The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 185: Flooding

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes. He was originally thinking about using Lingdao in the future and didn't want to kill Lingdao. But now, You Hongyu felt a great threat. To get rid of the big demon, you must first start with Lingdao. The Great Devil has a horoscope of the burial of the Kowloon. If he runs away, he will not be able to stop him.

The big demon **** knows that there are many Tianjun, and still comes to save Lingdao. It is obvious that he attaches importance to Lingdao. If Lingdao is dead, it will definitely stimulate the big demon, let the big demon lose his mind, once the big demon only thinks Revenge, then his end will only have a dead end, and the sorrowful mind is so vicious.

"Destroy the soul tree, burst."

The secluded flood rushes to destroy the soul tree, so that the annihilation tree will explode in an all-round way. As long as the sacred world of Lingdao is destroyed, Lingdao will certainly not be able to survive. The killing of the Tao is to leave the big demon, leaving the big demon naturally to the big demon. The fate of the present, the dead Lingdao is more valuable than the live Lingdao.

"not good."

Lingdao did not think that Yu Hongjun would suddenly be in trouble. He quickly sat down and exerted his will to learn martial arts. He was prosperous and prosperous, and his world of the will appeared in a dense and fascinating figure. The number of counts was unclear. In the world of will, nine huge tails are condensed, as if the nine-tailed fox appeared.

Originally, he had time to refine the demon fox heart, but now, it is too late, he must thoroughly refine the demon fox in the shortest time, hope that the humanity Changlong and the nine-tailed magic, can win enough for him. Time, otherwise, the world of the will is broken, he has no way to live.

The big demon did not start with them, but they retreated to the front of Lingdao. He didn’t know what to destroy the soul tree. He only knew that the current Lingdao had life-threatening, the world of the will, he could not help, but There is a person who relies on Lingdao. He believes that Lingdao, who cultivates wild and ridiculous, can easily die.

"Do not do it at this time, but when."

You Hong shouted loudly, reminding other Tianjun, Lingdao is at risk, as long as the big demon does not leave Lingdao no matter, then the big demon will be attacked by all Tianjun, knowing so, the singer will not directly let The soul tree blasts, but let the tree of annihilation slowly explode, so as to delay the time.

The bearded Tianjun holds the ice blue holy sword and stands beside the torrent of water. Once the great demon spurs the burial of the celestial burial, they use the ice blue sacred sword and the seven shackles to resist the soul, although the seven shackles It’s better to go first, but it’s better than a hundred times more than a slap in the face.

"Who dares to do it, I will urge the Kowloon to bury the seal and kill him."

The big demon **** looked cold and violent. It was obviously a real anger. From the beginning to the present, he was the first to reveal the killing. The burial of the celestial burial was exuding the fierceness of the sky. The big demon **** is not a joke, if it is against other Tianjun, it is very It may not be able to take care of the ridge. In the current situation of Lingdao, a Tianjun can take his life.

Tian Jun, who was so eager to move, stopped his footsteps. The power of the Kowloon burial sky was not able to stop even the seven-locked soul map and the ice blue sword. They certainly couldn’t resist it. When you shoot, anyone can die under the burial of the Kowloon.

In particular, they feel that the Great Devil can only mobilize a sacred sergeant. Now it’s too bad to die in the burial of the Kowloon. As long as the Big Devil will use it for the third time, they want to kill the Great Devil. It is a breeze, Lingdao can use the ice blue holy sword again and again, because the disciples of the Nether Holy Land helped him to promote the ice blue holy sword, but no one gave the big demon to urge the Kowloon to be buried.


In Lingdao’s willing world, countless figures are attributed to nothingness, and the huge nine fox tails are blown up into countless pieces. He still underestimates the power of the sorcerer’s tree. The planting of the tree of extermination was not completely borne by his willing world.

His seven babies began to bleed, his head was groggy, and the world of the will was about to be broken. Even if he sat on the ground, his body was still shaking, as if he would fall down at any time. The big demon standing in front of him was at a loss, and he did not know how to do it. It’s good.

"If he is dead, even if you flee to the ends of the earth, I will break you down."

Obviously, the Great Devil is in a desperate situation, but he can still threaten the flood. The key is that You Hong can't help but step back. I don't know why. You think that the big demon is very dangerous now, maybe Kill the Lingdao, he will also follow the funeral.

The development of things can no longer be stopped. Even if you are regretting now, it is useless. You can only pray, and the Seven-Soul Locks and the Ice Blue Sword can help him block the last madness of the Great Devil, even if it is It is indispensable to abolish the Ice Blue Sword, and your life is the most important.

