The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 324: Three great emperors

The elders of the three great emperors, any one, killing the heavens and the juniors are easy, even if all the heavens and the warriors are on the scene, they are not the enemy of the elders, but now, the two of the ancient palaces The elders, the two elders of the desperate building, and the two elders of the Taiyin Temple, all died.

Just a sword, it killed six elders, one did not escape, the demon emperor did not disappear, but quietly suspended in front of the sword demon, is the strongest sword repair in the past and the present One, the swordsman left by the will, can easily kill the elders of the emperor.

If the demon emperor is present, let alone the emperor of the emperor's power, even if the emperor of the Taiyin Temple, the ancient emperor's palace and the life-stricken building are added together, it is not enough to see, the demon emperor alone can surpass the Taiyin Temple and the ancient emperor. The palace and the life-stricken building of the three great emperors, but unfortunately, the demon emperor has long fallen into the long river of history, not a fairy, after all, can not live forever.

"Impossible, I am definitely wrong."

"The elders are so powerful, how can they die here?"

"A sword will kill six elders and make a joke."

"It must be an illusion, a wonderful illusion, even I am recruited."

The warriors inside and outside the ancient battlefield are full of stunned faces. In their hearts, the elders of the powerful emperor forces are dead. In the blink of an eye, they die. Even if they see it with their own eyes, they don’t believe it. The swordsman said that he wants the three great powers. When the elders died, they also felt that the swordsman was going crazy.

In the late days of the martial arts, how can the elders of the emperor's forces be dealt with, even if the martial artists in the late period will blew themselves up, they will not be able to harm the elders of the emperor's forces, and the swordsmen want to kill the elders of the emperor's forces, not Is it bragging, is he a little threat to the elders of the emperor?

But now, the blood of a beach on the ground is shocking. It is the blood of the elders of the emperor. The elders of the Taiyin Temple, the Ancient Emperor Palace and the life-stricken building want to get rid of the Sword, the Dragon and the Levin, they are fundamental. Did not put three young juniors in the eyes, who knows that all of them were planted in the hands of the swordsman.

"There is such a powerful means, you said earlier, I thought I was going to die, you don't know, I am still a young child, it is a pity to die."

The proud dragons are all prepared for the death of the war. Who knows, the eyebrows of the swordsmen rush out of a sword, and they will solve the elders of the three great emperors. Don’t look at him when he’s fine. In fact, he hasn’t tasted it. The taste of a beautiful woman, his heart already has a vegetarian element, of course, can not make a matter of sorry.

The sword face is expressionless, and Lingdao, who is practicing in the Tianling domain, can’t help but laugh. The proud dragon has nothing to peek at the beauty bathing, but has not done that kind of thing with the beauty. No wonder the proud dragon has a long-range sword repair. The arms are so strong, if the proud dragon knows the idea of ​​Lingdao, he must be desperate with Lingdao.

"The big brother is the best."

Lian Er said proudly, it is like her to kill the elders of the three great emperors.

"It's too strong. Even the elders of the ancient palace, the Taiyin temple and the life-stricken building are vulnerable. If the gods are on the list, it is not even worse."

The elders of the Taiyin Temple, the Ancient Emperor's Palace and the Desperate House were indeed dead under the sword. However, there are eight heavenly statues in the Taiyin Hall, the Desperate House and the Ancient Emperor Palace. If Le Wenyuan’s words are intentionally scared The Taiyin Hall, the Desperate House, and the Tianzun of the Ancient Emperor's Palace, the six elders who died, are much stronger than Tianzun, and are not at all a level.

Sure enough, the Taiyin Hall, the Life-Stricken House, and the Tianzun of the Ancient Emperor’s Palace are all unable to withstand the retrogression. Even the elders can’t resist the sword. They certainly don’t dare to mess around. Anyway, the three great emperors have already had strong players. Come, what they have to do is to watch the proud dragon, the sword magic, the Le Wenyuan and the lotus.

"Thank you, Master."

If it is not the demon emperor's sword, the proud dragon, the lotus, and the Levin can't escape. The proud dragon and the Levin are sure to have a life-saving means. It is only in the presence of the emperor's elders. It is of no use, but unfortunately, the sword There is only one sword, and after use, there is no way to use it.

"Master, his master, together with the sword, can kill the six elders of the emperor's forces, which is the realm of the realm."

"Is it the swordsmanship of other territories? Why are there no impressions?"

There are three thousand territories in the heavens, and there is boundlessness in the vast territory. There must be no emperor forces that they do not know. The masters of the swordsmen are not present. They are just a sword, and they have the power of ghosts and unpredictable spirits. Even the master of the swordsman is not the great emperor. It’s all against the heavens, or else it’s impossible to have such strength.

They underestimated the demon emperor, but it is understandable. After all, the swordsman met only the will of the demon emperor, not the demon emperor. Moreover, they have limited knowledge. The reason is that the master of the sword demon is the emperor or the heavenly master. Or because of the death of the six elders, the depth of the demon emperor's sword, they simply can't see it.

