The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 121: Ready to do

When Yuan Yuanzhuo dealt with Lingdao, there were twelve young warriors hiding in the distance, but now, only eight of them are alive, the other four are dead in the hands of other warriors, and the other twelve young warriors are dead. More, only two out of the big dream Qianqiu Cave.

Lingdao, Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Aolong, Lei Wenyuan, Dong Miaoyin are not dead, plus they are 16 people, 30 people, 16 people, the mortality rate is less than half, you can Accepted, after all, in addition to the danger of the dream king itself, there is also the pursuit of the Emperor Duanmu Emperor.

"Fortunately, they are fine, it is hard to be a family owner who has long been able to escape."

Even if Ling Jianhao valued them very much, they still thought that Lingdao did not encounter the apprentice of Duanmu Emperor. Even if they tried to suppress the disciples of Duanmu Emperor to the peak of the king, they still had no problem, even if Lingdao said to him. The two disciples of Duanmu Emperor have already died in the dream world. He will not believe at all. If it is not the symbol of Menghuangdao, it will be the same as Cao Yangde and Ye Xin.

Ling Jianhao’s impression of Lingdao is still in the big trend of Tianwang. He just thinks that Lingdao’s talent is not enough. However, he does not feel that Lingdao’s strength is so powerful. After all, it’s just a group of juniors, but they can’t stop Tianzun’s. one hand.

If he did not misread, the one who stood next to the Lone Star Roadmaster was Tianzun, and it was not the ordinary Tianzun. The last time Ling Jianhao saw the saint of the Tiantian Temple in the Tianwang domain, too naive Dumuzhen, but Yu Yuanzhuo gave him The feeling is even stronger than Duanmuzhen.

"The strong man of Zhentiangong has already been eyeing us. Next, you must follow me closely. The Lone Star Master will personally come out. If you are not obedient, I am not sure to protect you."

The emperor is terrible, and the emperor's younger brother can't be underestimated. On the blood, the Lone Star Master is definitely not as good as the Emperor. Even if Duanmu Emperor becomes an emperor, his blood will still have no effect on him. However, Duanmu Emperor can personally point him. The cultivation resources of Zhentian Temple can completely make him squander.

Ling Jianhao is Lingjia's genius is not fake, but, compared with Duanmu Lone Star, weak, the difference between Daojun and Daoist is great, Ling Jianhao can't beat Duanmu Lone Star, don't look at Ling Jianhao's seemingly calm, in fact his In the eyes, there has been a slight panic.

If Lingdao died in the dream world, the fault is not in him, but now they are out, Lingjia the Great let him protect them, if Lingdao they are killed, it is his responsibility, he does not want to Lingdao them Something, even more do not want to live up to the trust of Lingjia the Great.

"It is also the strongest of the Tiantian Palace. They are finished in the end, and they have to deal with a group of predecessors in the predecessor of the kingdom.

"The Taoist personally went out and really could see us. If the Tiantian Palace really has the ability, why don't you find the trouble of the Lingjia Emperor, take us out, what is the matter."

Aolong and Lei Wenyuan complained that Ye Xin, Cao Yangde, and Yuan Yuanzhuo had already shot too much. They did not expect that the Lone Star Taoist would have come over in person. If the realm is too low, they must and the Lone Star Road. The Lord’s big fight can’t be done, and he’s a shameless person.

"Wine, in front of the Lord, can you pull them into your little world?"

Lone Star Taoist personally shot, Lingdao did not put all hope on Ling Jianhao's body, in case the Lone Star Master took Ling Jianhao, or killed Ling Jianhao, they could not escape, not to mention, there is also a domineering Yuan Zhuo, In the real world, they are not the opponents of Yu Yuanzhuo.

"No, if I use a small world in front of the Taoist, the Taoist can find my little world and even rush in."

The Princess of Wine shook his head and silenced Ling Dao. If the Lone Star Taoist rushed into the small world of the Princess of Wine, Ling Dao could not save the butterfly dance and other people, but also the Princess of the Wine and Ruo Xue, Ling Dao. Can sacrifice for the butterfly dance and others, but he does not want to drink the princess.

"Don't worry too much, the three trials are over. The homeowner will choose the apprentice among you. It will definitely not let you die in the Tianmeng domain. There is a strong person in the town Tiangong to kill you. Is there no strong person in our Lingjia? Save you."

Ling Jianhao smiled and comforted. In fact, Lingjia will not have a strong person to come. He has no bottom in his heart. Anyway, he will first stabilize the 16 young warriors and say that the Lingjia family may have guessed the current situation, but How to solve it, Ling Jianhao did not know, the mind of the owner, Ling Jianhao certainly can not guess, not even a little bit of eyebrows.

One young warrior is relieved, the town Tiangong has a Taoist, Lingjia is not without, Duanmu Emperor has a younger brother, Lingjia Emperor and his brother, it is said that the brother of Lingjia Dadi is a very powerful Taoist, if If he is willing to come, he will definitely be able to block Duanmu Lone Star.

