The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 11: Decline

"We each took out 500 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, whoever got the first to reach the ninety-nine steps, can get all the Lingshi, how?"

Did not wait for the proud dragon and Lingdao to ask, Lei Wenyuan is the initiative to explain it. ∷ Three people, one person takes out five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, which is one thousand five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi. If they win, they can earn a thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi. Lei Wenyuan lost and lost, and recently lost every night, of course, I really want to win once.

Originally, the other people in the martial arts were not interested, and the three friends gambled on the stone, the trivial matter. However, I did not expect that Aurora, Ling Dao and Lei Wenyuan would be so gambling. The worship of the Moon Hall and the Temple of Gu Lei Hall, the spirits of the whole body up and down, are not enough for five hundred pieces of heavenly spirit.

In three days, the martial artists would dare to come up with five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi to gamble. It is really rich and rich, and it is like money. In addition to the last match with Ling Chengyan, Lingdao had a slogan, and he was practicing at other times. The children of Ling’s family who knew him were less pitiful, let alone those from other forces.

"Why, do you want to gamble?"

Lei Wenyuan asked with a smile, and he hoped that all the heavens would bet on the war. Others he was not sure. The first one rushed to the ninety-nine steps, he was still sure. He was also the first to compete in the battle. He was also sure, but unfortunately he lost to Yin Qingyi.

Standing next to them, the heavenly martial arts people smiled awkwardly, some snorted, some dismissed, and some bowed their heads. Not to mention whether they can climb the ninety-nine steps, only five hundred pieces of heavenly stone, they will not be able to come out.

"Do you have a stone? Is there still five hundred pieces of heavenly stone?"

The proud dragon couldn't help but fall into the road. Le Wenyuan lost the Lingshi every night, and he didn't know it. Not to mention that it is a hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, even if it is a hundred pieces of heavenly spirit stone, Lei Wenyuan can not come out. The proud dragon can't say that he has more money, but he can still get the five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi.

"You will not gamble with me, but also borrow Lingshi from me? Then you are not empty gloves white wolf?"

Lingdao’s ruthless ridicule made Raven’s far-sighted face red. However, Levin is still unable to say anything. Recently, he has been gambling in Lingdao’s hands every day, and he has never won. In fact, Lei Wenyuan originally intended to borrow five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi from Lingdao. Now I am sorry to borrow it.

"You don't want dogs to see people low, Lingshi I don't have it, but I have a heavenly weapon. I will use the Tianpin weapon as a mortgage. Is it worth 500 pieces of stone?"

Lei Wenyuan took out the Tianpin weapon indignantly. He was once in the casino of Lingjia last time. Fortunately, Lingdao helped him to come back. Others use Tianpin weapons, which are used to fight. Lei Wenyuan’s weapon is just for gambling. Fortunately, he participated in the chaos of the ancient domain, but he did not even have mortgages.

Fortunately, Aolong and Lingdao did not continue to dismantle the platform of Lei Wenyuan. Since Lei Wenyuan was willing to make a bet with Tianpin weapons, they let Lei Wenyuan lose the weapon of Tianpin. Lei Wenyuan has confidence in himself. Does Lingdao and Aolong have no confidence in themselves?

"If you are not afraid that you can't get more talents, I will gamble with you for a thousand pieces, or even two thousand pieces of heavenly spirits. How can you compare me to the late stage?"

On the realm of the realm, Lingdao has to suffer a little, and Aolong and Lei Wenyuan are the peaks of the sky. Unfortunately, Lei Wenyuan did not know that Denglong Ladder had nothing to do with the realm. Different realms, the encounters on the Denglong ladder are different. Lei Wenyuan, Ling Dao and Ao Long have not yet set foot on the Denglong Ladder. They are completely ignorant of the Denglong Ladder.

"It's better for me to open a gambling game. If you can't get five hundred pieces of celestial stone, then you will bid farewell. You can pass the slinger and you can't pass the dragon ladder, or you can pass the dragon ladder. Of course. I can't pass the Denglong ladder. The odds of the three of us are definitely different. When I write it, you will understand.

In addition, you can also pass Lei Wenyuan and Aolong to pass the Denglong ladder, or you can take the Lei Wenyuan and Lingdao to pass the Denglong ladder, and you can also pass the dragon ladder and Lingdao. Even, you can still pass the dragon ladder, Lai Yuanyuan and Aolong. ”

Lei Wenyuan first scorned other people in the martial arts, and after the law was activated, the gambling was set. Except for a few Lingjia children, others did not know them at all. To say that all three of them can pass the Denglong ladder, no one believes. In the chaos of the ancient world, the list of battles for the battle, they have not seen, of course, do not know the proud dragon and Le Wenyuan, a fourth and sixth.

On other days, there will be seven choices for the martial arts. The slinger is a two-for-one, the arrogant dragon is a loser, and the levee is also a three-for-one. And the proud dragon is a loss of six, Lai Wenyuan and Aolong are a loss of eight, bet proud dragon, Ling Dao and Lei Wenyuan are a loss of fifteen. If Lingdao, Le Wenyuan and Aolong all pass the Denglong ladder, it means that all bets will lose light.

