The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 45: Dry Yue Tianjun

Tianlong Valley is the site of the dragon warrior. The dragon master world belongs to the dragon family. Even if the old seven gods of the Xianyi Palace are dead, the Emperor of the Xianyi Palace can’t do anything about the dragon. The Xianyi Palace is not the power of the Emperor. False, unfortunately, it is not strong enough to deter the dragon. If the Dragon and the Xianju Palace go to war, the loser must be the Xianyi Palace.

The dragons passed down from the wilderness to the present, and the foundation is not comparable to the Xianyi Palace. It is said that the dragons want to pay more attention to the murderer. At that time, the dragons of the old seven of the Xiantang Palace are killed. Already dead, he is the Tianlong Valley that is about to die, and he will bury himself.

"I have lived for six thousand years and have not killed the emperor. I really want to know the blood of the human prince. What is the taste?"

The 150-foot-long dragon has become a human being. The old man looks like a white-haired, wrinkled face. His life is over, and he can't maintain a young appearance. Whether it is a dragon or a human body, it is all decaying. Breath, however, whether it is a human warrior or a dragon warrior, they dare not look down on him.

"Predecessors, you, you are dry Yue Tianjun."

One of the dragons asked indefinitely. When he was very young, he had seen Gan Yue Tianjun once. Other dragons had never seen Gan Yue Tianjun, and they also heard the name of Gan Yue Tianjun. They were in the place named Julongling. The king can be called the king to dominate, the heavenly king is less pitiful, the Ling family will come to the heavens and the peaks, all in the dragon.

Ganyue Tianjun, once one of the most inaccessible dragons in Julongling, has heard of his name in the presence of the dragon. The king of heaven and the king of the dragons can live for five thousand years, and the dry Yuetian can live for six thousand years. It is normal. If he can become a peak, he will have no problem for seven thousand years.

"I didn't expect even the juniors to recognize me. Yes, the old man is Gan Yuetian."

After learning his identity, the dragon warriors are happy, and the Terran warriors can't help but go backwards. The heavens are above the heavenly kingdom, and then the heavens are the heavens. The human warriors present are just the peaks of the heavens. Law and Heavenly Fight, if Tianjun wants to kill them, can they escape a life?

Originally, the Dragon Warrior was not good at dealing with it. Now there is another Tianjun. The Terran Warrior thinks that it is not for the blood dragon spirit, but for life. Only when he is alive can he have the opportunity to master more blood dragon spirits. Only when he is alive can he Have the opportunity to become an apprentice of the Ling family.


I didn’t think of the old Seven of Xianyi Palace. I would have met Tianjun. The swallowing gourd is powerful, but it is limited by his realm. It is impossible to swallow Tianjun. It depends on his own strength. It is even more impossible for Tian Jun's opponent. Others are jealous of his origins. Gan Yue Tianjun does not need to be jealous, a dragon that will die, and what is fearful.

"It's a great honor to be able to die in the hands of the old man."

A big hand is like a mountain that covers the sky. In the twinkling of an eye, it is in front of the old seven of the Xianyi Palace. The huge stones fall, and there are pits on the ground. The dust is like five peaks. Lying down, the ground sinks and the mountain shakes.

The place where Tianjun is better than the king is to master the Tao. Even if it is only a road, it can crush the original strength of the old seven of the Xiantang Palace. What's more, Ganyue Tianjun still masters three Taoist rules. It was not his opponent. It was only the palm of Tianjun’s palm that was pressed, and the old seven of Xianxian Palace was thrown into the deep pit.

The Seventh Emperor of the Xianyi Palace exhibited a martial art. It was finally a passage through the passage. Unfortunately, he just rushed out, and the dry Yue Tianjun was crushed down. The old seven sorrowful screams Once again, he was smashed into the deep pit. He couldn't help but spurt a **** back, and there was a wound on his body.

Fortunately, he is a emperor, the flesh is not weak, although it is not comparable to the real dragon in the same realm, but the difference is not too much, replaced by other days, the peak of the martial arts, may have been beaten by the body, from his debut to the present, Never been so embarrassed, who does not give him a few faces.

"You are still stupid to do something. After he kills me, will you let go of you? If you join me now, we still have the chance to defeat him. When I am dead, I will rely on you, how to compete with him." Is it so obvious that you don’t understand it?"

The voice of the old seven of Xianyi Palace came out from the pothole. As a emperor, there must be means to save life. However, he does not want to use it for the time being, because Tianlong Valley may have other Tianjun, unless he has to use it, he will use it. The card, now, he has a chance to escape.

As long as other Terran warriors are willing to take the shot, he can take the opportunity to leave. Gan Yuetian is strong, but he has the secret of escape. He needs time. If he has been dealing with him, he will not be able to escape from here. He is not really I want to join hands with others and get rid of dry Yue Tianjun, because the possibility of success is too small and too small.


