The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 268: Hard sacred soldier

"You so many people, just watching him want to kill your brothers and sisters, I really don't know how you became a disciple of the temple, afraid of death and what to kill."

The peak of a temple that killed the temple was angered and snarled. They had to get rid of Lingdao and the Great Devil. By then, the burial of the seal of the Sun, the Shurawang flag, and the Bodhi fruit were all theirs. The disciples of the killing temple in front of him were dragged down, and they could only reluctantly come back to deal with the sword magic. Moreover, he also lost a transmission symbol.

"You can't cope with a mid-term prince. I can ask who you can kill."

Another killing temple, Fengfeng Tianjun, said that Lingdao and the Great Devil have three sacred soldiers. If they all get it, it is very likely that they will be divided into one. The sacred soldiers are not only useful in the Shura community, but also useful in leaving the Shura community, even if it is It is not a small benefit to hand over to the Temple of Killing.

"I said you don't talk about them, come over and help us, or we will die under his sword."

"That is, hurry up, we can't hold on, hurry."

The two peaks who fought with the swordsman eagerly shouted, and then they continued to fight. They did die, not only because the swordsmen were stronger than them, but also because they had already had no war, they witnessed them, one after another. Under the death of Wang Jian, there are teachers and brothers to help, they are not the opponents of the swords, now they are two, how could they have played the sword magic.

Contrary to them, the sword and the devil are high-spirited, the stronger the Vietnam War, the sword and the sword, like a storm, the two peaks of the killing are only defensive, and his understanding of the killing of the kendo is deep, The sword method will score a point, and it will be difficult to kill a disciple.

"Well, first solve the swords and then teach them."

The three peaks of the Temple of Killing God were killed by the swordsmen. They had absolute advantages and did not need to sneak attack. Besides, they had already made second-hand preparations, that is, let the remaining four peaks and princes spur the sacred soldiers. Whether it is the peak of the big devil's wounded Tianjun, or the peak of the Tianjun who was injured by Lingdao, the battle may have an impact, and the sacred squad is sure to be fine.

"Blood sword."

Up to now, the sword demon is still the first time in the use of supernatural powers, the application of martial arts, murderous in the sword of the people, has condensed into the essence, making Wang Jian more sharp, in addition, collapse The sword-style powers skyrocketed, and a sword broke out. It seemed to be able to cut off the sky and reverse the starry sky.

The first place to kill the temple, the peak of the use of the martial arts sword, suddenly cracked, was Wang Jian into two, the second killing temple, the peak of the Tianjun show the boxing method, the shadow of the sky has not touched the sword magic, It disappeared and cleaned, not only that, but his fists were also hurt by murderousness.

The worst thing is the third peak of the killing of the temple, because he wants to use the dagger to stab the sword, so the nearest to the sword magic, after the sword is broken, the sword tip is straight. His chest, the length of the dagger, is no match for Wang Jian, the dagger has not touched the sword, and Wang Jian has penetrated his body.

"how come……"

His mouth is constantly bleeding, and his eyes are full of incredulity. He thought that the three peaks of Tianjun shot, can kill the sword, who knows, the sword is not only okay, he is about to die under the sword of the sword He can feel that his vitality is dying.

The other two killing temples, the peak of Tianjun, also looked dull. Just said that other disciples are useless. Who knows that they shot, did not kill the sword, and they were killed by the sword. Jun, the swordsman has just displayed the collapsed sword style, tyrannical beyond their imagination.

In fact, if they started with the sword magic, the sword magic could not use such a powerful sword. It can be said that the battle is now, not only the strength of the sword magic is slowly increasing, but his momentum is also growing. The sword just now is not only the refined swordsmanship, but also the release of momentum. Even if the swordsman is used once again, there is no previous power.

It is a pity that the three peaks of the monarchs did not know what happened. After one of the peaks was killed, the other two peaks were sure to be cautious and would not rush. It is no wonder that one later and another Tianjun In the hands of the swordsman, it is not that they are useless, but the sword is too strong.

"Quickly use the sacred soldiers, use the sacred soldiers."

The four peaks who did not shoot finally responded, and they rushed to the holy soldiers. Lingdao and the great demon gods had the Shura Holy King flag and the Kowloon burial sky, which could resist their sacred soldiers. Until now, they still I have never seen the swordsmen use the sacred soldiers. They want to see if the swordsmen can stop the sacred attack.

The four sacred priests, who were driven by the peaks of the heavens, burst into a dazzling brilliance, as if a small sun, the light and shadow of the sky shrouded, and the thirty-two roads condensed into a mace, smashing to the sword, even the sword The magic again used the collapsed sword style, they were equally sure to defeat the sword magic, and even let the sword magic die under the mace.

