The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 183: Kowloon Funeral Seal

"It is the breath of the great devil, absolutely right, damn, if it is not hurt, I have to take back his holy soldiers."

The robbers who fled to the distance suddenly turned around and looked at the place where they were in Lingdao. They shook their heads and shook their heads. Even if they were in the heyday, they were not the opponents of the big devil. Fortunately, he did not fight the robbery, or else he wanted to find it. The ground seams have been drilled in, stimulating the genius of nine blood lines, and not only a warrior lower than his realm.

I want to compete with the big demon. The former one is indeed almost the same as the robbery. But now, his strength is no longer a robbery. The chance he got in the red flame has already made him more On the first floor, the more he goes, the stronger he will be, the farther away from the robbers.

The sacred sacred sacred by the Great Devil is the burial of the Nine Dragons. It is probably the reign of the Holy King. It is also a sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sword. It is completely inferior to the sacred sacred sword. Tianyin, not to mention the seven-locked soul-locking map, there is no comparability at all.

The nine dragons hovered above the sky, and the dragon was so vast that it was like a real dragon. Whether it was a secluded flood or other heavenly kings, all of them looked at the big demon, and the burial sky was suspended in front of the big demon. Its power is like a party overlord, suppressing the Quartet.

Yu Hong’s face changed. From the power, the Kowloon burial sky is stronger than his ice blue sacred sword. If the big demon makes other Tianjun and him motivate the Kowloon burial sky, It is not a matter of countering the ice blue sacred sword, but it can suppress the ice blue sacred sword, and relying solely on the seven-storied locks of the soul map, the secluded flood can not destroy all the skills of the heavenly king.

"Come on, he has two sacred soldiers, and there are seventeen helpers. You only have one person and one sacred soldier. You can’t fight him. What's more, other Tianjun are thinking about it. If they think your sage is better, then What can I do?"

Once again, I saw the big demon god. Lingdao was quite excited. After all, Tianyuan’s three thousand borders were boundless. Looking for a person was like finding a needle in a haystack. After the lower bound, Lingdao never saw the big demon. I didn’t expect to be in Shura. The world meets, but unfortunately now Lingdao can only pass the sound to the big demon, for fear that the big demon is too impulsive.

You are not good at slumbering, and the bearded Tianjun and the other 16 Tianjun are not fuel-efficient lights. The big demon is weak and powerful. It is difficult to take advantage of it. You can rest assured that you can Bearded Tianjun, they urged the holy soldiers, let Lingdao hold the holy soldiers, but the big devil is different.

If other Heavenly Kings urged the burial of the seals of the Kowloon, or they were in charge of the burial of the seals of the Kowloon, they would definitely be the hands of the burial of the burial priests. They came to rob the sacred soldiers. The burial of the kiln was even stronger. If they were not interested, then It is impossible, and the great demon is so weak that it is better to deal with the disciples of the Holy Land.

"The younger brother is relieved, since I dare to come, there is an absolute grasp to save you."

If the Shura of the Tianrens is less than a hundred places, it is a waste of resources, then the emperor's palace is even more wasteful, because the emperor's palace wants to make a place is difficult, the emperor's temple Shura orders, sometimes not at all Use, compared to the number of disciples of the Emperor's Temple, the Terran is a large number.

The self-confidence of the great devil is not without reason. From ancient times to the present, there are no disciples of the emperor's palace, who died in the Shura world. There is no disciple in the emperor's palace, or they can certainly walk in the Shura world, even if they come in. Disciples, only the king of heaven, is also not the other forces of the heavenly king can bully.

"Teacher, who is his younger brother, the kid who just used the holy sword."

Lingdao is a voice, the big demon **** is not, the words of the big demon gods are clearly heard by others, other disciples of the emperor worship the sneaks are sneaky, the big devil is bright, and the people who can be recognized by the big demon are very few Less, Lingdao is one of them.

In the past, the lord of the emperor's palace was not there. The cockroaches and the monkeys ran to help Lingdao. Now that the lord returns, they certainly don’t dare to come, especially now that they are sitting in the emperor’s palace. I know that the two masters are the most ancient, and they must not let the disciples violate the rules of the imperial palace.

The big demon **** has no scruples. If he wants to help Ling Dao, he will obey his heart. No matter how the two masters punish him, he is willing to be punished. Anyway, the two masters can’t possibly have his life. If they are feathers, monkeys are If you do, you will definitely say that the Great Devil is too young, and the means of the Second Master can be thousands of times more than the horror of killing them.

"Impossible, in addition to the emperor Lingdao, the young people who come in, how can there be any powerful role."

Some people recognized the identity of Lingdao, so they were even more puzzled. The big devil shouted Lingdao’s younger brother. He thought that the big demon **** was the son of Ling’s family. The big demon **** can get the holy soldiers. It is definitely not a weak and deceivable person. The appearance of the sacred soldiers will set off a storm and it will be impossible. The great demon **** is lucky to the extreme, only the sacred soldier he found alone.