Such a savvy gamble is definitely not what Raven has come up with. In fact, after Lingdao thought about it, he sent a message to Lei Wenyuan and let Lei Wenyuan say it. It’s not that Lingdao himself said it’s not good, but Lingdao noticed that there were more than one person who had seen him in the gambling squad, and more than one. Ray Wenyuan has lost Lingshi every day, and they probably know.

"Qianhui, you come under the presiding, they definitely believe in you."

The warriors present want to become the apprentices of the great emperor. Of course they have explored the genius of Ling's younger generation. Thousands of Hui, the sky will be the peak of the world, have not heard of the Lingjia who will be the warrior, can defeat her. They are all in Lingjia, of course, they are willing to believe in the genius of Lingjia, not to mention that Qianhui is still a beautiful sword repair.

"I know him. He is called Lei Wenyuan. I gamble with us every day. I have never won."

"It’s true that he is gambling with him. He is a reincarnation of aging, and he will lose if he gambles."

Sure enough, Lingdao’s previously recognized children of Ling’s family, two of them first stood up and bet. Other days, the martial artists were still hesitating, but after listening to the deeds of Lei Wenyuan, they took out the Lingshi one by one and began to bet. In any case, there is no provision for only one bet, and some people have taken several in order to ensure that they earn a spiritual stone.

I have to say that the seven choices of Lingdao design are too deceptive. At first glance, it is easy to win a spiritual stone as if you were betting. In fact, he is deliberately earning the spiritual stone of other Heavenly Warriors. Lei Wenyuan lost every night, no more wins, and those Lingshi were squandered.

After Qianhui presided over, there were more and more people who would be betting on the land. Later, when they had less bets, they were still making up the Lingshi. Ordinary Tian will not be able to get five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi even if they are ruined. However, a piece of two heavenly spirits is nothing to them.

There are more and more Lingshi stacked in front of Qianhui. Lingdao, Aolong and Levin are snickering in the heart, because all the Lingshi will be theirs. Among them, Lei Wenyuan is the most excited, because he loses every day, now knows that he can win, and his blood seems to be boiling.

There are too many people in the martial arts field, and their movements are big enough. Before Le Wenyuan, Aolong and Lingdao are about to walk on the Denglong ladder, the spiritual stone in front of Qianhui is replaced by Tianpin. If there are Lingshi, there are more than 30,000 pieces. One day, the Lingshi who took out the martial arts was few, but it was a bit horrible to bet on the martial arts for tens of thousands of days.

Ling Dao, Ao Long and Lei Wenyuan stood in front of the Denglong Ladder. They did not rush to step on the Denglong Ladder. Because they walked up the Denglong Ladder at a later moment, the Lingshi in front of Qianhui would have several more pieces. It is a pity that there will be more and more people in their martial arts. If they don't want to go to the Dragon Rug, they will not work.

"You two are at ease, I will not be merciful, you are waiting to lose."

Lei Wenyuan wants to gamble with Lingdao and Aolong, unlike the gambling behind him, which is designed by Lingdao. It is not a problem of the weapon of the heavenly weapon, nor a problem of the stone, but the gambling of his own, he must win. He has his advantage. If even two juniors can't win, his face can't be hanged.

"What joke are you doing? There are twenty-eight in the world of the Dragon Lord... No, there are twenty-seven young beauties waiting for me. How can I let you pass the dragon ladder first?"

Even in the opening of the gambling, the proud dragon has been staring at the star gate, plus the beginning of the sixteen, now there are twenty-eight young beautiful women into the star gate. He consciously excluded the butterfly dance, only to say that twenty-seven young beautiful women are waiting for him. Lei Wenyuan is to get the first place in order to gamble, and the proud dragon is sure to win the first place for the beauty.

Both Aolong and Levin are in full swing, and Lingdao certainly cannot care. Although they are the fourth in the battle for heaven, and the sixth is the sixth in the battle for the battle, Ling Dao understands their strength and is definitely above their rank. If he is slack, he is likely to lose to Aaron and Levin.

"In this case, let's get started and see who is the first to go up the ninety-nine steps."

As the voice of Lingdao fell, they also embarked on the first step. The pressure in all directions is squeezing toward them. The natural world, the Lingdao is of course no stranger, the sword magic in the Tianbing situation, has mastered the world. The Lingdao of Tianbing’s territory can’t use the world’s general trend. The Lingdao in the later days of Tianzhi’s territory is of course mastering the world’s general trend.

Lei Wenyuan and Aolong also mastered the world's general trend, but they did not have time to use it when they were competing for the battle. The world of the first step has no influence on the three of them. They knew that Deng Long Lai was the crush of the heavens and the earth, and they rushed up. Others are step by step, and the three of them are running up.

"How fast is their speed? Is it a problem with the dragon ladder?"

"It's over! It's over! Are the three of them not a partnership to lie to us?"

"Mad, my spiritual stone, my spiritual stone!"

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