The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 160: Nantian family

"Now for us, it’s not the most important thing. It’s not the most important thing. The most important thing now is to get rid of Lingdao and Lingdao must die."

"The brothers said that it is correct. Lingdao can be ranked within 10,000. It is not a star or a half stronger than us. If he is allowed to leave the Shura community alive, he is afraid to be stronger. When he wants to kill him, he does not know how difficult it is."

"We can't do it ourselves. You don't know the geniuses of other forces. If you don't tell them the identity of Lingdao, let them get rid of a warrior in the end of the kingdom, they certainly won't care."

The disciples of Ling Xiaoge gathered together to discuss how to get rid of Lingdao. As long as they can go to the late Tianjun or Fengfeng Tianjun, it is definitely a piece of cake to get rid of Lingdao. Now, the thing of Lingjia Emperor is only in Tianlingyu. A few territories, such as the Tianwang domain, have spread, and most of the warriors in the territory do not know.

The Happy Emperor may be able to spoof the murderer who kills the Tao. However, they find other Tianjun to solve the Lingdao, and then they kill the murderer. They are absolutely foolproof. As long as they are willing to pay enough price, they will definitely be willing to take the shot. Anyway, the Tianjun who killed the Tao will eventually die in their hands, and they will not have any loss at all.

In addition to Ling Xiaoge disciples, the disciples of Zhentiangong are also planning. The disciples of Lingxiaoge only dare to kill by knife. The disciples of Zhentiangong are planning to do it themselves. Duanmu Emperor has the confidence to break through. Even if the Emperor is not looking for trouble, he will still be with the Emperor. Do it once.

Before the disciples of the Tiangong Temple came to repair the world, the Duanmu Emperor commanded them. If they met the children of Lingjia in the Shura world, they would not be afraid of it. The Duanmu Emperor was not afraid of the revenge of the Emperor, and they were not afraid of the revenge of Lingjia. Duanmu Emperor was not the opponent of the Emperor. Lingjia is an enemy of the town Tiangong.

Of course, if you can use others to deal with Lingdao, the disciples of Zhentiangong will definitely use it. After all, Lingdao is the emperor of Lingjia. They don’t know what kind of cards are in Lingdao. In the event that Lingdao’s cards can kill them, They will die in Lingdao.

Fortunately, the Shura community is very big. It is bigger than the sword **** big world where Lingdao used to be. The person who wants to kill Lingdao does not know where he is. However, the change of the magic hand forbidden land has attracted the attention of many military people. Another warrior rushed to the outside of the magic hand forbidden, and he was interested in investigating the movement inside the forbidden hand, but did not dare to go in.

They came late, I don’t know that Lingdao was coming out of the magic hand. There is no such thing as a slogan. Who knows if Lingdao has a companion nearby, and rushing to Lingdao’s shot may lead to big trouble, let alone Ling Dao still hides the cultivation, they do not know what the realm is.

"I know that even if you reach the heavens, Lingdao will still not be silent. If this Lingdao is the Lingdao I am looking for, then I will never let him escape from my hands."

Another one who wants to deal with Ling Dao, he is not a disciple of Ling Xiaoge, nor a disciple of Zhentian Temple, but a disciple of the War God Palace. There is no intersection between the God of War Palace and Ling Dao, but when he is in the world of Jian Shen, he is three times. Two times against Lingdao, he is not someone else, it is the magic heaven.

Previously, the appearance of the Shulubang, let him discover the name of Lingdao, the Tianyuan Sanqian territory, the same name and the same name must have, but his instincts told him that the top of the list of Lingdao is likely to be the Lingdao he is looking for. He is now Tianjun. If he continues to break through, it will be useless for him.

The cultivation is quite ridiculous, and it must be started from the beginning. He is only a god, and he is willing to abolish the cultivation. He will start from the beginning. If he becomes a Tao, he will not have the courage to repair himself. No matter where Lingdao is in the Shura world, he You must find the Lingdao and then remove the Lingdao.

The Shura community is big, but it is very small compared with the three thousand territories of the heavens. If Lingdao leaves the Shura community, it will be big, and he wants to find Lingdao. It is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. He did not know that Lingdao was the thing of Lingjia Emperor, and he did not know.

The first to find Lingdao is not the Taotian Taoist, not the disciples of Lingxiaoge, nor the disciples of Zhentiangong, but the children of Nantian family. Because a monarch of Nantian family died in Lingjia, the family of Nantian family let young talents enter. When they came, they told them to deal with Ling’s children.

The most important thing is Lingdao. One hundred young geniuses from Nantian family who have come in have seen the portraits of Lingdao. They know Lingdao and know that Lingdao is the emperor of Lingjia, even if the family of Nantian has a life. First, they still hesitate to kill other Ling family, they are not afraid, but killing the road, they are afraid.


