The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 116: Withered sword

Yu Yuanzhuo deliberately pursued Dong Miaoyin. First, he found Lei Wenyuan, then found Lingdao, and Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, and Aolong. There are six goals. In addition to one key goal, the other five goals are all in the Holy Class. The breakthrough on the big stage, not to mention the 12 goals in the distance.

If the 18 targets of the audience are all killed, his credit will definitely be the biggest. He still does not know that Ye Xin and Cao Yangde are already dead. No matter how many targets he kills, as long as he can return to Zhentian Temple, His credit is the biggest, no one is robbing him.

"You actually found three, how did I find one, or was chased by people all the way, really shame."

After seeing Lingdao, Lei Wen finally breathed a sigh of relief. Lingdao, Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, and Aolong are all there. Plus him and Dong Miaoyin, he has to deal with Yuan Yuanzhuo. He wants to come to no problem. When he goes to Tianyu, he tries. It’s a pity that he has played with Yu Yuanzhuo.

"I don't need your help, I can beat him."

Dong Miaoyin said with anger, did not expect that Yuan Yuanzhuo pursued her, she actually used her, the purpose is to find Lingdao, Tianpin Guqin suspended in front of her, a pair of jade hands gently placed on the strings, when she began to move At the time of the strings, the original silent battlefield, sizzling in an instant, shaking the mountains and rivers.

Thousands of musical notes, turned into a cavalry, Jin Ge iron horse, went to the impact of Qi Yuanzhuo, Wanma galloping, spears broken, the momentum is like a rainbow, the smoke is rolling, they exhale, they pierce the spear, They shouted to kill the earthquake, Dong Miaoyin was obviously serious, and broke out the power of far more than the same border warriors.

"Do you think that the same realm can defeat me?"

When Yuan Yuanzhuo decided to follow the vines, he thought that he had to deal with several genius situations. If he had no absolute confidence, he would not dare to do this. He did not expect that Dong Miaoyin would be arrogant enough to fight with him alone, just to him. First remove the opportunity of Dong Miaoyin.

"Broken sword."

His hands were pinched, the sword was shining, the blue sword appeared, and the handle appeared one after another. The music played by Dong Miaoyin was very powerful. The same was the sword of his sword. The same is true. Repressing his realm to the peak of the heavens is still not comparable to Dong Miaoyin.

Ba Tian Zun and Feng Feng Tian Jun, absolutely different, Qi Yuanzhuo has eight Tianfu, even if the dream emperor closed his Tianfu, he can still crush Dong Miaoyin, to deal with Dong Miaoyin, he did not even mean Yuan Zhuojian. If the sword can't beat Dong Miaoyin, then he might as well kill him.

A handle with a blue sword, killing the cavalry camp, the confrontation between the sword and the spear, the contest between the sword and the music, the blue sword, gradually changing color, turning into gray, just like the green leaves, falling from the tree, gradually changing Yellow, eventually melted into the soil and completely melted.

Like a plague, thousands of cavalry, and the blue sword became the same gray, Dong Miaoyin's melody, did not hurt Qi Yuanzhuo, not only that, the gray sword and the gray cavalry, also turned into a The torrent, reverse impact Dong Miaoyin.

When the flood started, the big waves rolled, and Dong Miaoyin was just about to play other pieces of music, which was drowned in the torrent. It was just an instant confrontation. Dong Miaoyin was defeated, not to mention the twelve young people in the distance. Warriors, even Lingdao and others, are all dignified.

Ling Dao thought that the same realm, Xianliugong Laoliu and Qi Yuanzhuo are quite equal. He can defeat the Xianliugong Laoliu. It is not a problem to defeat Yuyuanzhuo. However, it seems that Zhu Yuanyuan is stronger than he imagined. He underestimated Qian Yuanzhuo. Strength.

Dong Miaoyin is full of black hair, his mouth is bleeding, his left hand is holding his chest, the power of the sword is already in her body. If she continues to fight with Yuan Yuanzhuo, she is afraid that there is only one dead road, and Levin is in the sky. The domain lost to Qi Yuanzhuo. She thought that Lei Wenyuan’s strength was not good. Now she knows that she is too strong.

Qian Hui and Butterfly Dance looked at each other and saw the other party's doubts. When they were in Tianwang domain, they and Qi Yuanzhuo started to work. They were three lower realms than Yu Yuanzhuo. They just beat Yu Yuanzhuo and were not crushed by Qi Yuanzhuo. Now the same realm, I feel that Yuan Yuanzhuo is more powerful.

"You don't want to shoot first, let me play with him first. The Duanmu Emperor was mad at the last time, and he didn't go to the Lingjia Emperor. He sent an apprentice to kill us. I really don't know how he became the Great. of."

The strength of Qi Yuanzhuo has inspired the fighting desire of the proud dragon. Lingdao did not intervene. The dragon wants to fight, let the dragon fight, anyway, he has a crush, can save the proud dragon at a critical moment, not to mention the strength of the proud dragon. How strong, he didn't know.

When the chaos of the ancient world was in the battle for the battle, the strength of the proud dragon was not fully demonstrated. Just like Lei Wenyuan, the last time he killed Ye Xin, thanks to Lei Wenyuan, the strength of Lingdao alone. If you want to kill Ye Xin, you can only send Ye Xinyin to Tiancheng.

"Sixty-four swords."

