The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 125: Want to kill the road

Lone Star Taoist thinks that things can't be done, I want to leave with Yuan Yuanzhuo. Who knows that the fragrant Taoist Lord does not agree. Heavenly Dreamland is the site of Menghuang Island after all, if the fragrant Taoist Lord calls the other Taoist Island owners to deal with it. If you are a lonely star, the Lone Star Master is definitely not an opponent.

Compared with Lingjia, Zhentian Temple does not know how much it is strong. However, it is inferior to Menghuang Island. Like Mengzhen Island, Menghuang Island is the emperor’s power that was passed down from the ancient times. Town Tiangong is not as good as Menghuang Island. It is better to create the dream emperor of Menghuang Island.

There are rumors that Menghuangdao was created by the emperor's apprentice. There are also rumors that Menghuangdao was created by the descendants of the dream emperor. There are also rumors that Menghuangdao was created by Menghuang himself. Anyway, the Lone Star Doctrine is Believe that the latter, only the great emperor can create the emperor's power, is it the emperor's disciple or descendant, but also the great emperor.

"The Lord did not deal with the warriors of your dream island, and the second did not do anything in your dreams. Why can't you leave the Heavenly Field."

Under the prestigious name, there is no vain, and the fragrant Taoist master can squat under the great name. The fighting power is definitely strong. The Lone Star lord is not sure to win her. It is good to not fight or not. I thought it was a small matter. I did not expect it. I will meet the Taoist Island owner and I will know that I will bring a soldier.

"Do you think that I am running in person, not tired, do you think you are scared, do not need compensation?"

The fragrant Taoist Lord is simply entangled in the hustle and bustle, but the Lone Star lord is at a disadvantage. It is not good for her to raise the bar. Her attempt is obvious. It is clear that she wants to extort, Ling Jianhao is funny, and she is not the Lone Star lord. The fragrant Taoist lord can blame the Lord of the Lone Star.

"I don't know what compensation you want."

The Lone Star Taoist asked with a black face, as long as the requirements of the fragrant Taoist Lord were not excessive, he could promise him to promise, the trouble of the province, the longer he was, the more passive he was, and the scented lord had already sent a message to Menghuangdao. Lord, now talk about the conditions, you can also bargain, wait for other Taoist to be present, what the fragrant Taoist said is.

"Simple, give me a piece of equipment. After all, I ran a slap in the face. It was not easy. And, give him a slap in the face, and let you scare him."

Qi Yuanzhuo did not know how many times he would sway the fragrant Taoist in his heart. It is not easy for a Taoist lord to run a sigh. The scented lord will obviously ruin him. Why not give him compensation, but he will compensate Lingdao. From the beginning to the end, what damage has Lingdao suffered?

In the time of Menghuangjie, Lingdao will injure Yuen Yuanzhuo, and then Lingdao will kill Yuanyuanzhuo. Now, when Yuanyuanzhuo has not yet made Lingdao, he will be hit hard by the fragrant Taoist, and Yuanyuan Zhuo is the most unlucky person. The letter and Cao Yangde are dead. After returning, they still don’t know how Duanmu Emperor will punish him.

"Give him a good battle armor, of course, no problem, just, the things of the Tao, can you discuss it again."

Tianpin Battle Armor, for the Lone Star Taoist, it is nothing at all, the Tao is not the same, of course, a Taoist device, he must take it out, but he is worried that the fragrant Taoist Master will be instinct, if it is a fragrant Taoist After getting a Taoist device, I am not satisfied, continue to extort, what to do.

"Give me a good battle armor."

Lingdao did not think that the matter turned out to be so thorough. Lone Star Taoist and Qi Yuanzhuo not only did not want his life, but now he still wants to give him a heavenly battle armor. Don’t look at the fragrant Taoist Lord and ask them to pay compensation. In fact, The fragrant Taoist only gave him a person to pay compensation.

"Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking about, don't you worry about my lion's big mouth? Don't worry, if you give a Taoist and a heavenly armor, you can take your people... Go."

The owner of the fragrant road wants to say that he is rolling, but if he thinks about it, he still feels that he has a good face for the Lone Star Dominator, lest the Lone Star Road dog jump over the wall, and the mind of the Lone Star Master is broken by her, so she has to take a face and take it out one day. Warship armor and a Taoist device, Tianpin armor is refining when he was in the holy kingdom, not the general Tianpin battle armor comparable.

"Can you?"

The Lone Star Taoist asked impatiently. I didn’t expect the fragrant Taoist leader to nod. He thought that the fragrant road was mainly abandoning his Taoist device. After all, he took out the Taoist ceremonies, but he was only from other martial arts. The ones that are grabbed can only be regarded as the general goods in the Taoist.

"Tianpin battle armor is for you, the Tao is for you, there is nothing else, I will go back first."

The fragrant Taoist throws the Tianpin armor to Lingdao, and the Taoist throws it to Ling Jianhao. Anyway, it was originally intended to help them both. She also thought about quickly solving the problem of Menghuangdao, then went to Lingjia and personally asked Lingjia’s owner to ask. In the end, she did not believe that Lingdao had nothing to do with the Lingjia family.

