The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 260: Killing temple

"Don't be kidding, the five peaks of Tianjun deal with a mid-term Tianjun not only failed, but also all killed, you are not a fool."

"The three princes and the four generations of the younger generation of the genius of the four generations of genius, I have heard of it, but I have never heard of what is called the sword magic, is he more powerful than the three palaces, the four empire palace's peerless genius."

"The last time Lingdao, who passed the martial arts corridor, is not a disciple of the Three Royal Palaces, nor a disciple of the Four Emperors. Can other powerful forces not cultivate a powerful role?"

"Don't forget, although Lingdao is not a disciple of the Three Royal Palaces, nor a disciple of the Four Emperors, he is the son of the Emperor, and the Emperor can go wherever he goes."

"Not the same, Lingdao is even more powerful. After all, only the king of heaven is at its peak, and there is no big wave. If the sword is in the middle of the kingdom, you can kill the peak of the king. If he breaks through to the end of the kingdom, he is not going to dominate. Shura battlefield."

If Lingdao knows that they compare themselves to themselves, they don’t know what it will be. The time of the swordsman to the Shura world is very short, but the movement he made is very big, and the battlefield of Shura is much smaller than the Shura world. His actions have already spread, causing a lot of sensation.

The first time I became famous was because I hijacked the saint, and I saw the saint tofu under the eyes of the public. The second time, it was the super strength, killing five peaks, and being able to learn the peaks of the world. Most of them have the same strength as Tianzun, and some can even kill Tianzun.

Nowadays, many warriors in the battlefield of Shura know that the Terran has a peerless genius, so that Ashura’s Heavenly King pulls the car. The Taiyin Temple is also a prisoner of his ranks. He is arbitrarily spoiled, and the warrior who wants to fight with the swordsman does not know how many. Some want to compete with the sword and the devil, and some want to save the Taiyin Temple saint, and some simply want to step on the name of the sword magic to shake the crowd.

"No, my Taiyin Hall has become a laughing stock. If we don't remove the swordsman, how can we stand on the battlefield in Shura, even if we return to heaven, the disciples of the ancient emperor and the disciples of the life-stricken building will laugh at us."

"The Highness of the Virgin is still in the hands of the swordsman. How do we do it? She is the biological daughter of the Emperor. If there is a long and two short, can we have a good life in the future?"

"We can't do nothing. Since we can't do it ourselves, let other disciples help our disciples. As long as we can afford the price, we are afraid that no one will take over."

The disciples of the Taiyin Temple gathered together to discuss the rescue of Yin Qingxi. They really couldn’t stand the current situation. Wherever they went, there were martial artists who laughed at the Taiyin Temple. Even the other warriors painted the description of how the swordsman was in the chariot. It’s bad for Yin Qing’s.

Whether it is for the future, or for not being jokes now, it is imperative to rescue Yin Qingyi. The killing building is the killer organization. Give them the corresponding price, they can send the killer, help the money to kill him and want to kill. The dead warrior, the disciple of the Taiyin Temple will certainly not find a disciple of the death of the building. Anyway, the 3,000-strong killer organization will not only kill one.

Fortunately, the battlefield of Shura was opened. Otherwise, they wanted to find other killers to organize disciples. It is many times more difficult than now. In just one day, they found a disciple who killed the temple. Although the temple was only the emperor of the rise of the ancient times, But the power of the temple is unquestionable.

Killing the territory where the temple is located, it was not called killing the gods, because at that time there was another great emperor's power. As the saying goes, one mountain can't accommodate two tigers. The two great emperors are sitting in the same territory, and there is definitely a lot of contradictions. Another big emperor's power is the rise of the ancient times. The foundation is deep, and the result is still razed to the ground.

Legend has it that there was once a temple lord in the Temple of Killing, and the Taoist territory was able to retrograde the emperor, and it was a mess. Later, he proved to be an emperor, and his combat power was soaring. He was the first great emperor to kill the temple, and he was also the temple of killing the gods. The power of a product has become the key to the power of the emperor.

The emperor he created was also the foundation for killing the temple. Even now, his emperor is still the most powerful method of killing the temple. Without him, it is impossible to kill the temple. Brilliant, and may even have long been annihilated in the long river of history.

"Let us get rid of the swordsman, a strong man who can kill five peaks, how many spirits you are prepared to produce."

If you have money to earn, it is impossible to kill the disciples. If the goal is stronger, they will find it more challenging. Of course, they are not good churches. It is impossible to help the disciples of the Taiyin Temple to solve the swordsman free of charge. The rumors are too exaggerated. The Tianjun Junjun team could not solve a mid-term Tianjun, and even killed them all. They simply did not believe.

However, now they must use rumors to make a fuss, because the stronger the swords, the more spiritual stones they can ask, the price of a mid-term prince, certainly not high, so they do not mention the realm of the sword magic, and It is said that the sword magic is the strongest to kill five peaks.