Of course, they are only guessing. They have never seen the brother of Lingjia Dadi, and they do not know that the brothers of Lingjia Dadi and the brothers of Duanmu Emperor are stubborn and weak. Even if they fight in front of them, they don't know who is better.

Ling Jianhao is at the forefront. They are behind Ling Jianhao. The Lone Star Master and Zhai Yuanzhuo have already set off, chasing them far away. Zhai Yuanzhuo has a dragon pedigree, and he is not afraid of Lingdao. They are not able to keep up with Ling Jianhao. The speed, but the Lone Star Master can catch up.

What Lone Star Master and Yuan Yuanzhuo do not understand is that Ling Jianhao’s speed is very slow, just like the Heavenly King’s Warrior, even if they are stalking Ling Linghao, there is no problem, let alone the Lone Star Master and Zhai Yuanzhuo, they even I wonder if there is an ambush in front. Is there a strong family waiting for them?

"The Taoist, you said that there is a trap in the medicine that he sold in the gourd."

Qi Yuanzhuo asked carefully, even if he was to deal with Ling Dao, he prepared a scorpion in advance. Now that Ling Jianhao is present, he must be more vigilant. If there is a trap, the Lone Star lord may escape, he will be difficult to say. It’s hard to escape a dead robbery. He doesn’t want to die again. In reality, he’s dead, and that’s really dead.

"What, you are afraid."

Lone Star Road's face was cold, and Yuan Yuanzhuo shook his head quickly, for fear of causing his dissatisfaction. If the Lone Star Master took him out and beat him up, he could only endure silently, Ling Jianhao could kill him, Lone Star Master The same can kill him, Yu Yuanzhuo can only be careful step by step, so as not to make mistakes.

"I really don't know if you have a dragon's blood, or a mouse bloodline, how courage is so small."

Ruthless irony, let Yan Yuanzhuo face a burst of white, but unfortunately he did not dare to refute, he can only transfer the anger to Lingdao, if they are not Lingdao, they killed him in the Menghuangjie, how can they annoy the lonely star The Taoist, he has always been proud of the dragon's bloodline. As a result, the Lone Starlord said that he is a rat, not even his parents.

"Going forward another eight thousand miles, we will start, we will negotiate according to the prior, I will deal with Ling Jianhao, you kill a group of juniors, no problem."

Lone Star Do not kill them, not worrying about revenge, but embarrassed to shoot, he is a Taoist, personally killing the predecessor of the king of war, if you pass it out, others still do not know how to arrange him, anyway, black pot to let Yu Yuanzhuo Back, others joke, Yuan Yuanzhuo, has nothing to do with him.

Qi Yuanzhuo certainly knows the intention of the Lone Star Master. However, he still has no objection. He killed them. He was originally the commander of Duanmu Emperor. Now the Lone Star Taoist allows him to do it. If he dares to disobey, the Lone Star Master will be on the spot. Killing him, Duanmu Emperor will not only blame the Lone Star, but may even agree with the practice of the Lone Star.

"The people in the town of Tiangong have already followed, you should not be self-sufficient. The younger brother of Duanmu Emperor is definitely embarrassed to start with you. What really threatens you is just another Tianzun."

Ling Jianhao’s words made Lingdao and others sink into their faces. They instantly guessed who Tianzun was around the Lone Star. The hatred of Zhai Yuanzhuo would definitely not let them go, let alone they also won the Yuan Yuanzhuo’s Yuan Zhuojian, maybe other young warriors are fine, anyway, they must not escape.

"We and the Tianzun have handed over the dream kingdom. He is a tyrant, and he is known as the first day of the town. If you don't lead him to the Tiancheng domain, we can't kill him."

Lingdao’s voice is not big, but what kind of realm of Zhai Yuanzhuo and Lone Star Taoist can completely hear his words clearly, and Yuan Yuanzhuo’s fists are clenched. If the Lone Star Dove does not give him a hand, he must have rushed. In front of Lingdao, kill Lingdao alive.

"Da Tianzun, it is no wonder that he gave me the feeling, even stronger than the Virgin of the Tiantian Palace." Ling Jianhao nodded, then reacted. "What do you say, you killed him, even if your realm is the same, It’s not his opponent at all, how could he kill him.”

One question after another, let the singularity of Qi Yuan’s face rise red, but it’s true that they killed him. Ling Jianhao couldn’t help but re-examine the Lingdao. They are now at this time, Lingdao does not need to lie to him, let alone Qi Yuanzhuo’s Reaction, let him understand that Lingdao is true.

"Not only is he dead, his two younger brothers, one is called the first king of the town Tiangong, the other is called the first day of the town Tiangong, and he is also dead in our hands, if not he does not know where to grab the Menghuangdao Fu Wei, how could he still be alive?"

Lingdao did not show off the record in front of Ling Jianhao, but deliberately stimulated Yu Yuanzhuo. If the Lone Star Master stopped Ling Jianhao, Qi Yuanzhuo would definitely be the first to deal with him. As a result, he would fight for the butterfly dance and other people to escape. Can escape one is one.

"Now I know that I have lost my face." Lone Star Taoist snorted, and then said, "Okay, the distance is almost the same, we started." The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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