Seeing that Lingdao is about to leave their sight, Nantian is having to open the way and kill Lingdao. It really has to bear great risks. However, it will also be greatly benefited. There are also 18 children of Nantian family around Nantianzheng. If they are allowed to take the shot, can they pick themselves up.

Nantian is the late Tianjun, dealing with Lingdao, there is no problem with self-confidence, but Lingdao’s identity is not trivial. If the person who kills Lingdao is another child of Nantian family, he is only a bystander, then there is no problem, the rest Eighteen young children of Nantian family wanted to come and dare not listen to him.

"You are talking to me."

Ling Dao does not know the children of Nantian family, and he does not know Nan Tianzheng. However, he can feel the hostility of the children of Nantian family. The three trials of the Emperor of the Immortal not only gave him great benefits, but also made him offended one after another. power.

Knowing that he is a prince, and dare to do it to him, only the power of the emperor, the power below the emperor, unless there is a power of the emperor, or else, certainly not to kill the emperor, a great emperor wants to remove the power of the emperor It’s hard to go to the sky, but it’s easy to put a force on the ground.

"You are still standing and killing him."

Nantian is pointing at Lingdao and let the other 18 Nantian family members start. If there are other orders, the 18 Nantian family members who are present will definitely listen to him, but the order to kill the emperor will make them smash. First of all, Whether you can kill Lingdao is a problem. Secondly, killing Lingdao can not be a problem.

"How, my words, you have not listened to it, do you want to kill a little king, you still have no opinion, he is on the Shulubang, you are not on, but the Shurao list is not strength, Don't you beat him, but he can't."

The same realm, the children of Nantian family, who are present, are indeed not the opponents of Lingdao. Fortunately, their realm is higher than Lingdao. When the Nantian family’s Daojun died in Lingjia, Lingdao only had the predecessor of Tianwang, even if it was recently Lingdao How much cultivation can be cultivated.

"Is it really going to be shot."

One of the Nantian family's children whispered, in exchange for the revenge of Nantianzheng. They were headed by Nantianzheng, and now Nantian is asking them to deal with Lingdao. They can only take the scalp out. They are scolding the identity of Lingdao. It is not the ranking of Lingdao on the Shura list.

"Slow, you have to kill me, do you have to let me die and understand that you have to get the realm, really want to kill me, I can't escape, don't you want to tell me your identity?"

Lingdao wants to set up the words of the children of Nantian family. Unfortunately, no one cares about him. The eighteen children of Nantian family have looked at each other and attacked him. Among them, there are nine peak kings and nine former Tianjun. It is more than enough to deal with a king of Lingdao.

"Red Xia Jianfa."

"There is no double broken dragon."

"The wind is in the air."

"Dragon-shaped gold scales."

The children of Nantian family exhibited different martial arts. With the insights of Lingdao, they could not recognize their origins from their exercises and martial arts. Lingdao only knew that they were not disciples of Lingxiaoge because of the ninety-nine A disciple, he has all seen it.

The red long sword stabbed, like a fiery red sunset, flooding the sky, the sword light rolling, like a cloud like a wind, the sword is moving freely, the intention is moving, the fifth level of the origin of the fire, making his sword, exudes a burning Breath, it seems to be to turn the earth hundreds of meters into scorched earth.

A silver-white sword slammed into it, as if there were dragons and dragons, and there was a hundred dragons fleeing. The speed of the sword was so difficult to distinguish from the naked eye. There was a hundred meters from Lingdao in the previous moment. In front of Ling Dao, he was going to kneel down one of his arms.

The thunder roared, the electric light shone, and a pair of big hands seemed to carry the endless thunder, hitting Lingdao, and it was a golden sword. From the front, a dragon-shaped knife was smashed, and it was emptied into a fascinating faucet. There is also a huge axe, squatting from the sky, like to open the earth and divide the five lines.

There are also double fists vacated, black clouds rolling, like the ancient beasts coming, a spear, like an arrow feather, stabbed in front of Lingdao, and another Nantian family dragged the sword, slammed over It is like one after another, Jianshan falls, shaking the mountains and rivers.

Eighteen Nantian family shots seem fierce. In fact, all of them leave room for them. Their attacks can hurt Lingdao, but they are not fatal. Because they all know the identity of Lingdao, they have the courage to hurt Lingdao, but they are not courageous. Killing the road, they don't want to be victims of the upper battle.

Even so, Lingdao still feels great pressure. Nine peaks and nine former Tianjun teamed up, even more than the 120 kings he met before. Fortunately, he came to Shura, this is In order to sharpen one's own body, not afraid of the opponent, it is afraid that the opponent is weak.

"The real dragon illustration."

After receiving the guidance of the Emperor of the Supreme Emperor, the power of the real dragon illustration is also a barrier that is far better than the past, and the eight dragons of the size of the hundred dragons are condensed, blocking the attack of one child after another, the dragon scale collapses, the dragon horn Broken, the dragon body is even more riddled.

"You have already shot, now it is my turn." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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