The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 195: Heaven is clearing


One after another, the king is drinking, some are the brothers of the early Tianjun who are used as weapons by Lingdao, and some are the brothers of the other four mid-term Tianjun. If they do not shoot, they will be the former Tianjun who was used as a weapon by Lingdao. , or the other four mid-term Tianjun, fear that it is impossible to escape.

"If you let them go, we will spare you a life. Otherwise, no one can save you."

"I advise you not to be impulsive, you kill them, and there is no difference between you and your suicide. If you know each other, hurry and stop, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless."

They are Tianjun. It is impossible to whisper to the martial arts in the late Tianwang period. Even if they want to save other Tianjun, they are still arrogant, and even the opening is a threat. Their realm is higher than Lingdao, and there are many people. It is not difficult to be the life of Lingdao.

The young genius of the Kunpeng family is nothing at all. What's more, Lingdao is not really a Pengpeng. In the past, after Ling Dao's display of Yan Peng, he changed back to the human body because he didn't want to reveal the stuffing. Once Peng Wanli found himself cheated, maybe The young warrior of the Kunpeng family will also be shot to him.

"If you tell me well, I might still be able to let them go, but now..."

Lingdao suddenly shot, and the first Tianjun who was caught in his hands slammed out. The other four Tianjun did not expect him to shoot. In a hurry, there was no time to show any powerful tricks. As in the wall of the chain, they are in front of them.

I don’t know if his strength is too great, or the former Tianjun’s body is too weak when he was used as a weapon. It’s just the first attack, it’s broken into several pieces, and the blood is in the air. Standing together, facing the Lingdao, now just splashed a face of blood.

The four mid-term Tianjun is just a blink of an eye. For Lingdao, it is enough. Lingdao’s fist is like a hammer. He is on one of the mid-term Tianjun’s bodies. Seven turns made Lingdao burst out seven times its own strength, and instantly penetrated the body of a mid-term Tianjun.

Then, another punch to the side of a mid-term Tianjun, still seven times their own strength, directly killed him, the remaining two mid-term Tianjun, also did not escape a robbery, died in Ling Under the iron fist of the Tao, Lingdao shot quickly and accurately, and the twelve Tianjun who had previously touched him were all killed, and none of them survived.

"Mixed things, dare to be in front of us, killing our younger brother, I really don't know how to live."

"What I said to you, I didn't think you were so ignorant of advance and retreat. If so, then I have to slap you under the sword."

They are angry, not because Lingdao kills their younger brothers, but because Lingdao does not give them face, they don’t put them in their eyes, they obviously warn the Lingdao, and as a result, Lingdao regards their words as a whisper, whether it is In the early days, the king was still in the mid-term, and Lingdao had not let go.

"I want to kill them first, I only want their lives, is it wrong? Then, even if I let them go, you are afraid that they will not let me go, say 10,000 steps, even if you really The fulfillment promise, but what about the warriors I killed earlier, wouldn’t their brothers find me to avenge me?

There are more debts, killing one is killing, killing two is killing, anyway, I want to enter the martial arts corridor, you will not let me do, I just want to tell you by action, want my life, but you I have to be mentally prepared to be killed by me. I just just warmed up. Now, who else wants to kill me, even if I stand up, I can send you on the road. ”

A warrior in the late kings, but dare to say such madness, even if it is a warrior who is hostile to Lingdao, he also admire Lingdao. Of course, they will not kill Lingdao because they admire Lingdao, whether it is for the younger brother. Revenge, or help the genius of their own forces to get rid of a big enemy, they will not let go of Lingdao.

At the same time, there are dozens of Tianjun shots. Now whoever despise Lingdao, it is really looking for death. He has killed 14 Tianjun, and they have already paid attention to Lingdao, especially the later 12 Tianjun joined forces, not only the whole army was wiped out, but also did not hurt Lingway a hair.

On the other hand, the big demon **** has already been in full swing with other Tianjun. It is certainly not the opponent of other Tianjun, but the number of the big demon gods is more and more, from the beginning of the nine, Forty-nine to the present, completely beyond the understanding of other Tianjun.

"How can there be such a perverted martial arts, it is too outrageous."

Fighting with the big demon to the present Tianjun, I can’t wait to smash the street. It’s obvious that they have many people, how to fight, and the big demon has become a party with many people. The big devil’s body is far from him. The ontology is powerful, but his avatar is getting more and more, and it is not easy to deal with.

"Sorry, I can't play with you anymore, or I will definitely lose both of them."

The Great Devil took out the burial mark of the Kowloon, and directly slammed into the five late Tianjun who were in front of him. They did not think that the Great Devil had a sacred sacred soldier, and it was still such a powerful sacred sergeant. Tianjun was killed by death, and the other three later Tianjun were also hit hard.

