The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 123: Am I pretty?

The use of Lingjia to suppress the Tiangong, obviously does not work, the essence of Zhentian Temple does not know how much stronger than Lingjia, Lingjia, can be said that the owner of the home alone, the town Tiangong can be different, if the town Tiangong and Lingjia battle, Lone Star The Taoist thinks that the town will win.

Lingxiaoge does not have the great emperor, only tolerate Lingjia rooted in the Tianling domain. If Lingxiaoge has a big emperor sitting in the town, it will definitely start with Lingjia, not to mention anything else. The number of emperors alone, Lingjia can’t compare with Lingxiaoge. As long as someone in Lingxiaoge can block the Lingjia Emperor, then Lingjia will inevitably lose to Lingxiaoge.

"There is a lord, he can't move you, you don't hurry to solve them."

Duanmu Lone Star said coldly, and Yuan Yuanzhuo nodded and boldly went to Lingdao and others. Qi Yuanzhuo believed that the Lone Star Doctrine would not hang him. If Ling Jianhao was in the face of the Lone Star, killing Yuan Yuanzhuo, then, Lonely The face of the star master can't be hanged at all.

"The Taoist rest assured that they could not escape." Qi Yuanzhuo assured the Lone Star Taoist, and then turned around and looked at Lingdao. "It was just an accident. Do you think you can live? Now, are you more desperate?"

Ling Jianhao blocked them in front of Lingdao. However, the Lone Star Taoist directly shot and separated Ling Jianhao and the sixteen young warriors. Qi Yuanzhuo knew that the machine could not be lost, and immediately swung the sword, the sword shadow was heavy, and the sixteen young people would be clothed. The military is included.

Ba Tian Zun arbitrarily throws out a sword, and he will be able to sway their lives. The Yuan Luo Zhuo’s Tianluo network is woven with a dense sword, and it is impossible to rush out with Ling Dao’s strength. Next, he will let Ling They can't live without it, and they can't die.

"If you kneel for mercy, I can give you a good time. Otherwise, I will let you know for yourself what it is better to die than to die."

Qian Yuanzhuo sneered, and they are already the fish on the cutting board, let him slaughter, if he said that his beggars can live, maybe there are already young warriors to do, they can still live for thousands of years, certainly do not want to die in the heavenly dreams Domain, I don't want to be tortured to death.

"Do you have to tear your face?"

Ling Jianhao's face was cold and his face was cold, his eyebrows were upright, and there was anger burning in a pair of scorpions. The owner gave him a group of young warriors. As long as he was alive, he would bring them back. Now the Lone Star and the Yuan Yuanzhuo want to kill the road. They, then, Ling Jianhao can only live and die with the Lone Star.

"What is it."

Lonely star said indifferently, a group of juniors really did not pay attention to them. Lingdao, they are not the apprentices of Lingjia Emperor now. If they kill, they will kill. Even if Lingjia wants to take revenge, Zhentiangong is not afraid, and Yuan Yuanzhuo will torture. They said that the Lone Star Doctrine has no opinion, it is to give Lingjia three points of color, or else Lingjia does not know the height of the sky.

"That's good, you and I will fight, not endless."

Ling Jianhao has a word, very serious invitation to the Lone Star Taoist, he is not a joke, the Lone Star Taoist can feel his determination, he does not care whether he is the opponent of the Lone Star, anyway, the Lone Star Persevere in killing them, he and the lonely star can only live one.

The Lone Star Taoist had already heard that the Lingjia people were mad. When the Lingjia family was in the realm of the Tao, they dared to fight with the Emperor. I did not expect that Ling Jianhao was also a madman. It’s really worth it to die for life and death for the sixteen kings.

"Since you are not looking for death, then the Lord will fulfill you."

The challenge of a Daojun in the district, the Lone Star Taoist has no reason to refuse, and then, with Ling Jianhao to the endless high-altitude battle, but also let Yuan Yuanzhuo tormenting them to the road, Qi Yuanzhuo to deal with the sixteen kings before the war, there is no problem Lone Star Road is very relieved.

"Don't we really want to die in Tianmeng, I just want to be an apprentice of Lingjia, why do you want to kill me."

"Do you have no way in the town of Tiangong? Can you not know the power I am in, and it is also the power of the emperor."

"And you have hatred, it is not us, you want to kill them, kill them, why should they be implicated in us."

The young warriors followed one another and were questioned on the surface. They were actually asking for mercy in disguise. They didn’t do it because the power gap was too big. Only by persuading Yu Yuanzhuo, they could escape. But unfortunately, Yuan Yuanzhuo was not moved because Duanmu The order of the emperor is to kill them all.

"There are indeed disciples of the emperor in your possession. However, the emperor forces you are in will fight against the Tiangong of my town because of your death." Yuan Yuanzhuo laughed and continued. "You should not waste your time, I want to kill." It’s all of you, one don’t want to run.”

Full of sixteen swords, each directed to a young warrior, Lingdao began to provoke Qi Yuanzhuo, in order to let Qi Yuanzhuo deal with him, so as to fight for the butterfly dance and other people to escape time, who knows, Qi Yuanzhuo first use the Tianluo network to prevent They fled and then shot them together.

