The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 145: Big dice

Even if it is to grab the number of places in the Shura community, the Emperor of the Longyao can still be said to be justified. Fortunately, there is no great emperor in the Linglong Pavilion. Otherwise, it must be inseparable from the Emperor of the Supreme Court. It is still very important to go to the 100 places in the Shura community. Dangers and opportunities coexist. If the Shura community is only killing, it is impossible for all major forces to pay attention to the Shura community.

Once, there was a king of warriors who got the Tao in the Shura world and killed one opponent after another. Once, there was a heavenly warrior who got the heavenly treasure, and raised the ninth will to the king’s will. Once, there was Tianjun. The martial arts people got the ruin of the martial arts, and their strength rose.

If you want to learn the Luojie, you can't bring the Daoist, and the Holy Soldier can't do the same. The Tianzi Weapon is already the limit. However, the Daoji in the Shura world can be used completely. Even if the Emperor of Heaven is unable to play the power of the debut, The use of the road device is still more powerful than the use of the heavenly weapon, but it is only limited.

"I understand, just, with my ability, I still have no ability to let Ling Xiaoge give in."

Ling Jianhao is only a king, Ling Xiaoge is stronger than him, not one or two. If he really fights with the strongman of Ling Xiaoge, he is a mud bodhisattva crossing the river itself is difficult to protect, let alone protect Lingdao, Lingwu is only the identity of the righteous son. , has been spread, Ling Dao is the only son of the Emperor of the Happy, Ling Jianhao certainly does not want to be because of his fault, the evil Lingdao accident.

"Who will let you shoot, once you take the shot, the situation will definitely become serious. It is him who wants the quota. It is still him who is robbing the quota. You just send him to Lingxiaoge, understand."

The meaning of Happy Emperor is that you don't want to make things big. It's just the battle of the younger generation. Ling Jianhao stunned. It turned out that he thought things too complicated, and even if you want to go to Lingxiaoge to make trouble, you should also be the Emperor. Out of the horse, he is not qualified.

"I understand it is, just, your son can do it, can you do it?"

Ling Jianhao is not suspicious of Lingdao. He just thinks that Lingxiaoge will not give Lingdao a chance. Lingjia’s 100 places will not give Lingdao. As a result, Lingdaoge’s quota will be used. Lingxiaoge’s owner is definitely not willing. Lingxiaoge’s strong Those who are jealous of the emperor, but do not mean that they are afraid of the emperor.

"Do you know where you are worse?" The words of the emperor, let Ling Jianhao stand in the same place, he did not expect Ling Jianhao to answer, but pointed to Ling Jianhao's head and said, "Your talent is not bad, understanding is not bad, The strength is not bad, the difference is worse here."

If you change someone, you may already know how to do it. However, Ling Jianhao asked Dong to ask the West. There is no opinion at all. If you take the soldiers to fight, Ling Jianhao can't be a general, and he can't be a marshal. What he can do is a pioneer. .

Of course, Ling Jianhao has the advantage of Ling Jianhao, that is his execution. As long as it is arranged, let him do no problem. Whether it is the second trial or the third trial, Ling Jianhao does a good job. If you change someone, you don't necessarily have him.

"If you refuse to use your mind, if you never see you, then you can't be the strongest person. You understand."

The unique side of the Emperor nowadays is not the strength, but the ability to control the party. Last time in the Tianmeng domain, encountering the Lone Star Taoist and Zhai Yuanzhuo, Ling Jianhao did not know the arrangement of the owner, it was panic, not Know what to do.

"The home is strategizing, and it is like a god, and I want to move my brain. I just have to listen to my family."

Ling Jianhao did not have a bit of awkwardness. Instead, he took the flattering of the emperor, and made the emperor feel so good and funny. The emperor waved his hand and gestured to Ling Jianhao, expecting Ling Jianhao to change. It seems that there is no possibility.

In the Xiaoyao Temple, only Lingdao and Xiaoyao Emperor are left. Lingdao is still practicing. The Emperor is starting to enlighten the nine-turn dragon. If you turn the dragon into the dragon, you will play the nine-turn true dragon, and wait for the road. When you become a Heavenly King, you can pass on the nine-turn true dragon to him.

It is a pity that even if the children of Lingjia have cultivated nine dragons and dragons, they still can't exert the greatest power. Their physical strength is far worse than that of Lingdao. With a third turn and a fourth turn, they have reached their limit. Turning to the dragon is itself created by the martial arts martial arts. The flesh is not good, the power is not good, even if it is three or four times the force, it has no effect at all.

After three days, Lingdao slowly stood up, the whole body bones screamed, the powerful momentum, rising, like a Tianjun wake up, he finally broke through a small realm, reached the end of the king.

The Emperor of the Supreme Master first let him experience three trials, killing him, and then personally pointing him out, let him break through the realm. Now Lingdao, compared to the Lingdao before the Emperor, does not know how much to force, improve Not only is it repaired, but there are other aspects.

"Father, now, can I go to the Shura community?"

Lingdao certainly remembers that the Emperor of the Happy Arrival promised him to let him go to the Shura community to see his big brother Lingwu. He didn’t know where the Shura world was. He only knew that the Shura community was full of strangles and could fight with Lingwu again, or let him expected.

