The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 39: True Dragon Lock


The butterfly dance did not have any nonsense with Chi Longyang, and directly pulled out the golden sword. The bright swords seemed to be able to penetrate for nine days. Even in the dragon world, she could still chase the blue dragons without any way into the ground. Gate, Chi Longyang, if there is no 38-foot long blood dragon spirit, definitely not her opponent.

The golden swords are smashed out, and five hundred swords are arranged in a uniform manner to form a spiritual sword array. Each sword is full of swords and swords, and five hundred swords are condensed together. It is even more powerful than the general swords. When she shot, Chi Longyang understood that she had encountered a hard battle and kicked the iron plate.

"Unfortunately, you and I are in Tianlong Valley. No matter how powerful you are outside, it is not my opponent now."

The thirty-eight-long long blood dragon spirit, which is integrated into the body of Chi Longyang, makes the Chi Longyang's momentum soar. His arms are full of dense dragon scales. The blood is generally red, and the blood dragon spirit covers his hands. Even if he is unarmed, he does not dare to fight with the butterfly dance. The real dragon is physically strong, and with the blood dragon spirit, his body is not weaker than the local weapon.

A pair of dragon claws were shot on the sword array, causing another sword to collapse. Chi Longyang smiled softly, but with a look of such a face, even his face had a dense blood red dragon. The scales are very embarrassing to laugh, but when the five hundred swords are all broken, a golden sword is thrown in front of him.

"Xuanyuan nine swords."

In the past, in the East Sword Field of the Great Sword God, the butterfly dance once got a fake Xuanyuan sword, the guy who pretended to be the soul of the Xuanyuan sword, and the one that was displayed was the fake Xuanyuan Jiujian. The butterfly dance can see through it because she will Real Xuanyuan Jiujian, now she is dealing with Chi Longyang, using Xuanyuan Jiujian.

Even when it is chasing Lan Yuyu, the butterfly dance does not use Xuanyuan Jiujian, because Xuanyuan Jiujian is not used, once used, it must be killed by the opponent, or it may be brought to her. It’s only when she is in the sky, if the enemy is looking for it, it’s not difficult to get rid of her.

It’s just the first type, it’s enough to tear the earth, the terrible sword meaning, it seems to be able to destroy the void, the golden sword is like the arrow of the string, at a very fast speed, kneeling on the hands of Chi Longyang, Chiron Yang has confidence in his own body, not only does not escape, but instead punches his fists and slams into the golden sword of the butterfly dance.


The reality is cruel. Chi Longyang only feels severe pain in his hands. One piece of dragon scales is broken. The red blood, like spring water, is spewed on the ground. Even the hands covered by blood dragon spirit can’t stop the golden sword. The sharp edge, the red dragon is snoring, the hands are bloody, the broken dragon scales and the sacred bones are mixed in the blood.

Chi Longyang did not think that the sword of the butterfly dance was so fierce, the edge was unstoppable, just after the fight, it was a big loss. He quickly retreated, fearing that the butterfly dance would win the battle, but the butterfly dance reacted faster, holding the gold. The sword, killed in front of the Chi Longyang, is the so-called thief first smashed the king, only to win the red dragon, butterfly dance has the possibility to leave.

Fifty-eight heavens will join forces with the young dragons of the Dragons and Dragons. Even if they are butterfly dancers, they must shun them. They will walk out of one of them and have more blood dragon spirits than butterfly dances. They cannot be silly one after another. Shooting, to be hands-on, must be shot together, not the strength of the butterfly dance is not good, but the blood dragon spirit mastered, less than a long.


Chi Longyang said with anger and anger that he had thirty-eight feet long blood dragon spirit and lost to the butterfly dance. He was really embarrassed. The fifty-eight dragon young warriors did not hesitate. The array they listed was named Zhenlong Lock Tianzheng. Once, the true dragon family, there is a peerless genius, you can use the power of the subordinates, relying on the formation he created.

The real dragon locks the sky array, that is, the forces of all the dragon warriors of the array are brought together, all infused to the real dragons, and there are 58 subordinates in Chi Longyang. After they array, they instill the power to Chi Longyang. It is absolutely possible to improve the combat strength of Chi Longyang. Even if a former Tianjun is in front, Chi Longyang has confidence and defeats it.


The earth at the foot of Chi Longyang, broken in size, seems to be unable to withstand his weight. The injury on his hand is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. His muscles are expanding and his body is up seven inches. After the power of the 18th Heavenly Kings, the Chi Longyang feels like a body to burst open, and has the power to make ends.

"Blood mad dragon fist."

Red blood waves, skyrocketing, waves and waves, slaps the void, accompanied by a punch in Chi Longyang, fierce punching, turned into a dragon, bursting with fire, like a flame, However, the blood waves drenched on the dragon, not only did not extinguish the flame, but the flame of the dragon was burning more vigorously.