Just as the world of the will of Lingdao is about to be completely destroyed, the thumb man reappears, and Ling’s body exudes a scent of the sky, just like a supreme character who crosses time and space. The big devil’s face is a joy, there is a turning point. Did it appear, or how could it be?

After the thumbman appeared, the time seemed to be still, and the world of the will of Lingdao no longer collapsed. When he reached out, the power of the explosion of the tree of the soul-killing tree melted like ice, and the world of the will of Lingdao began. Reorganization, the fox fox heart flower is refining in an instant.

Lingdao’s will world has not only collapsed, but has gone further. The ninth will will break through to the half-step king’s will. If Lingdao gets the complete demon fox heart flower, maybe he already masters the king’s will. You must know that many Tianzuns have mastered the will of the king. If you master the will of the king in the kingdom of heaven, it is absolutely remarkable.

"I didn't die, and I still mastered the half-step will."

What is blessed in disguise, this is.

If it is not the secluded flood in the will world of Lingdao planted the tree of the soul, it will certainly not lead the thumb of the villain, relying solely on Lingdao to refine the demon fox heart flower, not only takes a long time, the effect is not as good as the thumb of the villain to help him He can feel that his will is only one step away from the will of the king.

"Humanitarian Changlong."

After waking up, Lingdao’s first thing is to use the will to attack, to deal with the sorrowful flood, the strength of Lingdao, certainly not comparable to the secluded flood, but his current will not only be worse than the torrential flood, On the contrary, it is still more powerful than the secluded flood. The humane Changlong is the eternal school before the emperor, and it is not the sorrowful flood.

The sea of ​​people and the sea of ​​the will, the world of the will, and the world of his will, it is like a thousand troops and horses attacking at the same time. The torrents are directly smashed, and there is no time to resist. Death, but also mastered the half-step king-level will, completely beyond the imagination of the torrent.


What surprised Jing Hong was that his will world had cracks, Lingdao’s will to attack, a strong mess, and the will of martial arts used by Yu Hong, could not resist, if there was no big demon, there was no flood Confidence kills the ridge, but the big demon is standing in front of the ridge, and there is no chance for the sneak to start.

"No, no, my world of will."

You Hong couldn't help but exclaimed, because there was a golden thread in his willing world, and he constantly cut his world of will. When the thumb man removed the tree of the soul, he would have a quiet flood. The life is only that the time has not arrived, and the torrents are not aware of it.

His eyes burst and the blood sprang from the corners of his eyes. He didn't think of the torrents. He urged the tree to destroy the soul. Not only did he not kill the ridge, but Lingdao destroyed his will world, the world of the will of the king. The collapse will die, and the world of Heaven’s will collapses and will die.

Now Lingdao uses the will to attack, just coincides with the time when the golden thread broke out. Others don’t know what is going on. They think that Lingdao uses the will to attack and kills the torrents. They are shocked and open their mouths. It is incredible to attack the will and kill the peak of the king.

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they still didn't believe it. If they said it to others, they would definitely not believe it. How could the will of the late kings compare to the peak of the king? What's more, Lingdao did not defeat the secluded flood, but killed It’s harder to kill the torrents than to defeat the secluded floods.

In addition, Lingdao used a will to attack, so that the torrential floods fell to the ground, just for a moment, it was necessary to squander the flood of life, just like the Arabian Nights, the later Kings killed the peaks, and It is still the genius level of the peak Tianjun, it is as simple as cutting melons and cutting vegetables.

"Impossible, definitely not true, brother, you are up, don't scare me."

The bearded Tianjun helped the slumber, but unfortunately, no matter how he shakes the body of the slumber, there is still no reaction from the sorrowful flood. Whether they believe it or not, anyway, the sorrowful sorrow is dead, and he calculates it. Go, and finally I hang myself.

"What do we do, we have to shoot for their sacred soldiers."

One day, the uncle asked, the big demon **** has already made them extremely jealous. Now, with a Lingdao, you can instantly kill the genius of Fengfeng Tianjun. Lingdao and the big devil are a group, if they join hands The robbing of the burial of the Kowloon plaque is not to find death.

"Actually, it is easier for you to rob their sacred soldiers than to rob us. The secluded floods are dead. The remaining sacred disciples are not afraid. They used to spur the holy sword and consume a lot. Can you now motivate? The holy swords are all problems. More importantly, they have two holy soldiers. If you **** it, you are more likely to get the holy soldiers."

Lingdao transferred the attention of other Tianjun to the beard of the Beard Tianjun and other Netherland Holy Land. The Seven Diagrams of the Souls was damaged, fell to the level of the sacred soldiers, and was directly ignored by Lingdao. His words obviously caused some days. Jun’s interest, Yu Hong’s death, the rest of the Netherland’s disciples is a loose sand.

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