The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 217: Take the Lingdao

Tianjun’s grief and indignation in Lingxiaoge clearly indicated that they all wanted to deal with Lingdao. Why did Lingdao deal with him, and the other forces’ Tianjun did not help him.

The sword of Tiandu is a holy soldier in his eyes. As long as other Heavenly Kings are willing to mobilize the holy soldiers, they can completely resist. Unfortunately, the Heavenly Kings who possess the sacred soldiers just watched silently. As a result, they and the disciples of Ling Xiaoge did not. For no reason, there is no need to intervene. Secondly, they are trying to take this opportunity to see how powerful the Tiandu Battle Sword is.

Previously, when Lingdao martial arts promenade, they did not care at all, a warrior in the late kings, even if the talent is good, the strength is not comparable with them, even if Lingdao has sacred soldiers, the same sacred Tianjun also I don't care, now they just see the power of the sword.

If the Tiandu sword is almost the same as their sacred soldiers, they will not have any difficulty if they take the Lingdao. If the Tiandu sword is much more powerful than their sacred soldiers, they can join forces to suppress the Tiandu sword, anyway. A sage is no longer powerful, and it is impossible to stop them or even a dozen sacred soldiers.

"Humble ants, even if you are together, how can you resist the greatness of being as good as me?"

Tiandu war sword suddenly burst into the brilliance of the sky, sharp swords, nothing to break, Ling Xiaoge's disciples have increased pressure one by one, the Tianjun who had to set the road to death in the past, is the first to bear the brunt, countless swords It made him miserable, the flesh rolled, and he was sweating.

Other Lingxiaoge disciples regretted it. As long as they knew this, they would not take a defiant shot. They thought they could join hands and block the sacred soldiers. I didn’t expect the Tiandu sword to be so powerful, even if they did their best, it was still not the sword of Tiandu. The opponent, the first Tianjun fell, there is a second day, the second day, the fourth, the fourth...

With the Tiandu warfare, Ling Xiaoge Tianjun, one who was not spared, died under the edge of the sword of Tiandu. From the beginning to the end, the Tianjun of other forces were watching by the cold, and the Tianjun of Lingxiaoge was dead and alive, and They have nothing to do with it. What really makes them move is the sword of heaven.

From beginning to end, Lingdao did not push the sword of Tiandu, but did not instill any power for the sword of Tiandu. The Tianjun who originally wanted to **** the flag of Shura was born to the sword of Tiandu. A big interest, if you can grab the sword of Tiandu, the Shurao Wangwang flag is not worth mentioning.

"The ants are all ants, and which ants are looking for death?"

Lingdao’s face was black. I didn’t expect Tiandu’s sword to be a hundred times more than him. He did not put the big forces’ eyes in the eyes. Of course, Tiandu’s sword had no eyes, but he did not stop it. Anyway, one day, Tianjun has already stood up to his opposite side. There is no difference between the swords of Tiandu and the swords.

"Why, you still hope that a holy soldier will turn things around."

The Tianjun of the true dragon family couldn't help but ridicule the slogan. There is already a prince who takes out the sacred soldiers and is ready to start with the sword of the heavenly sword. The Shura sacred king flag may be a very strong sacred soldier, but compared with The sword that can be shot on its own is still not enough to see.

Even if the sacred sacred king flag is mobilized, it can be worth two or three sacred soldiers of others, but they can be motivated several times, and they can be motivated several times. The swords of heaven are different, and they master the sword of heaven. It is equivalent to mastering a thug, not to be better than the Shura Saint flag.

"What are you waiting for, do you want him to kill us one by one?"

"Began to start with a strong hand, then start to suffer, not if we join hands, suppressing his holy sword, as long as there is no holy sword, other warriors want to deal with him, it is not easy."

It’s just that Lingdao is urging Shura’s holy flag. They are really not afraid. Dozens or even hundreds of Heavenly Kings join forces to block a sacred priest who is driven by the King of Heaven. There is no problem. The reason is to understand that it is actually The statement, urging the holy soldiers to suppress the swords of the heavens, means robbing the swords of the capital.

If there are no sacred soldiers to deal with the swords of the heavens, they can only **** the Shura sacred flag or the Bodhi fruit. If they want to fish in the water and compete for the swords of the heavens, they will break the rules. They come from different forces. Some things must be said first. Ok, otherwise, if you grab it later, you may have an accident.

After all, urging the sacred soldiers, the consumption is still very big. If they urge the sacred soldiers to take the swords of the heavenly swords, they will recharge their savage Tianjun before they start to work. They will take a bucket of water, of course. They will definitely leave a hand, expecting people who don’t know to keep their promises, and it’s no different from finding death.

"Since you don't know how to lift, then don't blame us for being ruthless."

Tianfeng’s peak, Tianjun, first shot, urging a spear of spears and attacking the sword of Tiandu. Jun Chengzhi was still inside the martial arts corridor. Fortunately, he also had sacred soldiers, and the disciples of the Tian Palace went to Shura. Two sacred soldiers were robbed, and his cultivation was enough to make the spear of the sacred sacred out of the power of killing the heavenly lord.