The human warriors present were not fools. They did not believe in the old seven words of Xianyi Palace. Even if they cooperated, they would certainly not be the opponents of Tianjun. Their first reaction was to escape, and they were dealing with Xianyue. When the palace was old, he fled the sight of Gan Yue Tianjun.

"I want to escape in front of the old man and dream."

Another big hand of Gan Yue Tianjun, played again and again, one after another, the appearance of the peaks of the Terran martial arts changed greatly, Tianjun shot them, they dare not have the slightest slack, directly display the most powerful martial arts, resisting the dry Yue Tianjun s attack.

About 60% of the day, the Fengwu martial arts can't stop the big hand of Gan Yuetian, their tricks are broken, the chest is sag, the bones are broken, and there are 30% of the heavens. The martial arts are better, only the internal organs are affected. The mouth is bleeding and the face is white.

The remaining one day will be the enemy of the martial arts, but the body is only backwards, but the body shape is retrogressive, but there is no injury, only Qianhui, a sword broke the palm of the dry Yue Tianjun, still standing in the same place, half a step back, dry Yue Tianjun At the same time, for so many days, they will be attacked by the martial arts. The attack they suffered is only a blow of the king of the king.

"Oh, a little bit interesting."

Qianyue Tianjun noticed Qianhui, who made Qianhui the only one who blocked his attack. The old seven is the emperor. The strength is very normal. Qianhui is not an emperor. He has such strength and is extraordinary. Lingjia Dadi There is only one son, no daughter, and the blood of Qianhui is nothing.

Repression of the old seven of the Xiantang Palace, the two roads are enough, and the dry Yue Tianjun uses another road, turned into a long sword, and killed toward Qianhui, Gan Yue Tianjun can live for six thousand years, certainly not a fool, the human empire is not a good kill It is said that there is no card in the old seven of Xianyi Palace, and one hundred unbelief of Gan Yue Tianjun.

Gan Yuetianjun wants the life of the old seven of the Xiantang Palace. However, he understands that the method is too fierce, and it will only be counterproductive. The method he uses now is to boil the frog in warm water, and let the old palace of the Xianyi Palace relax a little until Finally, in the case of the Xianqi Palace, the old seven did not have time to use the cards, killing the old seven of the Xianyi Palace.

"Don't look at it, their lives are yours, not yet."

The general day will be the peak of the military, Gan Yue Tianjun has no interest at all, only the Xianqi Palace Laoqi and Qianhui, is qualified to let him start, Xianyi Palace Laoqi and Qianhui are indeed not his opponent, but if they give them time Their future achievements are by no means comparable to those of the dry Yue Tianjun.

The qualification of Ganyue Tianjun is very poor. He has lived for 6,000 years. He is only a heavenly prince. He is a genius and hates genius. The old seven and the thousand hui of Xianxian Palace are the geniuses in the genius. Before the death, let the two people The genius is buried, and there is no regret.


The proud dragon no longer hesitates to manipulate the dragon sword at the fastest speed. He has turned to a sword that has been turned into a road. Qianhui’s strength is not weak. However, he and Tianjun fight, there is no chance of winning, even if it is an arrogance. The dragon is still not the opponent of Gan Yue Tianjun.

"You and I teamed up, first broke his attack and then fled together."

Although the emergence of the proud dragon, surprised Qian Hui, but she nodded, Qian Hui is not a arrogant, knowing that she is not the opponent of the dry Yue Tianjun, she will certainly not fight with the dry Yue Tianjun, she quickly sent out the sword, the display It is the swordsmanship of the Ling family, and the dragon sword is one left and one right, and it is on the sword.

Qianhui’s sword meaning, like the fire cooking oil, is getting more and more fierce, nine swordsmanship, eighty-one swordsmanship, from different angles, stabbing on the road, the sword, Gan Yuetianjun underestimated Qianhui, just Qianhui’s attack, It is enough to withstand the dry strike of the dry Yue Tianjun, not to mention an proud dragon.

"It is now, go."

Aolong and Qianhui did not hesitate, and they turned into a rainbow of light, and fled at the fastest speed. Their plans were good. Unfortunately, the opponent was too strong. The qualification of Ganyue Tianjun was not good. The life of Heavenly King, but his combat power, Among the border warriors, you can definitely be in the forefront.

In front of the two of them, each of them has a huge mountain. Each mountain is heavy and scary. However, their speed of movement is extremely fast. No matter whether they are proud or Qianhui, they cannot get rid of the impact of the mountains. , Aolong and Qianhui opened three mountains and penetrated five mountains. The rest of the mountains were squatting on them.


Qianhui and Aolong are all injured. The strength of Tianjun is beyond their expectations. Their bodies are pressed against one mountain after another. They can't escape. They move, the mountains follow, and Qianhui and Aolong understand, manipulate. The mountain is the dry Yue Tianjun.

"You two juniors, don't want to run, stay and bury me."

Gan Yue Tianjun said with a smile, the old face full of wrinkles, like the blooming chrysanthemum, killing the genius among the two geniuses, I feel very good, he can't wait for more geniuses who can compete with Qianhui and Aolong.

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