"Yes, just, Lingjia’s quota has been used up. You want to go to the Shura community and you can only grab the quota of Lingxiaoge."

The second trial, on the big stage, Lingdao killed the young genius of Ling Xiaoge, the third trial ended, after returning to Lingjia, the strongest of Ling Xiaoge once shot on Lingdao, the result is nothing, Ling Xiaoge's strong Instead, he died in Lingjia, and Lingdao did not expect that the Emperor of the Supreme Court wanted him to **** the quota of Linglongge.

The martial arts of Lingxiaoge can't wait to smash the corpse of Lingdao. If Lingdao goes to Lingxiaoge, even if he doesn't do anything, he is looking for death. Not to mention, he still wants to take the Lingxiaoge to the Shura community. He is just dying, but he has always been The day is not afraid of fear, the emperor will let him grab, then he will grab.

"The elders of Ling Xiao Ge almost killed me, even if they compensate me, they have to give me a place."

Previously, the Happy Emperor had already sent a voice to Ling Jianhao. Now that Ling Jianhao has just arrived, he heard Lingdao’s shameless words. Ling Jianhao straightened his eyes. The elders of Ling Xiaoge really want to kill you, but you are all right, he is dead, why is Ling Xiaoge? To compensate you.

Ling Jianhao can see it. The father and son in front of him, one is overbearing, one is shameless, one wants to grab someone else's quota, one wants others to compensate for the quota, and Ming Ming Ling is the hostile force of Ling family. Why does he suddenly feel that Ling Xiaoge feels poor.

"Right, butterfly dance, proud dragon, Qianhui, Lei Wenyuan, do they go, I think that a quota for me is not enough, or let Ling Xiaoge compensate five places."

Sure enough, not the most shameless, only shameless, Ling Xiaoge still underestimated the shameless degree of Ling Dao, Ling Dao killed the young genius of Ling Xiao Ge, Ling Jia extinguished the elders of Ling Xiao Ge, but Lingdao can still make a request for compensation, Ling The thickness of the road is thick, Ling Jianhao is not as good as himself.

"No, they have their way, not like you."

The Emperor Xiaoyao shook his head and waited for Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Aolong and Lei Wenyuan to pass through the ninety-nine-tier Denglong Ladder. He also pointed out that they were practicing, and then said that they would have a place in the Linglong Pavilion. The opinion is that if the five places in the Linglong Pavilion are robbed, the owner of the Linglong Pavilion must not fight the Ling family.

"Let you take the big scorpion to take you to Lingxiaoge. If you meet the people in Lingxiaoge, you will say that the Emperor wants them to have a quota. If they do not agree, the Emperor will personally go to Linglongge to take a trip."

Duanmu Emperor is the great emperor, and the Emperor of the Emperor can still kill him. The Emperor of the Emperor is mainly engaged with the Emperor of the Sorrow, and only the one who was killed, the Duanmu Emperor has a heart, as long as the heart is not extinguished, you can resurrect. The Lord is only the Taoist territory, but there is no heart, and if he dies, he is dead.

Ling Jianhao can only mourn for the owner of Lingxiaoge. If he encounters unreasonable people, he is already unlucky enough to encounter unreasonable emperor. It is even more bloody. The emperor is not joking. If Lingxiaoge does not give Lingdao quota, he really Will drive to the Linglong Pavilion.

"Big scorpion, where do I come from?"

Lingdao stunned, Ling Jianhao is a bitter smile, since knowing that Lingdao is the son of Lingjia’s owner, Ling Jianhao would not want to see Lingdao. In the past, Lingdao also called him a predecessor because his realm is higher than Lingdao, the age Biger than Ling Dao, but now, Ling Dao is his uncle.

Because, Ling Jianhao's grandfather, is the brother of Xiaoyao Emperor, Ling Jianhao's father, is the cousin of Lingdao, according to the generations, Ling Jianhao is the big scorpion of Lingdao, now the three people in the Xiaoyao Temple, Lingdao naturally look Transferred to Ling Jianhao's body.

"Don't you be my big sister, it's too big."

Ling Jianhao is ashamed and difficult. A 20-year-old uncle really makes it difficult for him to export. In the future, he does not want to put a shelf in front of Ling Dao. Even if he is a Tao, there is still no effect. Uncle is an uncle, nephew. It is the scorpion.

"Homeowners, can't help but mention this thing."

Lingdao of previous life, only saw his uncle several times, if his uncle appeared in front of him, he may know, the uncle's grandson, anyway, he did not know at all, it is even impossible to think of his uncle's grandson already It is the strong man of the kingdom.

The Emperor of the Supreme Court sat down and began to practice. He no longer took care of Ling Dao and Ling Jianhao. Ling Dao looked up and down Ling Linghao, so Ling Linghao couldn’t wait to find a place to sneak in, and the predecessors became a big scorpion. The world is changing, and the sea is sang, Ling Jianhao said that it is totally unacceptable.

"The big scorpion, what are you doing, take me to Lingxiaoge."

Lingdao walked to Ling Jianhao's face and patted Ling Jianhao's shoulder heavily. The old-fashioned Qiuqiu said that Ling Jianhao could only helplessly nod.

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