The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 247: Robbery

The power of a desperate attack. The sword magic feels the deepest. After all, the robbery of the show is a fight against him. Other warriors felt that he couldn’t stop the robbery’s destiny. It is even possible to die under the command of destiny. He is confident in the use of robbery. And said. More crazy than robbery.

The robbery consumes a whole life of a thousand years. There are also three blood lines. It can be said that it is a trick that does not hurt the enemy to hurt himself first. If you can't beat the sword. Robbery is definitely unacceptable. It’s okay to kill the sword. Just hit the sword magic. Then. The sword demon wants to leave alive. It is simply impossible.

"The big demon green lotus sword."

A pair of cold scorpions. Staring at the robbery of the Terran. Break through to the end of the heavenly kingdom. The strength of robbery is better than before. Strong is not a star and a half. It’s a fateful blow now. The sword magic does not want to pay attention to it. Robber wants his life. In his heart. The same is killing.

Until now. The sword magic is the first time to pull the sword. Still using his man Wang Jian. Some warriors have already seen the holy swords. I certainly don't think how powerful Wang Jian is. but. After Wang Jian was out of the sheath. The momentum of the sword demon is to become extremely fierce. The sword is one. People are swords. The sword is a human being. No matter each other.

At the time of the ancient palace. He will be able to display the big demon green lotus sword. It is definitely more powerful now. The big demon Qinglian sword was created by the demon emperor. Even if it's just a simplified version. Still have extremely terrible power. His own swordsmanship. It must not stop the means of life of the Tianren. Fortunately, he got the inheritance of the Emperor.

One person and one sword. It seems to be turned into a green lotus. Standing in the void. Infuriating. The source scrolls. The road is staggered. The wind is rising. The world is turbulent. The big demon Qinglian sword did not break out the power to destroy the earth. Give the feeling of other warriors. It’s totally inferior to a destiny.

"Hey. Can't blame him. To blame can only blame his inheritance. The Heavenly Man's fight to kill. The sword he used now. How could it be blocked?"

"His combat power. Rarely comparable to the border warlords. Just. His cultivation of martial arts and martial arts. Certainly not comparable to the young genius of the Terran."

The chaotic ancient domain will compete for the battle. After all, it is the things of the ancient palace, the desperate building and the Taiyin temple. Disciples of other emperors will not pay attention at all. They have not seen swordsmen before. The demon emperor's practice has been in existence for a long time. I don't know the origin of the sword magic is normal.

Only the robber can feel the horror of the big demon green lotus sword. Because the power of the big demon Qinglian sword did not show up. It is hidden but not sent. Once the power of the big demon Qinglian sword broke out. Absolutely stone-shattered. Like a volcano that has been quiet for a long time. In an instant, you can sink another piece of land.

but. Robber still feels. A desperate blow is even better. After all, the destiny of the destiny is the famous killing and killing of the Terran. The sword method used by the swordsman. It is just the consumption of instinct, the source and the Tao. He also consumed life and blood. What's more. He is now. It is a little higher than the sword.


The destiny hit and the big demon Qinglian sword collided. A deafening sound broke out. Dazzling light. Irradiate the square. Even if it is a heavenly king. Still can't see the situation of the sword and the robbery. Some days are not under the guard. It was swept by the aftermath. He even coughed up blood.

One king is glad. If it is not far enough. Maybe they will suffer a lot. Even Tianjun can't resist the power of the aftermath. They certainly can't compete more. Fortunately, they have a foresight. Or they are cautious. I have escaped.

Qinglian is rampaged. Thousands of swords. Rotate violently. Tearing a desperate blow. The four rules of the sword magic. Like a sword. Pin all the rules of the robbery into the void. Despite the mastery of the robbery. It is already more than a sword. Still no effect.

The earth cracked open. A piece of land flies. Boulders roll. Turn into powder. The blood of the sky. Condensed into a variety of fierce beasts. Hey and fierce moaning. unfortunately. Where the sword light passed. One after another, the fierce beasts disappeared. The power of destiny. After all, it is not comparable to the big demon green lotus sword.


The robber couldn’t help but hold his chest. Open your mouth. Squirt a large mouth to the blood. His face. It’s incredible. It consumes a thousand years of life and three blood lines. Not only failed to kill the sword. Also lost to the sword magic. If it is not the painful moment in the body reminds him. Then he must feel that he is dreaming.

"Impossible. How can you lose if you hit a destiny?"

Staring at the sword magic incredibly. It seems like you have to find something in the sword. If the sword demon uses the strongman to give him a life-saving card. Blocking the robbery's destiny. It is completely understandable. If the swordsman relies on his own skills. Not only broke the destiny. Also injured and robbed. It is impossible to understand.

