The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 88: Duanmu Emperor


Ling Jianhao cold drink, a strong shot, a sword out, killing the wind, cold wind, swords and shadows, sand and dust, the Lone Star Taoist even let the Tiantian of the Tiangong Temple kill a small class, it is really deceiving too much, Ling Jianhao May sit and watch.

Whether it is the first trial or the second trial, Ling Dao is the only one who leads the competition. It is far superior to other warriors. Ling Jianhao thinks that Lingdao has become the apprentice of Lingjia Dadi, at least 80%, if Ling Ling The road died in the king of heaven, and the thing that the Ling family received was too failed.

How terrible the Daojun’s shot was, and how fast it was. Originally, Lingdao also planned to use the stone carving to resist the attack of Tian Tianzun in the town. Who knows, he has not reacted yet, and the Tianzun who shot him is divided into two. It’s too easy to splatter the sky and kill the gods.


The eyes of the Lone Star Master are getting bigger and bigger, and he is shocked. Ling Jianhao should not dare to shoot. Ling Jia certainly did not think about fighting with Tian Tian Gong. He wants to kill a junior. Ling Jianhao will definitely give him a face. However, The facts are not the same as what he thinks. Ling Jianhao not only intervened, but also the life of the Tiangong Temple.

"In the face of the Lord, kill the Tianzun of the Tiangong Temple in my town, huh, huh..." The face of the Lone Star Master is very cold, and anyone can feel his anger. "If you were to know the time, you have a lot of people." You can leave you alone. Now, you don’t want to leave."

If the Lone Star Doctrine is the strongest Taoist in the Tianwang domain, it will certainly be controversial. However, it is said that the Lone Star Doctrine is the highest-ranking Taoist in the Tianwang domain. There will be no disputes. The sky is dark, the lightning is thundering, and the murder is desperate, just like hell.

A Daojun, a Tianzun, plus dozens of Heavenly Kings and Heavenly Juniors, can’t be the opponents of the Lone Stars. The Lone Stars did not kill them. They have already given them to Lingjia. The face of the great emperor, of course, in his heart, Lingjia can let him give face, only Lingjia the Great.

"Please enlighten the Great."

Ling Jianhao did not argue with the Lone Star Taoist. It is not important to take no reason. The important thing is strength. Although he does not play against the Lone Star Dominion, he can feel the power of the Lone Star Dominator. Moreover, after all, he is in Heaven. In the domain, the town Tiangong can be more than a Taoist star.

He took all the salutes and took out a decree. It was given to him by the Emperor Lingjia. With his current strength, he couldn’t kill him in the Tiangong Palace, let alone the Tianwang domain. The Emperor’s decree was his card. Let him have absolute confidence and take away all younger generations.

The emperor is pervasive, like the fall of the Milky Way, the collapse of the sky, the sinking of the world, and the singularity of the Lone Stars. It is hard to think that Ling Jianhao will have the decree of the Emperor, the terrible pressure, and the world, whether it is the young warrior of the Tianwang domain. It is also the Tianzun of Zhentian Temple, one by one.

Lonely star is first nervous, then fear, and finally unwilling, let alone take Ling Jianhao, even if they want to stand in the void, it is a luxury. When Lingjia is in the Taoist, he can compete against the emperor. Now he proves Cheng Emperor, even the Emperor's decree, can suppress the Lone Star Taoist, let him kneel on the ground, unable to move.

"My family asked me to bring you a sentence, Duanmu Emperor, the big power station is what you owe to the emperor."

The Duanmu, which is said by the Emperor Lingjia, is of course the Duanmu Emperor of the Tiantian Palace. It involves the Emperor. Even if it is a lonely star, it is still impossible to be the master. The Lone Star Taoist is only the brother of Duanmu Emperor, and can’t represent Duanmu Emperor, the Virgin. The same is true of His Highness.

In the void, a huge pair of eyes are gathered together. Duanmu Lone Star and Duanmuzhen recognize it. It is the eyes of Duanmu Emperor. The purpose of Lingjia Emperor is too fluctuating. It is difficult to draw the attention of Duanmu Emperor, just Lingjia Emperor did not personally attend the scene, and Duanmu Emperor would not appear.

"Hey, they kill the Tianzun of my town's Tiangong, they can't let them go, and they still bully me, so you have to be the daughter."

Previously, Duanmuzhen did not say a word because she understood that the battle between Daojun and the Taoist master could not be inserted, but now it is different. Duanmu Emperor noticed the matter here, as long as Duanmu Emperor was willing to take the shot and crushed Lingjia. The decree of the Great Emperor is certainly not a problem. In Duanmuzhen’s heart, Duanmu Emperor is omnipotent and the most powerful existence in the world.

Duanmu Emperor loved Du Muzhen, and Zhentiangong knew both above and below. Otherwise, he would not develop Duanmuzhen’s arrogance and arbitrariness. In the past, Duanmuzhen said that someone had bullied her. Duanmu Emperor definitely said nothing, first help her out. No matter who is right or wrong, the Duanmu Emperor helped his daughter anyway.

"Zhen, don't mess around, let them go."

Her Royal Highness is very proud, because she believes that Duanmu Emperor will not let Lingdao and others, but the words of Duanmu Emperor let her stay on the spot, the development of things, and Duanmuzhen think completely different, Duanmu Emperor How could Lingdao and others leave the Tianwang domain?

