The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 297: Sad Di Yuanzhao

The speed of the darts is almost unbelievable. The day of the life-threatening building will be all the best. The Arrogant is trapped inside the spherical shield of the purple flame. The dart passes through the spherical shield and must be contaminated with a purple flame. Fortunately, the darts he uses are ground weapons, and the purple flames want to burn the darts into ashes, at least for a time.

Only need to take a break, the darts can penetrate the body of the proud dragon. The purple flame not only does not destroy the darts, but also indirectly strengthens the power of the darts. The darts are sharp and poisonous. Now there is Di Yuan. According to the purple flame produced by the scorpion, let alone the arrogant dragon is only a heavenly martial artist, even if it is a king of heaven, it will die.


The day of the life-stricken building was unsuccessful, because the proud dragon used the scabbard to block the darts. The dragon sword was indeed against Di Yuanzhao, and the proud dragon did not have time to call the dragon sword back. Fortunately, he still has The scabbard, the dragon sword is what grade weapon, even the proud dragon does not know, anyway, certainly not the dart can compare.

"go with."

Di Yuanzhao has already fallen to the ground, and the proud dragon is no longer in charge of him, manipulating the dragon sword, stabbing the martial arts to the tyrants of the dying house, and the dragon will use the will to lock the opponent, even if it is killed It’s already late for the Heavenly Kings to want to hide their body shape.

The squadron of the life-stricken building did not give up, but violently threw three darts. Unfortunately, the three darts were only human weapons, and they were in the shape of "goods", which came to the proud dragon. He wanted What he did was to solve the proud dragon before the dragon sword defeated him.

Fortunately, he chose to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. If Di Yuanzhao used the tricks, he trapped the dragon. His darts wanted to hit the dragon. It was difficult to go to heaven. Of course, the previous failure made him not allowed. Not looking at the proud dragon, just relying on three darts, I am afraid I can't solve the dragon.


Another three darts were shot. Unlike the previous ones, the three darts are now in a "one" shape. The first darts seem to be slow, the stamina is weak, and the second darts are stable and not aggressive. Darts swayed and swayed. If you smash these three darts, you must suffer big losses.

The three darts in front are mainly to disturb the proud dragon. If you can make the proud dragons have the best hands, the three darts in the back are the real killings. It is the trick of the tyrants who are the best in the world. Every dart has problems, but when the third dart hits the second dart and then hits the first dart, it can explode deadly power.

The scabbard of the dragon sword was rotated, and the air was impenetrable. The three darts in front were blocked. The scabbard swayed and intercepted three darts. It was not a simple matter. At the same time, the three darts in the back were connected. Together, it was like an arrow feather, even if the scabbard was shot.

Aolong obviously underestimated the power of the three darts in the back. The scabbard is very close to him. Now I want to shoot, it is too late, and I will switch to someone else. Maybe I will punch out, even give up one hand and block three darts. Then do it, but stand up and let the three darts hit his body.

Of course, he is not crazy, but his chest, there is a protective mirror. According to his words, as a pervert, you must understand the life, if you peek, get caught, and have not escaped, The use of the heart mirror is coming, because the inside of his heart mirror is a space, and the other weapon can be inserted.

This is the case now, all three darts, all drilled into the heart mirror, Aolong did not suffer any harm at all, but in order to paralyze the life of the tower, the king will be pretending to be hit hard, with his left hand squatting Chest, half a squat in the void.

"Haha, you fight, the fishermen are profitable, and both of you lost to me after all."

The day of the life-stricken building, the peak of the martial arts, laughed, and the strength of Di Yuanzhao and Aolong was stronger than him. He was able to win. His mood was of course good. Three darts were stabbed into the dragon. The body, no matter what means the Aolong has, it is impossible to pass the second test.

"Oops, your friend has suffered a big loss and is ready to save him."

Because the proud dragon and the sword magic are old knowledge, Lei Wenyuan paid attention to the showdown between Aolong and Di Yuanzhao. When the first match was tested, the proud dragon directly conceded defeat. Lei Wenyuan is not optimistic about Di Yuanzhao. Who knows, The proud dragon actually defeated Di Yuanzhao, and Di Yuanzhao’s injury was even worse than the first match.

"Do not worry, he pretends, deceives."

The sword demon understands the proud dragon. From the expression of the proud dragon, he can see that there is nothing in the proud dragon. The proud dragon can deceive others, but he can’t lie to him. Lingdao and Aolong have already known each other, Raven. Far from looking at it, although he didn't know why the Aaron was fine, he believed in the judgment of the sword.

