The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 191: More advanced than who

"Hua girl, we have no enmity with you, and you have no complaints, why do you have to be against us."

Lingdao asked with a smile, if Hualingyue had no intention of killing them, maybe he would be like the big demon god, and he would be the first time to come to the martial arts gallery. They were the first time to participate in the martial arts event. Whether it is for the martial arts event or the martial arts corridor, they do not have enough understanding, and they are too lazy to waste time with Hualing.

Give him such a question, Hualing Yue is embarrassed to smile, indeed, the big demon and the Lingdao brothers discuss things, she is a cross, this is not right, and again, the big demon and Lingdao have no When she mentioned her, it’s hard to say that Peng Wanli is not working.

"Who said that I am against you." Hua Lingyue’s eyes turned a bit and forcibly defended. "I am a human warrior. I am good for you. It is the genius of the Kunpeng family who is fighting with the brothers. You will He is awkward, and the warriors of the Kunpeng family can let you go."

Standing in front of Hualing Moon, the disciples of the Imperial Palace turned their eyes, thinking that the sister-in-law’s ability to talk and talk is really powerful. Lingdao and the big demon are not three-year-old children. It is impossible to believe that Hualingyue said it. When they are not afraid of Ling Dao and the Great Devil, if they really fight, they have the confidence to kill Ling Dao and the Great Devil in the three interest.

"So, we are thankful for your kindness."

Ling Dao’s face is ridiculous, and the Hualing Crescent is itchy. Fortunately, Hualing’s face is thick enough, and he nodded. He said that Lingdao said yes, the big demon shook his head, regardless of Lingdao and Hualingyue. Controversy, but straight to the martial arts corridor, but unfortunately, he did not take a few steps, was stopped by other warriors.

Xiang Wenyu is a peerless genius of the gods, and there are 20 subordinates who have opened the way. They are still blocked by Peng Wanli. The great demon **** has no fame. Other warriors will definitely not give him any face. Who does not want to enter the martial arts corridor early? Who is willing to wait slowly behind.

The martial arts corridor has only two entrances, one for the king and the other for the king. The two entrances are the same. They can only go one after another. They cannot go in together. If the former warrior enters, then A warrior has to wait for an hour, one day, only one entrance is only twelve places.

"You don't go in, stop what I do."

The big devil's brow is slightly wrinkled. If it is really hands-on, he has to deal with a large number of warriors, and he may not be able to get it well. If he doesn't do it, he can't squeeze in. Who knows when to wait until he is in front of him. Some of the warriors are for themselves, others are for others.

If the elephant is standing at the forefront, his subordinates will stand behind and resist other warriors for him, so that Xiang Wenji will step into the martial arts corridor earlier, and there will be similar warriors who block the big demon. They are reducing their competitors for the peerless genius of their own power.

"What are you, standing honestly behind, so as not to be small."

"As long as you know each other, we are too lazy to do it to you. If you don't know how to advance or retreat, then we don't mind letting you taste the taste of death."

They are the geniuses from the great powers of the great emperors. What kind of young warriors have not seen them before they will not be afraid of the big demon gods. Whoever is more than the origins, if the big devils have to move forward, they don’t mind and The big demon **** hits one game, one can't do two, two can't do three together.

Some young warriors are from a devotee. Their purpose is only to block the big devil. Is it not important to fight alone? It is a pity that the emperor’s palace has come to the big demon, and the other disciples are all in heaven. Above, there is no way to come in, and there is no need to come in.

"Teacher, if you can compare the two, who can advance the martial arts corridor, how."

The big demon did not take care of other warriors, but turned and asked about the rules of Lingdao and Wudao Promenade. This is not the first come, but the advanced, the warriors in front, so if the big demon has been waiting. If you go on, you may not be able to step into the martial arts gallery when you leave the Shura community.

"No, because it is unfair." Lingdao shook his head, but it was not his arrogance, but the rule was in his favor. "My opponent is King, your opponent is Tianjun, and I am already in the late kingdom." You only have Tianjun in the early stage, how can you compare me?"

Lingdao is self-confident because he has the absolute grasp of the king of Fengfeng. He and Yufeng Tianwang are only one small realm. The big demon **** is different. Fengfeng Tianjun is three times higher than him. If it is the peak of genius level. Tianjun, he really can't beat.

"The tone is really big, only when the king of heaven is in the late stage, will you be invincible?"

"A late king, a former Tianjun, you still have to compare, anyway, you don't want to go in, don't wait."

Other warriors do not know the irony. Among them are the peak kings and the peaks, they have no confidence to step into the martial arts corridor, Lingdao and the big demon god, a late Tianwang, a former Tianjun, but full of confidence, the actual order They are not happy.