Duanmu Emperor's eyes are complicated. After all, he is a gambling affair with Lingjia Emperor. Although he thinks that Lingjia Emperor deliberately digs into the pit to design him and let him lose, but loses, he can't be bright and honest, Lingjia the Great makes young The warrior used the big power station, and Duanmu Emperor knew it.

However, when Tianzun and the young warriors of Zhentian Temple were looking for Lingdao’s troubles, Duanmu Emperor did not care at all. Duanmu Emperor’s heart was resentful, and it was impossible to take the initiative to help them. It’s good to close one eye, who knows Lingdao, they not only did not suffer, but also accounted for a big bargain.

"The family owner also asked me to bring a sentence. Since the Duanmu Emperor does not continue to hide, let them use the Star Gate of the Tiangong Temple. I think the Emperor will not mind."

Ling Jianhao said with a hard scalp that although the owner explained it well in the morning, it was still frightening to fight against a great emperor. Especially in the last sentence, I felt that the scalp was numb. If the Duanmu Emperor was not happy, he could His life, the king's vitality is stronger, encountering the great emperor, still no different from the ants.

A pair of eyes in the void, like the volcano that is about to erupt, the Lingjia Emperor did not appear, even to the Duanmu Emperor's work as a master, and the Lingjia Emperor confrontation, Duanmu Emperor never prevailed, fortunately with Duanmu Emperor Temperament, after all, will not be compared with a group of juniors.


The sound of Duanmu Emperor, the warrior on the battleship, the west of the warrior, the Duanmu Lone Star and Duanmuzhen face each other, they have never seen Duanmu Emperor so eaten, originally Duanmuzhen still wants to spoil, but now instinctively closed his mouth, want to come Duanmu Emperor is definitely not feeling well.

In front of Lingdao and others, there was a star gate, which just happened to lead to the Tianling domain. Ling Jianhao did not dare to stop. He quickly collected the imperial decree, urged the warship, and drove into the star gate. Only when they really left the kingdom, they were in their hearts. Only to be practical, but fortunately at the crucial moment, Lingjia the Great is reliable.

"There is a last word from the owner. Duanmu Laofu, you know that you will play with the younger, really shameless."

Only when I really face the Great Emperor, I know the horror of the Great Emperor. Even if I don’t see the real body of Duanmu Emperor, I still let Ling Jian’s heart be frightened. The last sentence of Ling’s Emperor will definitely be arrogant to the Duanmu Emperor. The three words are to scare Ling Jianhao.

At least the first two sentences are still called the end of the wood emperor, the third sentence turned out to be called Dumumu old man, Rao is Ling Jianhao self-confessed daring, still feels dry mouth, heart plopping and jumping, in front of the emperor's face Insulting the Great, it is simply looking for death, but I don’t know why, Ling Jianhao feels very irritating.


A pair of eyes in the void suddenly turned into hundreds of thousands of thunder, and slammed down, like tearing open the sky, shaking the earth, a warrior could not help but look up at the sky, did not know what happened, Duanmu Lone Star and Duanmuzhen trembled, and other warriors were pale.

Zhentian Temple has a huge palace, magnificent and ancient vicissitudes, as if it existed in ancient times, it is called the Emperor's Temple. Therefore, as long as the Emperor's Temple is innocent, the Tiantian Palace can be passed down safely. Historically, only the Great Emperor and the Emperor. Only qualified to live in the Imperial Palace.

However, just today, at this time, the Emperor’s Temple suddenly exploded. Fortunately, the Emperor’s Temple was not built with ordinary materials, but it was covered with the Great Order. Otherwise, such a strong fluctuation is afraid that it will be Half a town Tiangong was blown up.

"what happened."

"Is it the Imperial Palace?"

At the same time, I don’t know how many warriors there are, and I’m looking for the place where the Emperor’s Temple is located. I don’t want to rush into the Emperor’s Hall to find out what’s going on, but unfortunately they don’t dare, but the elders are like the old ones, regardless of Because of the things of the Great, they can’t turn their mouths.

When Ling Jianhao took out the decree of the Emperor, he had the elders of the Tiantian Temple and noticed them. However, after the Duanmu Emperor intervened, they did not see anything, especially Ling Jianhao’s last sentence, they did not listen to anything. To.


The emperor's palace echoed the roar of the Duanmu Emperor. Fortunately, it did not spread out, and it could not affect other warriors of the Tiantian Palace. When he remembered the previous species and combined with the previous events, he was not very angry. If Lingjia the Great was present, he It is necessary to fight with the Lingjia Emperor for three days and three nights.

"Hey, you have to accept the apprentice, then you will be free."

In the pair of scorpions of Duanmu Emperor, there is a chilly luster, which seems to be able to freeze the world of one side. The Emperor of Lingjia has only experienced two trials. There must be a third trial. He only needs to test in the third game. Refining the hands and feet, you can let the Lingjia Emperor eat a big loss.

He certainly will not personally take the shot, and the future apprentice of the Lingjia Emperor is of course to let his apprentices get the best. Even if the Emperor Lingjia knows the truth, he can only eat dumb and eat Huanglian, and he can’t say it.

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