Even the warriors outside the ancient battlefields felt sorry for the proud dragons and were able to defeat Di Yuanzhao. They have proved the strength of the proud dragon. Unfortunately, Di Yuanzhao’s technique has trapped the dragon and made the dragon suffer. Lou Tian will be the shadow of the martial arts of the peak, the proud dragon can defeat Di Yuanzhao, the winner should be he is right.


When the squadron of the life-stricken building was proud of the martial arts, the dragon sword smashed his right arm, the blood wave sprang, and an arm rushed into the sky, and it was blown into the sky. He thought three darts. Passing through the heart of the proud dragon, the proud dragon will die, no ability to manipulate the dragon sword.

Until he lost his right arm, he wakes up. If the three darts run through the body of the proud dragon, they should rush out from behind the proud dragon. But now, three darts are missing, and three darts are all in the air. In the body of the proud dragon, it is impossible, because the length of the three darts connected together exceeds the width of the chest of the proud dragon to the back.

The tyrants of the life-stricken building will not know what is going on. The dragon sword did not stop attacking and lost an arm. His strength has dropped a lot. To blame him, he can only forget his smugness. If the dragon is not injured. He wants to defeat the proud dragon, but he can only dream of it.

Sure enough, the dragon sword once again launched an attack. A sword is more fierce than a sword. What he can do is to take out one and another darts and squat on the dragon sword, in an attempt to destroy the dragon sword. However, the result and him Imagined differently, the dragon sword broke through the darts, but it was not damaged.

"Three broken darts, I want to kill me."

The proud dragon took out the three darts in the protective mirror, and then threw it at the squadron of the squadron. He would not use the darts, but he used the dart as a sword, and he could not beat him. The day of the life of the building, the peak of the martial arts is working hard to deal with the dragon sword, did not expect the proud dragon to use his three darts.

The sound of the weapon into the body sounded, three darts had a hand, stabbed into the body of the tyrants, and he could not stop the dragon sword. Now it is hit by a dart, not at all. It may be the opponent of the proud dragon. Previously, he wanted the life of the proud dragon. The proud dragon would not be soft and soft. The day of the life-stricken building, the martial artist gave a scream, because the proud dragon cut off his leg.

"I admit defeat, I surrender, I gave up."

The day of the life-stricken building, the Fengwu martial artsman quickly shouted, and the dragon sword finally stopped, and cut off one of his legs and one arm. The proud dragon has already vented, and there is no need to kill him. He is the life-stricken building. Young genius, if the proud dragon killed him in public, who knows what the consequences are.

The fifth group won't win Di Yuanzhao, nor is it the stalwart of the stalwart building, but the proud dragon. However, the proud dragon can defeat Di Yuanzhao. He passed the second test and all the people can fully accept it. The strongest of the three of them is definitely the proud dragon, no doubt.

"How did he do it."

Many people have such a question in their hearts. They clearly saw three darts and rushed into the body of the dragon. As a result, the proud dragon is not only okay, but also can take out the three darts for their own use. To be a fisherman, but he did not have that strength, and lost to the proud dragon like Di Yuanzhao.

"It’s sad, I still want to deal with us. I didn’t even qualify for the third test.”

Lei Wenyuan deliberately said loudly, Di Yuanzhao of the gas fainted on the spot, the first test, Zhong Xingba violently smashed Di Yuanzhao, the second test, the proud dragon hanged Di Yuanzhao Once, Di Yuanzhao had no face to see people, I don’t know if it was really dizzy or false.

The fifteen people in the second test have all played, only five people won, and the fifteen people who passed the first test and the five who passed the second test participated in the third test, a total of twenty. The number of places, the ancient palace accounted for seven, the Taiyin temple accounted for seven, and the life-threatening building accounted for six.

Originally, only four of the Taiyin Halls could participate in the third test. Fortunately, the young warriors of the Taiyin Temple, who passed the second test, occupied three, and the remaining two were the death-stricken buildings. There are three young warriors in the life building. At present, it is a weaker building, not as good as the ancient palace and the Taiyin temple.

"You all come to draw lots, the rules are the same as the first test."

The third match needs to be redrawn, and then a pair of decisions. After passing the third test, it means that it is close to the top ten, very close, and the first player who has been eliminated in the first test can participate in the second test. The warriors who have been eliminated from the game can also participate in the fourth test.

However, the fourth match is more brutal than the second match. The second match is the fifteen eliminated, divided into five groups, five can win, and the fourth test is the 10 fighters eliminated. , divided into two groups, only two can win.

In other words, once in the third game, it will be eliminated, then it is very difficult to participate in the fifth test. From the ten young talents who have been eliminated, choose two, the battle must be extremely fierce, the first The three-game comparison is especially important. If you encounter a ghost, such as a ghost, Yin Qingyu or Su Yuyu, you can basically bid farewell to the battle of the day.

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