The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 47: Bombing Tianjun

"Insane, he is absolutely crazy, and the king of heaven will kill the king and make a joke."

I have never seen the Heavenly Warriors killing the Heavenly Kings, and I have never even heard of them. However, Lingdao has a good grasp of his mind, and he surrendered to his 12-day Heavenly Kings. Even if he wants to break his head, he will not think of Lingdao. Where is the confidence, the genius disciple of the Emperor's power, perhaps have a card, Lingdao a scattered repair, what can be.

To say that the old seven of the Xiantang Palace can kill the dry Yue Tianjun, they believe that because he is the son of the great emperor, the emperor will give him one or two treasures at will, killing the heavenly king is easy, but unfortunately, until now, the old seven There is no use of treasure at all.

"A good arrogant junior, the old man will smoke your muscles, lick your skin, drink your blood, eat your flesh."

Rescuing the old seven of the Immortal Palace, using one road is enough, the other is used to deal with the Lingdao. The place where Tianjun is stronger than the Heavenly King is the Taoist. The King only grasps the world and understands the rules of the heavens and the earth. You can use the rules of heaven and earth to develop your own rules.

In some cases, you can burn the sea and boil the sea. Some roads can break the mountains and break the mountains. Some roads can destroy the earth and destroy the land. Some roads can crush the vacuum...

Generally speaking, the principles mastered by Tianjun are related to the practice of their cultivation, martial arts, and the source of their mastery. For example, a sword repair mastering the origin of the fifth level of gold, he derived the Tao. There may be a sharp martial art road. Of course, there is no absolute thing in the world. There are exceptions in everything.

Gan Yue Tianjun's blood is declining, and he is unable to play the power of the peak period. However, as long as he has the Tao, he can sweep the king of the king, not to mention the Heavenly Warrior, the Heavenly King and the Heavenly Kingdom. The gap is definitely greater than the gap between Heaven and Heaven.

"The frog at the bottom of the well makes you taste the best."

A road turns into a thousand-footed peak, and it is pressed against Lingdao. The old face of Ganyue Tianjun reveals a hint of awkward smile. The use of the road to deal with the heavenly warrior is absolutely overkill, and the slaughter is killing the chicken. If he is still a strong man Even if you don't have to use it, you can kill Lingdao.

On the peak of Qianzhang Xiongfeng, it seems that there is one after another rune, the instinct of the majestic, the origin of the fifth level, all of which are not included in the peak of the thousand feet, just the weight of the thousand-footed peak, it is the fissure of the void. Whether it is the Terran Warrior or the Dragon Warrior, all of them are scared to go backwards.


Lingdao waved his fists and hit him on the peak of Qianzhang Xiong, making one piece of stone and one piece of stone shake off. Unfortunately, Qianzhang Xiongfeng was there, and the force of repression did not decrease, he punched it with a punch. The emptiness of the sky, even if the king of the king of war is in front of him, I am afraid that he will be killed alive.

"When he is finished, the squadrons of the squadrons in the district will have to fight with the princes of the heavens. He will not die, who will die, and the prince will be in charge. He will ask what he will do with Tianjun."

"Isn't it arrogant, isn't it arrogant? Now, knowing what it means to be self-sufficient, just rely on you, and dare to work with my dragon family."

The use of the Tao Yue Tianjun, the Dragon Warrior unanimously believes that Lingdao has no ability to resist, even if it is a Tianjun who stepped into the coffin, it is also a matter of hand-to-hands. Once he really wants to deal with Lingdao, then Lingdao is definitely not his opponent.

If in other places, Ling Dao does not beat Gan Yue Tianjun, Tian Long Valley is not the same, his strength, his origin, his instinct, can not resist the principle of Gan Yue Tianjun, but he holds two hundred and one The blood dragon spirit of ten feet long.

His double fists can't break the peak of the thousand feet, only relying on the blood dragon spirit, the blood dragon spirit of two hundred and ten feet long, is his arrogance against the heavenly king, in the Dragon Lord's world, the blood dragon spirit is extremely effective. The blood dragon spirit of two hundred and ten feet long can raise the strength of the military to what level, and other military people do not know.

"It's no wonder that until you die, you are still stuck in the heavenly kingdom. Your path is so poor. The means of using the Tao is even worse. Even if it is a pig, it has lived for six thousand years. I am afraid that it can become a god. You It’s really stupid than a pig, and even more stupid than a pig.”

Lingdao is no stranger to Tianjunjing. Even his understanding of Tianjunjing is far more than that of Ganyue Tianjun. In the past life, he was Tianjun, and it was the peak of Tianjun, and the principle of Ganyue Tianjun did not enter him. The eyes of the law, not to mention, he is still reincarnation, and has experienced a reincarnation.

The two hundred and ten-foot-long blood dragon spirit hovered behind Lingdao. In addition to the butterfly dance and the twelve heavenly kings, the other warriors were scared. In general, the heavens and the kings were mastered. The blood dragon spirit will not reach one hundred feet, but Lingdao’s two hundred and ten feet blood dragon spirit, how to explain.

"How did he do it, two hundred and ten feet, I am not blind."

"If you don't see it with your own eyes, even if someone tells me that there will be a blood dragon who can master the two hundred and ten feet long, I definitely don't believe it, one hundred don't believe it."

