The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 72: I am waiting for your challenge.

"what happened."

In the Lingjia guest strong, all dumbfounded, more than 500 warriors in the Tianwang domain, after rushing to the big trend, they just think that their heads are not enough, they can see that the warriors of the Tianwang domain look at the big stage The warrior, the look is extremely bad.

"Could it be that……"

There is a strong person who has fought a spirit, and thinks of a possibility, that is, the Lingjia Emperor has stolen the great platform of the Tianwang domain. The means of the Emperor, the inscrutable and thorough, can be done completely, just, so, The Heavenly Warriors on the big stage are not going to suffer.

The children of Lingjia’s face were weird. They wanted to laugh and didn’t dare to laugh. They were thinking, the first trial was a dead life, and the danger was heavy. Why was the second trial, there was no danger, now it seems that all the trips to the big platform The days of the martial arts, all of them were pitted. The second trial was not without danger, but it was not reflected before.

"Budget, which power are you, let your elders come out, it’s really awkward."

Tianzun of Zhentian Temple was so angry that he didn’t know how many years there were, and there was no big force to dare to attack the idea of ​​the big trend. I didn’t expect that they would let them meet today. What makes them angry is that there are 63 people. The Fengwu Warrior stood on the big platform, obviously wanting to rob the people of the big-level platform, the prefecture-level power station and the heaven-level power station.

One or two days will use the big force to break through the situation, and they can still accept that dozens of days will be the peak of the military to occupy the big trend, what is the meaning, there is no way to put their town Tiangong in the eyes, which power is the end So no one in sight.

"They even got on the stage of the Holy Land. Although there are only five places in the Holy Land, I feel that the five places are just a display. Among us, we can be on the stage of the Holy Land. I am afraid that only the Situ brothers. ""

"It should not be the warrior of our kingdom. Otherwise, we can't be impressed at all. It is impossible to be on the stage of the great stage. It is impossible to be silent, but we don't know which territory they came from and which emperor. ”

The 63 most famous people on the big stage are the most prominent people. They are definitely the Lingdao on the stage of the holy level. Whether it is the disciple of Zhentiangong or other disciples of the Tianwang domain, they all know that they are on the holy level. The difficulty of the big platform is very big. The Situ brothers they said are the first day of the town.

"Your elders are so courageous, throwing you on the big platform, will you care about you? If so, then you can go back and forth."

One of them, Tian Zun, pointed to Ling Dao. If he wants to be able to board the holy stage, he should be the leader of all the warriors on the stage. Unfortunately, he does not know that the generals on the stage will come from different places. The forces, just because of the things that the Emperor Ling’s Emperor received, gathered together.

"What do you want to ask."

When the disaster is over, it is possible to die at any time. Lingdao still does not change his color. Calm and calm, it is a curse, but he is frightened and has no effect. Besides, Lingjia is the apprentice, sending them over, it is impossible for them all. Life may be dangerous, but it is certainly not dead.

“It’s a young man who can climb the ranks of the great stage. It’s very comparable.” Tian Zun of Zhentiangong praised, and then it was a turn of the words. “Tell me, which power are you, who will It’s a crime to be sent to the tyranny of the Tiangong of my town. You don’t know.”

From the Ling family, the Tianfeng Fengwu people can now be sure that they are being pitted by the Lingjia Emperor. The second trial is more dangerous than the first trial. They know that they will take the initiative to withdraw from the second. Forty-nine of the trials in the field will be the same as the Fengwu soldiers, at least to save their lives.

"I used to be a disciple of the four powers. Later I was expelled from the sect. Now I don't belong to any power. You want to know which other people are. Ask me if it is useless. I am not a force with them."

Lingdao truthfully said that the Tianfeng martial arts on the big stage is not a heart at all. Even if he is arbitrarily made, he will definitely reveal the stuffing. Unfortunately, he said that the disciples of Zhentiangong and the other forces of Tianwang domain do not believe at all. Tianzun’s Tianzun is even more unbelievable.

"Even if it is our town Tiangong, it is not an easy task to find a disciple who can climb the ranks of the great stage. You said that you are a disciple of the four powers. Is such a ridiculous lie, will anyone believe it? Are you stupid, or are you fooling us?"

"Don't dare to say that you are from any emperor's power. If you want to say that you are a disciple of the four powers, are you insulting your power? If you have the courage to come to the kingdom to **** the big platform, don't you dare to admit it?" ”

In the Tiantian Palace and other disciples in the Tianwang domain, you said a word, sneer, they did not hope to climb the stage of the Holy Land. As a result, they stood on the platform of the Holy Land, but they said they were disciples of the four powers. Isn't it a change to say that they are waste?

