The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 5: Lose and lose

"Right, the source of the void."

Lingdao quickly used the Yuanyuan source to derive the source of the void, and carefully moved. His movements were very light. The Tianwu people in the field were not aware of anything, but Tianzun was different. Lingxiao dream frowned. From the beginning, she If you feel that something is wrong, you may have to explore it carefully.

As Tianzun, Ling Xiaomeng has mastered the will of the king, can use the projection of the world of the will, Lingdao is the heavenly king, of course, knowing the genius of Tianzun, after all, Tianjun and Tianzun only differ in one realm. His eyes are always on Lingxiaomeng. After discovering that Ling Xiaomeng began to display the projection of the will world, he decided to take back the phaseless transformation and showed his body shape.

"Where have you followed me, all went."

Nowadays, where Lingdao is located, it is farther away from the previous five young people. If Ling Xiaomeng first finds him, then he will be arguing, but he will not be the same when he first appears, because he is From a distance to a deep pool, it seems that it has just come over. Even if Ling Xiao’s dreams are doubtful and he does not understand what is going on, he will not talk about it.

"Bad boy, where have you been hiding?"

"We are so miserable, I am going to kill you."

"Damn, why let us take the black pot."

The young people who had fallen to the ground like dying, after seeing Ling Dao appeared, they all sipped up and they couldn’t wait to get up and slammed the ridge, but they didn’t wait for them to get up, one by one. The young women are punching and kicking them again.

Their previous injuries were not serious enough to get enough of them. Most of them were loaded. Now they are full of anger and anger. Young women certainly feel that something is wrong. Lingdao is laughing, but his face is It was a stunned expression.

"What do you mean, when did I harm you? Before you followed me, I found a place to hide, ready to ambush you, beat you up, who knows that you are not showing up for a long time, I will let you back what black pot It is."

The five young people’s noses must be discouraged. Others don’t know. They saw it with their own eyes. Lingdao and Aolong hid in front and peeked at the young women’s bathing in Lingjia. They couldn’t explain because they were in Ling. In front of the Tao, it is definitely peek at them to peek.

In particular, they also said that they tracked two people. Now they are singular. They say that they are in front of a group of young women. There is really no credibility. However, they are angry, they don’t think about anything, just pointing at Lingdao. The nose is open.

"You are a confusing thing, obviously you are peeking at them to bathe, why are you falling into us."

"Don't fall into our hands in the future, or else I have to ask you to survive, you can't die."

It’s really hard for them. While being beaten by others, they can still threaten Lingdao. They can’t understand why Lingdao is behind them. They are all children of Ling’s family. Lingdao is an outsider and should recognize them. That's right, how is it now that the Lingdao is unscathed, and they are all beaten into pigs.

"You are bloody, I am not a child of Ling family. Even if I want to peek, I can't find a place."

Lingdao said angrily, then he picked up a big rock from the ground and squatted on a young man. He still didn't get rid of it, rushed over and stepped on the former Ling family, who was smashing him. The power, even if there is no heavy hand, they are screaming again and again.

"Let you talk nonsense, let you fall into me, let you marry me, you can't bear it."

He seems to have suffered from the grievances of Tianda. He stepped on one foot and the other young women looked at each other. However, they did not stop Lingdao, preconceived, let them feel the five young people lying on the ground. People are not good people, and Lingdao said it makes sense. They believe in Lingdao.

The five young people lying on the ground never felt that life was so dark. They were obviously framed. Instead, the people who were framed by them were beaten up by the light, two people fainted, and the remaining three. Individuals are simply stunned by Lingdao.

"Thank you for your help, or else they will kill me. I am not a child of Ling family."

Lingdao said with sincerity, fortunately, the five young people have already passed out, or they will definitely feel the pain of the liver. The young women present are embarrassed. They are the five young people because of their own affairs. Not to help the road.

"Without your business, this place is not for you men to come, hurry."

Mengmeng Tianzun said faintly, Lingdao nodded. When even turned and left, other young women did not put Lingdao in their hearts. Some returned to the deep pool to continue their cultivation, and some would lay five young people on the ground. People threw them out, while others left the place.

After returning to the room, Ling Dao released the proud dragon. After the dragon learned about what happened behind him, he was very addicted. They not only looked at the young woman of Ling family, but also let others carry the black pot. Anyway, the five young people. People originally wanted to deal with Lingdao, and Aolong could not kill them.

"Hey, kid, you have borrowed 500 pieces of heavenly spirits. Do you still have to borrow?"

