The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 127: Four apprentices

After the Lingjia Emperor selected two apprentices, the remaining young warriors were even less likely to become his apprentices. Fourteen young warriors, only two of whom could be great disciples, and the remaining twelve young warriors, Will not be the apprentice of Lingjia Dadi.

Three trials before and after, born and died, the results can not do the Emperor apprentice, to say that there is no complaints in the heart, it is impossible, but they can not interfere with the decision of the Lingjia Emperor, Lingjia Emperor can not accept them as a disciple, is Ling The great emperor has the final say, not that they have the final say.

What's more, whether it is the blood dragon spirit of the first trial, the general trend of the second trial, or the dream of the third trial, all of them bring great benefits to them, even if they Can not do the Emperor apprentice, their future achievements will still be higher.

"In any case, I feel that I definitely have no hope. If I accept seven or eight apprentices, maybe I still have my share. If I can't do the Emperor's apprentice, I can't do it. Maybe the Lord is willing to accept me as a disciple."

"In the past, there were three or five of my powers and my peers who could win me. Now I feel that they are not as good as me, and my achievements will definitely exceed them in the future."

They have self-knowledge, Lingdao, proud dragon, butterfly dance, Qianhui, Miaoyin and Lei Wenyuan, who are more genius than them. Now the two remaining places must be in Lingdao, Aolong, Dong Miaoyin and Lei Wenyuan. As for the specific choice of two, only Lingjia the Great knows.

"Unfortunately, they are all good seedlings. If the owners are willing to collect more apprentices, especially the four of them, it is really abandoning them. For Lingjia, it is a loss. Their future achievements will only be better than me. Strong, no worse than me."

Ling Jianhao thought with regret that if he did not claim to be the master of the proud dragon, he even wanted to personally accept the proud dragons. The Taoist king of the king of heaven, there is no problem, but he does not want to restrict the proud dragons. The achievement, the vision of Daojun, is certainly far less than the great emperor.

"The third one who can be a disciple of this emperor is the proud dragon."

When Ling Jianhao was thinking about it, Lingjia Emperor once again elected an apprentice. To be honest, the third home of Lingjia’s family chose the proud dragon, Ling Jianhao was still very puzzled, the first trial, the second trial, the third Field trials, the performance of the proud dragon, is still not comparable to Lei Wenyuan and Lingdao.

Ling Jianhao thought that the first family of Lingjia had chosen Qianhui, and the second one would choose Lingdao. Who knows that Lingdao has not been selected yet, and there are only 13 young warriors left, only one place, if Lingjia’s owner If you choose Lingdao, Lei Wenyuan and Dong Miaoyin will be defeated.

"There is no suspense. The last one must be Lingdao. After three trials, the best performance is Lingdao. Lingjia Emperor paid attention to him and put him to the last one."

"We want to kill Lingdao, we can only wait for Lingdao to leave Lingjia before we can do it. If we are in the Lingjia moving Emperor apprentice, we still don't know how we will die, and no one will take revenge for us."

Whether it is the refining and chemicalization of 1,800 zhang, the blood dragon spirit, or the breakthrough of the general trend to the predecessor of the king, the Lingjia Emperor has no reason not to choose Lingdao, they can not kill Lingdao, had to hit the idea to Dong Miaoyin and Lei Wen Yuan and other young warriors.

They are not trying to kill Dong Miaoyin and Lei Wenyuan, but want to get them under the door. The other 12 young warriors can also fight as long as they are not disciples of the emperor. However, some powerful people have inferred Dong Miaoyin. The origins, they can not have the ability to grab disciples from the Tianqin Holy Land.

"The fourth one who can be a disciple of this emperor is Ray Wenyuan."

The Lingjia Emperor was resolute and vigorous, and he chose the apprentice without hesitation. He repeatedly named the four apprentices, Qian Hui, Butterfly Dance, Ao Long, and Lei Wenyuan. One of them did have the qualifications to be a great apprentice. However, he just finished, he was very big. The performance of the military field is a sudden silence.

Whether it is Ling Jianhao or the strong person who is a guest at Lingjia, he is dumbfounded. The fourth apprentice of Lingjia Emperor chose Lei Wenyuan instead of Lingdao, Qian Hui, Butterfly Dance, Aaron Long and Lei Wenyuan. Is it qualified to be a great emperor, but Lingdao is not more qualified?

"How is it possible that Lingjia Emperor did not choose Lingdao."

"Lingdao is the surname of Ling, and the performance of the three trials is the most outstanding. There is no reason not to choose him."

Ling Jianhao said that he could not understand at all. Among the 16 young warriors, his most optimistic is Lingdao. In all fairness, even if Qianhui is a child of Lingjia, his heart is still more inclined to Lingdao. He feels that the first one can be a Lingjia. The Emperor's apprentice is Lingdao, the most qualified to be the apprentice of the Lingjia Emperor, the same is Lingdao.

The strongmen of Nantian Family and Lingxiaoge first felt incredible, and then they sneered. They didn’t know why Ling’s Emperor didn’t accept Lingdao as an apprentice. Anyway, without the identity of the Emperor’s apprentice, they could’t make Lingdao out of Ling. Home, Lingdao has only one end, that is, died in Lingjia.

"Homeowners, no more than one apprentice."