They master the half-step king-level will, can lock the swords to death, the swordsmen want to avoid their attacks, it is impossible, the sword can do, is to resist, anyway, they think that the sword is not blocked Live, if the four peaks of the Tianjun urging the holy soldiers, but also can not solve a mid-term Tianjun, then they are still alive to do.

"Shock sword."

The swordsman has no defense, because he knows that he must not be able to stop the opponent's attack. Instead of hoping for no hope, it is better to let go. The sword of Wang Jian is in the hands of the sword, and it seems that the movement is not moving. In fact, the vibration frequency is already high and scary. If there is a king who is now in the king of the king, who will touch him, he may be directly killed.

The mace and the man Wang Jian met in the void, there was no earth-shattering scene, and there was no roaring sound. Some were just a moment of silence, and the heavens and the earth were silent. Even the ground under the sword and the sword appeared hundreds of vertical and horizontal. There are still no sounds in the staggered cracks.

The disciples of the Temple of the Killing Temple and the disciples of the Taiyin Temple know that it is not true that there is no sound, but that they have lost their hearing. A mid-term Tianjun can compete with the four peaks of the sacred soldiers, regardless of whether the sword is defeated or defeated. They are geniuses that they can't match.

"Although he is thoroughly hooligans, I still admire him in my heart. When I am in the middle of Tianjun, I am afraid that I have already been smashed into a mud."

"Unfortunately, he has to die, to sin against our Highness, and to live."

"You are stupid, he has endured the sins of our saints, the three great emperors of the ancient domain, who did not offend."

At the beginning, after the end of the battle, the sword demon used the spirit of the demon emperor to destroy the elders who went to the three great emperors of Taikoo City. From then on, the name of the sword devil sensationalized the entire ancient domain. Of course, Most of the warriors have only heard of the swordsmen and have never seen them.


The sword demon finally couldn’t stand it, coughing, and it was obvious that he held the right hand of the sword, Wang Jian’s mouth cracked open, and the blood was like a spring. Fortunately, Wang Jian had already been tempered, otherwise he might have broken into countless Block, however, the power from the mace, shocked the swordsman's internal organs.

The mace is pressed against the king's sword, and it is constantly down. The sword of the person Wang Jian is getting closer and closer to the neck of the sword. The purpose of the four killing temples is that the purpose of the heavenly king is self-evident. Your own sword, killing the sword magic, anyway, the sword magic one person, certainly not their opponent.

"Give me broken."

The sword demon took a deep breath, and behind him appeared a shadow of the green lotus roots. The man Wang Jian gradually turned into a blue color, like a green dragon, vacated, and the four peaks of the temple were changed. Thinking of this situation, the sword magic can also explode such a terrible force.

The man Wang Jian squatted on the mace, the sword demon wanted to smash the mace, but unfortunately he still underestimated the mace, at the same time, the power of the sacred, broke out again, the sword is still fighting The mace, between the hasty, can only wave and deal with the sacred soldiers.

The palm prints of the swordsman annihilated in an instant, and then his left hand became vague and bloody. The two peaks who had previously dealt with him were taking the opportunity to kill him and want to kill him. Doubt, killing the sword magic by hand, will definitely be able to get more Tianpin Lingshi.

"Don't struggle, no matter how you struggle, there is only one end, that is death."

One of the sacred sacred priests, Tianjun, said with a smile, they have already taken an absolute advantage. Until now, the swordsmen have not taken out the sacred soldiers. They want to come without sacred soldiers. If so, then the swordsmen only have There is a dead end, and their will is locked, even if the sword is not difficult to fly.

The time when the swordsman came to repair the world was too short, and there was no sacred soldier at all. The swords of the heavens were able to compete with the sacred soldiers, even more powerful than the sacred soldiers, but the ridges have been used, and the swords of the heavens have not yet After recovering, you can’t fight anymore. The swordsman is not counting on the swords of the heavens.

"There seems to be a fight there, my sister, we have to go see it."

"I also felt that the strong fighting fluctuates, and I have to watch the fun. I don't look at it, my sister said it is not."

The disciple of the Tianhu Holy Land, just in the vicinity of the disciple of the Taiyin Temple and the disciple of the Temple of Killing, the sword and the magic hard anti-saint, although the injury is not light, but his explosive power is equally amazing, the last sacred place of the fox The saint is the sister of the disciple of the heavenly fox.

Nine-tailed foxes, rare in number, do not match the brothers and sisters of the brothers and sisters, they are called brothers and sisters brothers and brothers, they are more close, but most of the foxes in the fox community are still children of the fox family, relying on the nine-tailed fox family alone, can not sit on a territory .

It’s not that the nine-tailed fox family doesn’t have a strong one. It’s just a small number. There may be a fault. There is a fox family that supports the fox sacred place. It’s better, just like the real dragon family, it will take the other dragons down. The tail fox, not only strong, but also extremely intelligent, so their power, not called the fox, but called the holy land, and other demon people.

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