The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 315: Outstanding school

"If you don't win me, I won't win, lose to others and be wrong. Losing to the sword is at least better. The latest"

The proud dragon smashed the ghosts and Su Yuyu, and lost to them, it is better to lose to the swords. In the world of warriors, the strong are respected, and the weak are without the right to speak. The elders of the three great emperors must lose him. If he dares to violate the rules, he will certainly not be guaranteed. Only when you are alive can you have unlimited possibilities. If you die, you will have nothing.

With the strength of him and the sword, it is certainly impossible to challenge the elders of the three emperors. However, if you give up, you will be unwilling, so he must be disgusted with the elders of the three emperors. The elders of the three great emperors did not want the swordsmen to face Su Yuyu in the current state?

He did not allow the elders of the three emperors to do so. Anyway, he confronted the swordsman. He wanted to play, it was his business. As long as he admits defeat, the elders of the three great emperors have nothing to say. The elders of the three great emperors threatened him first, indicating that the elders of the three great emperors did not want to kill him unless he was completely disobedient.

"Sword Demon, I have recently cultivated a school, and now let you see it!"

When the swordsman went to the battle platform, the proud dragon was a strong shot. The elders of the three great emperors changed their faces. They did not expect that the proud dragons would dare to disobey their will, and their hearts had already produced killings. By their means, even if the proud dragon is not obedient, they have a way to let the proud dragon lose to Su Yuyu. The six elders present, no matter who they are, can ban the strength of the proud dragon.

"Shameless, with the current state of the sword, how can you stop the attack of the proud dragon?"

In the ancient battlefield, a warrior was filled with indignation. In contrast, they were more inclined to the sword. The proud lady of the Taiyin Taiyin Temple has long made many warriors hate. Moreover, the sword magic can defeat the ghost in the late days, which is enough to prove the excellence of the sword.

Su Yuyu is a disciple of the ancient emperor palace. Yin Qingxi is a disciple of the Taiyin Temple. The ghost is a disciple of the life. The proud dragon is a proud son. They are all disciples of the emperor. Only the sword is not a disciple of the emperor. The latest chapter full-text reading only the sword and the magic to win, is the real counterattack, compared to the proud dragon and Su Yuyu, they are more looking forward to the sword magic to win.

Of course, the disciples of the ancient emperor must have hoped that Su Yuyu would become the number one in the list of heaven. The disciples of the Taiyin Temple and the disciples of the life-stricken building had no idea about the first. Ghosts and Yin Qingyi lost a matchup. The champion did not have a ghost and Yin Qingyi. Share. The proud dragon is only representing the Taiyin Temple. After all, it is not a disciple of the Taiyin Temple.

"Ming, King, Solution, Body, Big, Law!"

The proud dragon said softly, a pair of big hands slammed on the sword. From the beginning to the end, the swordsman did not move half a step, because he believed that the proud dragon would not come. The elders of the three great emperors let the proud dragon admit defeat, the sword magic does not know, but he knows that the proud dragon will not harm him.

It is wrong to think that the proud dragon is going to defeat the swordsman. The singularity of the proud dragon is not a hurtful move. The sword demon can feel it, and the infuriating rushing into his body, the proud dragon is helping him recover. Only the proud dragon did not think that the sword magic can absorb even his origin, originally he was only intended to convey the infuriating.

"They want me to lose to you, I can't refuse, I can only make you strong."

Without waiting for the sword to ask, the proud dragon is the active voice to explain to the sword. The sword magic nodded, the hero did not eat the loss before the eyes, and the proud dragon did not clamor with the elders of the three great emperors, it must be right. He can be the first, the proud dragon can not, anyway, he has two bodies, as long as Lingdao is still alive, he can resurrect. If the proud dragon is dead, then completely leave the world.

The sword magic works all the way to the ancient heaven and earth, and the heaven and earth aura and the source power in the battle platform are all gathered toward his body. Among the voids, there is a blossoming lotus flower. On each lotus flower, there is a sword to repair the virtual shadow. They are using swordsmanship.

Even without the help of the proud dragon, the sword magic is restored, it is amazing. With the help of the proud dragon, the recovery speed of the sword magic, even he himself was shocked. The proud dragon deliberately said the name of the school, clearly is the demeanor of the three emperors.

They want to lose the dragon, and the proud dragon does not resist, but the proud dragon helps the sword magic to recover. As long as the swordsman returns to its heyday, he can fight with Su Yuyu. More importantly, the proud dragon loses, only Su Yuyu can compete with the sword magic, other people will not work, the sword magic is the second worst.

Yin Qingyi lost to the proud dragon, and the proud dragon lost to the sword magic. Yin Qingyi was not qualified to challenge the sword magic. The elders of the Taiyin Temple did not think of this, but if the swordsman lost to the proud dragon, the ghost would not be qualified to challenge the proud dragon. The desperate building is a ghost, and the elders of the Taiyin Temple have to let the elders of the life building once.