They just think it's incredible. Only Gan Yue Tianjun's face is dignified. Gan Yue Tianjun's understanding of Xuelongling is not something they can compare. Even if it is the predecessor of the king of war, it is impossible to master the blood dragon spirit of two hundred and one hundred feet. Yue Tianjun is puzzling, and even why the real dragon can't do it, why Lingdao can do it.

"You are not a human race, you are a dragon, you are the Prince of the true dragon family."

Dry Yue Tianjun frowned and said, obviously only doubt, but his tone of speech, very sure, he has not seen the Prince of the real dragon family, I want to come to the only Prince of the real dragon can break the routine, but unfortunately, he does not know, true The blood dragon spirit mastered by the prince of the dragon family is less than one hundred feet.

As if to verify what Qianyue Tianjun thought, Lingdao inspired a huge blood and blood force, whether it was the Heavenly Emperor Fengfeng Dragon Warrior or the Heavenly King Dragon Warrior, all of them were suppressed, the blood was suppressed, and they still felt that they were doing it. It’s a joke, but now they are shocked and can’t speak.

"The real dragon prince, hahaha..."

The proud dragon couldn't help it. The first one laughed. When Ling Dao was still in the flesh, he knew Ling Dao. He had never heard of the real dragon in the flesh. He could become an adult, and it’s no wonder that Ling Dao said. Yue Tianjun is still stupid than the pig. It seems that Lingdao is right.

The dragon warriors who came in with the Emperor Huang wanted to remind Gan Yue Tianjun that the Prince of the Real Dragon family had other people. However, they worried that Gan Yue Tianjun was angry and killed them, because the blood of Ling Dao could suppress them and let them Lingdao’s identity is also suspicious.

"Know that I am a true dragon prince, you dare to do it to me, do you want to be annihilated?"

Others don't know what's going on. Lingdao himself understands that Gan Yuetian admits the mistake, just because he once blended the blood of the princess of the wine. What he doesn't understand is why the princess of the wine princess can make him master. The blood dragon spirit is far superior to other warriors.

Lingdao punched out, and the blood dragon spirit of two hundred and ten feet grew into the huge boxing shadow, and suddenly his fists soared. The thousand-footed peak could no longer support, and it was divided, the stone collapsed, two hundred. The blood dragon spirit of ten feet long opened his mouth and swallowed a path of dry Yue Tianjun.

He was able to break the attack of Gan Yue Tianjun for three reasons: First, he had a blood dragon spirit of 211 feet, which improved his strength. Secondly, with his eyesight, he could see the deficiency of Gan Yue Tianjun. Where, the third, his blood is scared to dry Yue Tianjun, so that dry Yue Tianjun is jealous.

"If you dare to hurt me, it doesn't matter if you die, but your family is not good."

During the speech, Lingdao quickly advances, step by step, and instantly comes to the front of Ganyue Tianjun. A pair of fists, like two stars, squats to Ganyue Tianjun. If Ganyue Tianjun is in the prime of life, he is not afraid of Lingdao. The attack, unfortunately, he finally hangs old, lack of blood.

"No, you are a human warrior. You must have cultivated magical powers and refining the real dragon blood."

At the crucial moment, Gan Yue Tianjun finally reacted. Although he guessed it was wrong, Ling Dao was indeed a human warrior. He quickly took out a palm, full of wrinkled hands, blocking the double fists of Ling Dao. The explosion broke out, and the blood dragon spirit of two hundred and ten feet was like a boxing glove. It was worn on the hand of Lingdao.

In the violent collision, Lingdao flew out and smashed through a mountain wall. Gan Yue Tianjun only stepped back three steps, and he was able to see it. Anyone could see it, but Lingdao still had a living dragon, but Gan Yue Tianjun It was a heavy gasping, and in his case, he could not withstand such a fierce battle.

"It is this time."

Aolong and Qianhui have shot, one sword and another sword, squatting on the mountains to suppress them. Lingdao and Ganyue Tianjun fight, giving them the opportunity to escape the crackdown. Now they can do it, they are entangled in the road. One way, Gan Yue Tianjun's blood is declining, and the control of Taoism is far less than the peak period.

"Please baby open your mouth."

The old seven of Xianyi Palace is bold. It directly uses the swallowing gourd. It will take a way to dry Yuetianjun. It will be taken in. Ganyue Tianjun is confronting Lingdao, and he has no time to manage him. Such a great opportunity, he will definitely not miss it. It is inevitable that the swallowing of gourd refining a road will be beneficial.

"Yuan Shi Yuan Yuan Ding, Zhen."

The Lingdao Festival was born in Yuanyuan, and it was transformed into a mountain-like size. It was suppressed at the top of Ganyue Tianjun. He rushed to the front of Ganyue Tianjun. He punched a punch and punched. Without a pause, Ganyue Tianjun retreated. Tao, in his current situation, really can't beat Lingdao.


Thousands of hundred fists gathered together, fists and shadows, such as peaks and smashing, bombarded on the body of Ganyue Tianjun, dry Yue Tianjun's chest was pierced, **** holes, extremely scary, his eyes roared, with his Tianjun repair Fortunately, he died in the hands of the juniors.

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