The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 155: Magic hand forbidden

It has been said that the Shura community is a battlefield in the wild, a place where Terrans and other ethnic groups fought. In the wilderness period, the Terran was weak, and after the Three Emperors opened Taikoo, the Terran really rose. Others say that the Shura community is a battlefield in the Taikoo era, where the great emperors of the powers decided to fight.

I don’t know when it’s time to start, the Shura community rejects the strong, not to mention the king, even Tian Zun can’t get in. The current Shura community can only be the battlefield of Heavenly King and Heavenly King. With the Shura Order, you can make a hundred places to the Shura community in one year.

Lingxiu’s ninety-nine disciples went to where Lingdao did not know, because he was concealed by the owner of Lingxiaoge. The owner of the Lingxiaoge Pavilion will not personally want the life of Lingdao. Who knows what means the Happy Emperor has arranged on Lingdao. If he kills Ling Dao, the Emperor will certainly not let him go.

However, the Shura community is different, and the means of the Great will be rejected by the Shura community. When the Emperor of the Supreme was engraved on Lingwu, it was only the level of Tianjun. Of course, even if Feng Tianjun wants to kill Ling Wu, the means of the Emperor will still be able to protect Ling Wu.

The sky in the Shura world is bloody, the earth is also bloody, and the **** sun hangs high. In the air, **** and suffocating, people feel very uncomfortable. Looking around, there is no living being, whether it is a human warrior or a different race.

In front of Lingdao is a Wuzhi Mountain, towering into the clouds, and five fingers each forming a peak. The cloud of clouds is covered with mountains and there is no vegetation. What surprised him was that Wuzhishan gave him a familiar feeling, but he had never been to the Shura community before.

In the past life, the Lingjia of the Ziwei domain was only a small force. There was no Shura order at all, and even Lingdao had never heard of the Shura community. He was seen in other places in Wuzhishan, but he couldn’t remember it for a while, but he didn’t feel any danger.

"Or, go see?"

If you let others know the idea of ​​Lingdao, you still don't know what to scare. The place where Lingdao is located is the forbidden land of the Shura community. It has never been forbidden by the magic hand, but there is no magic hand forbidden. In the seven forbidden areas of the Shura community, the magic hand is forbidden to be ranked in the top three.

The owner of the Linglong Pavilion sent Lingdao to the magic hand forbidden, which is to force out the card of Lingdao. The Emperor of the Supreme Court is willing to let Lingdao go to the Shura community, and will definitely try to save the life of Lingdao. He chose the magic hand to ban the land, Lingdao wants to live, it must be done by means. Even so, if Lingdao wants to escape, he will still suffer and even suffer.

According to legend, the magic hand banned the land with the emperor, but no emperor dared to enter the magic hand forbidden. The means of the Great Emperor level is useless in the Shura community. It is only the guardian of the Tianjun level. Can you save your life? No Emperor dare to gamble. The Emperor of the Supreme Court dared to let the emperor rob the enemy of the power of the emperor, and the other emperors simply did not dare.

"You, are you looking for death?"

When Lingdao stood at the top of one of the peaks, he heard a woman's voice. Obviously no one, but a woman talking, immediately let Lingdao be alert. There are not only kings in the Shura community, but also Tianjun. Lingdao is not strong enough to defeat all Tianjun.

"Who? What do you mean by hiding?"

The ninth will spreads out and explores various places, and still has not found any clues. With his current cultivation, it is impossible for the king to hide his body shape in front of him. It is possible to speak the words of Heavenly King. Some Tianjun have mastered the half-step king-level will, and even have the real king-level will.

"You stand on me, dare to say that I am hiding, teenager, is your brain broken?"

The woman’s voice sounded again, and the coldness of the killing, let Lingdao sweat upside down. What she said was even more so that Lingdao felt inexplicable. Lingdao is now standing on Wuzhishan. How did he stand on her? Can she still be a Wuzhishan?

Wait, it's not right!

Lingdao quickly jumped from the top of the mountain. The voice of the woman reminded him of a person. No, precisely, it was a hand. In the past, in the world of Sword God, Lingdao Guanmo stone characterization, saw the confrontation of two great peers. One of the women, wearing black and white robes, has an unparalleled style.

It is clearly the strongest of the ancient times, and it is hard to live to the present. In the world of Sword God, Lingdao met her hand and now meets her other hand. Could it be said that she was not crushed by a corpse? Why not kill her?

"Predecessors, the kid is smashing, don't blame it."

At that time, the black and white robes girls wanted to get rid of Lingdao. It was the sword gods and the other powerful ones who took shots to save his life. From the previous situation, the arm in front of him should not know him, or he would not talk to him at all, but kill him. The hand I met last time and the hand I met now, certainly did not meet, but let Lingdao secretly greet luck.

