The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 300: Taikoo Devil Boxing

Nine stars seem to have merged into one, the giant axe can't see a little gap, Gu Hong holds a giant axe in both hands, like a wild beast, bursting out with amazing power, defeating the sword, you can wash the shame of the first round of fighting Even his father would look at him with great enthusiasm.

"Shock sword."

The fighting power played by Gu Hong is indeed beyond the expectations of the swordsman. However, Gu Hong’s expectation of moving stars to fight against the swords and spirits is simply impossible. The swordsman said that the ancient floods in the late days were not him. The opponent is not a joke, nor a bragging, because Gu Hong has no advantage in front of him.

In the same realm, the power of Gu Hong is certainly not weaker than the sword, because Gu Hong is a martial art. Unfortunately, the sword magic used the third turn of the nine-turn dragon, and broke out three times its own power, completely surpassing the ancient Hong, plus he used the Zhenjian style, and Wang Jian shook at a very high frequency.

When Wang Jianxi was on the giant axe, the giant axe was followed by shaking. It is definitely not an easy task to rely on absolute power to destroy the giant axe. The sword is different because the sword can be With the star axe oscillating together, just the blink of an eye, the star axe is a crack, nine stars are broken into pieces and pieces.


If the swordsman exhibited a big demon green lotus sword that defeated Luo Tianhao, and broke the giant axe of Gu Hong, Gu Hong could still accept it. However, the sword magic seemed to randomly throw out a sword and collapsed nine stars. The man Wang Jian is like a rainbow, and continues to go to the ancient floods, making Gu Hong quickly retreat, not dare to marry his edge.

"Gu Hong is not an opponent. The Emperor's parents are not invincible in the same world."

"The feeling of the sword is so strong, the ancient Hong in the late days of the heavens, in front of him, is not enough to see."

Even if Gu Hong suppressed the realm, most of the warriors felt that the swordsman was not the opponent of Gu Hong, but the fact was contrary to what they thought. Gu Hong is not the opponent of the sword magic. Gu Hong seems to have gone all out, the sword magic It is more than enough, easy to write, barely weak, high and low, anyone can see.

"To fight the realm of the peaks in the sky, fight with me."

The sword magic said faintly, defeating the same realm of Gu Hong, for him, really is nothing, Gu Hong was only fifteen years old, and did not experience real life and death, even the emperor’s parents, even the emperor personally It’s useless to give pointers. What others teach is always someone else’s, and what they comprehend is their own.

If at first, the sword devil said that there must be a lot of warriors who feel that he is arrogant. However, now other warriors feel taken for granted, because the ancient Honghong in the late days will not be the opponent of the swordsmen, and the same realm can defeat the great emperor. Parent-child, the image of the sword demon instantly grew taller.

"What kind of power is Jianzong?"

Many people remember that the sword demon said that he came from Jianzong, but they had never heard of any swords, not that they were ignorant, but that there was really no sword in the ancient domain. Fortunately, the sword did not say that he was the sword lord. Otherwise, those people must be crazy.

The genius of a product, Di Yuanzhao, Xiahou Temple and others, and the sword magic can not be compared, even the genius of the emperor's power, can be compared with the sword magic, there are few, such as the ancient palace, the Taiyin Temple And the life-stricken building, it is possible to defeat the ancient city of Gu Hong, I am afraid that only Su Yuyu, Ghost Ruyi and Yin Qingyi, of course, Gu Hong and Su Yuyu, Ghost Ruyi and Yin Qingyi have not played, barely weak is still unknown.

"it is good."

One word is so heavy that others can't understand Gu Hong's mood. Being a emperor and losing to other people in the same realm is simply a shame and shame. If he restores his original realm, even if he can defeat the sword, others will not Will praise his half sentence.

Promise the sword demon, also need courage, because Gu Hong is equal to admit, and in the case of the same repair, he is not the opponent of the sword magic, the fact is one thing, dare to admit, it is one thing, Gu Hong Behavior, but let the sword magic look at him.

"The ancient **** boxing."

After the restoration of the realm, Gu Hong’s momentum is even better. His ancient godshen itself is more powerful than the ancient gods. Now it’s a little higher than before, and it’s more powerful than before. He is more powerful than before. In front of him, there is a series of **** rings, as if the ancient gods came.

A pair of fists exudes a sacred atmosphere, which is completely different from the previous Gutian magic boxing. It can even be said to be the opposite. Gu Hong is coming to the sword and the speed of the boxing is extremely fast, and the naked eye is difficult to distinguish. They are all accurately played on a **** ring.

There are a hundred and a hundred **** rings, just like a recovery. It’s like a sleeping champion who is awakened. The sword magic has a feeling, not in the fight with Gu Hong, but in one hundred and eight days. The martial arts battle of the Jingfeng Peak did not expect that the ancient floods of the peaks of the heavens would be many times more powerful than the ancient floods in the later days.

"There is a sword."