"Jun brother said very much, we wanted to protect his life, but unfortunately, he did not take our good intentions. Seeing that it is the same as the human race, we can not do anything to him, but the holy sword must not fall on the other. In the hands of the racial warriors, as for what will happen to him, we will not care."

The peak of the People’s Palace, Tian Jun, said with great sorrow, even at this time, he still has to look like a human leader. Anyway, they are dealing with Tiandu’s sword. Indeed, they did not directly shoot Lingdao. However, there is no day. All battle swords, Lingdao is basically no match for other Tianjun.

In addition to the Heavenly Palace and the Imperial Palace's peak Tianjun, there are thirteen Fengfeng Tianjun, and at the same time urging the holy soldiers, attacking the Tiandu sword, fifteen sacred soldiers, and jointly fighting against the Tiandu sword, they will Do not believe that it is impossible to suppress the swords of Tiandu, and beside them, there are other Heavenly Kings, in order to take over the sacred soldiers when they consume too much.

"Kid, the last time I was bad, I didn't expect it to fall to the end of today."

The first one to shoot on Lingdao is not the other disciples of Ling Xiaoge, nor the disciples of Zhentiangong, but the first day of the Ziwei Holy Land. The purple and the two hands clenched the fists. The mighty purple gas is like a big river, impacting the front, the moment In the meantime, it is to reach the front of the road.

Lingdao is now the first king of Lingjia. The king of Lingxiaoge is definitely not his opponent. Unfortunately, the first king is only the first king. Compared with the first day, it is still far from the difference. If you really fight, Ten Lingdao, not the opponent of Zixu, with his current strength, it is no problem to deal with the general peak of Tianjun, but Zixu is the strongest who can kill Tianzun.

"If you have this seat, don't you hear it?"

The magic heavens masters both hands to seal, in an instant, there is a pair of horns covered with lines, in front of the Lingdao, the horns like sharp heavenly soldiers, piercing the shadow of the purple virtual fist, smashing the magic of the purple Not only that, but the horns still seem to have life, jumping forward, arbitrarily slamming into the purple.

The black mist, shrouded in the four wild, the original Tianjun to deal with Lingdao, but it is like a scorpion, not only the eyes can not see, even their will, also can not detect the Lingdao, the magic heaven master not only blocked the purple And also use the means to make other Tianjun unprepared.

Although the Magic Heaven Master is very strong, but still not strong enough to solve the situation of all the Heavenly Kings present, what he can do is to take the Lingdao. As long as he is far away from other Tianjun, he has a way to avoid them and let them find Less than yourself and Lingdao, when you leave the Shura community, kill the Lingdao, and get the wild singularity, not to mention.


The purple-eyed face is awkward, because the magical Taoist who started with him has only been repaired in the late days of the heavenly kingdom. That is to say, the first day of his sacred place of Ziwei, is not an opponent of the late Tianjun, if If you pass it to the Ziwei domain, no one will believe it. After all, the power of purple deficiency is obvious to all.

It’s really not the strength of the purple illusion, but the magic heaven master is too strong. He has the memory of the Taoist master. He defeats the first day of the emperor’s power. It doesn’t cost anything. If he wants to kill him, even if he wants to kill the purple illusion, it is estimated. The purple imaginary can't escape, the magic heaven master's control over martial arts, the source, and the will, are not comparable to the purple illusion.

"Lingdao, Lingdao, you still can't escape the Wuzhishan in this seat."

The sacred warrior that the lord of heaven in the Shura world grabbed was a chain. Now it is used to tie the ridge. There is definitely no problem. Even if the sword is strong again in the sky, in his heart, it is still not quite ridiculous. After all, it is a foreign object, a method of exercise, to be strong.


When the black mist shrouded Lingdao, Lingdao became an incarnation of Yan Peng, ready to rely on Kun Peng's world to escape quickly. Kun Peng's body is very large, the general attack, hit him, can fully withstand, but unfortunately, the magic heaven is The man who came to him did not give him the opportunity to escape.

The sacred chain has become abruptly long, with a total of 30,000 ft. Even if it is locked in the incarnation of Lingdao, it is also a piece of cake. When the magic heaven master is ready to pull the chain and smash the ridge, Lingdao suddenly changes back. The human body escaped from the gap of the holy chain.

Compared with Kuang Peng’s body, Lingdao’s body is really small and pitiful. However, the magic heaven master has been prepared, and the holy chain has become smaller.诛仙劲, how can you not understand the wild 诛仙劲.

"No matter how you change, the result is the same."

Grabbing the chains on Lingdao, the magic heaven master laughed happily. With the strength of Lingdao, of course, it is impossible to break away from the holy chain. The magic heaven master used to be the realm of the Taoist. The use of the holy soldiers is not Tianjun. Compared with the king of heaven, even if Lingdao spurs the holy sword, it is still impossible to cut the chain of the magic heaven master.

The magic heaven master did not stop, immediately took the Lingdao, skyrocketing, as long as the breakthrough of the major forces of the Tianjun blockade, is the sea wide and the fish jump, the sky is high for the birds to fly, however, when the magic heaven is the most proud However, it was a collision with the invisible mask. Rao was still doing his repairs. He still felt dizzy and stared at Venus.

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