Just in the words of Lingdao and the Great Devil, they don’t mind killing Lingdao and the Great Devil. After all, a late king and a former Tianjun are still very good to kill. As for revenge, it’s not what they have to consider. It’s not to kill people in the Shura community. Is it to swim in the mountains?

"No, you think too simple. Do you think that there is no Heavenly King to stop you?"

The big demon shook his head. If it was the opponent of Lingdao, only the king of the king, then he did not have a slight chance of winning. Unfortunately, there will be Tianjun’s shot on Lingdao. It may be the former Tianjun, and may be the mid-term Tianjun. They are guarding the entrance of the king of heaven, of course, not for their own sake, but to remove competitors for others.

Most of the early Tianjun and mid-term Tianjun did not have the possibility to step into the martial arts corridor. They helped Tianjun to resist other young geniuses, and the worries of life, helping the king to resist other young geniuses, it was much simpler. The genius of the world, only the king of heaven, it is worth their personal love.

"Well, then compare it to see who is going to the martial arts gallery."

Lingdao only glanced at it, but he understood the meaning of the big demon god. The opponent of the big demon **** has the peak of the king, three taller than him, and the opponent of Lingdao has a medium-term Tianjun, which is also three heights higher than him. As a result, their test is still very fair.

"The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. I didn't understand it before. Now I understand it."

The young girl of the Imperial Palace, Hua Lingyue, once again opened her mouth. However, Ling Dao and the Great Devil did not take care of her at all. Hua Ling’s moon licked his mouth and let Ling Dao and the Great Devil God madly, soon, Ling Dao and The Great Devil knows how wrong they are.

The Great Devil and the Lingdao stood in the same place and began to adjust their own state. Waiting for them is a fierce battle. Instead of defeating two opponents, they can step into the martial arts corridor. In addition to the young warriors who are blocking the road, there is also a peerless world. Genius is waiting for them in front.

"Right, you are so confident, don't compare with me."

Hualing’s mouth is slightly stunned, and she thinks of a brilliant idea against the Lingdao and the Great Devil. She is the late Tianjun. If she wants to squeeze in, it is definitely simpler than the Big Devil, not to mention the disciples of the Imperial Palace to help her. If Ling Dao and the Great Devil are promised to her, they will lose.

"You want to compare, what is the bet."

Lingdao’s words obviously made Hualing’s brain short-circuited. Hualingyue really didn’t know where Lingdao’s confidence came from. Hualing’s moon was difficult to live. I really don’t know what to take. Well, even if she is willing to take out the sacred soldiers, but a sacred soldier, not enough Lingdao and the big demon god.

"I really laughed at you. You are a dead man right now. I still want to make a bet. Is your brain empty? I really don't know where you come from, how dare you compare with the genius of our Imperial Palace."

Standing in front of Hualing Moon, a local palace disciple couldn't help but interrupt. Hualingyue is the goddess' general existence. It is the honor of Lingdao to be able to gamble with Hualing. Lingdao still thinks about what kind of bet. He even wondered if he would wait for Lingdao to take the shot and kill Lingdao.

"At the very least, I have the confidence to enter the martial arts corridor. Do you have it, or say, dare you."

Ling Dao’s two problems have made the face of the former Royal Palace disciple angry. Do you have it? He said that he has no confidence to enter the martial arts gallery. Do you dare to say that he did not have the guts to enter the martial arts gallery because he really played It is inevitable that death and injury will occur. If he wants to step into the martial arts corridor, he will be prepared to be killed.

The other local palace disciples did not say a word because they had nothing to say, whether they said that the idiot was stupid or not, or that Lingdao was not self-sufficient, anyway, Ling Dao dared, and they did not dare, or they understood They are even contending, and their hopes are not great. They follow Hualingyue and they are escorting Hualing Moon. The Imperial Palace has other young talents and has the ability to step into the martial arts corridor, but it is not them.

"Bet is a condition. If I lose, I will promise you one condition. If I win, you will promise me one condition. You should not die. Otherwise, I will win if I win."

Hua Ling month stepped out, first to the martial arts corridor, followed her local palace disciples, began to open the way for her, the real threat to her, it is like Wen Hao, but she and Xiang Wenyi completely do not mean hands If they fight, they will only give others a chance, and they will not be the same as Jun Chengzhi and Peng Wanli.

"The beauty of the Imperial Palace, if I win, I will sleep you."

Lingdao said with awkwardness that Hualing’s body was stunned and almost fell. One by one, the imperial court’s disciples fired, and Lingdao was so rude. They wanted to live the ridge.

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