The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 199: Lin Yiyue

The Terran can become the master of the heavens and the earth, and the Three Emperors and Five Emperors are indispensable. The Emperor, the Emperor, the Emperor, the Red Emperor, the Yellow Emperor, the Qing Emperor, the Black Emperor, and the White Emperor, all of whom are the supreme beings who dominated the three thousand territories, they The founding power of the Emperor, the Three Royal Palaces and the Five Emperors Palace, has a very high status.

From the ancient times to the present, only the Yellow Emperor Palace was destroyed, the Three Royal Palaces and the other four emperors' palaces are still high. If you take the town Tiangong and the Three Royal Palaces or the other four emperors, there is no comparability, if you let Zhentian The Emperor and the Three Emperors and Five Emperors of an era, then, the town of Heaven Emperor can only bow to the first minister.

Two hours earlier and two hours later, for Lingdao, there is really no difference, because even if he waited for two hours, Hualingyue and the Great Devil still did not win him. On the contrary, he and the Qingdi Palace The peerless genius hands-on, once injured, will be pushed to the back by other peaks, but there is the possibility of losing to the big devil and Hualing.

It is not an absolute self-confidence to himself. Lingdao will not challenge the peerless genius of the Qingdi Palace. After all, the other party is still a little higher than him. The peerless genius of the Qingdi Palace is definitely not the only one in the world. Let Lei Di resurrect, still can not compare with the Qing emperor.

"Since you insist on doing this, then Lin will be yours."

Lin Yiyue, the descendants of the Qing Emperor, the peak of the king of heaven, if he did not meet the Emperor of the Imperial Palace, he could definitely be in the first position. Now, in the end of a kingdom, the warrior would like to grab his position. He said that he does not mind, fundamentally It is impossible, if he loses to Lingdao, he still has a face back to the Qingdi Palace.

Even if the Emperor of the Imperial Palace can win him, it is also a realm with him. If the Emperor’s Royal Emperor is only in the late period of the king’s kingdom, Lin Haoyue has full grasp and defeats the imperial son of the Imperial Palace. Lingdao is powerful, but he can still practice. The Emperor of the People’s Royal Palace is awesome.

If in other places, Lin Haoyue may still suppress the realm and compete with Lingdao. The entrance to the martial arts corridor is different. If it is because of the suppression of the realm, it is not a problem for him. Good thing, if you have the opportunity to step on the genius of the Qingdi Palace, I am afraid that the peak of the king will not miss it.

"That kid is really not self-sufficient. Only then will the king of heaven want to defeat the genius of the Qing Dynasty."

"But he had been waiting for a long time to enter the martial arts gallery. Unfortunately, he had to know how to challenge the genius of the Qingdi Palace. If the genius of the Qing Emperor Palace injured him, he could still save the first. The position of the third, I am afraid that there is no such thing as the top ten."

When Ling Dao and Lei Di City's peerless geniuses played, others did not make random comments, because they did not know how to be weak and weak, even if someone was optimistic about the peerless genius of Lei Di City, that is, satirizing Lingdao in his heart, but now it is different. They feel that Lingdao will be defeated.

Even if Lingdao is the peerless genius of Baidi Palace, Red Emperor Palace, and Black Emperor Palace, there is still no hope of winning. After all, he is lower than Lin Biaoyue, a small realm, Baidi Palace, Red Emperor Palace, Heidi Palace and Qingdi The palace is just the same, and the young geniuses of the palaces are almost the same.

"Well, as long as the young people of the Qingdi Palace hurt him, I have hope of winning."

Hua Lingyue smiled happily. If he lost to Lingdao, he would have to agree to a condition of Lingdao. Who knows what Lingdao would ask, but unfortunately, she was really beaten in front of her. If Lingdao does not make mistakes, then she will lose 100%.

She is the genius of the Imperial Palace. It is also the genius of the Red Emperor Palace, the Black Emperor Palace and the White Emperor Palace. It is also a little higher than her. In addition to the genius of the Terran, there are nine peaks of the peaks. The tail fox, the holy priest, the phoenix, they are not the ones she can deal with.

Unsure of the matter, Hualing Moon will not rush to do it. At least she is better than the big demon god. It is stable. After all, the great demon **** is only in the early stage of the heavenly kingdom. If it is against the peak of other emperor forces, it is the enemy. She was seriously injured and she regretted it too late.

Unfortunately, Hua Lingyue forgot one thing, that is, the big demon took the initiative to compare with Lingdao. If there is no win, the big devil will not bet. From beginning to end, the big demon does not expect to rely on his own strength. Into the martial arts gallery, anyway, he has the symbol of the refinement of the peak of the king.

Today, in addition to him, there is no warrior below Tianzun. The Fuxi Tianjun refining system is all his, other people do not need it at all. He wants to use the same way to fight the world. In front, it does not work at all, and it is not only him who has sacred soldiers.

