The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 52: Lingdao vs Lan Yuyu

"Don't hurt her life, this Highness will take her back and be my little sister."

The emperor hurriedly shouted, and the body of Wang Wang, who was working with Dong Miaoyin, was a stiff body. Dong Miaoyin was his murderous enemy. However, the emperor’s order did not dare to defy it. Therefore, the king of heaven would anger all the dragons. Vented to the body of Lei Wenyuan.

"One hundred and twenty feet, how is it possible."

When Lei Wenyuan used the blood dragon spirit, it was a surprise to the dragon warriors in the distance. Even when the emperor was in the peak of the sky, he could not grasp the blood dragon spirit of 120 feet long. I know how Ray Wenyuan did it.

Lei Wenyuan can't break the ancient array of Tianlong, indicating that his body is inferior to the real dragon. He is a human warrior. There is no dragon blood. His cultivation is only the peak of the heavens. Then the problem can only be in the blood. On, just, the emperor as a emperor, Lei Wenyuan's blood, can be stronger than him.

Yan Huang, Lan Yuyu and Yu only know that Ling Dao has mastered the blood dragon spirit of two hundred and ten feet long. He did not expect that there are other Terran warriors. The blood dragon spirit mastered more than one hundred feet, so it is good to fight with Lei Wenyuan. The dragon is already the peak of the king of heaven. I don’t think there is any problem.

"The one that arrived, shouldn't have arrived, all arrived."

Lingdao, Butterfly Dance, Qianhui and Aolong are the last to be present, because Lingdao is always looking for blood dragon spirit, if it is not too tight, it may be too much to find, two hundred and eighty feet, It is not the limit of Ling Dao, especially after the help of the Princess of Wine, the blood dragon spirit he can master, even his own can not imagine.

I don’t know what kind of means the Princess of Wine used, which made Lingdao break through its limits again and again. Lingdao asked the Princess of the Wine Princess and wanted her to help Butterfly Dance, Qianhui and Aolong, but the Princess of Wine said they No, only he can.

Butterfly Dance, Qianhui and Aolong have already been shocked to numbness. They are very eager to know what other warriors will see when they see the blood dragon spirit of Lingdao, and other expressions will be impossible. Control, but for Lingdao, three hundred feet, four hundred feet, or even five hundred feet is nothing.

"Well, I finally saw that Levin was far away. I didn't expect him to fight with the dragon of the king."

While they were looking for the blood dragon spirit, they were still looking for Lei Wenyuan. Unfortunately, they did not find traces of Lei Wenyuan. Now, when Lei Wenyuan and Tian Wang’s peaks are fighting together, Ling Dao puts down his heart. Come, just he is late, I don’t know why Lei Wenyuan and Dong Miaoyin have joined forces.

"Look, Lingdao is here, he is finally here."

Lan Yuyu pointed to the Lingdao in the distance and exclaimed, but he was so scared that he took a step back and saw the Dragon Warrior who was a good stalker. He couldn’t help but regress, but he thought of hiding in the emperor. The five heavenly kings in the underground, they are relieved.

If the five Heavenly Kings take the shot, don't say that Lingdao is just the peak of the sky. Even if he is a king of heaven, it is also difficult to escape, especially the extremely beautiful Tianjun, once the most powerful existence of Julongling, the peak of Tianjun The cultivation is that the comparison between Gan Yue Tianjun and the extremely beautiful Tianjun is not a star or a half.

"Well, the Terran Kid, I will wait for you to come. Listen to them and say that you are very powerful. My Highness decided to give you a face and personally play with you. Of course, you have to answer my question first, Chi Longyang. Is it you kill?"

The emperor stepped out, the dragon was mighty, and the dragon warrior standing beside him seemed to be stumbling on the ground. The prince of the real dragon family, the son of the emperor, even if he had the blood dragon spirit, could not match the Lingdao. The blood dragon spirit, he still has absolute confidence to defeat Lingdao.

"Who is Chi Longyang? I have gone to the Dragon Warrior I killed. Is there any Chi Longyang? How do I know."

Lingdao can't be foolishly admit that Chi Longyang is a real dragon, and the status of other dragon warriors is not the same. The real dragon family is extremely short-sighted. He has already heard that with his current cultivation, he still has no ability and virtue. The forces contend, if the dragon wants to kill him, even if he becomes the apprentice of the Lingjia Emperor, Lingjia the Great may not be able to keep him.

When Emperor Huang’s face was stagnation, whether Lingdao was acknowledging or not acknowledging, he had to deal with it, but he did not think that Lingdao actually answered so ingeniously, saying that he admitted, he did not admit it, saying that he did not admit it. He seems to admit it again, and between the moments of the Emperor, he couldn’t decide what to say.

"His Royal Highness, a tribe boy in the district, is still handed over to his subordinates."

Before waiting for the emperor to take the shot, Lan Yuyu was the first to come to Lingdao, just the description of other dragon warriors. The emperor’s strength to Lingdao did not have an intuitive feeling. Lan Yuyu’s first shot was to let Emperor Huang has an understanding of the strength of Lingdao. The blue dragons of Tianfeng will definitely not be able to beat Lingdao. The blue sky in the early days of Tianwang is a victory or defeat, but it is an unknown number.

