The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 147: Tongue wars


The huge bells suddenly sounded, and Ling Dao and Ling Jianhao scored into the Lingxiao Pavilion. The two Tianzuns of the gatekeeper could only sound the alarm. The strongmen of the Lingxiaoge came out from the cultivation ground. Their faces were strange and incomprehensible. With doubts, in the end, whoever dared to go to Ling Xiaoge to wild.

They thought that they would come in the army of other emperors. Who knows, the first thing that appeared in front of them was a young man in his twenties. He didn’t seem to be only in his twenties, but his bones were only In his twenties, is the young man now so mad?

Under the blue sky, thirty-three heavenly palaces, ninety-nine heavy treasure halls, palaces in groups, thousands of families, magnificent, and majestic weather, what Lingdao saw, is only the tip of the iceberg of Lingxiaoge, the population of Lingxiaoge alone. It is far from being comparable to Lingjia.

Soon, the strongman of Ling Xiaoge noticed Ling Linghao who followed the Lingdao. In the first place, Ling Jianhao’s realm was much higher than that of Lingdao. Secondly, Ling Xiaoge had a strong person who recognized Ling Jianhao, Xiaoyao Emperor, and Ling Jianhao. Out of the limelight, the thirteen strong men died under his sword.

"Ling Jianhao, what do you mean, Lingjia wants to fight with my Linglong Pavilion."

"With the repair of your Tao, dealing with Tianjun and dealing with Tianzun, how can you handle it?"

"Where is the district, I dare to do whatever I want in my Linglong Pavilion, when I am in Lingxiaoge."

Qualified to blame Ling Jianhao, even the number of Ling Jianhao, must be the elders of Ling Xiaoge, Tian Zun, the Holy King, can only honestly do not say a word, in general, Daojun will not start with Tian Zun, the Holy King, But if they are not inferior, Ling Jianhao can only be beaten.

Ling Jianhao shrugged his shoulders, but he didn't want to come in. Lingdao walked in front. Tianjun and Tianzun of Lingxiaoge would definitely stop him. If he started his hand, he would definitely suffer. Lingjianhao must be below The starting point is strong, and the Tianjun and Tianzun of Lingxiaoge are injured.

"I know him, he is the son of Happy Emperor, Lingjia Emperor, Lingdao."

A disciple of Ling Xiaoge pointed out Lingdao exclaimed and uttered the identity of Ling Dao. The dialogue between Ling Xiaoge and Ling Jianhao was not qualified to interject. He could only look forward to the young man in front of Ling Jianhao, but he did not expect to be the Lingjia Emperor himself. Hit the Ling Xiaoge.

When he shouted, he transferred the attention of all the warriors of Ling Xiaoge to Ling Dao’s body. The things of Lingjia’s emperor, most of them have heard of it, but they have never seen it, even if they have not heard of it. It’s just the four words of Lingjia’s emperor, and they can also raise their interest.

The current Lingxiaoge, there is no great emperor, and there is no emperor. They only know that the emperor is among the empires in the same territory. There are few rivals. The tyranny on the bloodline alone makes them win on the starting line. Fortunately, there is only a king in Lingdao. The same realm is even more powerful, and the warriors who encounter higher realms are still not enough to see.

"It’s a wicked person to complain. If it’s not for you, the Heavenly King of Ling Xiao Ge will start with me. Will he take the shots of Tian Jun and Tian Zun from your Ling Xiao Ge? He is saving me. Is it wrong?”

Lingdao is simply a strong word, don't say that Ling Xiaoge's strong is speechless, even Ling Jianhao is also stunned, Ling Jianhao really do not know how thick the face of Lingdao, actually said that Ling Xiaoge is a wicked first complaint, but he and Lingdao is A battle line will certainly not be dismantled.

"I just want to come in. They don't even agree. In my realm, can you still make the Lingxiao Pavilion impossible? When are you afraid of a king?"

If you change someone, dare to talk nonsense in Lingxiaoge, the strongman of Lingxiaoge has already slapped him to death. What's more, Lingdao is still upside down, confusing black and white, dozens of Tianjun and two Tianzun of Lingxiaoge, all Injury, how is it that he is the victim.

Lingdao is not the same, because Duanmu Emperor sent apprentices, chasing Lingdao, the emperor will kill himself to the king of the king, kill the Duanmu emperor alive, if they really will be Lingdao, do not know the happy emperor will send What is crazy, the realm of Ling Dao is low, but he is a little ancestor.

"If it is their first hand, this elder will definitely want them to look good."

The elders of Ling Xiaoge quickly intervened. If Ling Dao said it again, he would point to their noses and ask them if they were waste. Otherwise, they would be afraid of him as a king, in front of a group of disciples, they Where is the face?

"I thought that Ling Xiaoge was all upside down. It was my fault that I blamed you. It turns out that Ling Xiao Ge has an elder who is so upright."

Ling Jianhao standing behind Lingdao only wants to stay away from Lingdao. It is obviously that Lingdao is upside down. He can justifiably say that others are upside down. Moreover, Lingdao’s implication is not to say that besides this elder, others It’s all about reversing the right and wrong.

