The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 162: Demon fox heart flower

"This is the place, give me the peaks in front of me."

A young man holds an ancient compass in his left hand and points to the mountain peak in front of his right hand. He is the young genius of the Temple of Destiny, the pro-disciple of the Five Elements, the Goddess of Destiny, the Great God, the Dark God, and the Five Gods. There are also yin and yang gods.

The Temple of Destiny is an extremely ancient emperor's power. The foundation is not a general deep. Even if all the emperors are put together, they can still rank in the forefront. The four great priests have a very high status. I don't know how many destiny disciples are there. I want to be their apprentice.


The five young warriors behind him should have said that their realm is higher than him, but his status is not as good as him. His identity as a disciple of his five gods is enough for them to follow with them, because the pro-disciples of the Five Elements It is possible to become the next five-line priest.

Ge Yuanhong, not the most powerful disciple of the Five Elements, is the most favored disciple of the Five Elements, because he was adopted by the Five Elements, and he grew up from a young age, like a child of the Five Elements, the compass in his hand. It is also a personal gift from the five elements of the Great God, which is extraordinary.


The five young warriors shot at the same time and smashed the mountain pointed by Ge Yuanhong. They didn't know what Ge Yuanhong was going to do. Anyway, Ge Yuanhong said that they did it. Anyway, pushing a mountain peak is a breeze for them. They smashed the mountain and happened to interfere with the battle between Lingdao and Nantian family.

Originally, Ge Yuanhong and Lingdao between them, separated by a mountain, did not care about each other, but now, the mountain is gone, and when the five young warriors of Ge Yuanhong smashed the mountain, the stone is now squatting. On the children of Nantian family, they could not notice the other side.

"What do you mean."

Nan Tianzheng frowned and asked rudely, but thought that Ge Yuanhong was deliberately disturbing. The actions of the nine former Tianjun had already made him very angry. If he had not felt in his own heart, he would have died. They, Ge Yuanhong, their appearance, just hit his gun.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, you continue to fight you, we will not manage."

Ge Yuanhong smiled, not because of Nantianzheng’s unkindness, looking for Nantianzheng’s troubles. His purpose was to do something under the mountain peak. Lingdao did not know him. Nantianzheng did not know him, even if Nantianzheng and Lingdao were playing. Killed, still has nothing to do with him.

However, Ge Yuanhong’s generosity not only did not cause Nan Tianzheng’s good feelings, but made Nan Tianzheng even more unhappy. Nan Tianzheng felt that Ge Yuanhong did not put him in his heart. After playing the Nantian family’s children, a misunderstanding would be fine, when he What is the Nantian family?

"If you think it is a misunderstanding, you can shoot them. Then I can misunderstand you."

Nan Tianzheng is purely deliberately looking for jealousy. Anyway, counting on the nine former Tianjun to remove the Lingdao, it is simply impossible. If they have a fight with Ge Yuanhong, maybe there is still a turning point. Ge Yuanhong has nothing to say, behind him. The five young warriors are glaring at Nantian. As long as Ge Yuanhong makes an order, the five young warriors who follow him will definitely be working on Nantian.

"Okay, then I apologize, it is our fault, I hope you will not be surprised."

Ge Yuanhong is facing a gift to Nan Tianzheng, but it is to let Nantian know how to do it. Even if Nantian is no longer reasonable, Ge Yuanhong has repeatedly made concessions. He really has no reason to shoot. Five young warriors smashed the mountain peaks and squatted in the children of Nantian family. The stones on the body can't hurt them at all.

It is important to do things. Ge Yuanhong doesn't want to make extra-budgets. If he fights with Nantianzheng, it is very likely that there will be an accident. Without the order of Ge Yuanhong, the young warriors of the five destiny temples will not be able to do it with Nantianzheng. Fortunately, Nantian is righteous and does not continue. It’s hard for Ge Yuanhong, or else, Ge Yuanhong will definitely let the five followers make quick decisions.

"You don't want to move, let go, let me come."

Ge Yuanhong urged the ancient compass, and a little bit of starlight filled it. His eyes were not staring at the compass, but staring at the ground. Suddenly, the ancient compass violently vibrated, and Ge Yuanhong’s face showed a hint of joy. What you are looking for, you have already determined your position, you can do it now.

He put away the compass, his hands were printed, and the ground seemed to split open. The large cracks allowed him to clearly see the scene below. The intoxicating scent came out from underneath, and he almost lost it. He didn't find the wrong place, and he really had a fox.

The fox fox heart flower, palm size, white as jade, has nine petals, the smell is tangy, legend, only the land contaminated with the blood of the nine-tailed fox, it is possible to give birth to the fox fox heart flower, the purpose of Ge Yuanhong is the fox fox heart Flowers can enhance the will of the military.

"You protect the law for me, I will pick up the fox and heart."