"You, I didn't want to bully you with the Fu, but unfortunately, I bet with the younger brother and another nasty woman, can't lose, so, sorry."

The big demon took out a scorpion, one after another, and rushed to the peak of the king who was in front of him. He didn’t care what he was. He didn’t care. He lost nothing to Lingdao and lost to Hualingyue. Unacceptable, the realm is his disadvantage, and Fu is his advantage.

The Fengfeng Tianjun, who was in front of the big demon, apparently did not expect that the big demon gods were so unscrupulous. The position of their platoons was based on their own strength. Even the holy soldiers did not use them. Who knows the big demon god, a former Tianjun, actually I hope that the goods will be opened.

"What do you mean, who is a nasty woman."

Hua Lingyue’s nose was almost discouraged. The Imperial Palace did not know how many young disciples admired her. Even in the hearts of the older generation, she was also the apple of the eye. Unfortunately, the Great Devil did not pay attention to her, but continued to deal with him. The peak of the king, unless Hualing Moon stopped, otherwise, the big devil is too lazy to start with her.

"Damn, you still have to be shameless, have the ability to play with me, and use the symbol to calculate what."

The peak of Tianjun, who is fighting with the big demon god, screams angrily. The devil of the great demon **** seems to be inexhaustible. It is used one by one. If it is played like this, the loser must be him because the big devil uses The symbol of the seven-star character is very powerful.

It is a pity that the big devil is deaf to the ear, or continues to motivate his symbol, and the peak of the king, who is in the hands of the big demon, is inadvertently hit by a boxing of the character, and then the big demon is at the same time. Promote the five pieces of the symbol, and the other party's falling flowers.

The big demon looked at the next peak of the king, the latter hesitated and hesitated, or took the initiative to give way, and the big devil did not pay for it, it is better to let the front of the peak Tianjun headache, he does not believe in the land of the big devil The symbol is inexhaustible. Once the character of the big demon is gone, the big demon will definitely be returned to its original shape.

"The monk Qingdi Palace Lin Haoyue, I don't know who you are."

Lin Haoyue did not rush to start, but asked about the origin of Lingdao, a warrior in the late kings, hit the third position, dare to work with him, enough to cause his curiosity, from the previous shot of Lingdao In view, Lingdao should not be a disciple of the Three Royal Palaces, nor a disciple of the other Three Emperors.

"Ling Jia, Ling Dao, had the privilege of fighting with Lin Xiong."

There is no first in the text, Wu no second, before the fight, Lingdao refused to accept Lin Haoyue, Lin Haoyue certainly did not accept Lingdao, but Lin Haoyue was courteous and courteous, Lingdao was also embarrassed to be arrogant, only complimented Lin Yiyue, but it was Let other Uranus stunned, I did not expect Lingdao to be so polite.

In the third position, the peak of the peak, the temperament of the face is red, Lingdao to him and to Lin Haoyue, is completely opposite attitude, Lingdao is not looking at him in the eyes, how can it be so, so he is also The genius of the imperial power, what is Lingdao's qualification to despise him.

"What is the power of Lingjia, I have never heard of it."

Most of the Emperor's forces are still passed down from the ancient times. Unlike Lingjia, they have just become the power of the Emperor. I have heard of Ling's young genius. After all, it is very rare. The three thousand territories are too big. Lingyuan, who is too far away from the Lingyu area, knows that Lingxiaoge is not bad. How can you know Lingjia?

"I know that I know that Lingjia is the power created by the great emperor of the previous years. You have not heard of the normal situation. If it is not in my territory, it is not far from the Tianling domain. I certainly don't know."

One of the kings standing behind said incredulously, the genius of the Ling family has surpassed the genius of one emperor, especially the Lingdao, who can only defeat the other kings of the emperor. The martial arts of the martial arts, the Ling family is shallow, and they are completely incomparable with the power of the emperor.

Other kings are also full of horror, a young genius from a new emperor's power, even better than them, they must be uncomfortable in their hearts, but unfortunately, they can't beat Lingdao, they can't beat Lingdao, on talent. They are a lot worse than Lingdao.

"How could it be that his origins were so bad, how could he defeat the peerless genius of the city?"

The eyes of the peak of the King of Heaven, who was originally in the third position, almost came out. He thought that Lingdao was from the imperial power of the Emperor. He did not expect the fact to be exactly the opposite of what he imagined. An emerging emperor force against them. In fact, there is not much difference between the forces that have been passed down from the ancient times.

"The hero does not ask the origin, Ling Xiao brother is really powerful, and after Ling Xiao brothers catch up with Lin's realm, Lin is going to play with the little brother."

Lin Yiyue’s implication is that the current Lingdao is not his opponent at all. Only Lingdao and his realm can attract his attention. He has confidence that it is not a bad thing for Lingdao. Lingdao needs a challenge. If Lin Shuyue’s strength is not good, then what is the meaning of playing it?

"Lin brother, you have to fight later, you can play with me as a defeated player, and it is not the same as now." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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