"Oh, the little devil, you think about it, you still want to know that we can't make it. If you honestly say your own origin, we may put you in a horse. Your future achievements are limitless. You definitely don't want to die in the king." Domain, know the time person is Junjie, have you not heard of it."

It is also a threat, a compliment, and a threat. If it is not a special situation, Tianzun has already taken the lead, and will not talk to Lingdao, the human-level platform, the prefecture-level platform, and the Tiantai platform. At the holy level, only the heavens will be able to go up, and Tianzun will not.

"I am telling the truth, I believe it or not."

Lingdao no longer takes care of the Tianzun of the Tiangong Temple, but keeps moving forward. I don’t know if he said that he has no heart, or that he does not know how to live or die, or that he said that he is timid, anyway, his mind is placed. On the stage of the Holy Order, because the more he is ahead, the pressure he feels is greater.

"He is a disciple of the four powers, joking, how can we not even have a four-powered disciple."

It’s no wonder that the kings of the kings don’t believe, even the heavens on the big stage don’t believe in the peaks. They have seen the singularity of the singer in Tianlong Valley. On the big stage, Lingdao once again won them, saying that Lingdao is the four powers. Disciples, they don’t believe one hundred.

"I am the emperor of the Immortal Palace, you better not mess."

The old seven of Xianyi Palace quickly carried out his identity. The strong man of Zhentiangong was even more courageous. He certainly did not dare to kill him. He finally found a sense of superiority. I am afraid that he alone is the only one on the stage. It is the emperor, on the birth, other people simply can't match him.

"School of the Immortal Palace, can you say that you really come from different forces, but what about the disciples of Xianyi Palace? Can you still scare us into failure, steal the power of the Tiangong of my town and kill innocent people."

A Tiandi Jingdi disciple of Zhentian Temple laughed. The Xianyi Palace is the emperor's power. The town Tiangong is not what it is. The old seven of the Xiantang Palace did not think that his identity would not work at all. Seventh even more unexpected, the disciples of Zhentiangong will be wrong, he said that the emperor, others mistakenly thought it was a disciple.

Immediately afterwards, all the forces of the emperor's forces will be able to tell their own origins. They think very simple. The town Tiangong is just a emperor's power. They represent dozens of emperors. It is impossible for Tiangong to offend dozens of emperors at the same time.

Sure enough, the Tianzun of the Tiantian Temple changed his face, and their faces were surprised, angry, and incomprehensible. Surprisingly, Lingdao did not lie to them. The anger was that there were so many emperors who would not The rules of the Temple of Heaven are on the mind, and it is incomprehensible who is organizing them together.

Obviously, the Tianfeng who is on the big stage is not the most powerful force of the emperor. If the emperor forces really want to steal the power of the Tiangong, why not the most outstanding days. Send the martial arts to the martial arts.

"I don't care which power you come from. As long as you are down now, I can never be embarrassed. Otherwise, no matter which power disciples you are, don't want to leave the kingdom, or die in the kingdom, or your elders will come up with enough Lingshi, redeemed you."

All the heavens on the big stage will not break through. Now, there is no loss in the Tiantian Palace. It is not the Tianzun of the Tiantian Palace that does not want to pursue it. It is really difficult to start. Fortunately, they take advantage of it, if it is on the stage. The Tianjun dynasty martial arts martial arts do not know the current affairs, they do not mind to do it.

"A big tone, Zhen Tiangong is really a prestige, even the emperor does not care."

The old seven angry martyrdom of Xianyi Palace, in the Dragon Lord's world, Lingdao will not put his emperor's identity in the eyes, then how to say, Lingdao is a peerless genius, strong strength is outrageous, now If you are a disciple of a town, you dare not put him in the eye. It is really deceiving.

"Emperor, you said that you are a prince, you are making jokes, and the disciples of the four powers of the people are on the stage of the holy level. You are still at the stage of the heavens, when we are stupid."

One of Tiantian’s Tianjing’s disciples smirked, and the old seven of Xianyi Palace felt that they were black in front of them, and almost fainted in the past. When they first arrived at Lingjia, what was the sentiment of the Xianqi Palace’s old seven, now he is Like a madman, Xianyi Palace, the old seven hate the town Tiangong disciple, hate Lingdao, everything is the fault of Lingdao.

"Either shut up, or come over and play, I will wait for you to challenge on the Holy Stage."

When the Ling family came over, the Tianfeng martial arts were also good, and the warriors of the Tianwang domain were all focused on Lingdao’s body. The disciples of the Tiantian Palace all glared at Lingdao, and they were despised by a four-powered disciple. On the big stage, the heavens and the martial arts are even more shocked and unable to speak. How to be in the territory of others is still as arrogant as ever.

PS: The update has been late in recent days. Sorry, I will correct it tomorrow.

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