The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 70: Not at all soft

"You can't go, I will send you a ride, how do you feel."

The five heavenly kings on the stage of the heavenly stage have only advanced for twenty or thirty meters. Now they can be better. Lingdao will hit them hundreds of meters at any time, regardless of the pressure outside the body or the pressure inside the body. They can't afford it.

It’s just a blink of an eye. The five heavens will be bloodless. When they get to their current position, they want to move forward. It’s impossible. Even if it’s back, it’s still as slow as a snail. It can be said that Lingdao’s fist is abolished. They lost their five-day martial arts.

There are only one person in the boxing ring. After that, there is only one person in Lingdao. At his current speed, he wants to avoid all the attacks of the heavenly martial arts. It is impossible, there are boxing methods, there are palms, and even swords and swords. In front of the Lingdao.

The palms are thick, the punches are broken, and they are hitting Lingdao. It is like ringing the drums and sending out a dull bang. There are knives on the shoulders of Lingdao. There are swords stabbing in the chest of the road. Just, there is no imagination. The blood is splashing, and some are just like the sound of a weapon collision.

Lingdao coughed, not coughing blood, just breathing is not smooth, after all, the ability to embark on the prefecture-level platform of the heavens will be the peak of the military, not vegetarian, they are much more powerful than the average day, the peaks of the military, It is a pity that there is still a mountain in the mountains. They are far worse than the current Lingdao.


Looking at the sword on the Lingdao, the other day will take a breath of coldness and turn them into Lingdao, even if they don’t die, they will suffer heavy losses. However, Lingdao is unscathed and the knife is not flawed. Opening his shoulder, the sword did not pierce his flesh and blood.

You must know that the two kings will use all the weapons, even those who are in the late kings, may die under their swords. Although they have already seen the power of Lingdao, they still I think that Lingdao is a monster. It’s one thing to beat Lingdao. If you can’t hurt Lingdao, it’s totally different.

"The weapons of the land can't kill you, can't you still have your life?"

Ling Huxian’s face showed a sly smile, holding a spear in both hands and stabbing the neck of Lingdao. The weapon of the heavenly product was much more powerful than the weapon of the land. The body of Lingdao was even stronger. It is still impossible to counter the weapon of heaven, as long as he uses a spear to penetrate the neck of Lingdao, even if Lingdao is a genius, he still has to become a body.

The first trial has proved that the Lingdao is very powerful. In particular, Lingdao also repulsed the emperor of the Xiantang Palace in public. As long as Lingxian killed the Lingdao, it must rise sharply. Lingdao is more powerful, just him. The stepping stone, not to mention, Lingdao is very likely to become the apprentice of Lingjia, and killing Lingdao is equal to the removal of a future strongman of Lingjia.

Tianpin's spear is getting closer and closer to the Lingdao. In the eyes of Foxun, there is a flash of excitement. On the other day, the attack of the Fengwu Fengwu is on the body of Lingdao. No matter whether Lingdao is really not injured. , or fake, no injuries, must be in a hurry, too late to resist his killing.

"It is the Tianwu martial arts of Lingxiaoge, dripping water through the stone, making the fox constitution famous."

The children of Lingjia exclaimed, the match between Linghuxian and Lingdao, they must be on the side of Lingdao, the contradiction between Lingxiaoge and Lingjia, not a day or two, just a small fight, nothing happened. The large-scale war only, Ling Xiaoge taboo Lingjia the Great, Lingjia comprehensive strength is far less than Ling Xiaoge.

Tianpin martial arts dripping water through the stone, piercing the spear ninety-nine times in an instant, although the intensity of each attack, even the general day will be less powerful than the attack of the peaks, but ninety-nine times is completely different. Don't say that the heavens will not be able to stop the martial arts, and the ordinary kings will want to block them in the late period. It is also difficult to climb the sky.

"Shameless, the 18th Heavenly Emperor will fight against him. What is the skill, and the military of Ling Xiaoge will only be a dangerous person."

Just as they were arguing for Lingdao, Lingdao extended his right hand and seized the scorpion spear of Linghuxian. The speed of Lingdao was far worse than before. However, he mastered the fifth level of Yuanyuan origin. Just now, he derived the fifth level of the void source, and consumed the martial arts of Linghuxian.

Linghuxian’s spear is very close to Lingdao, less than a foot away. It’s just because of the source of the void. It seems to be a foot away. In fact, the distance of the spear of the sky is more than one foot. His feeling is that he is full of stab. A spear was thrown out, and no target was stabbed. The ninety-nine times of the spear of the celestial spear ended. The hand of Lingdao was locked like a steel tong.

"Impossible, it must be the way I opened my eyes, I will try again."

"Take your hand and pick up the weapon, and it’s still unharmed. You play."

