The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 227: Precarious

Yuan Shibenyuan Ding violently vibrated. In the late days of the Imperial Palace, Tianjun wanted to cut off the origin of Lingdao. Definitely have to deal with the source of the stars. However, Lingdao has no original source. Only the Yuan began to source. The source of the flying crane is to use the Tao. Condensed into flying cranes. Lock the opponent's original source.

Fortunately, Yuanyuan is not the same. When the flying crane rushed in. Yuan Shi Yuan Yuan Ding is like a wild animal. Swallow it in one bite. Refining the source. For Yuan Shibenyuan Ding. Just a piece of cake. The difficulty of refining the road. I don't know how big it is. After all, Lingdao is not Tianjun.

Lingdao did not expect the Yuanshiyuanyuan to really devour the Tao. As long as the source is not cut off. He has not yet condensed his debut. The martial arts is based on the source of power. If there is no source. He is certainly not the opponent of the Imperial Palace disciple. Rely on the physical strength alone. I want to kill the heavenly king. Take his current situation. It is impossible to do.

The second late Tianjun used the will to attack. Because he has mastered the half-step king will. A full nine rays. Drilled into the eyebrows of Lingdao. Want to destroy the will world of Lingdao. Anyway, he is teaming up with two other late Tianjun. Even Lingdao has a means of defense. Can keep the world of the will not die. His attack can still make Lingdao busy.

unfortunately. He certainly won't think of it. Lingdao also mastered the half-step king-level will. Stream of light is only a martial art. The humanity used by Lingdao is Changlong. More powerful. Countless figures. Dense. Rubbing your shoulders. Not only blocked the nine beams of light. Can also achieve counterattack.


In the second post, Tian Jun’s face changed. The will to attack was instantly broken. It was completely beyond his expectations. Not only that. Lingdao’s will to attack. Also let him be confused. Because of the power of humanity Changlong. It is not at all that he can resist. just began. His will world has been broken. The ground fire and water storm. Like the end of the world.

In the end, the first confrontation with Lingdao was the first late Tianjun. unfortunately. Lingdao can still use this source. There is no problem with the world of will. He wants to compete. It is the ridge of the peak state. The seventh turn of the nine turns to the dragon. Fully let the power of Lingdao soar to the strength of 3,500.

Don't talk about the late Tianjun. Even if it is the previous Tianzun. In terms of strength. It is also inferior to Lingdao. If the first late Tianjun does not use the Tao. Lingdao can kill him with a punch. The power of the Tao. More powerful than the source. Lingdao is the strength of the flesh. Only took the upper hand.

Lingdao’s fist is bleeding. Because the road hurt him. Fortunately, in the first post, Tianjun was equally uncomfortable. Lingdao’s boxing. Rush into his body. It seems to destroy everything. The first post of Tianjun seems to be fine. In fact, it is more serious than the situation of Lingdao. The flesh wound is for Lingdao. Not worth mentioning at all.

At the same time deal with three late Tianjun. Lingdao can't dare to slack off. The second late Tianjun is fine. There will be a will to attack. In a short time. He can't deal with Lingdao anymore. In the third post, Tian Jun saw that the Feihe interception was useless. Had to display other martial arts. Attacked Lingdao.

"Your king of your palace is using a wheel war to deal with me a little king. Then three late Tianjun shot together. People shameless. Sure enough, the world is invincible. I want to be the same. The landlord can hit the three thousand territory It’s impossible to reproduce the glory of the past.

Lingdao left hand to display the big handprint. Deal with the third late Tianjun. Use the real dragon king boxing in your right hand. Deal with the first late Tianjun. He was at an early age. Can be used with one heart and one mind. Now use two different martial arts. No problem. just. His opponent is very strong. If so, please. His chances of winning are small.

What's more. There are other Tianjun in the Palace of the Earth. If there are other Tianjun shots. Lingdao will soon be defeated. The local palace disciples have many people. There is land in Lingdao. The Great Devil uses the burial of the Kowloon. It was blocked by the holy soldiers by the peak of the Imperial Palace. The situation of both of them. It can be said that it is at stake.

"Many people are advantages. We can dominate the three thousand territories. Isn't it relying on the number of other races? Can we only send one person. Fight with you. Then what do we do? Who makes You are two people. It’s hard to be a lover of us."

"Just kill two of you. Who knows that we have teamed up against you. Uncle Shi. It has always been written by the winner. You are soon a dead person. The future. It is not what we want to say." Do you still be able to defend yourself after you die?"

Tianjun of the Imperial Palace is plausible. There is no shame in dealing with a king. The human race is based on quantitative advantages. Only became the master of heaven. But if there is no supreme existence that can suppress the three thousand territories. It is impossible for the Terran to dominate the heavens. In the face of absolute power gap. The quantity has no effect at all.