The sword magic uses the three swordsmanship method, and the figure of the people appears, and a sword is stabbed out. A sword mans is like a sword repair that turns into a peak of the heavens. It is struck together with the **** ring. The law is the culmination of the three dead masters. Even if the realm of the sword is very low, it is still strong and outrageous.


A loud noise, fortunately they are fighting on the battlefield in the ancient battlefield, the general battle platform, can not withstand such a fierce battle, restore the ancient flood of the realm, just like the sleeping male lion wakes up, the outbreak The strength is enough to shock most of the ancient battlefields.

Di Yuanzhao was conceited, but after seeing the ancient gods and fists of Gu Hong’s exhibition, he realized that he was not the opponent of Gu Hong. Ning Siyu, Yu Xing Peng and other heavenly dynasty Feng Wu, also understood that they were not Gu Hong’s Opponents, fortunately, Gu Hong’s origins are there, they are completely acceptable.

What they can't accept is that even if Gu Hongshi exhibited the ancient gods, the swordsman is still a relaxed and freehand look. You must know that the swordsman is a little lower than Gu Hong. They have never heard of anyone. You can defeat the emperor across a small realm.

"I must defeat you. I am a emperor. If you are a small realm, how can you not win?"

Gu Hong is like a madman. He is full of black hair. When he recovers his realm, he fights with the swordsman. He still can't take advantage of it. He can't accept it. He is only fifteen years old, his mind is still immature, and he can't be in it today. Under the circumstances, keep calm, his eyes have long been red, blood is boiling, do not defeat the sword and vow not to give up.

"The Taikoo Devil Boxing."

What makes Gu Hong ecstatic is that there is a breakthrough at this time, not a breakthrough in the realm, but a breakthrough in the boxing method. In the past, he cultivated the ancient heavenly magic boxing and the ancient gods and fists into the realm of Xiaocheng. However, the Taikoo Devil's Boxing even failed to get started. I didn't expect it to be stimulated by the Sword Demon. He actually entered the threshold of Taigu Devil's Boxing.

Taikoo Devil's Boxing, which absorbs the essence of the ancient gods and the ancient heavens, is stronger than the ancient gods and the ancient gods. Gu Hong feels that even if there is a king who is standing in front of him, he can beat each other. You can even kill each other.

However, the ancient demon **** fist consumes a lot, Gu Hong can clearly feel that the loss of the source power, the ancient gods and the ancient magic boxing, even if it is played hundreds of punches, the consumption is very small, the ancient magic **** fist is different, ancient Hong’s current realm, with at most three punches, can’t continue to fight.

The first punch, after Gu Hong's body, seems to stand two figures, one figure is the ancient demon king, another figure is the ancient king of heaven, his fists, the opposite color, one fist is black as ink, the other fist Crystal clear as jade, he is like the son of the king of God and the devil, with the power of different attributes.

"I won't be mistaken. How can Gu Hong practice the Taikoo Devil Boxing."

"Is it not to say that only the King of Heavenly Warriors can cast the Taikoo Devils?"

The disciples of the ancient emperor palace, one is more surprised than one. They originally thought that the sword demon was not the opponent of Gu Hong. Now Gu Hong has displayed the Taikoo Devil Boxing, the defeat of the sword demon, it must be a matter of a moment, Yin Qingyi of the Taiyin Temple. And the ghosts of the desperate building are all a look, obviously the feeling of the power of the Taikoo Devil.

"Even if I inspire the ancient demon warfare, I can't stop the Taikoo Devil's Boxing, and the swordsman loses."

Zhong Xingba whispered, fortunately, Gu Hong became a long-term martial artist, or else the Nine Heavens will rank second. It is certainly not him. The ancient flood of the peak of the sky is not something he can deal with. However, The ancient flood in the same realm is not the opponent of the sword demon. It is not that the swordsman of the peak of the heavens will not be beaten.

Lei Wenyuan is anxious, can not wait to pull the sword magic down, now lost to Gu Hong, and the fourth game can be turned over, if the sword magic is hit hard, even if you participate in the fourth test, there is no way to pass, sword The devil is not a big disciple, and he wants to come to the hospital without a cure.

"The sword will lose."

Aolong smiled and didn't argue with other people because he understood that if he said that Gu Hong couldn't beat the sword, others would definitely say that he had problems in his mind. The emperor and his parents always beat others in cross-border world. When did the emperor and his son Will be defeated by others across the border.

"I admit that you are very strong, but unfortunately, you are a little lower than me. The winner will only be me, Taikoo Devil Boxing, not you can resist, go on."

The black fists and the jade-like fists are slowly pushing forward. It seems to be able to subvert a world and destroy a world. Gu Hong is full of confidence. Even his own, he can’t stop the ancient gods, he even I think that Su Yuyu, the head of the Nine Great Heavens, can stop the Taikoo Devil Boxing.

"You are wrong, the loser is still you."

The sound of the sword demon is very light, but it is heard in everyone's ears, like a thunderous roar, deafening, Gu Hong is even eyelid jump, can not say that the sword can really win.

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