After the sword demon salute, the spirit of the demon emperor returned to his eyebrows again. The energy of the sword is exhausted and cannot be used again. It can only be used to scare other warriors, as long as his sword is still there. The three great emperors of the Tianzun, they dare not act rashly, after all, no one wants to die.

"Ao Long, Lian Er, Lei Wenyuan, I will send you three to leave, go to Lingdao."

The elders of the three great emperors have turned into a pool of blood. The voids they have forbidden are of course broken. The swordsmen have not discussed with the dragons, the lotuses and the Levin, and directly let the wines take the initiative. It’s certainly not a trivial matter for the elders to die. The three great emperors will certainly send other strong people.

After all, the chaotic ancient domain is the site of the Taiyin Temple, the Ancient Emperor Palace and the life-stricken building. Even if they flee from the Taikoo City together, they will certainly not escape the arrest of the three great powers. It is better to take the lotus, The proud dragon and Levin far away, only the sword magic alone, the problem is not big.


The proud dragon and Lei Wenyuan stunned the sword magic, and they and Lier had no defense against the sword magic, so the wine princess directly put them into the small world, the sword magic will also make fruit to the wine princess As long as you let Xian Ling take it, Xian Ling will be able to heal.

"Where are we, the sword magic."

Lei Wenyuan first responded. At the beginning, he took care of the swordsman because of Lingdao. After that, he and the swordsman slowly became familiar with each other. Later, they saw the swordsman’s three swords. Now, how dangerous the ancient battlefield is, he certainly knows that he must not leave the sword magic alone.

"The sword is not coming."

"Big brother."

The proud dragon and the lotus also did not find the sword magic, the sword magic can send them away, can he not go away?

All three of them are worried, and they have offended the three great emperors. The swordsmen will definitely not have any good endings. They just don’t even know where they are. They want to save the swordsman, it’s impossible, the princess Did not pay attention to them, anyway, they sent Lingdao there, let Lingdao slowly explain.

At the same time, the Taiyin Hall, the Life-Stricken House and the Ancient Emperor Palace all have a horrible atmosphere, and the demon emperor's swordsmanship has not only attracted the attention of many powerful people, but also attracted the attention of the three great emperors. The power of the three great emperors only needs the will to descend on the ancient city, and they can be invincible.

The strongmen not far from Taikoo City also rushed over. They thought that there were emperors in Taikoo City, and they were afraid that they would come late. The soldiers were taken away by other strong people. They just had to ask the soldiers who were present to ask. You can understand the situation, but after feeling the breath of the three emperors, they are all silent.

If the Emperor took the shot, the Emperor must have no part of them, and the Emperor’s name is simply to find death. There is only one Emperor. If you want to fight, it is also the Taishen Hall, the Ancient Emperor’s Palace and the Emperor’s Great Struggle. They are the strong. If you are not fake, you may have to look at who you are. In front of the Great, they are weak and poor.

"I don't know which emperor came."

The majestic voice, the sound of the empty air creaking, the one of the ancient warriors of Taikoo City, can not withstand the pressure of the great emperor, kneeling on the ground, even if the emperor has converged the pressure, the ancient battlefields of the three great emperors They can't stand still, their legs are trembled, and they are all honestly squatting.

There are only three young people, they are Gu Hong, Yin Qingyi and Jianmo, Gu Hong is the emperor, Yin Qingyi is the emperor, their blood power, they can resist the pressure of the emperor, the blood of the sword, no more than Gu Hong And Yin Qingyu, of course, can stand, of course, if the emperor completely released the pressure, they can not bear.

The elders of the three great emperors were killed by the demon emperor. They were not the hands of the emperor. They certainly did not have any response. Fortunately, the three great emperors of Tianzun, quickly said the previous things, and faced The great emperor, they dare not have the slightest concealment.

"A sword."

The strongmen who have worked hard to reach the ancient battlefield are disappointing. They want to fight for the soldiers. The sword is useless. However, even if there are emperors, there is no share for them. They are running in the white, the temple of Taiyin. The ancient emperor and the emperor of the life-stricken building are not the same.

Unfortunately, even if they were given a courage, they would not dare to laugh at the emperor. They must know that the emperor was angry, the blood flowed into the river, and the corpse was a million. Even if they were added together, they would not dare to kill the emperor, let alone among them. Some people are still the strongest of the three great emperors, and even less dare to disrespect the emperor.

"It's you."

Among the three great emperors, the emperor of the ancient emperor palace saw the sword demon. However, the Emperor of the ancient emperor was the most concerned about the sword magic, but the lotus, the emperor, for the emperor, there is nothing worth paying attention to, of course, The Lord of the Palace of the Ancient Palace wants to accept the Emperor as a disciple, which is a joke in itself.


The Taiyin Temple and the Emperor of the Desperate House did not expect that the Tianzi list would compete with Gu Hong and Yin Qingyi, and there were other emperors. Moreover, the previous swordsmanship was left by the master of the sword demon. Is it true that behind the swords, there are two great emperors.

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