The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 302: Unacceptable fact

C_t; two consecutive strokes of Taikoo Devil's Boxing, enough to kill the general king of the kings. [Update fast, website page is refreshing, advertising is less, most like this website, must be praised], the latest chapter visit:. The sword devil used the world's general trend, used the ruthless kendo, and attacked the flaws of Gu Hong. In addition, there was no ‘color’ lotus ‘flower’ imprint, and the nine swords and swords jointly attacked, and reached the point of evenly matched.

If Gu Hong is not afraid, if Gu Hong is not afraid, the outcome will be unpredictable. Of course, after the two loses, the winner is still the sword, because the three strokes of the ancient demon **** fist has exhausted the original strength of Gu Hong. Fortunately, Gu Hong’s fear has taken a step back, and the power of Taikoo Devil’s Boxing has been greatly reduced. The sword and the magic machine took the opportunity to go further, and the ruthless kendo was more fierce.

Under the circumstance, Gu Hong is definitely not the opponent of the sword magic. The ruthless kendo opened the Taikoo Devil's Boxing, and Gu Hong's fists were all bloody. The terrible boxing power suddenly dissipated, and the black and white 'crossing' weaving of the boxing shadows were broken. The nine swords shattered Gu Hong’s boxing.

The confrontation between the two young geniuses turned into a one-sided situation, and Gu Hong was completely defeated. Gu Hong had already broken the boat before, and if he could not defeat the sword, he must have lost him. Only he did not think that even if he exhausted the power of the source, the loser is still him.

The sword tip of the man Wang Jian is only a finger away from the eyebrow of Gu Hong. If the swordsman did not stop at the last minute, Gu Hong’s head would be penetrated by a sword. The sword is resistant to ancient floods and has no enmity. There is no need to kill Gu Hong. What's more, Gu Hong is the great family of the Emperor, who knows what kind of backhand the Great Emperor left in the ancient palace.

Whether it is the ancient battlefield or the ancient battlefield, it is silent. The sword is resistant to Gu Hong’s showdown, and most of the warriors believe that Gu Hong will win. The result is that they can't accept it because Gu Hong is not a general genius, but the birth son of the great emperor.

Known as the invincible emperor of the same realm, he was defeated by others across a small realm. They have never heard of it before, but they did not expect to see such a thing now. The ancient emperor palace, the Tai’s yin hall and the elders of the life-stricken building are all there, and Jian Naihong must not hide the realm.

The sword demon is the end of the day, and the ancient flood is the peak of the heavens. No one has any reason to doubt. If others say that the swordsmen can defeat Gu Hong, they certainly do not believe, but now they see it with their own eyes, they have to believe. What happened on the stage, the shock brought to them is too great.

"You yell at me, I am definitely dreaming!"

"How can the great family be defeated by a warrior who is lower than his realm?"

After a short silence, the ancient battlefield was full of fun inside and outside. In the beginning, except for Lotus and Aolong, the swordsman would win, and no one else thought he could win. In particular, the swordsman also won a very relaxed look, Gu Hong's original source is exhausted, and the feeling of the sword is still awesome.

The last sinister, only a few people saw it, others did not know what was going on. The dazzling light eliminates the mouse, and they see the sword and the magical hand-held Wang Jian, pointing to Gu Hong’s eyebrows. Gu Hong and Jian Mo are not continuing to move, the outcome has been divided, and there is no point in playing again.

"I lost…"

Gu Hong’s voice said that there were only three words, but it seemed to exhaust all his strength. The same level of loss to the sword magic, has made him unacceptable, did not expect a little higher than the sword magic, or lost to the sword magic, he is almost about to collapse.

The great emperor who sits in the ancient palace, only one son, on status, he is higher than other ancient emperors. On the blood, he is stronger than other ancient emperors. His talents and ‘sexuality’ are not checked. In the case of the same realm, he has not lost, let alone a little higher than the opponent.

"I am lucky to win, you are still young, have not experienced a real life and death battle."

The sword magic put away the man Wang Jian, walked to the side of Gu Hong, said softly. Switching to other people, even if the same realm defeated Gu Hong, do not know what to be happy. However, the sword devil defeated Gu Hong across a small realm, and there was no smugness. Before he started, he knew that Gu Hong was not his opponent, and defeating Gu Hong itself was an unexpected thing.

Gu Hong is the true pride of the sky, lost to the sword magic, hitting him too much. He should hate the sword and the devil, because the sword demon made him lose his face. Starting today, there will be countless people who will belittle him under ‘private’. Being a prince and losing to a warrior who is lower than his realm is a shame in itself.

Looking at the back of the sword, Gu Hong’s fists slammed tightly. But I don't know why, he can't hate the sword. Originally it is a test, who wins and loses, depends on their own strength. The sword magic has not caused fraud, can it be said that the sword devil should lose to him?

"Check, give me a check, I want all the information of the sword magic!"

The elders of the Taiyin Hall quickly told a Tianzun to let him go back and use the intelligence system of the Taiyin Hall to find out the origin of the sword. As the emperor's power, the yin hall is never lacking in genius. However, the yin hall is not a genius like the sword, and it can defeat the genius reads of the emperor across the realm.

