherwise. I am afraid that the ground has been riddled with holes. Those raindrops can even penetrate the body of the warrior in the ordinary days. The ordinary ground will certainly not hold back.

The rain king blade is on the shoulders of the young monk, but he can't move forward. The disciples of all major forces think that Ning Siyu really cut the young monk. Who knows that when he looks carefully, he finds that the rain king is far from the young monk's shoulder. There is also a distance of half a nail. It’s not because of the rain, but it really hurts the young monk.

"What do you want to do, there is no such thing as a monk."

Ningsi said with a sigh of relief, hit it, beat the young monk, let's talk, but let's say that the young monk, she never thought about it, some people dare to slap her in the public, and it is still a monk, obviously she takes Knives others, but she still has a grievance.

"The female donor should not be unreasonable. The barren just wants to discuss the Dharma with you. The monk should be in the red dust, and then he will get rid of the red dust and dare to ask where the poverty is wrong."

The young monk said seriously, just looking at his appearance, I am afraid that he would really think that he is a sorghum, especially since he always maintains a good-hearted smile. Even the powerful disciples who join in the fun are very fond of him. What happened to the monk, the monk could not have seven passions.

"Well, you didn't see the master teasing you, let's go."

Mu Xue walked to Ning Siyu, pulling Ning Siyu, and finally gave Ning Siyu a step, no way, Ning Siyu can't beat the young monk, and then stalemate, the only ugly can be her, good. Mu Xue Ling Ling, people feel that Ning Si Yu can not beat the young monk, but Mu Xue does not let Ning Siyu continue to fight.

Ning Siyu is angrily screaming at the young monk. Unfortunately, the young monk is still a smile on his face. Even if Ning Siyu takes a knife and cuts him, he can maintain his demeanor, and he will definitely have no effect. Ba, Di Yuanzhao and others understand that they are replaced by them, and Ning Siyu draws the sword, they must fight back.

"Master, let go."

The two elders of the ancient palace and the eight lords of the ancient palace have already gone a long way. The swordsman must catch up quickly. The first place in the squad will be won, because the fruit can save the fairy. The life, the young monk helped him once, he can only remember in his heart, and have a chance to say it later.

"Well, the donor, we have a goodbye."

The young monk has a folded hand and a sword and a sword. He does not continue to chase Ning Siyu and Mu Xue. Perhaps it is because he understands that there is still no result in chasing the past, and some of the most powerful disciples who are busy, but some people are interested in young monks. It is a pity that the young monk has disappeared in front of them.

Heavenly peaks can easily kill the white killers in the late Tianwang period. The young monks definitely have the qualification to compete for the top ten in the top of the list. However, the top ten of the three great emperors have never heard of any young monks. They don’t Knowing the origins of young monks, now that the young monks have left, they want to investigate, it is very difficult to start.

"The killer who pretends to be a life-stricken building is really looking for a dead end."

After leaving Taikoo Shing, the smile on the face of the young monk is disappearing. He is cold-faced and looks at the direction of Taikoo Shing, and he is not a relative of the sword, but he has never met him. Of course, it is not for the help of the sword magic. To blame can only blame the white-handed killer for being smart, he wants to kill the sword, the young monk has no opinion, and pretends to be a disciple, he has opinions.

"The top ten of the ancient imperial palace and the Taiyin temple must have been to the ancient battlefield. This day, the list will be fought, and I don't know who can win me."

On the face of the young monk, there was a sneer. Then his bald head was full of hair. It was only a moment. He changed from a monk to a young man with long hair, knowing himself and knowing each other. He pretended to be a young monk who had already contacted the top ten of the ancient palace and the top ten of the Taiyin temple.

There are only two women in the top ten of the ancient palace. The top ten of the Taiyin Temple has seven women. He pretends to be a young monk, but they have been swayed all over again. Unfortunately, the saint of the Taiyin Temple never looked at it from beginning to end. He glanced at him and completely regarded him as the air.

"Are we going to enter the ancient battlefield now? I don't know if the top ten of the other two great emperors have arrived."

"A hundred years of the day will be the battle for the list, I must be the top ten, so that the brothers and sisters can look at each other."

Coming to the ancient battlefield, Xing Xingpeng, Zongrenfu and other people are unable to suppress the excitement in the heart. After the two elders of the ancient emperor paid enough spiritual stones, they felt a whirlwind and then all entered the ancient In the battlefield, the fourth round of battles in the battle of heaven will be carried out in the ancient battlefield.

In fact, the people of the ancient palace were the last to the ancient battlefield. The people of the Taiyin Temple and the people who killed the building had already stood in the ancient battlefield and waited for them. The top ten of the Taiyin Temple had already arrived. They Headed by the sacred woman of the Taiyin Temple, the top ten of the life-stricken building is one less, only nine young disciples.