After the disciples of the five destiny temples were received by Ge Yuanhong, they were kept in different positions, so as to prevent other warriors from coming to **** them. Ge Yuanhong was playing a **** print, and the land next to the fox’s heart was stripped. Even if the average person finds the fox fox heart flower, it is still impossible to collect the fox fox heart, but it may ruin the fox fox heart flower.

Nantian family's children are not without knowledge. They are simply the fragrance of the fox's heart, let them understand that Ge Yuanhong's digging is not something, but Ge Yuanhong's five followers are not easy to provoke, Nantian is able to feel them. Powerful, let Nantian deal with one, he is still sure, to deal with five, it will not work.

"A good Ge Yuanhong, I know, you can definitely find good things. I didn't expect that you dug out the fox fox heart flower. See you for a share, give me half."

At this time, a group of young warriors appeared. The young man headed by him, like Ge Yuanhong, is a disciple of the Temple of Destiny. However, Ge Yuanhong is a pro-disciple of the Five Elements, and he is a pro-disciple of the Dark God. Ge Yuanhong’s ability, of course, he is clear, following Ge Yuanhong, it is definitely good to take.

Ge Yuanhong got the fox and heart flower, and it was impossible to use it directly. He snatched half of it. Naturally, he was trying to refine the will to improve his will. If Ge Yuanhong gave him, it would be best. If Ge Yuanhong did not give it, then he would grab it and fight alone. In that case, he has absolute confidence and is better than Ge Yuanhong.

Song Yuzong, like Ge Yuanhong's realm, they competed from small to big, and they have enough understanding of each other. Fighting is not the best thing that Ge Yuanhong is good at. It is normal for Song Yuzong to be beaten. However, the four great priests, the strongest of them, are themselves dark. Great **** officer.

"I have to work hard. If you don't do anything, you want to divide it in half. Is it too much?"

After collecting the demon fox heart, Ge Yuanhong turned and looked at Song Yuzong. Although he did not find the trace of Song Yuzong at first, he knew that Song Yuzong must be nearby. Song Yuzong knew him. He also knew Song Yuzong, and Song Yuzong robbed him of his things. Not once or twice.

"Nine petals, I can give you a piece, how."

Song Yuzong wants half, Ge Yuanhong just wants to give him a petal, he will certainly not agree, Ge Yuanhong’s voice has just fallen, Song Yuzong gave a sneer, Ge Yuanhong is clearly sending out the meal, even the five followers of Song Yuzong They are shaking their heads.

"If that's the case, then let's put it on."

If it is not right, it will be solved by force. Anyway, Song Yuzong has absolute control to defeat Ge Yuanhong. If Ge Yuanhong let followers shoot, then he will let the followers take the same shot. Song Yuzong’s followers are also weaker than Ge Yuanhong’s followers. It must be Song Songzong.

"What, it turned out to be a fox fox, if I can get the fox, I can't master the king's will."

Nan Tianzheng was excited to think that if the followers of Ge Yuanhong and Song Yuzong were strong enough, he was afraid that he had already shot, and the battle between the nine former Tianjun and Lingdao was too lazy to control. Now what he wants most is the fox Not the life of Lingdao.

The battle between the nine former Tianjun and Lingdao is that Lingdao has the upper hand. Nantian is letting them kill the road. Not only because Lingdao’s identity is unusual, but also because he is worried about the powerful cards of Lingdao. Now, it is impossible to count on the nine cards of the previous Tianjun who forced out the Lingdao.

"Okay, don't fight, stop."

Ling Dao can be dealt with in the future. If the demon fox heart flower is missed, it may not be met in the future. Nantian is letting the nine former Tianjun stop, just to let them help themselves to rob the demon fox heart flower. Originally, he had no chance. However, once Song Yuzong and Ge Yuanhong fight, he is likely to take advantage of the fishermen.

"Why, if you want to fight, you can't fight if you don't want to fight."

If Lingdao has enough strength, I am afraid I have already planted it in the hands of the disciples of Nantian family. Now Nantian is letting them stop. Lingdao is obviously not happy. What Nantian is thinking, Lingdao knows clearly, he deliberately shouted this sentence, that is In order to remind Ge Yuanhong of them.

Nantian is the enemy. Lingdao certainly does not hope that Nantian is able to get the demon fox heart flower, Ge Yuanhong and Song Yuzong, Lingdao does not know, let them get the demon fox heart flower, it is better than Nantian is getting, and sure enough, Lingdao is so As soon as he shouted, Ge Yuanhong looked over.

"Song Yuzong, you want to fight with me and lose both, and then let others get the fox and heart."

When Ge Yuanhong said this, Song Yuzong also looked at Nantianzheng. Lingdao and the nine former Tianjun were not afraid. The previous battles have exposed their cultivation. Nantian is fiercely stalking Lingdao, Ge Yuanhong and Song Yuzong. He has already noticed him, can he still grab the fox?

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