The ancient imperial palace has ancient Hong, too yin yin has Yin Qing 妍, although the age of Gu Hong is not large, but the strength of Gu Hong, compared to the general Tian dynasty Feng Wu, do not know how many times stronger. Yin Qingyi is too invincible in the Taiyin Hall, and the warrior who is inferior to her realm is even more unlikely to be his opponent.

"Clear, are you sure?"

Another elder, too yin, sent a voice to Yin Qingyi, and asked about the battle with the sword. The sword devil defeated Gu Hong, which means that Jian Nai Yin Qing must have a battle. If you want to expel the first, second and third, you must definitely play it one by one. To what extent Yin Qingyi is so powerful, even the elders who are too 'yin' are not clear.

"If he can break through to the peak of the sky before the battle with me, then I am not sure."

Yin Qingxi’s implication is that the swordsman of the late Tianzheng is not her opponent. Gu Hong lost to the sword demon, not only because he was timid at the last moment, but also because he broke through to the peak of the sky. If you give Gu Hong a period of time, even if you don't break through to the next realm, his strength must have been ‘fine’.

As the eldest daughter of the Emperor, Yin Qingyi is definitely proud. However, her pride is not worth mentioning in front of the swordsman. The swordsman in the late days will be able to defeat the great family of the emperor. If Yin Qingyi is only in the late period of the heavens, she will not be sure to defeat the ancient flood of the peak of the heavens.

"He said that he came from Jianzong and quickly checked it for me. I want to know what kind of power the Jianzong is."

The elders of the desperate building let a Tianzun leave the ancient battlefield to investigate the swords, and they can cultivate the power of the swordsman, which is sure to be extraordinary. With his eyesight, of course, it can be seen that the swordsman's exercises and swordsmanship are by no means idle. The general forces cannot have such powerful exercises and swords.

The nine swords and the world's general trend, compared with the cross-border defeat of the emperor, is nothing. There are many geniuses in the life-threatening building, but no one can overcome the emperor across the border. Sword Devil defeated Gu Hong, it is difficult to not attract attention. Too aging and the elders of the dying house, the interest in him is greater than that of the martial arts.

"Ghost brother, if you fight with him, who wins?"

A young disciple who was in a desperate building walked to the side of the ghost and asked in a low voice. As the only one in the fourth round of the battle, the sword demon is not optimistic, and the top ten is not his share. However, when he defeated Gu Hong, everyone would understand that the swordsman became the top ten thing.

The sword magic can not only become the top ten, but also become the top five. Can it be the top three, it is an unknown number. Anyway, regardless of the outcome, the fourth round of fighting swordsmen is the winner. Just by defeating Gu Hong across a small realm, he can be famous.

"Do you think I will be afraid of death?"

Although I don’t know why Gu Hong asked this question, the young warriors who killed the building were shaking their heads. They don't understand, the elders and Tianzun of the life-stricken building are all understanding. At the last moment of the confrontation between Gu Hong and Jian Mo, Gu Hong was stepped back because of fear, and he would definitely not retreat if he changed into a ghost.

Ghosts are no longer talking, and other young warriors are confused, and they are not able to touch them. Only the elders and Tianzun of the desperate building understand that the ghost has hinted that the sword demon is not his opponent. Even if the power of the ghost is weakened to the same level as Gu Hong, he will not lose to the sword.

He grew up from the heap of dead people, and later became a disciple of the life-stricken building. He did not know how many people were killed. From the bottom of the rise, he did not know how much bitterness he had eaten, how much blood he had left, how many times he had experienced a crisis of life and death. Gu Hong’s experience could not be compared with him.

"Interesting, finally have a decent opponent."

Su Yuyu's mouth is slightly cocked, and he is genius. He is eager to meet genius. If everyone else is mediocre, he has no motivation to move forward. Although he always believes that Gu Hong, the peak of the sky, is not his opponent. However, the swordsman in the late days of the Tian dynasty can defeat Gu Hong, which is beyond his expectations.

Originally, he thought that in addition to his accident, the ancient palace was the most powerful ones were Gu Hong and Lei Wenyuan. I did not expect the sword to be stronger than Gu Hong. Don't look at him always keeping his eyes closed. In fact, he is more "clear" than anyone else. Lei Wenyuan is hiding his strength from beginning to end. His true combat power is definitely not what he showed before.

Yin Qingqi and the ghost did not know, but Su Yuyu knows that although Gu Hong has just broken through to the peak of the heavens, he has not fully exerted the strength of the Tianfeng Peak, but Jiannai has not just broken through to the late days. ?

On the battle platform, Gu Hong, who did not move for a long time, finally walked down the stage. Everyone knows that he is uncomfortable in his heart, no one urges him, and no one drives him down. It was not until he left the battle that the 9th and the 12th went to the battle. On the 9th is Yin Qingyi, and on the 12th is the young warrior of the life-stricken building. Unfortunately, the confrontation between Gu Hong and the swordsman is too ‘fine’ color, and their battle cannot attract the interest of everyone.

"You really said, I even grabbed my limelight. You noticed that, after defeating the emperor, Qingyi sees your eyes are different!"


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