The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 249: Death knives

With four arms and four arms, black scales on the whole body, and a tail with a barb. Now it looks like a humanoid beast. The reason is that it has the confidence to occupy the first place in the Shuro list, except for his blood. Strong, but also because he got more than one chance in the Red Flame.

The Shura Dijing is a practice created by the Shura Emperor. It is definitely the number that can be ranked in the past and the present. As for the situation of the present, there is no relationship with the Shura Dijing, just because he took the Ashura in the red ban. As it is said, the Ashura Warrior long ago was the same as he is now.

"I want you to die."

He gnawed his teeth and said that a pair of big hands were printed, and another pair of big hands clenched his fists. The Axiro magic body was enough to make his strength improve. The full operation of the Shura Dijing was to make his strength rise again. He used to be There is no victory or defeat, but now, the robbery is not comparable to him.

He cultivated two emperors, because he cultivated the emperor's scriptures from a young age, so his body, the emperor's emperor is better, but he wants to defeat the sword and even kill the sword, must rely on The Shura emperor, who always occupied the first place in the Shura list, was absolutely outrageous when he was in the kingdom of heaven and heaven.

"Tianlu Yin."

The dense lines, criss-crossing, like the sky and the net, from the sky to the sword magic, under the hood to overcome the sword magic, of course, will not cast a destiny, not hurt the enemy first hurt the trick, can not use it, Tianluo The power of India is definitely not as good as the fate of the previous use. Fortunately, there is no expectation that Tianlu Yin can have the life of the sword.

"Shu Luo Wang Quan."

The advantages of the two pairs of arms are revealed. He does not need a head at all and wants two martial arts at the same time, because now he has two heads, and the Shura Wangquan is derived from the Shura Dijing, perhaps not comparable in quality. Luo Yin, but the Shura Wang Quan he exhibited can not be underestimated.

The black scales, erected in pieces, are like the tip of the sword, pointing directly to the sword magic. The main purpose of the Tianlu Yin is to limit the sword and the sword, so that the action of the sword demon is blocked, and the Shura Wangquan is the real weapon against the sword. Learning, the body of the corpse is tyrannical, and now it is the use of Ashura's body, not afraid of the sword.

"Blood sword."

The current sword demon is not the sword magic that confronted Luo Tianhao at the beginning. Even if he used the big demon green lotus sword, he was extremely depleted and could still continue to fight. Meditation from the scorpion of the sword magic, seeing jealousy and seeing Panic, seeing fear, is destined to be disappointed, because the eyes of the swordsman have no fluctuations at all.

The man Wang Jian pulled out from the top down, like a **** standing on the ground, waving a huge axe to open up the sky, the origin of the sword condensed thousands of swords, or stabbed in the sky, or crashed On the Shura Wang fist, the two ways of the sword demon are the two heads that fight against the attack and spur the lungs.


The first crack appeared in Tianlu Yin, followed by the second and third cracks. The Jianmo’s collapsed sword style was simple and rude. There was no fancy, and it relied on the swordsmanship. It was two martial arts, Tianlu Yin was broken, and he also had Shura Wang Quan.

However, the sword sword's sword speed is far from being able to imagine. Just breaking the sky and printing, the man Wang Jian is like a teleport, squatting on his double fists, black scales, one after another, There were sword wounds in the hands of the meditation, and the blood could not stop flowing.

"Why is he consuming so much, I am doing it with him, and I still have less than a half advantage. My blood is tyrannical, my body is unparalleled, and I am practicing Shura, why I can't compare him."

He is going crazy, because he feels that he is invulnerable in all aspects, not to mention defeating the current swordsman, even if it is the sword of the peak state, it is not his opponent, the first of the Shulu list, for him, it is like taking a bag. Yes, fantasy is beautiful, reality is cruel, whether he can accept it, reality is reality.

The warriors who watched the war have long been numb, and the swordsmen have shocked them again and again. Even if they are powerful, they still feel that they can’t kill the swords, especially now, as they think, they are exposed again and again. With the cards, the swordsman is still as good as before.

"I said the little man of the Heavenly Terran, can you show your true ability, temptation to test it, what do you mean, or you will come to a destiny."

"Yeah, the martial arts you use now can't help him at all. It's better to use a desperate blow. It's a big deal that consumes thousands of years of life and burns with him."

Seeing the excitement is not afraid of big things, immediately there are other ethnic warriors smashing, let the sacred use of destiny, meditation is not a fool, certainly will not be irritated by them, with a desperate blow and Lingdao fight, other ethnic warriors do not Good intentions, in fact, very well understood, because the power of the sword and the magic, caused their attention.

