The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 305: Ten days in the top ten

"I will fight you."

Nangong Tianjiao pointed to Lei Wenyuan and said that the fifth game could not be rejected. Therefore, Lei Wenyuan must fight. The nine days of the ancient emperor’s palace will let him know that Zongrenfu previously defeated the star, and he witnessed it. When he wanted to come, Lei Wenyuan certainly did not have a strong Zongrenfu. Choosing Zongrenfu means that there will be no accidents in the top ten.

"Choose me."

Lei Wenyuan grinned and laughed. The more he went to the back, the harder it was to hide his strength. Nangong Tianjiao thought he was weaker than Zongrenfu. In fact, his strength was stronger than that of Zongrenfu. Nangong Tianjiao’s eyes were not as good. Su Yuyu looked clearly with his eyes closed.

"Yes, you can go to the fifth game and test it. It’s purely a dog’s luck. You won’t count on the top ten of the battle.”

Twelve people in the fifth test, the ancient palace occupied five, the Taiyin Temple and the life-stricken building must be the young warrior who challenged the ancient palace. There are only three people in the life building, you can choose one from the ancient palace. The young warrior, there are four people in the Taiyin Temple, who can only choose Zongrenfu in the back.

Su Yuyu, Jianmo, and Gu Hong, they can't afford it, they can only take Lei Wenyuan and Zongrenfu to open the knife. Among the three people who killed the life building, only Nangong Tianjiao is not a life-stricken disciple, the other two are The life of the disciple, not to mention the ghosts can not challenge others, Nangong Tianjiao did not choose, can only stand up.

"Yin and Yang ruling."

Using the yin and yang ruling, Nangong Tianjiao even played with Zhongxingba. Of course, there is no need to put Lei Wenyuan in his eyes. The left hand is yin, the right hand is yang, and the yin and yang are two-wheel rotation. It seems that Lei Wen is in two halves. Nangong Tianjiao believes that he can defeat Lei Wenyuan without the need for rest time.

Because from the beginning to the present, the opponents that Le Wenyuan encountered are not strong. His luck is indeed good. It seems to be smooth and smooth. It is normal for Nangong Tianjiao to choose him. Unfortunately, Nangong Tianjiao does not know, Lei Wenyuan Just good at hiding strength, if at first Levin is exposed to strong strength, Nangong Tianjiao will never choose him.

"Five thunders."

Lei Wenyuan’s palm has countless small lightning flashes. He did not intend to play slowly with Nangong Tianjiao. Because of the next test, he could not continue to hide his strength. The top ten rankings must be played one by one. What's more, before the Nangong Tianjiao defeated Zhongxingba, Lei Wenyuan had to help Zhongxingba to avenge his vengeance.

Thousands of thunder and lightning suddenly became bigger, just like the real thunder rolling down, even the entire platform was changed color, purple light, filled the entire battlefield, Le Wenyuan launched Weilai, even other people were shocked Not to mention the Nangong Tianjiao, which is facing the battle with Levin.

"Nima is a liar."

Nangong Tianjiao couldn't help but burst into swearing. The strength of Lei Wenyuan showed a lot stronger than him. He had a thunder and lightning, and the yin and yang were smashed into nothingness. The yin and yang ruling could beat Zhongxingba to be caught off guard, but took Lei. Wenyuan has no way to do it. He really fought with Levin, and Nangong Tianjiao knew that he had miscalculated the power of Lei Wenyuan.

A large hand, through a dense thunder, hit the chest of Nangong Tianjiao, Nangong Tianjiao body shocked, the internal organs were shaking, and his chest appeared a crack, if Lei Wenyuan used some force It is even possible to shoot Nangong Tianjiao directly.

"How can this be."

Even Zhong Xingba is wide-eyed. He and Nangong Tianjiao have handed over their hands. Of course, they know that the yin and yang rulings are so powerful. I thought that even if Lei Wenyuan was prepared, he would not necessarily have played Nangong Tianjiao. Who knows Nangong Tianjiao In front of Lei Wenyuan, there is no difference between the general and the heavenly kings.

"I am taking a dog, but unfortunately, you are a shit."

Lei Wenyuan slaps the Nangong Tianjiao to fly, you can clearly hear that the ribs of Nangong Tianjiao, one after another, Nangong Tianjiao lying on the ground, the mouth vomiting blood, the internal organs are all damaged to varying degrees, Because of the incident of Zhong Xingba, Lei Wenyuan is obviously not light.

Most of the warriors did not expect that the fifth game could still have an accident. They all thought that Nangong Tianjiao would win. Who knows that Nangong Tianjiao is in front of Lei Wenyuan and can’t stand it. Le Wenyuan’s victory means Ten, the ancient palace can occupy at least four.

"Ao Long, you can shoot it, solve Zongrenfu."

In the fifth game, there were two matchups. Lei Wenyuan had already defeated Nangong Tianjiao, which meant that the next matchup would require the young Wushu from the Taiyin Temple to deal with Zongrenfu. The proud dragon was not a disciple of the Taiyin Temple, and others urged him to take the shot. It is normal, Yin Qingyi can not be shot, the other two are disciples of the Taiyin Temple.

"You have to fight, you fight, I don't want to shoot."

Sitting proudly next to the sword demon, the proud dragon has no meaning at all, let alone let him fight with Zongrenfu. The disciple of the life-stricken building can suppress the Nangong Tianjiao because the Nangong family is only a force, if it is taken away. The fate of the building is hateful, and the consequences are unimaginable.