Ling Jianhao wanted to refuse, but unfortunately, the fragrant Taoist has disappeared without a trace, Lingdao also does not use the heavenly battle armor, but did not refuse the kindness of the fragrant Taoist, he does not need Tianpin armor, can give it to others Such as Qian Hui, such as butterfly dance.

"Fortunately, it was just a false alarm. We rushed back to Lingjia."

Who knows if the Lone Star Master will kill it, the previous things are already stimulating. Ling Jianhao doesn’t want to go through it again. When he returns to Lingjia, he can completely let go of his heart. The Lone Star Master is even more courageous, certainly Did not dare to go to Lingjiao chaos, Lingjia the Great, but at the time of the testimony, dare to force the killing of the king of the world.

In fact, the Lone Star Doctrine did have an idea. When the fragrant Taoist and Ling Jianhao separated them, he took Zhai Yuanzhuo again, but unfortunately, he did not do so, not because he changed his mind, but by his side, always It is filled with a refreshing scent.

He knows that the fragrant Taoist always follows behind him. When he leaves the Heavenly Dreamland, the fragrant Taoist will be relieved and kill their plans. It can be said that there is no chance of success. The Lone Star Master has no To Tian Lingyu and other Ling Jianhao their ideas, he still does not want to find death.

"I blame you, if you are not you, you have to torture them, how can things become like this." The anger of the Lone Star Master can only be vented on the body of Zhai Yuanzhuo. "You said that you are stupid enough." They can kill them, why not kill them, is it fun?"

Qi Yuanzhuo lowered his head and did not dare to refute half of the sentence. The Lone Star Taoist is higher than his realm. He is higher than him. He taught him that this is a matter of course. Moreover, the Lone Star Doctrine is still a fact, if he starts from the beginning. Killing them, when they are rich, they can only see 16 bodies.

"It’s all your fault anyway. If you dare to say something that I am not, I will definitely make you die."

The Lone Star Taoist cold face, Qi Yuanzhuo had to nod, the task was not completed, but also suffered a big loss, the main thing that Lone Star Road did was to let the Yuan Yuanzhuo back the black pot, and Yuan Yuanzhuo did not have to back, the problem is indeed in him. On his body, his future days are definitely not good.

"Lingdao, if I see you next time, I will definitely break you down."

Qian Yuanzhuo is mad, but he can only hide hatred in his heart. In a short period of time, there is no way to revenge. Lingdao can climb the big trend, break through to the predecessor of Tianwang, become an apprentice of Lingjia, and certainly no problem. There is no way to start the game, he has no chance to start.

The Lone Star Master and the Yuan Yuan Zhuo left the Tianmeng Field, and the fragrant Taoist masters let go of their hearts. They have Ling Jianhao protection. They don’t think there is any danger. They only have the old six horses, and the real strong people have not come. Tianmeng domain, after all, the old seven of Xianyi Palace is only a big enemy with Lingdao, and the situation is different from that of Zhentian Temple.

Tianling domain, Lingjia.

The Star Gate vibrates and shines brightly. Ling Jianhao, with sixteen young warriors, walked out of the Star Gate and stood on the land of Lingjia. When they arrived at the military field, one after another, they turned their attention to them. They are very eye-catching.

The three trials have ended. Their 16 young warriors may become apprentices of the Lingjia Emperor. Whoever Lingjia Emperor will choose, only he knows that others can only guess, but Ling Jianhao feels that there is no problem with Lingdao. The possibility of butterfly dance, proud dragon, wonderful sound, Qian Hui and Lei Wenyuan becoming the apprentice of the family is not small.

"As long as Lingjia Emperor does not choose Lingdao as an apprentice, then Lingdao will not want to leave Lingjia. We will kill a junior who is not related to Lingjia in Lingjia. Lingjia certainly can't take us."

"Yes, as long as Lingdao can't be the apprentice of Lingjia Emperor, today is his death, who will let him kill the younger generation of Nantian family."

The strong ones who want to die, not one or two, Lingdao’s young warriors killed in the dragon’s world, their elders may not know, but the young warriors he killed on the big stage, their elders witnessed, Seeing clearly, the strongest of Ling Xiaoge and Nantian family always stay in Lingjia, they want to kill Lingdao in the first time.

"With the talent of Ling Dao, the possibility of becoming an apprentice of Lingjia Emperor is very big. However, it doesn't matter. Even if he is an apprentice of Lingjia Emperor, he will leave Lingjia afterwards, and we can still find a chance to kill him."

"A junior, can we still pull out any big waves in our hands, how can we become the apprentice of the great emperor, three thousand territories, the dead emperor apprentice, is it still less? As long as we do enough to hide, Lingjia simply checks Who is the murderer, but what else can they do?"

In addition to the Lingxiaoge and Nantian family, there are other strong powers of the emperor, and want to be the life of Lingdao. After all, Lingdao was on the big stage, killing ten heavenly martial artists, except for the three disciples. The other seven are all disciples of the Emperor.

At that time, other people were thinking that Lingdao would not become an apprentice of Lingjia, and when he left Lingjia, it was his death, but now, the strong who really want to kill Lingdao, do not want to wait for Lingdao to leave Lingjia, as long as The apprentices of the Lingjia Emperor did not have Lingdao, and they would kill the stalker.

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