Lei Wenyuan took a hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi to gamble. At the beginning, he was rich and wealthy. Others bet a few pieces of earth-like spirits. He directly threw ten pieces of heavenly spirits. One hundred pieces of heavenly spirit stone, not enough for him to lose, ten loses a light.

Being able to open a small casino in Lingjia, of course, a bit of background, they see Lei Wenyuan's shots, and Lei Wenyuan wants to borrow Lingshi. Of course they have no opinions. Who knows, Lei Wenyuan only loses, and they borrowed for a while. The five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi are once again losing light.

They have not seen bad luck, but they have never seen such a bad luck. Le Wenyuan has not won anything, he has not won, buy big and buy small, buy double pay, he is losing, Lei Wenyuan If they want to borrow, they certainly will not agree. Five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi are not a small number, and the general Tianzun is not so rich.

"Let, of course, you have to borrow, isn't it five hundred pieces of heavenly stone?"

The gambling addiction, Le Wenyuan does not care so much, anyway, is still wanting to continue to gamble, but unfortunately, not only did he not borrow his Lingshi, but he arrested him. What they are going to do now is not to let Lei Wenyuan Continue to gamble, but let the returning stone that Le Wenyuan will borrow back.

"Boy, what do you think we are here? If you don't give us five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, come back, believe that we interrupt your hand."

Among them, there is a king, or a heavenly king. Lei Wenyuan is a martial artist in the sky. Of course, he is not an opponent. However, Lei Wenyuan is a bachelor. He has no intention of shooting. Anyway, they took him to be a spiritual stone. It is not for his life, but the resistance will only be beaten in vain.

Fortunately, Lei Wenyuan is very loyal, but there is no supply for Lingdao and Aolong. He is a bite, he is a person. He knows that there are many Lingshi in Lingdao, but that is, after all, it is Lingdao. He lost a hundred pieces of Ling Pin Ling, and he is already very embarrassed.

"I advise you to let me go. Your Lingjia is just the emperor's power that has just been established. Our ancient emperor's palace was the emperor's power from the ancient times. On the inheritance of strength, how do you compare with our ancient emperor palace? ”

Yes, Lei Wenyuan is pretending to be a disciple of the ancient emperor. Anyway, the Tianwang Tianjun of Lingjia, I have never been to the ancient domain. I can’t judge whether he is a disciple of the ancient emperor, and the emperor The disciples of the emperor are not in the minority, they come from different territories, and it is really difficult to identify.

Lei Wenyuan is a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. He wants Lingshi. He certainly does not, unless the Tianwang and Tianjun of Lingjia are willing to let him go. When he goes back to the ancient domain, he will Five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi were sent over. Of course, the matter of waiting for the Emperor to accept the apprentice is over, and the business must not be delayed.

"I advise you to be kind to me, or else, after I become your apprentice to Lingjia, I will definitely settle with you after the fall."

He can not care, Lingjia the Great accepts the apprentice, he can not care, he only admire two people, one is the Wenyuan Taoist, and the other is the Lingjia Emperor, the Wenyuan Taoist has died Can, to be his master, only the Emperor of Lingjia.

"Hey, your boy is really hard, believe it or not, we smash your mouth."

It’s not a matter of whether Lei Wenyuan is a disciple of the ancient emperor. Anyway, they just want to teach him a meal, but they don’t want his life. After killing Lei Wenyuan, their 500 pieces of heavenly spirits are really When it arrived, Lei Wenyuan immediately closed his mouth and said nothing, the hero did not eat before the loss.

When the sun was empty, until now, Levin had not returned. Lingdao and Aolong had to go to find Lei Wenyuan. When they found Lei Wenyuan, Lei Wenyuan had already owed a thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi. Wen Yuan was unable to borrow Lingshi. Later, he directly used the Tianpin weapon as a mortgage, and finally borrowed another 500 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi.

Originally, Lei Wenyuan still wanted to borrow Lingshi. After all, he still had Tianpin Dan medicine. Fortunately, Lingdao and Aolong rushed over, and Lei Wenyuan, who was arguing with others, was finally quiet, Lei Wenyuan. Sorry to smile, I wanted to win back one hundred of Lingdao's Tianpin Lingshi, who knows the more you lose.

"You are friends."

At this time, a young man from Lingjia came over. He is one of the leaders of the casino. Lingdao knows him. It is said that he used to be one of the most powerful generals of Lingjia, but now Breaking into the king of heaven, the Emperor has nothing to do with him. At the same time, he is still the pursuer of Qianhui, and now appears in front of Lingdao, and suddenly makes Lingdao have a bad feeling.

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