The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 294: Pupil-Amaterasu

The sword is in front of the black, I have long known that the proud dragon is a monk, should not let him sit next to him, Lei Wenyuan and Zhong Xingba open his mouth, look like the sword and the proud dragon, have long known, and the relationship is good However, I did not think that this friend of the Sword Devil was so hooligan. In the public, the Taiyin Temple did not say that even the seven or eight-year-old girl did not let go.

"What is Lolita's plan?"

Lian Er squinted, naively asked, a curious baby's appearance, this time the next round of the proud dragon smashed, even if his face is thicker, I am embarrassed to explain with the lotus, especially the sword is still murderous 瞅With the proud dragon, maybe the proud dragon explained half, and the sword of the sword was placed around his neck.

It’s hard for Aolong to pull the swordsman like this. If Yin Qingyi didn’t do it yet, the swordsman would beat him up first, then he couldn’t cry too late. He knew that this is the demon emperor, even if the sword is only heavenly. In the later period, the combat power must be extremely strong.

"Nothing, make a joke, make a joke."

If you teach the bad girl such an innocent little girl, then the sin of the proud dragon can be big, he smiled awkwardly, quickly opened the topic, talked about the young female disciple of the Taiyin Temple, but unfortunately, the sword The devil did not pay attention to him, Lei Wenyuan and Zhong Xingba, the same interest is not big.

"A group of boring men, beautiful female disciples of the Taiyin Temple, you don't like it, don't you like men."

Soon, Aolong knew that he had said the wrong thing again, because Aolong, Zhongxingba, and Leiwenyuan all looked bad, and the proud dragons smeared their tears. When they met such a group of serious people, they really I can't communicate, how to miss the next world and stealing with Lingdao... No, it's a day to enjoy the bathing with others.

After the match between Aurora and Yin Qingyi, it was the 14th and the 17th. The really powerful characters, Su Yuyu, Gu Hong, Ghost Ruyi, Yin Qingyi, all have won, and the battle behind is definitely not in front. Wonderful, of course, it is only relatively speaking, after all, it is genius to be able to participate in the fourth round of fighting.

On the 17th is the ancient emperor's disciple Mu Xue, her opponent is No. 14 is Fan Dongmei of the Taiyin Temple. The battle of two young women still attracts a lot of attention. Whoever makes her both look good, they are sure It is not a vase, whether it is Mu Xue or Fan Dongmei, it is not easy to be with the generations.

"I didn't expect that Mu Xue would be more powerful than Ningsi."

When the ancient palace was in the third round of battle, Mu Xue’s performance was very low-key. Only the last one showed a slight hand. At that time, Huangfu Tianzun arranged Ning Siyu in the third duel, Mu Xue. In the fourth duel, many people thought that Ningsi rain was worse than Mu Xue.

It was not until Mu Xue and Fan Dongmei fought that they realized that Mu Xue had hidden his strength before. Fan Dongmei’s strength was definitely in the forefront of the top ten of the Taiyin Hall. Fan Dongmei had full confidence and killed third. In the field test, who knows that she lost to Mu Xue in the first game.

The last two of the first test, the fifteenth and the sixteenth, are from the ancient palace, it is Zhongxingba and Diyuanzhao, Ningsi Yulian is not as good as snow, now Zhongxingba has become The No. 2 character of the Nine Great Heavens, but unfortunately the nine days will have existed in name only, who will be eliminated after the last four third rounds of fighting.

"I can defeat Mei Jianying, and I can defeat you as well. What are the nine great days, except Su Yuyu, others are simply vulnerable."

In the past, Di Yuanzhao even Su Yuyu did not look in his eyes, but after seeing Su Yuyu, he had no bottom in his heart. So far, Su Yuyu didn’t even open his eyes, and he defeated his opponent every time he made a move. Can become the head of the nine great days, it really is not a name.

"The big words are not bad."

If even Zhongxingba can't beat Di Yuanzhao, it is definitely a shame for the younger generation of the ancient palace. However, Di Yuanzhao, who has seen the strength of Zhongxingba, is still full of confidence. Vigilant, Di Yuanzhao is not a fool, there must be any powerful means, not used.

Zhong Xingba throws his fists, Di Yuanzhao also throws his fists, and the two young geniuses fought together. Originally, many warriors were not interested. However, when Zhong Xingba and Di Yuanzhao really fought, they were one by one. They all came to the spirit. The battle between them did not have any fancy, the fists went to the flesh, and the people who watched the blood were boiling.

"How can I have a bad feeling, and I won't lose it."

Lei Wenyuan whispered, until now, Zhong Xingba still has a slight advantage. He is uneasy because he knows that Di Yuanzhao masters an extremely powerful martial art. In the third round of combat, Di Yuan Zhao did not use scorpion surgery, so Lei Wen far did not know how powerful Ding Yuanzhao's martial arts were.

Some people say that Di Yuanzhao’s ancestors were a great emperor. He was a great-grand-born emperor. Unfortunately, the emperor’s power created by the great emperor was razed to the ground by others. Others said that Di Yuanzhao once broke into a tomb. It was the only way that the great emperor passed down, and the only thing that could not be said was that Di Yuanzhao practiced only the Tao.

