The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 215: Magic day

"Hand over the Shura Holy King's flag, I can spare you not to die. If you don't pay, you have only one dead road. Don't think that you pass the martial arts corridor, no one can cure you. You are better, that is, the peak king, I want to kill. You don't say it's easy, it's not much worse."

In the late days of the gods, the warriors said in a cold voice that they can pass through the martial arts corridor, which only shows that Lingdao is better than him in the same world, because he can’t pass the martial arts corridor, but fortunately he is three different realms than Lingdao. Ling Dao is certainly not his opponent. Bodhi Dao, he has no interest, even if refining, it is not very useful.

He and Lingdao have no enmity, and it is not important to kill or kill the Tao. The Shura Shengwang Banner is what he wants. The last time he discovered the holy soldiers, he grabbed the holy soldiers and handed them to Xiang Wenyu. Now In the martial arts gallery, there is already a sacred soldier in the literary ancestral hall. He can completely take the Shura sacred flag as his own.

"Give him a gift to me, as long as you hand over the Shura Holy King flag, I will not only kill you, but also keep your life. Anyway, with your strength, it is definitely impossible to keep the Shura holy flag, and keep it. It’s better to use Shura’s holy flag to make a deal with me.

The peak of the true dragon family, Tianjun, vowed to say that it seems that Lingdao will hand over the Shura Holy King's flag to him. He will really save the life of Lingdao. Lingdao defeats the Emperor, which he saw with his own eyes. He said that he would Protecting Lingdao, Lingdao certainly does not believe that the peak of the true dragon family will not be so kind.

What's more, there are too many Heavenly Kings who want to repair the holy king's flag. Even if there is no such thing as the Emperor's Emperor, the true peak of the true dragon family may not be the enemy for him, and the other heavenly kings. Even if the dragons of the true dragon family are even more powerful, can they still rival all the heavens and join hands.

The gods of the gods are threatened. The Tianjun of the true dragon family relies on deception. Unfortunately, Lingdao does not take care of them. Shura Shengwangqi is the reward he received through the martial arts corridor, and certainly will not be sent in vain. To others, and then, maybe after surrendering the Shura Holy King's flag, he will die faster.

"Give the bodhi fruit to my palace, and then send the Shura holy king's flag to the Heavenly Palace. My palace and the Heavenly Palace can protect you. It is not my family. The heart is different. We must be more than the true dragon and the idol. One family is trustworthy, and we are the two great forces to join forces, not one of his powers."

"You have to understand that my Heavenly Palace and the People's Palace have joined forces. Most of the Emperor's powers will give more face to face. The Terran warriors present are more than the other races. The Terran forces will be me. The palace is headed, you won't know."

The Three Emperors opened Taikoo, not to say that there were no other Terran emperors at that time, but to respect them. The Emperor, the Emperor and the Emperor were the hegemons of the three eras, and they dominated the three thousand territories. At that time, other great emperors could only bow. The ministers, the emperor forces they created, must not be compared with the Three Royal Palaces.

Later, the great emperor was able to compete with the Three Emperors, but the outstanding contributions of the Three Emperors were there, no one could erase it. The Heavenly King of the Heavenly Palace said that other emperors would give the face of the Imperial Palace and the Imperial Palace. It’s not bragging, it’s true.

Of course, the Imperial Palace and the People’s Palace are not the face of the Three Emperors. The age of the Three Emperors is now several billions of years old. The majesty of the Emperor and the Emperor has long been submerged in the long history. The key lies in the Heavenly Palace. The power of the People’s Palace itself is strong, and the general power of the Emperor is simply untouchable.

"If I don't give you the Shura King's flag and the Bodhi fruit, do you want to kill me?"

Lingdao did not answer immediately, but instead asked, the two kings of the Heavenly Palace and the People’s Palace looked at each other, but they had already used the will to talk about it. They certainly could not tell the truth about Lingdao. Before the Shura Shengwang Banner and the Bodhi Road Fruit, it was good to take the Lingdao.

"I admit, you don't give me the flag of Shura, I will definitely grab it, but you can rest assured that I have absolutely no desire for your life. You are the genius of my human race. If you are strong, it is for my people. Good thing, if I kill you, I am not a sinner of the Terran."

Tianjun Dayi of the People’s Palace said with a sigh of relief that if he was so enlightened, it would be impossible to **** the Shura’s holy flag of Lingdao. Instead, he would help Lingdao to resist the unscrupulous Tianjun. The time when the Terran dominated the three thousand territories was too Long, long enough that they have long forgotten what it was like in the wild.

The struggle between the great powers of the great people, the genius of the obliteration, I don’t know how many, just like the genius of Zhentiangong and Lingxiaoge, the higher the Lingdao talent, the more they want to get rid of Lingdao, because Lingdao gives them the feeling. Too dangerous, Lingdao passed the martial arts corridor, and the shock brought to them was too great.

"I don't want to repair the holy flag of the king, and don't want the bodhi fruit. I only want you."