Even the elders who are praised and upright by Lingdao are also gloomy. If they are not scolding Lingdao, he really wants to kill Lingdao, because some of the disciples of Ling Xiaoge have seen his eyes become different. It seems that he is the same person as Lingjia, otherwise how can he help Lingdao.

"I don't know what the two are coming to, I am going to see you."

Another elder smiled and shifted the topic, no longer entangled Ling Dao's arrogance for Ling Xiaoge. Ling Jianhao shot very well, and the gatekeeper Tian Zun and Tian Jun, there is no death, they are injured, it is a lesson for them. Who told them that even the Emperor Lingjia did not recognize it.

"No, that's it."

Ling Jianhao thought that the elders of Ling Xiaoge had to thoroughly investigate the previous things. The family told him not to do it. As a result, he still started. He thought it was bad. He did not expect that the elders of Ling Xiaoge could not plan to do so. He could not help but smash Lingdao. At a glance, I found that the expression of Lingdao did not change, and it was difficult to make everything in the sight of Lingdao.

There is a father who must have his son, the Emperor of the Emperor is strategizing, and it is like a god. Lingdao can have this performance. Nothing is so strange. Lingdao is just like a reckless, behind the madness, hiding the deep meaning, Ling Jianhao finally understands why the owner He said that he would not move his mind. A young man in his twenties is better than him.

"There is nothing big, that is, the elders of your Linglong Pavilion wanted to kill me last time, scared me very weakly. When I was practicing recently, I was upset, I should have a demons, I want to break through later, I don’t know how hard it is. The father said that there is a big fear between life and death. Only by honing between life and death can it be possible to eliminate the demons.

I asked my father, where can I let out my heart, my father said that the Shura world can be, a Shura order has only one hundred places, and one hundred young warriors of my Ling family have already gone to Shura, and the father said that one hundred yuan of Ling Xiaoge The number of places is still there, but Ling Xiaoge is definitely not willing to give me a quota.

At that time, I refuted my father. Is the owner of Ling Xiao Ge a stingy person? Is the elder of Ling Xiao Ge a stingy person? I don’t want to give me a place for a hundred places. I was originally the elder of Ling Xiaoge’s heart. Devil, are they still having faces that obstruct me and destroy my heart? ”

The elders of Ling Xiaoge almost bite their tongues, and the disciples of Ling Xiaoge are stunned. The last time, even the elders of Ling Xiaoge began to lose money, but later, the emperor emperor killed him, Ling Jianhao killed him, and the loss was obviously Ling Xiao Ge is right.

They don’t feel that Lingdao has anything to be scared. It’s still uneasy and devotional. It’s nothing more shameless than Lingdao. Especially one of Lingdao’s problems, it’s shameless to the extreme. They don't give Lingdao quotas, they are really stingy, as if they don't give Lingdao quotas, they really don't want to be the same.

Ling Jianhao is able to see what is called upside down right and wrong, what is called confusion of black and white, the previous things, and the current one, can only be a small witch, if you do not know the matter, he really thought that the loss is the Lingdao, unlucky It’s Lingdao, and it’s Lingdao.

For a time, the elders of Ling Xiaoge did not know how to answer the words. Ling Dao Hu was so entangled that they did not know how to deal with them. In particular, Ling Dao repeatedly mentioned his father again and again. The power of the emperor is to suppress the elders of Linglongge.

"It turned out that Lingjia Emperor came to visit, and there was a long-awaited welcome, but also forgiveness."

At this time, the lesser owners of Ling Xiaoge rushed over, and the elders sighed and let them deal with others, but Ling Dao really let them have a headache, and they couldn’t help but the young people still handed over to young people to cope. In order to prevent others from saying that they are bullying.

The lesser owner of Ling Xiao Ge, only a hundred years old, is very talented and very comparable. Even the big and small things in Ling Xiao Ge can handle it well. Now the elders of Ling Xiao Ge are in trouble, if he can solve it, sure Can win the favor of the elders.

"Look at the attitude of your mistakes, I will not be guilty."

Lingdao waved his hand and said something, but it made the face of Lingxiaoge’s cabinet less rigid. The owner of Lingxiaoge really did not understand. He admitted the mistake in the end. He also admitted his attitude to sincerity and forgive him for innocence. Who is your own, the owner of Ling Xiaoge?

The elders of Ling Xiaoge have retired. They don’t want to talk to Lingdao. Otherwise, they will be mad at him sooner or later. If they can’t help but shoot at Lingdao, they might die on the spot. The means of the emperor are unpredictable, not theirs. Able to resist.

"I just heard you say that you need to go to the Shura community. Unfortunately, the 100 places in our Linglong Pavilion have all been used up. Even if we want to give you a place, we have to give it."

One hundred places of Shura’s order, Lingxiaoge could not give Lingdao, Lingxiaoge’s lesser family did not directly refuse Lingdao. He could only tell the falsehood to deceive Lingdao. He did not believe that Lingdao had a small king and a warrior. Can not turn over in the Lingxiaoge.

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