The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 58: a hair

Last time in Yanyun, Lingdao mastered the fourth level of Yuanshi origin, recruited the penalty, the immortal incarnation of the immortal, the use of the immortality, it is the ridge of his rescue, this Lingdao masters the fifth level of the origin He appeared again, in order to save the Lingdao.

Whether it is the Dragon Warrior or the Terran Warrior, they are not aware of the old man standing in the sky. His cultivation is not comparable to the five great Heavenly Kings. Other warriors are far worse. He is a child, a pair of blind, vicissitudes. It is not turbid.

"Fortunately, it is in the world of the Dragon Lord. If it is in the heavens, there may be some immortals in person."

The source of power has a total of five levels. The fifth level of the origin of Yuan Yuan is the origin of Dacheng. Even if there are immortals, Lingdao has no place to reason. It can only be considered bad luck. The dragon is not the same as the world. It is just a small one. The world, the figure above the endless sky, is only the embodiment of the will of the immortal.

"The lord said that when the young master couldn't stop the punishment, he took out his hair."

In the hands of the old man, a hair appeared. He did not hesitate and threw it directly at the huge palm. The five great angels died. The purpose of Lingdao has already been reached. It is the best time to save the life of Lingdao. There is no problem, if it is a step later, maybe the ridge will be wiped out.

"Do not."

The proud dragon and Levin far exclaimed. Their attack did not have any effect on the huge palm. The eyes of the butterfly dance and Qianhui were full of urgency. Although they re-sworded, they understood that with their strength, They can't change anything at all. They are the best among the martial artists in the sky. They are still not enough to see in front of the sin.


It is just a hair, but like the same sword, the sword is extremely fast, and the silver sword light is like drowning in the heavens and the earth. It is on the huge palm, proud dragon, Lei Wenyuan, butterfly dance, Qianhui and Dong. The sound can't affect the huge palm, and the five great kings can't affect the huge palm, but now, a hair, cut off the huge palm.

"What kind of existence is there, a hair has such power."

Lingdao incredulously looked at the huge palm that was broken in half. Anyway, the sword demon was in Taikoo Shing. He was already mentally prepared for death, but he did not think that at the crucial moment, a hair saved him, and the five great kings were In front of the huge palms, they are as small as ants, and if they know that they can't even compare one's hair, they don't know what it will be.

Lei Wenyuan, Aolong, Butterfly Dance, Qianhui and Dong Wonderful, also widened their eyes. Unexpectedly, at the crucial moment, Lingdao still saved his life and survived. However, they were not happy because the penalty was not yet End, presumably, the next penalty is definitely more horrible.

"He hasn't died yet."

The warrior who hates Ling Dao’s face is disappointed. They want to witness the whole process of Ling Dao’s smog. As a result, the five great kings are all dead, and Lingdao has nothing to do. They can’t wait to kill Lingdao, but they Understand that you are not an opponent of Lingdao, you can only count on the penalty.

"Under the mortal, dare to destroy the things of the king of the king, this fairy king can not spare you."

Even the old man was shocked. He thought it was only the incarnation of the will of the immortal. He did not expect it to be the embodiment of the will of the immortal king. His strength is strong. However, if he and the king are opposite, then he is definitely not The opponent of Xianwang is not at all a level.

"I don't want to shoot anyway, the lord has always been strategizing, and there will be no problems."

He whispers to himself and has absolute confidence in his own master. Lingdao is the only son. The lord can't let Lingdao die under the punishment of the singer, the confrontation of the same generation of warriors, the lord does not care, the singer is to annihilate the road, the master certainly does not I agree, although I don’t know why the lord only gave him a hair, but I want everything to be in the master’s grasp.


The celestial incarnation of the immortal king's will is actually a combination of two kinds of celestial techniques, one is the scorpion hand, the other is the previous annihilation hand, the celestial king is angry, the scorpion collapses, the earth Indulging in the stagnation of the Milky Way, although it is only the will of the immortal king, but still has the power to destroy the land.

The huge palm of a line of lines carries the anger of the fairy king, descending from the sky, the clouds are like a snow and ice, the void is like a glass, and the sky is broken, and the celestial beings can be used to kill the heavens. It’s terrible.

The last time in Yanyun, the sacred image of the will of the immortal, is the supreme sacred technique of the ninety-nine kinds of celestial sorcerers. It is reasonable to say that it is even worse than the annihilation of the celestial hand, but unfortunately, the last time Sen Luo Wan, the fire is far from home, unlike the current Xian Wang, has already cultivated the heavens to destroy the immortal hand into the realm of Dacheng.

