The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 234: Bombing purple

The face of the purple illusion was white and white, and it was so degraded by a king of heaven. He could not be angry, could not be angry, but the problem is that now he must escape, in his current situation, once the peak of Lingjia When the king catches up, there is only one dead road.

Ling Wu's card, not only hit the purple virtual, but also ruined the purple card, the peak of the king's peak, the purple is not afraid, but he is afraid that the road will delay the time, as long as Lingdao stopped his time, enough to let Ling The peak of the family came over, then, today is his death.

"Oh, if I was in the heyday, it would be easy for you to kill you, and you will only be in danger."

At the same time of the purple virtual speech, the speed is brought to the extreme, but unfortunately, he is only slightly faster than the average peak of the king. Compared with Lingdao, it will not work. After a while, Lingdao is coming to the purple body. Before, let the purple deficiency be shocked.

Even the Pengpeng in the same realm is not necessarily faster than the Lingdao. In general, the peak of the king in front of the Lingdao, even if it plays the maximum speed, it is still like the speed of the turtle, and the purple imaginary force calms itself down. Now it will only Lingdao repels, and does not let Lingdao entangle him, only a chance.

It is impossible to count on the rest of the Ziwei Tiandi, and they are not able to get out of it. Even if they have the chance to save the purple, they will not shoot because their own lives are more important, with purple Virtual escape, certainly not as fast as oneself to escape.

"No, if I said, if you are in a realm with you, kill you like a dog."

Lingdao did not have a nonsense with the purple, immediately used the real dragon king boxing, smashed to the purple virtual, can become the first day of the Ziwei holy land, the purple virtual is certainly not stupid, Lingdao wants to talk to him to drag him, certainly The impossible thing is just communication, and it will not delay the escape of purple.

Therefore, Ling Dao took a strong shot, a pair of arms, like two real dragons, slamming into the purple illusion, he also used the entanglement, because he worried that Zi Xu used his fist to speed up his speed, before, others chased him, He used other people's attacks to make himself retreat faster, and now he certainly will not make the same mistake.

As soon as the purple virgin was exerted, he snorted, because it touched the wound, it was like a stalking knife, stabbed him into the body, letting his body crack, but fortunately he forcibly resisted, both palms shot, just His goal is not to Lingdao, but to be empty. Like Lingdao, he wants to use the punch of Lingdao.

What he has to do is not only to withstand the attack of Lingdao, to speed up his own speed, but also to fight to the empty space, to speed up his speed again, although his ideas are very good, but unfortunately, he encountered Lingdao, The thoughtful thoughts made Ling Dao take into account his plans.

The entanglement of the real dragon king fist not only pulls the purple imaginary back, but also wraps the purple illusion, so that the speed of the purple imaginary is greatly reduced. Even if the purple palms are emptied, it does not speed up his speed, but because of the real dragon king. Boxing, the speed has slowed down, and the speed of Lingdao is lightning fast. He did not follow the purple illusion, but blocked it in front of the purple illusion.

"You better not kill me, because my grandfather is the elder of the Lavender Holy Land. If I die in your hands, when you leave the Shura world, there is definitely no end."

Seeing that there is no hope of running away, Zi Xuan wants to use words to intimidate Ling Dao. The elders of the Ziwei Holy Land are definitely the Taoist. A Taoist wants to kill the King. It is not a waste of effort. However, Zi Xu has forgotten one thing. He is not as good as Ling Road than the background, because Lingdao’s father is the Great.

"Do you think your grandfather is strong, or my father is strong."

Lingdao’s counter-question, let Zixu dumbless, can not refute, there is indeed a Taoist can counter the Great, and even defeat the Great, but unfortunately, the purple grandfather can not do, of course, even the purple grandfather is the inverse The Heavenly Master is also not the opponent of the Lingjia Emperor, because the Emperor Lingjia was originally one of the six masters.

"It's better than this, you and I are fighting against one, how." The eyes of Zi Xuan turned and thought of a way, so they continued to stimulate Ling Dao. "Although I am higher than your realm, I am now hit hard. There is not much left in the battle, but you are at the peak and will not dare to fight with me."

There is not much left in the battle, it must be fake. The strength of the purple deficiency is indeed one. It is only against the peak of the king. There is still no problem. Ten peaks and kings cannot be his opponent. After all, he is the holy place of the Ziwei. On the first day, Jun is not a generation of people.

"Little Master, don't go to him, he is already dead, no need to take risks, let us shoot, kill him ten times eight times, no problem at all."

"In case you have three long and two short, we really can't explain it to the family. Anyway, he is the peak of the king, you are only the king of heaven. He invites you to fight. It is normal for you to refuse. It is not a shame."

"Don't be impulsive, he is a crazy dog ​​now. Who knows what crazy things he will do before he dies. Let us do it, it is the best choice. You can stand by and squat."