The Nangong family can't compare with the life-stricken building. The proud family can be different. Once, the proud family is not in the chaos of the ancient domain. Secondly, the proud family is only weaker than the Taiyin temple. The proud dragon does not need to care about the disciple of the Taiyin Temple. The view, anyway, will be the end of the battle for the list, if the strong man of the Taiyin Temple chasing him, the big deal is that he left the ancient domain.

"You don't want to be the top ten in the sky."

"Don't you want to be a disciple of my Taiyin Temple?"

The two Taiyin Temple’s Tianyi Jingfeng disciples said one after another, they are not allowed to do it, whether they are the Aolong win or the Zongrenfu win, they can all become the top ten, if they shoot themselves, in case they lose Zongrenfu, and the top ten have no chance, the top ten and the top ten of the top of the list, the gap is great, and the degree of attention gained in the future is different.

"If you force me to shoot, I will challenge you."

The proud dragon is not a fake, but he will not be stupid enough to be shot by another woman. If he wants to work with Zongrenfu, even if the disciple of Taiyin Temple does not say it, he will shoot, otherwise, no matter the two of the Taiyin Temple. What the disciples said was useless, annoyed him, and really did everything.

The two disciples of the Taiyin Temple had no way to take the arrogant dragon. In the end, they had to make a strong shot. Because they were weaker, they might lose to Zongrenfu. They should be stronger and grasp more. If you want to blame, you will blame Zongrenfu yourself. The government has the power to challenge others, but unfortunately he did not take the initiative, and now he can only passively fight.

The two heavenly martial arts fighters fought hundreds of rounds on the battle platform. Zongrenfu finally lost a move. The elders of the Taiyin Temple are fortunate. They used to make them stronger, if they were weaker. Zongrenfu hands-on, now lose is definitely a disciple of Taiyin Temple.

The defeat of Zongrenfu means that the top ten, the ancient imperial palace only occupies four places. The Taiyin Hall is the same as the ancient emperor palace. It also has four places. The worst is the death-stricken building. There are only two places. The performance of the life building is not as good as that of the ancient emperor palace and the Taiyin temple. It is not incomprehensible, because the killing buildings are all killers.

The battle platform is a self-contained world. There are mountains and rivers, there are sun, moon and stars, and there are flowers, birds and insects, but after all, it is not a real world. In the end, the fourth round of combat is not good for the disciples who are dying, because they fight against them. It has long been known that there are killers to deal with them, and the ability of the killer cannot be fully utilized.

What's more, there are four places in the ancient palace, and two are not disciples of the ancient emperor palace. There are four places in the Taiyin Temple. One is not a disciple of the Taiyin Temple. There is also a pure luck. Otherwise, there are Zongrenfu in the top ten. One place, two places in the life building, are all disciples of the life building.

"I finally got to the top ten and I won't wait."

"You said, who is the first, who is the second, who is the third."

"Bet, bet, we gamble who is the first."

Not only is someone guessing who is the first, but there are people who are gambling, and the remaining ten names are placed on top of them. Whoever is the first to do it, but the odds are different. Yin Qingyi, Su Yuyu and Ghost are coming. The odds are very low, the odds of the swordsman are slightly higher, the odds of Aurora and Levin are higher, and the odds of the other four are higher.

Gu Hong’s odds are much higher than that of Aurora and Levin. It’s not difficult to understand, because Gu Hong’s loss to the swordsman means that he is impossible to be the first. Whoever holds Gu Hong’s first is simply sending others’ spirits. Stone, Aolong and Lei Wenyuan did not play with the sword magic at least, who knows how much strength they have hidden.

Originally, no one was optimistic about Le Wenyuan. As a result, Lei Wen was far and light and easily created Nangong Tianjiao. Originally, everyone felt that the second battle of the swordsman would be eliminated. As a result, the proud dragon became the top ten, in case Aolong and Lei Wenyuan became the first, and they must not be rich.

The two heavenly priests of the Taiyin Temple and the disciple of the Tianfeng Fengfeng disciple of the Tianfeng Temple are high. In fact, it is normal because Yin Qingyi is the first person in the Taiyin Temple. If the ghost is coming, it is the life-stricken building. The first person in the world will be worse than Yin Qingyi and the ghosts. They are also sending others spiritual stones.

The most controversial is that Su Yuyu, Yin Qingyi and Ghost are coming. The sword is strong, but after all, a small realm is lowered. It can be clearly seen that Su Shiyu and Ghost are more likely to win, even if Yin Qingxi is the biological daughter of the Emperor. The first warrior who took her will have to be a lot less.

"Sword magic, Xingba, how many Lingshi do you have, can you borrow me all?"

Lei Wenyuan began to ask, some people set up a gamble, he suddenly itched, but unfortunately he did not have many Lingshi, can only find the sword magic and Zhongxing Pai, Zhongxing hegemony Lei Wenyuan took a glance and was previously pitted by Lei Wen many times. Now he can never be fooled.

The sword magic did not shirk, took out a thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, handed it to Lei Wenyuan, but let Lei Wenyuan startled, seeing that Lei Wenyuan did not receive the Lingshi, the sword magic thought that Lei Wenyuan did not feel enough. Simply take out a thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, Lei Wenyuan opened his mouth, smashing people's homes, rich and rich, rich in oil, sent out two thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, eyes are not stunned.

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