Then, the Great Devil is taking out a Fuxi Tianjun refining symbol, which is used to promote the burial of the Zhou Dynasty. The nine dragons swim in the void, and one of the big prints falls. It seems that the sky is falling, the horror is at the extreme, and the Kowloon is buried. India broke out more powerful than before, and once again killed five late Tianjun.

With the burial of the ruins of the Kowloon, the speed of the Great Devil is obviously several times faster. The last time the Seventh Locks and the Ice Blue Swords are added up, it is not as good as the burial of the moon in the Kowloon. Force, it is impossible to stop the burial of the Kowloon.

"Too bully, there are sacred soldiers who don't say, there are still inexhaustible shackles, which kind of emperor is the power of him. Isn't he coming to Shura to be tempered? How can his elders give him so much? Fu Yan, but also shameless."

Now they understand that forty-nine big devils are nothing at all. Compared with the burial days of the Kowloon, the forty-nine big devils are weakened several times, and the late Tianjun, who is in front of the confrontation with the Kowloon burial, is not The death of the body is a serious injury. The burial of the kiln is not only a sacred soldier, but also a sacred soldier. It is extremely powerful.

"You have to let go, or else I will use the holy soldiers."

The movement caused by the big demon is extremely great. It is difficult for Lingdao to pay attention to it. The progress of the big demon **** is getting faster and faster. If Lingdao does not need the sword of heaven, it can only be left behind by the big demon god. As for Hualingyue, She had already ran to their front, after all, she had a palace disciple to clear her way.

Whether the Tiandu war sword is not a sacred soldier is not important. Anyway, the last time Lingdao has seen the power of the Tiandu war sword, there is no problem in dealing with Tianjun. I remember that when I first arrived in the heavens, the Tiandu war sword was far from powerful. At the same time that Lingdao became stronger, Tiandu Battle Sword is also becoming stronger. As for the weapon of Tiandu Battle Sword, how does it become stronger? Lingdao does not understand at all.

"Where are you scared? When we are three years old, the brothers use the holy soldiers, and then you say that you have holy soldiers. You think we will believe."

"If you have a sacred soldier, I am afraid that it will be taken out long ago. Why wait until now, or else, if you go to your brother to borrow a sacred soldier, how?"

Dozens of Heavenly Kings who have dealt with Lingdao laughed and did not believe that Lingdao said that it is not easy to get a sacred soldier in the Shura community. It is said that they have two men and one sage. The fools believe that they are true. However, when they ridicule Lingdao, Lingdao silently took out the sword of Tiandu.

"Hey, do you want to tell us that this broken sword is a holy soldier, you really are stupid."

"I told you, in fact, the axe in my hand is also a holy soldier. Believe it or not, I am urging the holy soldier. An axe will split you in half."

"I don't want you to say that my sword is also a holy soldier. Now I am urging the holy soldiers and smashing your broken sword. You believe it is not."

Originally, Lingdao still wants to convince Tiandu to fight swords. Although Tiandu’s sword is his, but Tiandu’s sword does not necessarily listen to him, now it’s good, and the Tianjun’s ones don’t know how to live and die. Even surrendered to the sword of Tiandu, it is really impossible to live.

"Humble ants, you say who is breaking the sword, saying who is breaking the sword, you should not do anything, and offend the great existence like me."

Tiandu warfare rises into the sky, like a small sun, the sword shines in all directions, Lingdao retreats to one side, then, as long as the battlefield is handed over to the Tiandu war sword, no matter what, as long as the sword is in the sky By killing dozens of Heavenly Kings in front of him, he can easily advance.

No matter whether it is Hualingyue or the big demon god, there is no Lingdao leisure. The disciples of the Imperial Palace are helping Hualingyue to open the way. However, some Tianjun, they can’t beat it, and Hualingyue personally shot it. The Kowloon burial sky is very powerful. However, the big demon needs to use the symbol to personally motivate.

"No one should stop me, I am tempered, I have to smash them all."

A sword has been crossed, whether it is the attack of the early Tianjun or the attack of the mid-term Tianjun, it can't stop the sword of the heavenly sword, even if it is the way of the heavenly king, as long as it is swept by the sword, it will break immediately. The strength of the war swords is not at all comparable to the previous Tianjun and the mid-term Tianjun.

As more and more Heavenly Kings fell, even if Lingdao swayed forward, no one would dare to stop him. Lingdao first surpassed the Great Devil, and then surpassed Hualingyue, and went to the forefront, just now It is still impossible to say who wins and who wins, because there are real geniuses waiting for them.

"Come on, hurry up, don't you find out that the kid has surpassed us?"

"Well, if the sister lost to him, I am not going to be sleeped by him." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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