The hair that had previously cut off the huge palms, greeted the sky, like a peerless sword repair, holding a sword, killing for nine days, going forward, no matter whether it is the Buddhas in front, the group of demons, or the gods It’s going to be like a broken bamboo. In order to Lingdao, even if it kills the king, how?

The heavens and the earth seem to have lost their voices. The Terran and Dragon Warriors present at the scene cannot hear a single voice. A hair and a big hand are fighting together. They can’t see the specific situation and can only feel the destruction. The power, they are afraid, because of a aftermath, they can make them broken.

"If the king of the prince is only willing to come, he will already smash your body."

The huge palm broke into countless pieces and disappeared into the sky. The will of the king of the king was roaring, and the real anger was obviously moved. Unfortunately, the hair was still suspended in the air, whether it was a gust of wind or not. Rainstorms can't shake the will of a hair.

"Tell me, who are you, this fairy king will fight with you in a decisive battle, let you know the power of this fairy king, this fairy king will crush your avenue, destroy your heart, let you forever disappear."

Originally, the penalty was only to deal with a junior in Lingdao. Even if the five great kings of the dragon were added, it would not be worth mentioning for the incarnation of the king of the king. Who knows, the penalty was out of order, and I don’t know where it came out. One of the hairs was able to withstand his annihilation, and even broke his scorpion.

Unfortunately, the hair is still hair, there is no words, but once the immortal king's will is incarnation, the hair will fight back. The immortal king's will is very embarrassing, not to be shot, not willing, if he does, he is not sure to destroy the Lingdao. A hair makes him ride a tiger, and he has a dilemma and a headache.


In the end, it is still anger that overcomes reason. The immortal avatar of Xianwang is shot again, and one door after another, the celestial martial arts is played. The singularity is equivalent to the martial arts of the emperor. His attack is enough to destroy the dragon ridge. If it is a small world in general, I am afraid that the whole world will be destroyed.

The Dragon Lord is different in the world, because it is the little daughter of Zulong, and it is the blessing of Zulong. Zulong is definitely one of the most powerful peers in the wild, even the fairy king, in Zulong. In front of you, there is no difference between them and the ants.

A terrible battle, start again, but unfortunately, too far from the Lingdao, Lingdao can not see clearly, of course, if the Lingdao distance is too close, I am afraid that life is not guaranteed, whether it is the embodiment of the immortal king, or that hair, They can easily kill the Tianjun, and he will not see him.


Scorpio seems to really fall down in general, the earth shakes the mountain, the sky is dim, the light of the sun, the moon and the stars are all covered up by the battle above the endless sky. They don’t know how the battle is, they can only wait for the result, but their thoughts are not Similarly, some warriors hope that the will of the king will be won, and that the other warriors hope that the hair will win.

The immortal avatar wins, which means that Lingdao can't escape to death. That one's hair wins, which means that Lingdao has escaped, and the martial arts of the Seventh and the Emperor of the Immortal Palace must be ruthless. The Emperor and the Emperor Sisters are even thinking about whether to use the cards and kill the ridge.

"Damn, damn, lower mortal, you **** it."

The stars are trembling, and the will of the immortal king is snarling with anger. Lingdao secretly breathes a sigh of relief. If the will of the immortal king takes the upper hand, it will certainly not be the case. He can hear that the will of the immortal king has already Anxious, I can't beat the hair.


The sky seems to be cracked. The Tianlong Valley is finally restored to the light. The old man of Hefa’s face is clearly seeing that the will of the king of the king is divided into two. He has to sigh the strength of the master, just a hair. Destroy the will of the king.

"Under the mortal, if you have the courage, you will tell the Queen who you are."

The incarnation of the king of the immortal can't fight again. The only thing that can be done is to figure out who is the person who disturbs the punishment before the disappearance. He is high above, has unlimited life, and some is time to deal with the mortal genius, the will of the will, and The strength of his body differs by a hundred thousand miles.

"My grandfather has a hair, you can smash your will, you think you really have to fight my grandfather."

The old man of Hefa Tongyan vacated, and looked at the incarnation of the will of the immortal king. He is in a good mood now. The incarnation of the will of the immortal king is shackled, which means that the punishment of the prince is over, and the life of the young master is saved. How angry the king's will is, can't be how he or the young master.

"Hey, the frog at the bottom of the well, you can understand the power of this fairy king."

Even if the incarnation of the king of the immortal king is split in two, it is still incomparably arrogant, immortal, always high, not to put the strong of the lower bound in the eyes, the fairy world, always above the heavens, never changed, he is The fairy king of the fairy world can not put the mortal of the lower bound in his eyes.

"Xian Wang, is it amazing? My grandfather has not killed." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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