The most important thing is that the sword is weak and can't be defeated. It will inevitably lose to Su Yuyu. Let the proud dragon and Su Yuyu play against each other, who wins and loses is an unknown number, even if the elders of the ancient emperor have confidence in Su Yuyu, they dare not take risks. After all, they are not Su Yuyu, do not know the strength of Su Yuyu, to what extent.

"Damn, this stinky boy!"

The elders of the three great emperors suppressed the fire in their hearts, and the proud dragons were obviously looking uncomfortable for them. If they really care about a junior, they would lose their worth. If the proud dragon wants to make trouble, then let him mess up, they will not believe that the sword is bold and dare to defy their will.

How about the proud dragon, is not obediently obeying their orders, he helped the sword magic to recover, of course, he lost. The sword demon became the second, although it was a bit shameful, but it was better than winning the sword. All the geniuses of the three emperors are not as good as a non-imperial disciple. What are the majesty of the Taiyin Temple, the Ancient Emperor Palace and the Life Building?

"Good boy, really kind and righteous, we didn't misread you."

All the non-imperialist warriors laughed, and even the proud dragon did not think that his actions would be praised by those people. He didn't want to lose to the swordsman. It wasn't the elders of the three emperors who were shameless, and even threatened his little life.

"What are you going to do? Although I will help you recover, you don't have to be impulsive. It's important!"

Ao Long is afraid that the swordsman is more true, and he must compete with Su Yuyu. He knew that the elders of the three great emperors were not joking. If the swordsmen hit their faces and fell into the face of the three emperors, they would certainly not be merciful. The proud dragon can bend and stretch, there is no need to win or lose, but he is worried that the sword magic will not bend.

"Don't worry, I know how to do it."

The sword demon closed his eyes and began to enlighten the kendo of the three dead masters and the sorcerer. The reason why the Emperor is not enlightened is because the realm of the demon is too high, even if it is the Taoist, there is no way to understand the martial art of the Emperor. Moreover, even the feelings of the Taoist are as unspeakable as the swordsmen of the present.

The decisive battle with the ghosts, let the swords and spirits understand that the genius of the three great emperors cannot be underestimated. Even if it is to display the big demon green lotus sword, it is a win, or in the case of comparison. If it is in other places, the swordsman may not be able to win the ghosts, because the ghosts on the platform can't play all the strengths.

The ghost is a killer, Su Yuyu is not, the confrontation on the battle platform, Su Yuyu's combat power, can get the most out of it. It’s not fair for the disciples to fight for the death of the building’s disciples. Otherwise, there will be only two in the top ten.

With the time of the test and the proud dragon, the sword magic can also improve the strength. However, the delay can not be too long, and it is obviously impossible to break through to the next small realm. Fortunately, the sword magic can be used with one heart and one mind. On the one hand, it enlightens the kendo of the three masters and the sorcerer, and on the other hand, deducts the sword that has been able to perform.

"What do they mean in the end, is it because the sky is going to fight for the battle?"

Yin Qingying, the sacred woman of the Taiyin Temple, said indignantly that the practice of the proud dragon and the sword demon seemed to her to be the rule that challenged the battle of the heavens. Unfortunately, her words cannot be recognized by others. It is not the proud dragon and the sword magic, but the elders of the three great emperors.

Yin Qingyi’s strength is OK, but his experience is too shallow to see things are not thorough enough. Other young geniuses have already guessed the intentions of the three emperor elders, only she is still in the dark. She sneered at the proud dragon and the sword magic, just to vent, but unfortunately no effect.

"So best, I hope you don't let me down!"

Su Yuyu muttered to himself, to be honest, he was very happy when he met the proud dragon and the sword magic. The elders of the three great emperors arranged for the dragon and the sword to confront each other. Su Yuyu was very dissatisfied, but the others were too light and could not change the thoughts of the three emperors.

The ghost is very strong, but Su Yuyu understands that the test is not a strong advantage. Yin Qingyi, an 18-year-old girl, Su Yuyu did not even mind, even if Yin Qingyi is the biological daughter of the Emperor. Gu Hong is also the biological son of the great emperor, but the strength of Gu Hong is far worse than he came.

The arrangement of the three emperor elders made Su Yuyu only one opponent, and that was the sword magic. As long as he defeated the sword, the ghosts, the proud dragons, and Yin Qingyi were not qualified to challenge him. At that time, he was the first, and the champion of the day was the champion. Of course, he hopes that the sword will be as strong as possible. Otherwise, the last battle will not make much sense.

"Do you fight or not? Is it going to delay for ten days and a half?"

The elder of the Taiyin Temple couldn't help but say that he expressed his dissatisfaction. Anyway, the last battle was a matter of the Sword Devil and Su Yuyu. They did not get any benefit from the Taiyin Temple. The elders of the desperate building and the elders of the ancient emperor were silent, and they did not want the dragon and the sword to delay.

"The emperor is not anxious to be too anxious, did not see that I am competing for the source? You do not know, the origin of the sword magic can be strong, I did my best not to take advantage of the cheap, did not see my tired sweat? ”

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