Without temptation, the proud dragon came up with the sword of the dragon, turned into sixty-four handles, the sword array was like a wheel, the speed of rotation, the vacuum, the process of fighting Yuan Yuanzhuo and Dong Miaoyin. All the dragons looked in the eyes, if he If you dare to be willing, you may lose the same as Dong Miaoyin.

Qi Yuanzhuo sneered, his right hand slammed out, five fingers like a five-handed sword, and at the same time fallen, let the proud dragon's sword violently sway, almost scattered, swords, the sword of the sky, from the metaphor of Qian Yuanzhuo Overflow, like a raindrop, hit the sword of the proud dragon.

At the same time, Zhai Yuanzhuo’s left hand attacked and pointed to the sword, a huge sword mans, descending from the sky, kneeling on the sword array of the proud dragon, a loud noise, sixty-four swords smashed, swordsman dissipated, proud dragon face A change, quickly urging the only one of the dragon swords, to go to Yuan Yuanzhuo.


斩龙剑 is like a sacred beast, opened a huge mouth, to swallow 裴元卓, but unfortunately, 裴元卓 looks calmly, both hands play at the same time, like a double sword out of the sheath, Jianguang is three kilometers, just an instant, the dragon sword is At a faster speed, I flew out and did not hurt a hair.

Without waiting for the proud dragon to recall the dragon sword, Qi Yuanzhuo was killed in front of the proud dragon, kicked to the body of the proud dragon, even if it was the leg of the Yuan Zhenzhuo, it was like a sword, the sharpness of the dragon, the response of the dragon was very fast. The right hand grasped the scabbard of the dragon sword, resisting the offensive of Qi Yuanzhuo.

The proud dragon only felt the pain in his right hand. It seemed to be suffering from a thousand knives. His body was backwards, his right hand was bloody, and the blood-stained phalanx was exposed. It was only a moment of confrontation. He lost to Dong Yuanzhuo like Dong Miaoyin.

His injury is not heavy. The time of persistence is longer than that of Dong Miaoyin. It is not that he is much more powerful than Dong Miaoyin. However, Dong Miaoyin has been injured in the body. In order to avoid the doubts of Dong Miaoyin, Yuan Yuanzhuo must injure Dong Miaoyin. However, Qian Hui, Butterfly Dance and Ling Dao do not know it.

"Don't do it, let me come and compare him."

The third thing to be shot is Qian Hui. Ling Dao and Butterfly Dance nodded. Qi Yuan Zhuo has been treated as a sparring by them. Fortunately, Yu Yuanzhuo did not refuse. He thought that he would first injure Lingdao and others one by one, then Killing them again is obviously much simpler. If they are joining forces in the heyday, they will definitely not be able to deal with them.

"Under the defeat, how, do you still want to be a shame before snow." Yuan Yuanzhuo refers to the last battle in Tianwang and Qianhui. If it is not Lingdao, maybe Qianhui is already dead under his sword. "You I thought the same realm is my opponent."

Zhai Yuanzhuo once again displayed the dry sword seal, but it was different from the time when he was dealing with Dong Miaoyin. Only a sword with a green skill drove him to the front of Qianhui. The battlefield was like a blue color, and there were leaves everywhere. The grass is everywhere, and the vines are flying.

However, in the twinkling of an eye, the sword became gray, and everything was silent. It was like crossing from spring to autumn, a reincarnation, a change in life and death. Qianhui only felt an inexplicable force that invaded her and made her face white. She bit her teeth and quickly got out of the sword.

"The big freedom is the sword."

With the swords and seals, from birth to death, Qianhui’s great self-defense swordsmanship is to evolve the mountains and rivers, the towering ancient trees, the mountains and flowers, the insects, the birds flying, the beasts, and the vitality. With the sword and the death of life, it is the way that Qianhui thinks.

Qianhui is very clever, and the wisdom of the sword can be greatly reduced. Unfortunately, what she masters is not the source of life. The gray sword carries the power of the world and turns to her. The same cultivation, the power of Qi Yuanzhuo, must More than a thousand benefits, even if the Qian Hui lift sword blocked the gray sword, still retreat.

With 13 footprints left, Qian Hui was able to stabilize his body shape. However, Qi Yuanzhuo did not give him a chance to breathe. His hands were shot at the same time, Jianguang was up, Qian Huiqiang took a breath, and he swung his sword again. The swordsmanship has evolved a variety of weapons, swords and axes, and spears...

Qi Yuanzhuo's shot speed is getting faster and faster, so he can't see his palm at all. He doesn't use the palm of his hand or the sword, but he uses his hand as a sword. The dream kingdom suppresses his realm, but he The flesh is still the body of the tyrants, even if Lingdao and he are far worse than the flesh, let alone Qianhui.


One piece of weapons was crushed, and Yuan Yuanzhuo continued to move forward. It was getting closer and closer to Qianhui. After a palm and a palm, playing on Qianhui’s body, Qianhui’s armor had already appeared in a small pit. Qianhui took the initiative to retreat because she had already blocked Can not live the offensive of Yu Yuanzhuo.

Just as Lingdao was ready to start, the butterfly dance gave him a look. She didn’t say anything, but Lingdao understood what she meant. After Dong Miaoyin, Aolong and Qianhui, the butterfly dance was ready to start. Lost to Yu Yuanzhuo, there is no such thing as a match with Yu Yuanzhuo.

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