The sword demon shook his head and said that he did not know. Even if he killed Luo Tianhao on the duel, Di Yuanzhao still wanted to deal with him. Through this, he could be sure that Di Yuanzhao’s strength is definitely better than Luo Tian. Strong, and not strong, is a lot stronger, or else, Di Yuan Lighting knows that he is strong, how to still deal with him.


Even if Di Yuanzhao casts the Hell King Boxing to the most powerful level, he can't suppress Zhong Xingba. In order to defeat Zhong Xingba, Di Yuanzhao had to display the means of pressing the bottom of the box, and he was able to repair the peaks of the sky. With the use of scorpion, you really have the power to burn the sea.

It can be clearly seen that in the pair of dice in Di Yuanzhao, two flames burned up, and the purple flame enveloped Zhong Xingba. When Zhong Xingba’s fist touched the purple flame, it was As if it was an electric shock, he quickly recovered his fist.

Even so, Zhong Xingba’s fist was still stained with purple flames. For a moment, the skin of his hands was burned. If he stopped his fists slowly, maybe his hands would become coke. A terrible sorcerer, a terrible flame, the body of the king of the martial arts, can not bear.

"Know that I am amazing, Zhong Xingba, Zhong Xingba, don't think that you are much better than Mei Jianying. If you encounter me in the third round of combat, you also have no chance to participate in the fourth round of combat."

Di Yuanzhao did not continue to work, not that he did not want to shoot, but when he applied his technique, he could not attack Zhong Xingba. His tricks had drawbacks. Now he wants to deal with Zhong Xingba, he can only rely on Qi Shu. Fortunately, he has confidence in his own martial arts, and there is no problem in defeating Zhongxingba.

The purple flame has formed a spherical shield, which surrounds Zhongxingba. Zhongxingba wants to rush out of the spherical shield. The body will definitely touch the purple flame. When thinking about the burning power of the purple flame, Zhongxingba is There was a headache, but Zhong Xingba had to rush out because the spherical shield was shrinking.

"Oops, it’s really hard to be a good fighter."

Lei Wenyuan was worried about Zhong Xingba. He had long known that Di Yuanzhao’s technique was so powerful that he did not expect to be so powerful. He did not know the card of Zhong Xingba, and could not stand the trick of Di Yuanzhao. He and Zhong Xingba are not ordinary friendships, and they know more about Zhongxingba than other ancient emperors.

"No matter who they lose, the first test, we have won the ancient palace."

The ancient devil said, the first test to eliminate fifteen young disciples, it is reasonable to say that a emperor's power should be divided into five, but until now, the ancient emperor palace only met with Xing Peng and Ning Siyu Even with Zhong Xingba or Di Yuanzhao, they only eliminated three in the ancient palace.

The Taiyin Hall and the elders of the desperate building screamed coldly. They didn’t want to take care of the ancient devils at all. The Taiyin Hall and the life-stricken building were all eliminated by six. You must know that in the fourth round of battle, a demon power is only ten. For the number of places, the elimination of six places is to eliminate 60%.

What makes them feel embarrassed is that the three of the ancient palaces have been eliminated, and two of them are eliminated by themselves. Of course, the disciples of the ancient emperor are good, because the opponents of Ghost and Yin Qingyi are not from ancient times. Emperor Palace, otherwise they will definitely be able to eliminate two ancient Emperor disciples.

"What happened to Zhongxingba."

The sword demon must have hoped that Zhong Xing will win, and now Zhong Xingba’s momentum is getting stronger and stronger. It is obviously using more powerful means. He noticed that Zhong Xingba’s body is pulling up, and the body of Zhong Xingba is very burly. Now, it’s even taller than it’s because he’s already three meters tall.

"The ancient demon warfare."

It is no wonder that Zhongxingba ranks so high. It turns out that he has a special physique. The ancient demon warfare body, once urging, the physical strength can be multiplied, and the body of Zhong Xingba is not bad. Unfortunately, Di Yuanzhao’s martial arts is too Strong, he can only spur the ancient demon warfare, revealing the strongest combat power.

Zhong Xing bite his teeth, and a step is to rush out of the spherical shield. His body surface is covered with a purple flame. His coat is instantly turned into ashes. Fortunately, he immediately wears it. Armored clothing, or else he is now naked.

Di Yuanzhao changed his face and did not expect it. Zhong Xingba was able to rush out of the spherical shield composed of purple flames. He had not had time to manipulate the purple flame, and once again dealt with Zhong Xingba, he saw a pair of huge fists smashed. Come over, Di Yuanzhao had no time to escape, and was beaten by Zhong Xingba.


When the blood splashed, Zhong Xingba punched the nose of Di Yuanzhao, and then it was followed by a punch, squatting in the chest of Di Yuanzhao. Di Yuan Zhao took the Venus and the body hit a mountain and pulled out. A human-shaped pothole, Di Yuanzhao did not give up, because Di Yuan Zhao was clearly wanting his life, so he must at least kill Di Yuanzhao.

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