"Blood mosquitoes, can you resist the tyrants?"

Lingdao just asked the question, the blood-mosquito stone inscription is the veto again and again, it is not the blood-mosquito stone engraved and ruthless, but really lost to the tyrants, of course, the blood-mosquito stone is not worried, anyway, Qi Yuanzhuo wants to kill is Lingdao When Lingdao is dead, blood-mosquito can still be free.

Just when Lingdao had no way to do it, a piece of petal fell from the sky. The 16-way swordsmanship that Yu Yuanzhuo manipulated, met the petals, like mud cows into the sea, disappeared, whether it was Lingdao or others, all asked for a sigh of relief. Scent.

"Jian Hao kid, have trouble?"

The sound of the sound, from far and near, fluttering, like a flower fairy, where the petals flutter, she twisted the slender waist, stepping into the air, exuding a seductive aroma, Even the shoes she wore were like flowers woven.

Pink short skirt, can cover the buttocks of the hips, a pair of slender legs, white and red, touching, crispy chest and half exposed, exquisite collarbone, like the artwork created by God, eyebrows like willow, eyes like stars, Clever smiles, looking forward to the glory, thin red lips, slightly tilted, it is heart-rending.

Ling Jianhao, who is preparing to confront the Lone Star Dominator, is a happy face. He did not expect to meet her. It is no wonder that the owner did not let other strong people come to Tianmeng. The original owner had already arranged everything, he knew. The homeowner is countless and will surely keep their lives.

"I have seen a fragrant lord."

The fragrant Taoist glamorous, but Ling Jianhao did not have the courage to appreciate, just bowed his head and bowed. Previously, Yuan Yuanzhuo used Jianqi and dealt with Lingdao. Ling Jianhao couldn’t take the shot. They saved the road and they were the fragrant Taoist. She was Ling. The friend of the great emperor, and the Emperor of the Ling family, talked about the friendship, Ling Jianhao certainly did not dare to let go.

"Don't you be a man of Ling family? Is it a virtue? I am so beautiful, you don't want to appreciate it."

She has no majesty of the Taoist, just like the girl next door is generally playful. Ling Jianhao only feels that the scalp is numb. In the face of the friend of Lingjia, he does not dare to let go, but if he is not obedient, it will provoke her. Not happy, she did not save the road, what to do.

"It's really boring. Your family owner has a heart. Do you also?"

Ling Jianhao nodded quickly, no matter whether he was a sweetheart or not, anyway, he first dealt with the fragrant Taoist. Then the fragrant Taoist knows that Ling Jianhao is perfunctory, but fortunately she turned her attention to Lingdao and let Ling Jianhao breathe a sigh of relief.

"You said, am I beautiful?"

No matter whether it is Yuan Yuanzhuo or Lingdao, they all sneak a bit and can't keep up with the rhythm of the fragrant Taoist. Since the fragrant Taoist master knows Ling Jianhao and saves them once, then it should be dealt with now. She didn't mean to do it.

"Beautiful, very beautiful, very beautiful, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

Qi Yuanzhuo first replied that Ling Jianhao was a monarch, and he was in front of the fragrant Taoist Lord. If the fragrant Taoist master shot him, then he would not be able to stop it. Don’t say that the fragrant Taoist Lord was originally beautiful, even if it contained the fragrant leader. It’s ugly, he’s still pretty.

A pair of Liu Mei's eyebrows, a fragrant road master gently pointed out a finger, Qi Yuanzhuo was severely hit, his face suddenly pale, the sternum broke one after another, he stepped back one step at a time, each step back, there was a crack in his body. Blood is like a spring.

"I don't dare to look at me, I am still talking nonsense. Are you questioning my IQ?"

On the beautiful face, there is still a charming smile, and it is a great deal for her. It is only a trivial matter for her. It is a smattering of the eight heavenly masters. In front of the Taoist, it is still vulnerable. She can escape, who knows that the flattering is on the horse's leg.

"You are the fragrant master of Menghuangdao."

Duanmu Lone Star finally remembered who is the fragrant Taoist, the first beauty of Tianmeng, the peerless genius of Menghuangdao. If the scented lord intervenes, it is impossible for Yu Yuanzhuo to kill them. Even if he personally shot It is still a problem to be able to beat the fragrant master.

It is a pity that the main scent of the fragrant road did not take care of the Lone Star lord, but they walked over to Lingdao. On the face of the Lone Star lord, there was a sigh of anger. The fragrant Taoist is the Taoist. Isn’t he the way? Lord, it is also the Taoist, what is the qualification of the fragrant Taoist ignoring him.

"You said, am I beautiful?"

The same question, the fragrant Taoist once again asked, Qi Yuanzhuo's end, Lingdao they can see clearly, now they do not know how to answer, 裴元卓 praised the fragrant Taoist, or annoyed the fragrant Taoist, they are It is said that the fragrant Taoist is good-looking, or that the conscience is not good-looking.

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