"The shelf of the ancient palace is really big. Let us wait until now, people who don't know, and think that your ancient palace is the strongest force in our chaotic ancient domain."

"What is the Taiyin Temple and the life-stricken building? It is not comparable to the ancient imperial palace. Who passed the ancient palace for so many years."

The elders of the desperate building and the Taiyin Temple, you said a word to me, sneer at the ancient palace, the three major forces of the ancient domain, have never been to deal with, the Taiyin Temple to see the ancient palace and the desperate building is unhappy, the life building and There is a contradiction between the ancient emperor palace and the Taiyin temple. The ancient emperor palace also has nothing to look at in the life building and the Taiyin temple.

In some territories, there is only one emperor's power, so that they can control the entire territory. The ancient areas of the chaos can't be unified. They can only be divided into three parts. The Taiyin Temple, the Life Building and the Ancient Emperor Palace just occupy every force and occupy the ancient times. One-third of the domain, of course, the territory occupied by the major forces, there are other forces.

In a narrow sense, the land occupied by the three great emperors is not more than half of the ancient domain. Because there are too many other forces, the power of the two products is the power of the four products, but the number is too much. However, in a broad sense. It is said that the territory occupied by those forces can be classified among the three great emperors, so there is only three points in the world.

Just like Tianjian domain, there is only one emperor power, the solitary family, the usual, the solitary family, regardless of other forces, other forces can do their own things in their respective sites, but once the solitary family and other emperors Fighting, the solitary family wants other forces in the Tianjian domain to contribute, they have to contribute, it can be said that the other forces of the Tianjian domain are living in the breath of the lonely family.

The Tianchao list is an example. The first three rounds of battle can only be held in the ancient palace, the desperate building and the Taiyin Hall. The disciples close to the ancient palace, want to participate in the Tianbang list, can only go to The ancient emperor palace, the situation of the other two emperors, is the same as the ancient palace.

The elders of the Taiyin Temple and the life-stricken building satirized the ancient palace, not only because the people of the ancient emperor came late, but also because the ancient emperor palace often took out their body and pressed them. The three emperors’ powers, on the inheritance, must be the oldest in the ancient palace. They said this, that is, the jokes of the ancient palaces have been passed down for so many years, and the results are similar to their strength.

"You all think that the Taiyin Temple and the Life Building are not as good as our ancient palace, secretly telling you, in fact, I think so."

One of the elders of the ancient palace said with a smile, like the elders of the Taiyin Temple and the life-stricken building. They used to praise the ancient palace. The elders of the desperate building and the Taiyin Temple all changed their faces. Of course they did not. It will change color because of the words of the elders of the ancient emperor, but I did not expect that the elders who came to him turned out to be him.

"Ancient demon, how do you feel the battle of the juniors?"

The elders of the Taiyin Temple and the life-stricken building know that if they fight, they are not the opponents of the ancient devils. When the ancient konjac was under the name of Hee Wei, they were still unknown. When the ancient devils swept the ancient domain, they only had Some fame, it can be said that they have always been suppressed by the ancient devil, never occupied any advantage.

The ancient devil is a martial art. Normally, he will not come to the battle of the heavenly squad. Even the Lord of the Ancient Palace, he can’t move him, the Taiyin Temple and the elders who are desperate, I’m sure he will come. Only him, dare to provoke the death-stricken building and the Taiyin Temple at the same time, will not care about the consequences.

"If you think that the junior battle is not very interesting, we can play one game first, how."

No one thought that the ancient devil had just entered the ancient battlefield, and he had to fight with the Taiyin Temple and the elders of the life-stricken building. The elders of the Taiyin Temple and the life-stricken building were gloomy faces, and the ancient devils took the initiative to provoke them. If you don't shoot, you are sure that your face is damaged. However, if you really fight, they are not the opponents of the ancient devil.

The elders of the desperate building and the Taiyin Temple are really difficult to ride on the tiger. It is not a move. It is not a retreat. They originally wanted to join hands and give the ancient emperor a horse. Who knows that the ancient magic roots do not follow the routines. Now it is not only in front of each other. The face of the junior, there are other disciples outside the ancient battlefield watching it.

"Hey, what are you doing with a black face? I am just making a joke. Can't you hear it?"

The ancient devil asked in confusion, if it wasn’t for the great emperor Gu Hong’s participation in the Tianbang list, he wouldn’t come, the Tianbang list would be the battle, the younger generation would be the protagonist, and the ancient devil would certainly not be true and too The temple and the elders of the desperate building fought, and he only deliberately let the elders of the Taiyin Temple and the life-stricken building lose face, who would let them first satirize the ancient palace.

"Ancient devil, you."

"Deceive too much." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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