If Chi Longyang exerts his **** mad dragon fist, the butterfly dance can fully cope with it. However, the **** mad dragon fist of Chi Longyang's exhibition absorbs the power of the fifty-eight-day-old dragons and dragons, even if it is the peak of the king. The warrior is in front of Chi Longyang and must be killed by his fist. Chi Longyang is angry. If the butterfly dance is in his hands, he will take the butterfly dance. If the butterfly dances in his. In front of him, he can accept it.

Butterfly dance can't escape, not only because Chi Longyang is punching fast, but also because of Chi Longyang's will to lock her. The will of Chi Longyang alone is not terrible, but his will is also obtained. The will of the other young dragons of the Dragons is a genius of the true dragons who created the real dragon locks. It is indeed remarkable.

The golden sword slammed out, like a torn wind, squatting on the dragon, the dragon body swayed, the golden sword smashed into its body, but the dragon still struck over, the source condensed into a dragon Bone, the gas is turned into a dragon skin, and the boxing is turned into a dragon scale, which is like a broken bamboo.

The dragon has no life, the golden sword does not hurt it at all, the butterfly dance face changes slightly, the dragon hits her body, let her fly down hundreds of feet away, she underestimated the dragon, if not the golden sword released Hundreds of swordsmanship, which offset most of the dragon's power, is definitely not just a minor injury.

The butterfly dance is no longer in love, and turns away. The fifty-eight-day celestial dragons and dragons are arrayed. After instilling their power in Chi Longyang, she is no longer an opponent of Chi Longyang. Fortunately, the real dragon locks the sky array transmission. The power has lost most of it. Otherwise, the power of the fifty-eight-day squadron will be condensed into one, and it will definitely be able to reinvent the butterfly dance and even kill the butterfly dance.

"The array they use, called the real dragon locks the sky array, can lock even in the sky, do you think you have escaped now? In fact, you are not dead, not only not angry, but also very happy, you are such a beautiful girl, If it is turned into powder, it is a huge loss. Originally, you sent me a sword. I should have broken your body for a long time, but I am kind and can give you another chance, if..."

The words of Chi Longyang have not been finished yet. The butterfly dance has broken through a heavy blockade. The real dragon locks the sky, not only can the array of dragon warrior forces be instilled into the red dragon, but also can lock a void, red Longyang thought that the butterfly dance was already the shackles. Who knows that the butterfly dance did not know what method was used, and even escaped the scope of the array.

Fifty-eight-day celestial squadrons are even more confrontational. They use the real dragon locks to fight against the martial arts. They have never failed. The more the number of dragon warriors in the array, the stronger the real dragon locks. They have joined hands with fifty-eight, and even if they are kings of the kings, they cannot escape.

"Give me chase."

Just for a moment, Chi Longyang reacted. When the first rushed out, the speed of the real dragon family is indeed inferior to that of Peng Peng, but compared to other races, it is fast, fifty-eight days. The martial arts peaks did not scorn, and quickly followed behind Chi Longyang. Without their true dragon locks, Chi Longyang would not catch up with the butterfly dance, nor the opponent of the butterfly dance.


The butterfly dance couldn't help but cough up blood, and the clothes were dotted with a bright red **** flower petal. Her speed was very fast. Unfortunately, there are fifty-eight-year-old Chi Longyang, who is the leader of the martial arts. Longyang once again punched, and the dragon roared toward the butterfly dance.

The emptiness of the sky, the wind whistling, but in an instant, the dragon is catching up with the butterfly dance. Fortunately, the butterfly dance has long felt that it is not right, turning to a sword, the golden swordsman, like a peerless sword, open The body of the dragon, however, the dragon that turned into two halves, still hit the body of the butterfly dance.

As a sword repair, the body of the butterfly dance is definitely not as good as Lingdao. She only feels dizzy, and she is staring at Venus. She almost fell down. She hasn’t waited for her to fully recover. Chi Longyang is chasing up, fifty-eight. One day, the dragons and dragons of the Jingfeng Peak followed closely, standing by Chi Longyang.

"In your current situation, it is impossible to escape in front of me. In fact, you have a better choice. If you are willing to be my woman, I can transform you into the dragon blood, strengthen your body and strengthen your Power, in the future, the cooperation between the two, even if the real dragons dominate the king, it is not impossible."

After playing against the butterfly dance, Chi Longyang understands that the genius of the butterfly dance is better than him. If the butterfly dance is just a vase, he will use the butterfly dance as a plaything. If the butterfly dance is trained by the true dragon family, The achievements may be more than him. Anyway, as long as the butterfly dance is his woman, it is good to listen to him.

"What do you say, I didn't hear it clearly, dare not say it again."

I haven't waited for the butterfly dance to open, and another voice came from a distance. A young figure stood on the head of Baizhang Dragon and looked down at Chi Longyang coldly.

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