The black and white robes are very hot, and Lingdao just wants to leave. Even if the black and white robes girl does not know him, it is still possible to have his life. Just one of her arms, she has the power to destroy the earth, and it is not that Lingdao can compete. How strong is the sword **** alone? Isn't it an arm that can't beat her?

"I want you to let me go, not not. I will pass you a passage. If you can understand what happened before, I can not pursue it."

If it was just speculation, then now, Lingdao can be sure that the arm in front of the eye is absolutely the same as the arm of the sword **** world. Both arms of the black and white robes were all suppressed, and if she could understand the scriptures, she could break through the seal.

If Lingdao had not dealt with her before, maybe she might believe her, but now he must not believe it. The last time he realized the scriptures, the black and white robes girl made him a slave. He disagreed, and the black and white robes girl was going to kill him.

The warriors who banned the land with the hands of the devils all learned the scriptures. Unfortunately, none of them realized that they all died in the forbidden land. Of course, if someone understands it, the magic hand will definitely not exist. It is because of her that she has become a forbidden place.

"Okay, I can try it!"

It’s not that Lingdao doesn’t want to refuse, but refuses to end. I’m afraid there is only one dead end. The black and white robe girl immediately passed the scripture to Lingdao, which was ten times more difficult than the scripture that she passed to Lingdao in the world of Jianshen. Fortunately, the repair of Lingdao is higher than before, and the horizon is wider than before.

Especially after getting the guidance of Xiaoyao Emperor, Lingdao’s cognition of martial arts has taken it to the next level. The current verse is difficult, but as long as he gives him time, he can definitely understand. However, the thing he needs to do most now is not to understand the scriptures, but to leave the place.

For three days, Lingdao did not say a half sentence, just sitting on the ground to understand the scriptures. His savvy is higher than the genius who came forward, and now he has learned most of the scriptures. If you want to fully understand, you can't do it for another three days. The more you get to the back, the harder it is to understand. It may take ten days and a half to fully understand.

"Predecessors, some places, I have no clue. If I break through a realm, maybe I will fully understand."

Lingdao did not tell the truth, because he knew that all the scriptures of Wu Jing were probably his death. Let him be a slave to the black and white robes girl, he is certainly not happy, because he is not qualified with such a strong player. If the black and white robes girl planted him a slave, he could control him.

In fact, he does not understand that it is not difficult to understand the realm of the girl in black and white. The black and white robes girls don’t know how many years they have been suppressed, but they can’t understand the scriptures. Is it because they only have two arms and no brains?

It’s just that she’s done a repair, a broken limb, or even a **** rebirth, just a piece of cake. As a result, her arm is the arm, although it can be turned into her appearance, but it is still the arm. The Emperor still has a heart, even if her various parts blew themselves, it is still okay, right?

"Then you will break through and cultivate, but I have time, no hurry."

Black and white robes girls do not care, said Lingdao is already the end of the king of heaven, let alone break through to the peak of the king of heaven, even if it is a breakthrough to the heavenly kingdom, it still will not take too long. She does not remember how many years she has been suppressed, one year and two years, ten years and a hundred years, for her, it is just blinking.

"I was in front of a retreat, because I fell into the bottleneck and came to the Shura community. Only fighting can make me break through the bottleneck and enter the next realm. If I have been retreating, I am afraid I will never break through. So, The things that helped the seniors to understand the scriptures could not be completed."

To put it bluntly, Lingdao just wants to leave, but unfortunately the black and white robe girl is not a fool. Fortunately, Lingdao had already prepared, and he quickly told his verses to the black and white robes. I want the black and white robes to believe in him, and I must let the black and white robes girl see his skills.


There was a big shock in Wuzhishan, and the **** clouds were tumbling, rolling like a huge wave. Lingdao’s eyes glimpsed, and as it was in the case of the sword **** big world, the scriptures were the key to breaking the seal in black and white robes. He just said that half of the verses of Wu Jing were told to the black and white robes, that is, the Wuzhishan had a huge change.

"What happened? It seems to be the change of the magic hand to the ground?"

The change of the forbidden hand of the magic hand not only affected the Lingdao, but also affected the warriors outside the forbidden land of the magic hand. Wuzhishan swayed, and the air of the sky rushed into the sky. A strong atmosphere, filled with light, dazzling light, illuminating all directions. Black and white robes girls are trying to break through the seals, and they will not cause any changes. Even if it is one of her hands, it is still easy to kill the outside warriors.

"I have heard that the magic hand has a peerless squad, is it true?"

"Are strong volatility, is there a peerless warrior that will not be born?"

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