No matter whether it is the children of Lingjia, or other people who are going to be in the sky, they have not seen what is going on. They mistakenly thought that Lingdao just reached out and blocked the killings of Linghuxian and seized the fox. The weapons of the constitution, they feel unrealistic, and they are forgiven. It is indeed unimaginable.

"Your weapon is mine."

Lingdao has made a strong effort, and the power of 80 dragons has erupted. So that the fox constitution is not an opponent at all. Normally, the limit of the strength of the martial arts is only the power of the nine dragons, and the power limit of the kings and kings. There are only ninety-nine talents.

In other words, the current power of Ling Dao has already been equal to that of the vast majority of the kings, and even the physical strength of the king of the kings is not as good as him. If he shows up again, he will rely on the physical strength. He can kill the martial arts of the kings and even kill the kings.

Linghuxian has only one weapon, and he is certainly not willing to let go. However, the power of Lingdao is too great, and the fox will be pulled over. Lingdao’s mouth is smashed, and then he grabs the spear of the sky. The land was rushing toward the prefecture-level platform, and the fox constellation had no time to react, so it fell to the ground.

The big trend is used to break through the martial arts of the Heavenly Kings. It is very sturdy, so that Foxing only feels that it is staring at Venus and dizzy. Other days, the Fengwu martial artists feel the vibration of the prefecture-level platform, even though they are not But they still feel a pain.

It can be clearly seen that the seven scorpions of Linghuxian are all bloody, and that the fox slaying is too embarrassing, and he has lost his hearing for a time. He is only holding a spear of heavenly products, and he is not dead. Lingdao raised the spear of the sun and squatted again, which is greater than the previous strength.

"Family, animals, I want to kill him."

The strong man from Ling Xiaoge, staring angrily at Lingdao, can't wait to slap the slap in the face, but unfortunately, he is in Tianling domain, Lingdao is in Tianwang domain, he wants to save the order, it is impossible. Lingjia has a star gate, but he dares to treat the things that Lingjia the Great has received as a child.

"I hope that you can find a small animal, if you dare to kill the fox, I have to kill you."

Speaking of it, he and Ling Huxian are still blood-related. It is his descendants. Of course he does not want to let the fox rule die. Lingdao is the last one to go to the Tianwang domain. He must know all the martial artists of Lingjia and can see the big trend. Unfortunately, he underestimated the guts of Lingdao, how could Lingxiaoge scare Lingdao.

"I don't know if you thought about it or not, and finally died under your own weapon."

Lingdao was too lazy to talk to Linghuxian. After the slaying of the sacred spear, he lifted the spear of the genius and squatted on the body of Linghuxian. The spear is used as a stick, and when the spear goes down, it is the smashing of the body of the fox, and the blood splashes on the spot.

"Do not,."

The strongman of Ling Xiao Ge was furious and stunned. Ling Dao actually dared to kill the murderer. The anger was that Ling Xiaoge lost a young genius. He deeply remembered Ling Dao. If Ling Dao did not become an apprentice of Ling Family. In the words, when Lingdao walked out of Lingjia, it was the death of Lingdao.

"If you want to kill me, you must be prepared to be killed."

After killing the sect of the fox, Lingdao is holding a spear of heavenly spirits and killing other martial artists. Lingdao is extremely keen on killing, and whoever wants to kill him, who is going to kill him, who is he? The next killer, although he did not learn how to use the spear, but relying on his physical strength, you can stab the death of the king.

The eighteen squadrons who shot him in the first place were first to be defended by the five princes. In the end, it is a one-sided battle.

The spear swept, the blood rain sprinkled, and there was a heavenly martial artist who was smashed by the sky, and was nailed to the void by the celestial spear, and there was a heavenly martial artist who was smashed from the top and bottom by the sky spear. The martial arts of the martial arts, the martial arts, are pierced by the body.

With the words of Linghuxian, the eight heavens will be killed by the martial arts, and the remaining five will be fallen on the ground, losing their power. Lingdao will not continue to shoot them, but On other days, the five martial artists who will be seriously injured by the martial arts will be thrown out of the big force.

Lingdao maintained the speed of the beginning, passed the general trend of the platform, and embarked on the trend of the Tianpin, he was the 19th to go to the trend of the Tiantai, but soon he surpassed one after another The sky will be the peak of the military, his speed is slow, however, what speed he is in the human level, what speed is still in the heavenly stage.


When he walked to the hundred meters, Lingdao did not have the slightest softness. He killed all the two heavenly martial artists who had previously wanted to kill him. The remaining three heavenly kings were born and died. He No, he will definitely pay the price when he shoots.

"No, isn't he really able to climb the holy stage, and it seems that there is no difficulty for him."

"The last one rushed to the big trend, the first to climb the holy stage, it is incredible." The first book from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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