What surprised other Tianjun was that someone actually dealt with Lingdao, not for the Shurawangwang flag, nor for the Bodhi fruit. Lingdao’s face changed slightly. I didn’t expect the magic heaven master to stay outside. The magic heaven master is better than others. Heaven is more dangerous, who knows what kind of means he will have.

Even if Lingdao has the help of the sword, there is also the Shura Saint Banner. In the face of the Magic Heaven Master, there is still no complete grasp. The demon cloud of the Tianhu Holy Land can make the Big Devil unable to use the Fulu to promote the Kowloon Funeral. India, perhaps the magical Taoist also has a similar ability, so that Lingdao can not promote the Shura Holy King flag.

"Hey, when we don't know, Lingdao used to use a sacred soldier in order to break into the martial arts corridor. He didn't push at all. The sacred soldier can constantly attack others. What you want, sure. That is the holy soldier, or what is the value of Lingdao."

The Tianjun of the Qipeng family refers to the sword of Tiandu, a sacred soldier who can attack others independently. The value is even bigger than the Shurawang flag. Unfortunately, he does not know, even if Lingdao will give the sword to Tiandu. He, he can not use it, with the temper of the sword of Tiandu, maybe he will beat him up.

"Jokes, what I want is him, not a sacred soldier. If you want the sacred soldiers you say, then you will go grab it. I want him."

The magic heaven master sneered at the Tianjun of the Qipeng family. In his opinion, what kind of sacred soldiers are worthless compared to the ridiculous genius, the Heavenly Kings of all major forces only know the sacred soldiers and the Bodhi fruit. If they grabbed the sacred priests and the Bodhi fruit, they killed the stalks and lost the sesame seeds and lost the watermelon.

The most important thing on Lingdao is obviously quite ridiculous. The magic heaven master is already Tianjun. I can’t wait any longer. It’s not that he is afraid that the strength of Lingdao is more than him, but it’s quite ridiculous. Xianjin must start from scratch, the higher the realm. The less courage to abolish yourself.

"I don't share the sky with him. Only when he is executed in a late manner can he solve the hatred of my heart. I don't care how you **** the sacred soldiers. But if you want his life, it is against me. I won't be soft."

For fear that others suspected of other places, the magic heaven master quickly explained a sentence, but he was too mad, causing a lot of temperament of the heavenly king, everyone is a heavenly king, why listen to you, who do you want to kill, who will kill No, you can be compared to other Heavenly Kings.

Only Lingdao believes that the magic heaven master can say it, because he knows the origin of the magic heaven master. In fact, the magic heaven master is helpless. If other Tianjun kills Lingdao, he is not sure to win the wild. Strong, if it is ridiculous, the immortality disappears, and it is useless for his intestines to repent.

"If we have to kill him, how can you make us, you are Tianjun, we are also heavenly kings, can we be afraid of you."

Immediately, there was a tempering Tianjun rushing to the magic heaven master. The magic heaven master was planning to kill the chicken and the monkey. I did not expect to have the chicken delivered to the door. I know that although the magic heaven master did not pass the martial arts corridor, it was defeated. In the final test.

Like the stone pillar on the left, the last stone pillar on the right is branded as the nine secluded master. If the Lingdao cultivation is not quite ridiculous, he is afraid that he will not win the nine secluded masters, although he did not rely on the ridiculous genius, but it is quite wild. Yan Xian Jin still helped him in the invisible.

The singer of the magic heaven screamed, and it was killed in front of Tianjun. The fists were like a broken bamboo. In an absolute crushing situation, they smashed each other’s attacks and slammed into each other’s body. The next moment, there was blood and waves. The broken bones flew, and the late Tianjun, who was in power, was beaten to death by the magic heaven master.

The **** scenes really scared some of the Heavenly Kings. They finally realized the power of the Magic Heaven Master. Even if they were the first gods who threatened the Ling Dao, they also claimed that they had no magic power, the Heavenly Palace and Tianjun of the People's Palace, also curiously looked at the magic heaven master, they did not know what the origin of the magic heaven.

"I want to kill him this day, even if you want to stop, can you stop it?"

Some people are still not afraid of the Taoist Taoist, he is the first day of the Ziwei Holy Land, because of the seven-storied locks of the soul map, and the hatred of Lingdao, can be the first person under the celestial being in the Ziwei domain, his The strength is definitely not comparable to that of the Heavenly King who was killed by the Magic Heaven.

"That is, we have to kill him, how can you make us alone?"

"I advise you to still know each other, how far is it to go, or else we will kill you first, and you believe it is not."

Tianjun of Tiantian Temple and Tianjun of Lingxiaoge quickly yelled, they didn’t really want to kill the Tao, but they pushed the atmosphere. If it was because of the magic heaven, the other Heavenly King would not dare to kill the Lingdao. Didn't it upset their plans.

The peak of the Pengpeng family, Tianjun, rushed to the front of Lingdao quietly. At his speed, he took the Lingdao and escaped. Other Tianjun couldn’t catch up, and Peng Peng had the world’s speed, and the real dragon could not match. Phoenix can't match, and human warriors are even less likely to match.

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