If it is Blue Yuyu who defeats Lingdao, it is best that the Emperor will not need to take the shot. If Lingdao defeats Lan Yuyu, at least Blue Yuyu can also force out the ultimate fighting power of Lingdao, knowing oneself and knowing each other, can not fight, Lan Yuyu It is for the Emperor of the Emperor, if the Prince of the Real Dragon family loses to a human warrior who is lower than his realm, where is the face.

The Dragon Lord's World is the home of the Dragons. The Real Dragons are definitely stronger than the Terrans in the Dragon Lord's World. However, Lingdao is an exception, because Lingdao's blood dragon spirit makes his strength far stronger than in the heavens. As long as the Emperor loses to Lingdao, others can lose whatever they lose.

"Ice in the snow."

Lan Yuyu shot, a radius of 500 meters, turned into a world of ice and snow, goose-like snow falling, the river is frozen, the ground is like a mirror, after breaking through to the king of heaven, he also mastered the world, but unfortunately, he can only grasp the square 30 meters of the world.

Fortunately, his speed is extremely fast, the rabbit rises and falls, in the blink of an eye, it is to come to Lingdao, the real dragon family is unparalleled, Lan Yuyu is of course good at melee fight, did not expect that Lingdao actually stood still, motionless Also, Ling Dao can break the Tianlong Ancient Array and certainly have enough confidence in his own body.

"Is it you?" Lingdao’s disappointment shook his head. "You are too weak, not my opponent at all, or let them go together."

Lingdao refers to the dragon warrior in the distance, whether it is 敖烨 or 敖皇, he is not in the eyes, only the proud dragon, butterfly dance and Qianhui understand, not the arrogance, but the dragon warriors, in In front of Lingdao, it is really not enough to see.

Aolong, Butterfly Dance and Qianhui agree that the Dragon King World is not the home of the Dragons, but the home of Lingdao. It is unwise to be the enemy in the Dragon King World and Lingdao. It can even be said that it is confused to the extreme. They even think that Lan Yuyu and other dragon warriors are too poor.

"Well, you are a personal kid, there is no dragon in your eyes. If you don't give you a color look, you still don't know how thick it is."

Lan Yuyu clenched his fists with both hands and punched it. The temperature of the five-meter radius suddenly dropped. He mastered the fifth level of ice origin, a pair of fists, like two icebergs. His punching speed is very slow, just like It is pushing two icebergs to make the iceberg crush the road.

At the beginning, Lan Yuyu did not use the blood dragon spirit, because his realm is higher than the Lingdao. He thinks that the first use of the blood dragon spirit is bound to Lingdao. He really wants to see, the two hundred and ten of Lingdao master. What is the blood dragon spirit of Zhang Zhang, who makes his blood dragon spirit only one hundred and ten feet long.

"Not self-reliant."

Lingdao right fist hit, blood dragon spirit seems to be integrated with his right arm, angry dragon roaring, deafening, his use of blood dragon spirit, not only surpassed the human warrior, but also surpassed the dragon warrior, even if it is Lan Yuyu and Emperor Huang are not as good as him.

The fist shadows were bloody, squatting on the two icebergs, causing the iceberg to collapse, and one piece of debris exploded. On the face of Lan Yuyu, a sneer appeared, all the pieces, turned into swords, and smashed toward Lingdao. The collapse of the iceberg is not a bad thing for him. His attack has just begun.

However, Lingdao did not care about the debris of the sky, but waved his right fist and played it again. The place where the fist shadow passed, one piece after another, turned into powder, he continued to advance, and finally, a fist hit the blue dragonfly. On the body of Yu, Lan Yuyu was in a hundred battles, at a critical moment, without fear, raised his left palm and hit the fist of Lingdao.


A burst of sound, the blue palm of the blue dragon, sputtered a lot of blood, Lingshen's body, this is tyrannical, after the addition of the blood dragon spirit, is not a blue 皓 能 comparable, blue 皓 哼 哼 哼, quickly retreat, his phalanx, all broken, bones and scorpions are clearly visible.

"Who are the two of them who are real dragons, isn't it true that the real dragons are the first in the body?"

"The Terran warriors of the peaks of the heavens and the real dragons of the Tianwang period are hard-hitting. The winners are actually the Terran warriors. Can it be said that the true dragons have already fallen?"

Listening to other people's whispers, the blue-eyed face is red, in fact, it is not that the blue body is not strong, but Lingdao's right fist is too powerful, Lingdao is the peak of the sky, but his right After the arm gains the bonus of Blood Dragon Spirit, it is absolutely comparable to the Heavenly King.

"Come back, I am different from you. I don't want to give you any color to look at. I just want to kill you and kill him alive."

In the eyes of Ling Dao, a flash of excitement and a confrontation with the real dragon seemed to inspire the militants in his body, let him boil, not waiting for Lan Yuyu to continue to shoot, he is to play the star eight steps, kill the past His right arm, with a **** glow, the way the wine princess taught him, is enough to make his right arm raise several small realms, but unfortunately, only in the Dragon Lord's world has this effect, out of the Dragon Lord The world is useless.

Another punch, the blood is soaring, the boxing force tears open the ice and snow, Lan Yuyu has to bite the scalp, continue to work with Lingdao, want to force out the ultimate fighting power of Lingdao, only to display a powerful school, otherwise, He is not an opponent of Lingdao at all.

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