Ling Jianhao can't help it. Even if he knows the next words, he may have collided with the Lingjia family. He still has to say that the situation of Lingdao is very dangerous. If Lingjia Emperor does not accept him, then he is likely to die in other places. The hands of the strong, such a genius, if it is so dead, it is a pity that it has reached the extreme.

"I don't understand why the owner does not accept Lingdao as a disciple. His talent is not good, or his understanding is not good, or his heart is not good. Isn't his performance in three trials not good enough?"

After living for so many years, he still questioned his family for the first time. In the past, no matter what his family did or what he said, he felt that the owner was right. This time, he felt that the owner was not right. Lingdao was definitely the best of his homeowners. If the owner chooses Lingdao personally, he still does not know what level he can grow after Lingdao.

"Jian Hao, do you think this emperor is doing something wrong?"

The voice of the Lingjia family's master, resounding in the performance of the martial arts, made Ling Jianhao's body tremble, immediately fell to the ground, Ling Jianhao was voiced to the Lingjia family, but the Lingjia family did not use the sound, other warriors did not know Ling Jianhao Why is it that the owner of Lingjia is not happy?

"Jian Hao does not dare."

Ling Jianhao said with a deep voice, although he did not know why the owner did not accept Lingdao as a disciple, he understood that the owner had already made up his mind. The entire Ling family could persuade the Lingjia family owner, perhaps only the brother of the Ling family. Ling Jian’s brother’s brother is now where he is, Ling Jianhao does not know.

The great emperor said that the number of four apprentices has been fixed, and there will be no change. From now on, Qian Hui, Butterfly Dance, Ao Long, and Le Wen Yuan are the apprentices of the Ling family, and the first of the Tianzun camp. After the three trials are over, the Lingjia family will receive other apprentices.

"Why, why did the Lingjia Emperor not choose you?"

"That is, I feel that you are more qualified than me to be his apprentice. At the beginning, I still think, whether I have become his apprentice or not, you can certainly be his apprentice."

Lei Wenyuan and Ao Long successively said that they expressed their dissatisfaction with the Lingjia Emperor. The Lingjia Emperor has already selected the four apprentices. They should be right now, but now they would rather annoy the Lingjia Emperor. Lingdao stood on a front line.

Butterfly Dance and Qianhui did not say anything, but they did not have a teacher. Qianhui was the most puzzled. At the beginning, Lingjia’s top executives let her go to the world of Jianshen. The primary purpose was to protect Lingdao, even if it was to compete for the Emperor’s sword. For the secondary purpose, she has long felt that Lingdao has a relationship with a strong person in Lingjia. Ling’s Emperor will definitely choose Lingdao.

"Don't be fooling around, three trials are coming all the way. Isn't it just to be the apprentice of Lingjia Dadi? Now I have been an apprentice of Lingjia Dadi. Why are you still not happy, hurry up and listen?"

Ling Dao first shot the shoulders of Aurora and Levin Yuan, and then grasped the hand of Qian Hui and Butterfly Dance. The Emperor Ling did not accept him as a disciple. He was a bit disappointed. Fortunately, he was relieved soon. It is good to be a great emperor, and to be a great emperor, there is nothing.

Qian Hui, Butterfly Dance, Ao Long, and Lei Wenyuan have just been the apprentices of Lingjia Dadi. Ling Dao certainly does not want them to be unhappy because of their own, and they have two Gods without God. Even if they are not appreciators of the Great Emperor, In the future, he will become a peerless powerhouse. Without the guidance of the great emperor, has he not already surpassed the emperor and the emperor?

"They don't worship the Emperor, what is the relationship with you, it is worthy of you."

Above the sky, the clouds were densely covered, the Thunder rolled over, and the Lingjia Emperor chose Qianhui, Butterfly Dance, Aurora and Levin Yuan as their disciples. As a result, they did not worship the teacher. Lingjia Dadi certainly had opinions. He did not find Qianhui, Butterfly Dance, and proud. Long and Lei Wenyuan's troubles, but vented the fire to Lingdao's body, Ling Jianhao's face changed, and quickly made a look at Lingdao, for fear of Lingdao an impulse, angered the Ling family.

"The current situation is completely different from what we think. The Lingjia Emperor not only did not accept Lingdao as a disciple, but it seems that he still has a great opinion on Lingdao."

"It is a good thing for us anyway. Now we have to kill the Lingdao. The Lingjia Emperor will certainly not stop it. It is not the killing of us because of the strength of Lingdao Tianwang."

The strongest of Lingxiaoge and Nantian family are most happy. Other strongmen who are hostile to Lingdao are also laughing, because Qianhui, Butterfly Dance, Aolong, and Levin are not interested in the teacher. Lingjia Dao has angered Lingdao, now Ling The strong man of the family is afraid that it is too late to hide from Lingdao.

"If I introduce Lingdao under the door, I don't know if Lingjia the Great will regret it, and it is not only Lingjia who has the Great Emperor."

Not all the strong people in Lingjia, want the life of Lingdao, more powerful, is to want Lingdao to receive their respective forces, Lingdao did not make the apprentice of Lingjia, they can let Lingdao is the apprentice of their powerful emperor. With Lingdao’s talent, I am afraid that other emperors will not refuse.

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