"It turns out that you want to save your younger brother. You said earlier, I want to save your younger brother. I will give it to you."

You Hongyu did not hesitate to let the road open and hand over the Lingdao to the big demon. There is no loss for him. Anyway, the soul tree is still in the will of the Lingdao. As long as he orders, Lingdao has to wait. His demolition, unless Lingdao does not want to live.

If you want to get rid of the soul tree, you can rely on Lingdao yourself, or you can kill yourself. Other Tianjun certainly has no ability to remove the soul tree. Lingdao only has a late kingdom and wants to get rid of it in a short time. It is impossible to destroy the soul tree, and the flood is very relieved.

The Great Devil has a burial day in Kowloon. You can't conflict with him. If you are in a hurry, if you are in a hurry, the big devil will be desperate, and you can’t imagine it. What the consequences, of course, Yu Hongjun handed the Lingdao to the big demon, just to drag the big devil.

"Are you OK."

The big demon went to Lingdao and looked at Lingdao’s sweaty look. He knew that Lingdao was uncomfortable. Unfortunately, Lingdao shook his head and said that he was fine. The big demon did not ask, the most urgent thing is to stay away from this right and wrong. The land, the revenge of the newspaper, will not be reported later.

"Everyone, his sacred soldier is stronger than mine, and he only has a period of heavenly kingdom. You think it is better to rob my sacred priests, or to rob his sacred soldiers. My younger brothers are all heavenly kings, but his The younger brother, but it is a late king, and his life is still in my hands. Do you not want to grab his holy soldiers?"

After the flood and the big demon and the Ling Dao opened the distance, they were tempted by other gods. They wanted to let them shoot against the big demon. Once the other gods killed the great demon, the Kowloon burial sky would become an unowned thing. You can fish in the water and rob the dragons of the Kowloon burial. Once he has three sacred soldiers, whoever dares to confront him.

"You leave first, I have a way to get out. Just give me some time, I can get rid of the tree of the soul that he planted in my will."

Lingdao passed the voice to the big demon god, and did not want to involve the big demon god, and he could continue to use the torrents to smash them and remove their enemies. Previously, they only killed the children of Nantian family. The disciples of Ling Xiaoge have until now. Did not encounter.

"I can’t count on me if I mix things."

The Great Devil did not take care of the Lingdao, but screamed at the sorrowful sigh of relief. Then, the right hand of the Great Devil was pressed on the burial day of the Kowloon, and began to spur the sacred seal of the Kowloon, and the Tianjun in the distance. Scared back, the power of the Kowloon burial sky must be better than the ice blue sword.

The nine dragon dragons are like the real existence, the dragon scales are clearly visible, and the dragon's horn is like the sharpest blade. The dragon burial sky in front of the big demon is suddenly rising into the sky and turning into a mountain. The size, squatting to the secluded flood and the beard Tianjun.

Whether it is the secluded flood, or other Tianjun, I did not expect that the big demon will burst out, and the big devil will not say anything, it will spur the quarantine of the celestial burial, and hit the secluded flood, and it’s caught off guard. Very fast, quickly urging the seven-locked soul map.

"What else to send, speed up the holy sword and help me."

The screaming and screaming screaming, the beard of Tianjun, a spirit, woke up, waving the ice blue sacred sword, and smashed the burial sky in Kowloon, which is equivalent to the singer and the beard of Tianjun, using two pieces of holy Soldiers, dealing with the big demon **** alone, the realm of the two of them, this is higher than the big demon god, and now it is so shameless.

Other Tianjun not only did not mean to intervene, but also wished that the big demon and the secluded scorpion would fight for you to live and die. They could not only see the power of the burial sky in Kowloon, but also wait for the big demon and the singer to fight for both. Shooting, 鹬蚌 争 渔 渔 渔 渔 渔 , , , , , , ,

The sword light of the ice blue holy sword, cut through the void, and the edge of the unfavorable, but was blocked by the burial of the Kowloon. The previous Lingdao used the ice blue sacred sword to deal with one heaven and another, ruining and relaxing. But now, the ice blue holy sword is a rival that is more powerful than its opponent.


Nine dragons roared, claws and claws, blocked the void, and the Seven Miles of the Seven-Soul Locks rushed into the sky, and together with the nine dragons, the sorrowful eyes looked at the big demon, he still did not believe, using two pieces of holy Soldiers, but also against a sacred soldier driven by the Great Devil.

The beard spurred the ice blue sacred sword and once again pulled out. The seven scorpions, which were originally equal to the nine dragons, immediately took the upper hand. Unfortunately, they have not waited for the slumber and the beard, and the mountains are big. The prints are descending from the sky, and the void is like a collapse. In general, the burial days of the Kowloon ruined the seven scorpions, and the scorpion flies the ice blue sacred sword.


Yuhong squirted a large blood, and the seven smashed, not only his seven-storied locks were damaged, but even he himself was countered, and the bearded Tianjun flew out, holding the right hand of the sword. The tiger's mouth cracked open, and the right arm broke open a hole, and the blood flowed.

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