Sword Devil is the genius of the human race. He is the young man of the Terran. Anyway, it is not the warrior of their race. It is the best for the same. If the sword and the sorcerer are both hurt, they don’t mind the danger of swearing, killing the sword and the meditation. As the battle progressed, more and more warriors have arrived.

"No, if you fight like this, you may be counted."

The eyes are flashing, whether for the sake of Li Wei, or for the sake of fame, or for the attention of the Terran, he wants the life of the sword, but he definitely does not want to kill his sword and kill the sword. Devil, he will not be soft, just let him and the sword magic fight you to die, he does not want, or he does not dare.

Whether it is the Shura Dijing or the Ashura body, he can make him a peerless power. There is no need to let the good future be buried in the Shura community. If he knows that even if he and the swordsmen die together, he will die. The sword magic will not die at all, I don't know what mood he will be.

"A quick fix, you can't drag."

After making up his mind, I plan to use the killing trick. It is best to kill the sword. If it is not killed, he will leave this place. After all, the person will eventually be weak. Who knows the sword and the brothers and sisters will Will not come, if seven or eight peaks Tianjun join hands, can not live alive, still a problem.

Of course, I know that the major forces can let a hundred disciples come in. The swordsmen have seven or eight peaks of the Tianjun-level brothers in the Shura community. It is normal. He has not been to the ancient domain. Of course, he does not know the swordsman. It is not a disciple of the emperor's power, so there will be some taboos.


Two pairs of big hands, the same is the killing trick. Since it is decided to kill the sword in the shortest time, then Ming will definitely not be able to consume anything. Fortunately, the killing trick he uses is only the source and the infuriating. It doesn't cost a lot of blood and life like a destiny.

"Death knives."

It’s not a knife repair, a death knife, although the name has a knife, but it’s not a knife. His two big hands are constantly being played, gradually condensing two black-handed swords, even if they are far away from the sky. It is also the edge of the death knives.

His two pairs of scorpions seem to have lost their eyes. Even with the sword, they become incomparably dark, like the autumn wind, the cold winter, the silence of all things, the death of the dead, the death of the knives, like the big hand of death, caught Where is the silence.

The source of death pours out, and one of the meditations is integrated into a dead knive. The other three avenues are integrated into another slashing knife, but the two knives are madly spinning. Let other warriors do not know at all, in the end, which one of the death knives is integrated into a road, which one of the death knives incorporates three ways.

Rolling in the air, covering the land of five miles, it seems that the entire battlefield is turned into a magical soil, standing in it, like a resurrection of the revil of Ashura, two pairs of scorpions are cold, the general Tianjun, simply not Dare to look straight into his eyes, as if his eyes could kill people.

Not only that, but also used the will to attack, like Lingdao, he also got half of the fox fox heart, mastering the half-step king-level will, it is normal, his will, the same is the death of the knife, It is not the body of the sword, but the will of the sword.

The meditation is the life of the sword demon. The sword demon is only the middle warrior of the heavenly kingdom. Whether it is the body being killed, but the will is destroyed, there is only one dead road. If the death knives cannot kill the swords, then, the evil spirits will be used. A desperate blow, you can only break through to the end of the heavenly kingdom, and then divide the life with the sword.

"Three swordsmanship."

The power of the Death Knife is not as great as the previous Tianluo Yin and Shura Wang Quan. However, at this moment, the sword magic is not a tyrannical big demon green lotus sword, nor a homemade earthquake sword. The style and the collapse of the sword, etc., but the three masters passed to him by the three masters.

In fact, his three methods of swordsmanship have encountered bottlenecks. It is impossible to block the death knives of the meditation with the three swords he has now. Once he can’t stop it, he will be hit hard if he is not dead. At that time, even if he does not kill him, he is afraid that there are other warriors under the black hand.

However, he still resolutely uses the three-pronged sword method. Only when he pushes himself to a desperate situation can he explode his greatest potential. He wants to block the three swordsmanship. He can, as long as he has a new level of understanding of the three swordsmanship. No problem, if you let others know what he thinks, he will definitely say that he is a madman, a complete madman.

"The wine is a sword."

"There is a sword."

"The sword is a sword."

The more dangerous, the more the heart can not be chaotic, but the heart of the sword magic is still calm, there is no sway, the wine sword, the sword, the sword, as always, used, but unfortunately, and what he thinks In the same way, the death knives that could not stop the meditation, the first knives of death, broke the sword of the wine and the sword of the people, and the second knives of death slashed the sword.

The two-handed death knives are like bamboo, and they are killed in front of the sword, as if they are going to send the sword to the road.

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