"Five hundred pieces of heavenly spirit stone, how to buy the sword magic, how."

Don't say that Fengfeng Tianjun, many of Tianzun's whole body, there are no five hundred pieces of heavenly spirit stone, in order to get rid of the sword magic, the Taiyin Temple disciple can only bite his teeth and make up five hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, if not Yin Qingyi is in the hands of the sword, they must not want to bleed.

"Do you think that a hundred pieces of heavenly spirits can buy a life of a peak?"

One of the peaks of the killing temple, Tianjun, asked, a sword magic is comparable to the five peaks of the king, even more valuable than the five peaks of the king, the Taiyin temple disciples look stunned, not that they do not want a higher price, But they can't get more heavenly stones.

"I don't know how much you think the value of the sword and the devil is worth."

I am willing to give up, but after thinking about Yin Qingxi, the disciples of the Taiyin Temple have to continue to discuss with the disciples of the temple. As long as they can rescue Yin Qingyi, other warriors will not continue to laugh at them. Even if they are killed by the disciples of the temple, it is worthwhile.

"You have to know that the sword magic can kill five peaks, and we will start with him. It is definitely risky. Maybe we will take a few lives and we will take it for life. Don't give a thousand pieces of heavenly stone, do you think we will shoot?"

A thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, which is twice as high as the price of the disciple of the Taiyin Temple, don’t look at the pitifulness of the sacred Tianjun who killed the temple. In fact, he did not put the sword and the demon in his heart. They are dangerous when they come out of their nests.

Under the prestigious name, there is no vain, perhaps the swordsman is much more powerful than other martial artists in the middle of the day. Even if they can kill the phoenix phoenix, they do not mean the confrontation with the swordsmen. They are killers, and several princes sneak attack Sword Demon, ask the Sword Demon how to live.

"We really can't get a thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, and 800 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi can't."

Eight hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi are enough to make them squandered one by one. One thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi are asking for their lives. Unfortunately, there is no sympathy for killing the disciples of the temple. The bargaining of the disciples of the Taiyin Temple has no meaning at all. The disciples of the Taiyin Temple asked for them, and they were not asking for the disciples of the Taiyin Temple.

"You can use the goods to be mortgaged. In any case, there is not a thousand pieces of heavenly stones. We will not risk our lives to kill the swordsmen."

Killing the disciple of the temple is to iron a heart to a thousand pieces of heavenly spirit stone, the disciple of the Taiyin Temple hesitated again and again, or agreed to it, Lingshi is gone, you can earn again, if Yin Qingyi hates them, maybe when can you find A strong man, secretly solve them.

"Well, a thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi are a thousand pieces of heavenly spirits. We are out. If the swordsmen are not dead, do you want to return a thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi to us."

The rules of the life-stricken building, the disciple of the Taiyin Temple still knows. Unfortunately, the rules for killing the temple are different from those of the life-stricken building. The words of the disciple of the Taiyin Temple have just finished, and the disciple who killed the temple is laughing, not because he earned a thousand. Tianpin Lingshi laughs, but because the words of the Taiyin Temple disciples are ridiculous.

"We killed the disciples of the temple, you are not at ease, if even a mid-term prince can't solve it, we have any face to be a disciple to kill the temple."

"Reassure, just let us find the sword magic, that is, the death of the sword magic, if you are worried, you can follow us, but when we do it, you are better off, so as not to affect us."

"You don't know us to kill the temple, tell you that from the time we kill the temple to become the emperor's power, there is no failure. No matter who the target is, if we can afford the price, we can solve the temple."

They are not arrogant, but have absolute confidence in themselves. If they are not the disciples of the Taiyin Temple, they will not let the disciples of the Taiyin Temple. They will let the disciples of the Taiyin Temple look down on them, and they will not deal with the Fengfeng Tianjun. How could they fail?

"Forgot to tell you one thing, we will never return the spiritual stone if we kill the temple. If we don't succeed, what you can do is to spend more spiritual stones and continue to find us. The more spiritual stones you have, The killer we kill in the temple is the stronger, so your mission can be completed, right."

A disciple who kills the temple slyly looks at the disciple of the Taiyin Temple. He is not nonsense. The rules for killing the temple are the same. Otherwise, after killing the temple, it will never fail. A group of killers can not, there are the second batch of killers, and even the third batch, the fourth batch of killers, the rules of killing the temple, is the first emperor of the temple to kill, has been implemented until now.


The disciple of the Taiyin Temple only felt that it was black in front of him. It was really a thief boat. Whether or not the disciples of the temple had removed the swordsmen, their thousand pieces of heavenly spirits were drowned, and they knew that they were a thousand. Tianpin Lingshi is a weapon that adds land. What they can do now is to believe in killing the disciples of the temple. Because of the consequences of failure, they can’t afford it.

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