"A thousand years of life. A whole life of a thousand years..."

The robbers of the Beatles. It seems like crazy. self-mumbling. in fact. If he is willing to consume two thousand years of life. Maybe you can break the big demon green lotus sword. It can even hurt the sword. If he is willing to consume three thousand years of life. It can also kill the swordsman.

Other warriors are even more shocking. Because the big demon Qinglian sword gave them the feeling. Not strong at all. As a result, the big demon Qinglian sword can not only resist the destiny. It can also hurt the robbery of the Terran. They were curious about the identity of the swordsman. In the end, it is a disciple of the emperor. In the midst of the talented world, he was able to cast such a ruthless school.

Only the swordsman is still calm. The loss of the robbery. to him. It is an opportunity. A chance to kill the robbery. There is no need to cast any powerful swordsmanship at all. It's just the easiest. Straight to go straight. You can kill your life. Because the speed of the sword magic sword is almost to the extreme.

The robbery did not respond. The chest is a sword. I want to save myself. It’s too late. Swordsman shot. It must be a sword. If you let the robbery wake up. Refers to the means by which the robbery can be displayed. The sword demon knows. His time is short. Kill the chance of robbery. I am fleeting. Must be seized.

"How dare you... kill me."

The man Wang Jian has already robbed the heart. Even if you are robbing, take the healing remedy. Still no effect. The robber did not think of it. The sword demon will ask for his life in the public. Because the Tianren population is scarce. The sword demon killed him. It is equal to the enemy of the Terran. A little heavenly king. Why is it so daring?

"Starting with killing me. It is destined for your ending."

The sword magic slowly pulled the man Wang Jian out. Then it was put into the scabbard. The battle with the robbery is over. Just a win or lose. There is still the possibility of remorse. Continue to shoot the sword. But now it has been divided into births and deaths. Robbery has no power to shoot the sword.

"It's amazing. If we can have his strength. How can other Ashura dare to look down on us."

"He's fine. It means we're fine. Although I don't like him. But he can at least keep our lives."

"You don't want to be too optimistic. He is so strong. Can we really escape from his hands?"

"What can't escape. He is awesome. But if you meet many of the peaks of our Ashura tribe, he is not vulnerable."

The three mid-term monarchs of Ashura and the late Tianjun of an Ashura are mixed. The joy is that the sword is all right. Worry is their future situation. Fortunately, the warriors of the various tribes of Ashura. It is the same as the warriors who come in from outside. Will be pulled to the battlefield of Shura.

"You still dare to say the genius of our human race. Is it better for your other races? Do you want to go up and compare with him."

Immediately. Some people have been robbed. It’s like killing a robbery is not a sword. But they are the same. Fortunately, the warriors of other races did not care about them. Just remember the name and appearance of the sword. Such a powerful young warrior. The peerless genius of their own forces will certainly be interested.

Just at this time. The Shura List spread slowly. I saw the name of the sword. From the bottom. Soaring all the way. It’s just a moment of effort. Just smashed into the top hundred. Then it was the first fifty. Then there are the top twenty. Robbery is the stepping stone of the sword. Let the swordsman become famous.


The robbery's eyes glared at the Shura List. finally. Just said a word. I completely lost consciousness. He is angry. He is not willing. Unfortunately, there is no effect. The sword demon is the top 20 of the Shura. The robbery ranks behind the old swordsman. There is no comparability with the sword.

"You know the killers of the Terran. What are the consequences?"

The sword magic thought it was after the robbery. The meditation will panic and escape. did not expect. Not only did not escape. Still dare to talk to him. Can make a sword robbed. It is also beyond the expectations of the sword. He also thought that there would be a life-saving card for the robbery. crucial moment. Keep his life.

"What can be the consequences." The sword did not care to lick the mouth. Keep on saying. "It is nothing more than offending your celestial beings. Later, your celestial beings will send the strong to come to my life. If I am not strong, I will die in the hands of your heavenly strong."

A glimpse of the gaze. Although the swordsman said it is different from the facts. But the meaning is similar. Robbery in the hands of the sword. The Terran must not let go of the sword. After all, the Terran is not like the Terran. The number of people is too large. One person will die if the Terran die. What's more, the talent for robbery is not bad.

"I am ready. I don't know if your Tianren is ready."

“What do we need to do for the Terran.”

Sword magic question. Let the meditation feel inexplicable. But I still ask honestly. do not know why. I always feel that there is a transcendental spirit in the sword. Change to someone else to say the same words as the sword. He certainly won't take care of it.

"If your heavenly people are to be enemies with me, then be prepared to destroy the tribe. The lord said it was done."

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