It’s like even thousands of tens of thousands of Heavenly Kings. Still not the opponent of the Taoist. The human race is because of its large number. Even among tens of millions of people. There is a strong leader. It is also more than the top of the real dragon family. Because the real dragons all add up. Not enough tens of millions.

"You can have a predecessor even if you have a sacred soldier. What can you do? After all, Fu Xi is a symbol. You use the plaque to motivate the sacred soldiers. How could it be our opponent?"

After the five peaks, Tianjun, together with the sacred soldiers. Immediately suppressed the big demon. Just a hit. I flew the Kowloon burial sky. Even the Great Devil retreats to where the Kowloon burial sky is. Strong support to promote the quarantine of the Kowloon. That is, I am injured again.

The mouth of the big demon has blood overflowing constantly. Five peaks of Heavenly King urged the holy soldiers. It’s all about bullying him. He is even worse than Lingdao. Not only because he is better at dealing with his peak. Also because of the peak of the monarch with him, in addition to urging the holy soldiers. He will also use martial arts to deal with him.

"Just rely on your kind of goods. I also want to dye the Chinese teacher. Do not sneak in the urine to take care of yourself. What point can you deserve our sister."

Another follower of Hua Lingyue said disdainfully. however. He didn't even have the courage to do it with Lingdao. Although he is higher than the realm of Lingdao. But it really fights with Lingdao. He is very likely to be killed by the Lingdao. It is not a high realm that can win. Ling Dao’s strength is stronger than him.

"I can pass the martial arts gallery. Can you?"

Lingdao’s words. The disciples of the Imperial Palace were speechless. Some faces are ugly. Some eyes contain killings. Some shame is difficult. Let me not say if they can pass the martial arts gallery. Some have no qualifications to join the martial arts gallery. They grabbed the quota for Shura. There is limited time to be able to stay in the Shura community. And the martial arts gallery has to line up again. They are not able to jump in the queue. I don't know when to go.

If they have fifty people in front of them. Then they have to wait for fifty hours. Look at it this way. I want to enter the martial arts gallery. Not how difficult it is. however. A powerful warrior. There is no honest queue at all. There will only be more and more people in front of them. I don’t know if I want to enter the martial arts gallery.

"Don't talk nonsense with him. Kill him and say. How about going through the martial arts gallery. It's not going to die in our hands."

The second late Tianjun said loudly. If you don't kill Lingdao again. His will world cannot be held up. Before you start. He would never have thought of it. The will of a peak king is so fierce. I knew that the will of Lingdao was stronger than him. He will not be stupid to use the martial arts to deal with Lingdao.

The other two later Tianjun looked at each other. They have exhibited their most powerful martial arts. If you can't kill the Lingdao. I have to ask other Tianjun to shoot. Anyway, until now. There is also Tianjun who does not do it. Recharge your batteries to the present.


Lingdao could not help but cough up blood. The two late Tianjun used all their rules. The power of the explosion. He can't resist it at all. Some roads. It looks like a sword. Pierced into his body. Some roads. Like a giant hammer. His five internal organs are shaking. Six defects were damaged.


crucial moment. The Great Devil threw five pieces of the symbol. Drive the sacred soldiers to Lingdao. Lingdao immediately activates the symbol. Promote the Shura Holy King flag. Two three-headed six-armed Shura. It seems like killing God. Rushing to the two late Tianjun who deal with Lingdao. It’s just an instant. Two three-headed six-armed Shura. It is to kill the two late Tianjun.

unfortunately. Haven't waited for Lingdao to continue to shoot. Other Heavenly Kings are shots. One of the peaks of Tianjun is fast-eyed. I even grabbed the Shura Wangwang flag. Just as Lingdao was preparing to recapture the Shura Holy King's flag. Another is the peak of the monarch shot. Casting Tianpin Wuxue. Attack the left hand of Lingdao.

Lingdao has no time to escape. The left hand was almost broken. The palm of the hand was taken away by the peak of the Imperial Palace. Fortunately, Lingdao temporarily gave up the Shura Holy King flag. Connect your right hand. The rest of the emperor is worthy. Grab it back again. In addition to his martial arts. Still Fu Xiu. Understanding of the symbol. It’s not the peak of the shot that can be compared.

There is no Shura Holy King flag. Lingdao even activates the symbol. I can't take the peak of the Imperial Palace. Just delay it. How long will it take? Lingdao will be able to recall the Shura Holy King flag. however. It is impossible for the disciples of the Imperial Palace to give Lingdao time. They must be quick and quick.

"Who dares to kill me Lingjia Dizi."

Just at this time. In the distance came one after another Tianjun. They are not the Ashura tribes. It is not the other forces. It is the children of Ling family. Lingdao is the Shura community from Lingxiaoge. They came in at Lingjia. It would be too much for the martial arts gallery. They are afraid now that they have not found the Lingdao.

"A group of Heavenly Kings bully a king. Don't you feel hurt? Come here. To fight. I will accompany you. Heaven is against Heaven. I am not bullying you."

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