One day after another, Ling’s Tianjun advised that Lingdao was younger than them. Who knows if he will act recklessly, even if it is Lingwu, and he also disapproves of Lingdao’s promise to promise the purple, just like Ling’s One Tianjun said that there is no need to compete with a person who will die.

"Ha ha ha, what a **** emperor, even the courage to fight with me now, if I am you, I have already found a place to sneak into it, still alive."

The purple imaginary laughter, the eyes are full of contemptuous colors, Lingdao is the emperor, maybe there is also a life-saving card on the body, the purple imaginary does not think about the life of Lingdao, he just wants to Ling The road grabs, then when the adult quality, let the Ling family's Tianjun let him go.

Perhaps because of Lingwu’s affairs, Ling’s Tianjun is not afraid of his death on Lingdao. However, he can imprison Lingdao. If he takes Lingdao out of Shura, there is a strong person in Ziwei’s holy land. The life of Lingdao is definitely more important than Lingwu. Lingdao is the biological son of Happy Emperor.

"Don't I reject you?" Lingdao smiled, and the more confident he was, the more his warfare was in his heart. "You have to fight, I will accompany you to fight, are you still afraid of a peak?" Heaven is not good."

He deliberately said that Feng Feng Tianjun is to satirize the purple illusion, and the monarchy of the heavenly king must use the radical method to invite the king of the peak. Unfortunately, the purple illusion does not care at all, because living is the most important, the face is lost, and later Looking back, life is gone, it is a hundred.

"Well, there is a bone, so if you do, then you will pick me up."

Zixu immediately shot, for fear that Lingdao changed his mind, not to mention, Lingjia’s one-day Tianjun still wanted to persuade Lingdao. If they let them do the mental work of Lingdao, the plan of Zixu would be lost, and he When you come up, you will go all out, because the shorter the time you take the Lingdao, the more likely he is to live.

Who knows if Ling’s Tianjun will suddenly intervene in the process of his battle with Lingdao. Anyway, he’s a peak to deal with Fengfeng Tianwang. It’s not a good thing in itself. Even if Ling’s Tianjun intervenes, others Nor will it be said that Lingdao is not, but it is possible to say that he is bullying by the realm.

"The purple gas is coming."

A source of stars, drilled out from the body of the purple virtual, in order to win the Lingdao in one fell swoop, the purple deficiency can be said to let go, if the origin of the star has a problem, his realm may fall, and even his roots damaged It’s just a moment of time. The purple gas of 800 meters in a circle is filled with openness, full of gloom.

Eight Ways, turned into eight powerful warriors, from eight different directions, to the front of Ling Dao, Zi Xu did not expect Eight Roads to kill Ling Dao, not only because he is now powerful, but also because of him Do not dare to kill the road, if it motivates Ling Dao's life-saving cards, Ling Dao must be unscathed, he can only scream.

The mighty purple gas, like armor, is placed on the body of eight powerful warriors. They are either using the boxing method, or applying the palms of the hand, or applying the leg method, while attacking the Lingdao. The dead camel is bigger than the horse. The peak of Tianjun is also stronger than the peak of the king.

If he is not sure, Zi Xu will not be invited to fight Ling Dao. If he wants to be the first day of the Holy Land of Ziwei, if he loses to a peak, he will definitely be the biggest stain in his life. Yes, he suffered a heavy blow. Who knows what Lingjia’s children will say, and it is impossible for Ling’s children to make a slogan in order to give Lingdao a good start.

Ling Dao first used the real dragon illustrations, blocking in front of him, the attack of eight powerful warriors, all playing on the real dragon illustrations, it seems that there are real dragon pains, low scales, flying scales, and the ancient characters broken, really It is impossible for Long Tujian to block the attack of Zi Xu.

Fortunately, Lingdao did not hesitate to use the eighth turn of the nine-turn dragon dragon, to display the real dragon king boxing, extremely fierce strength, pouring out, like the waterfall above nine days, a strong mess, one after another The mighty warrior wearing purple armor collapsed and could not bear the punch of Lingdao.

Destroy the boxing, go straight to the purple imaginary, completely beyond the imagination of the purple virtual, the original purple thought, once confronted, took the Lingdao, even if the children of Ling family want to intervene, it is too late, who knows, His attack was not only broken by the Lingdao, but the boxing method used by Lingdao also hit him.

The other celestial celestial celestial celestial scorpions are stunned. They also expect Zixu to take Lingdao, so they can evacuate with them. I didn’t expect that Zixu couldn’t stand it, but even hit Lingdao, the peak of the king’s kingdom. They are also stunned. They are still thinking about how to get out, so that they can save the ridge and let Lingdao not fall into a dangerous situation.

"There are many injuries to the sorcerer's brother, how is it not a rival of the king."

"You still have the heart to think about other things, don't hurry to run, do you want to die with the Zixu brothers?" The first book from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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