The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 275: Attitude change

The disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land seen by the Ashura tribes in the Thousand Fox illusion are all fake. They may deal with ancient trees. They may be flowers or stones, and may be stones. The fantasy is only a fantasy, impossible and true. The same, to be precise, is the current cultivation of the demon cloud, it is impossible to be the same as the real.

If it is a fantasy created by Menghuang, there is no difference between it and reality. The foxes of the foxes in the illusion can definitely play their true fighting power. Even if they are holy squad, they can also appear in the illusion, even in the illusion. Making Tianzun among them is just a matter of thought.

The eight peaks of the Tianhu Holy Land have been shot, which is related to their safety. No one will take it lightly. The battle of Shura’s battlefield has already begun. Only between you and the Ashura tribal warrior, if you have the same number, they are not afraid. The number of Ashura tribes in front of them is seven or eight times their number.

They are dealing with the peaks of the Ashura tribes. The Ashura tribes in the illusion can't see them. Fortunately, they can see the Ashura tribes in the illusion, and they can make the demon cloud The illusion of the illusion, the reality of the imaginary, the false and true, so that the peak of the Ashura tribe can not detect the magic array in a short time.

"Although it is also the peak of the king, but you are definitely not our opponent, let it die."

"A little guy who is still stinking, and wants to compete with us, it makes Ashura laugh at the big teeth."

"Kill them, we will kill other warriors, and the battlefield of Shura is simply a feast for us."

The peak of the Ashura tribe is more than a arrogant, and the eight peaks of the Tianhu Holy Land can't wait to smash their mouths. However, the demon cloud uses their eyes to stop them, because the eight peaks of the Tianhu Holy Land are like Indiscriminate shots are likely to destroy the foxes of the foxes. The disciples of the foxes who have escaped some distance may save their lives. The ten of them are difficult to fly.

"The good thing, the more they are, the deeper they are in the illusion."

The words of the sword demon, but let the demon cloud laugh, although the sword demon from beginning to end, did not mention the demon cloud, did not mention the magic fox array, but he is indirectly praised the array of demon cloud layout, if not Thousands of foxes are powerful, how can they make all the warriors of the Ashura tribes?

He casts a sword-like style, with his eyesight, enough to find a relatively weak Ashura peak, only in the middle of the heavenly king, he will certainly not arrogantly challenge the powerful Asura peak Now is not the time for heroes. It is the most important thing to let the Ashura tribes get deeper and deeper.

"It's good."

The peak of the Ashura tribe laughed and waved two pairs of fists. The black fist shadow was like a giant elephant. It was a hollow, shaking the mountains and rivers. He was in the illusion, he saw not the swordsman in the middle of the heavenly kingdom, but the sky. The fox children who are at the peak of the kingdom, even if they can't look down on the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land, and they will fight against the warlords in the same territory, he will not care.

On the black fist shadow, Wang Jianxi is just a moment of time. The fist shadow is broken, and then disappears. The sword is changed to a thorn, and the speed of the sword is so fast that it is too late for the peak to react. The tip of the sword stabbed into a fist of Ashura's peak, and then he drilled into it like a drill bit.

The peak of the Ashura tribe issued a scream of screaming, the sword demon used the shock sword style, and the other arm of the other side was shattered into a pile of minced meat, the fantasy is fake, but the sword is true, the sword The devil is also true. Before the restoration of the peak of the Ashura tribe, the sword is re-emerged.

The disciple of the Tianhu Holy Land in the distance has already been stunned. I thought that the swordsman who was going to make a fool of the ugliness not only did not make a fool, but also injured the peak of an Ashura tribe. You must know that the other eight foxes of the Tianhu Holy Land, So far, there is no great record.


In the mouth of the sword, the spit out is like a magic sound, which can affect the Ashura King of Heaven who is fighting with him. The man Wang Jian stabbed again and again. In the twinkling of an eye, it is the sword of the nine hundred and ninety-one, Ashura. The peak of the tribe, Tianjun, waved the remaining three arms at the fastest speed, but it was still slow.

A sword, two swords, and three swords, pierced into the body of Ashura's peak, and some sword wounds could not be affected. Some sword wounds were fatal. The sword magic was the last shot, but he had already killed him. A peak of the Ashura tribe, don't say that the disco of the Tianhu Holy Land did not think that the demon cloud did not think of it.

"Don't we be as good as a mid-term warrior?"

"In the end, it is useless to us, or the Ashura King who he is dealing with is too weak."

"I think, the Ashura, who killed him, must have been seriously injured. He just left the dog."

"You are not sour, even if the younger brothers and sisters are deceiving, is it true that the Holy Lady is deceiving?"

The eight peaks of Tianhu Holy Land are complex, and the swordsmen can kill the peaks of the Ashura tribe. For them, it is a good thing. They and the Ashura tribe are enemies, but the swordsman is out of the limelight. They are incompetent. After all, they are two higher than the sword.

In particular, among them, there are still many admirers of the demon cloud. Now, when the demon cloud has a glance at the sword demon, they will certainly look down on them. The reason why they stand up is to protect the younger brothers and sisters. On the one hand, I hope that I will perform well in front of the demon cloud.

Subsequently, the martial arts power they exerted was getting stronger and stronger, just like the swordsmen, killing a peak of the Ashura tribe, but unfortunately, the other peaks of the Ashura tribe have already rushed over. Together with them, the Sword Demon kills an Axiro tribe, who has already spurred the warriors of the Ashura tribe.

"Well, really dying one is enough to dispel the doubts in their hearts. Now, we will withdraw."

In the illusion of the demon cloud arrangement, there will be the warriors of the Ashura tribe, but after all, it is only a fake. The one who killed the sword of the Ashura tribe is not the same, because it is true, even if it is suspected. The Ashura tribes who entered the illusion are now confused.

Still in the hands of the Tianhu Holy Land, eight peaks, Tianjun quite shook his head with regret, and the demon cloud said that they would not be stupid, but now, in the current situation, they will not kill the peak of the Ashura tribe. Jun, because the average one has to deal with the two peaks of the Ashura tribe.

When the sword magic once again walked to the disco of the Tianhu Holy Land, he used to laugh at his Tianhu Holy Land disciple and immediately turned his gaze. He did not dare to look directly at him. All that happened before, they all looked in their eyes and asked themselves. They really don't qualify for a joke sword.

There is no first in the text, no second in Wu, the world of the warrior, the strong one is respected, as long as the sword magic show shows enough strength, it is enough to make most of the foxes of the foxes shut up, they do not know the swordsmen killed. Yufeng Tianjun, and the eight Tianhu Holy Land disciples to deal with the peak of Tianjun is weak and weak.

Although the swordsman only has the cultivation of the middle of the heavenly kingdom, no one dares to regard him as a medium-term prince. Many disciples of the fox foxes understand that if they really fight, they are not opponents of the swordsmen. Fortunately, now the swordsman They are a front, or else they have a terrible enemy.

"I have said that the big brother is the most powerful. You didn't believe it. I have nothing to say now."

The sword demon does not care about the disco of the Tianhu Holy Land. It does not mean that no one cares. The Lieer is a small ghost and is very vengeful. Before the Tianhu Holy Land disciple laughed at the sword, she was very unhappy. Now the sword demon kills one. The peak of the Shura tribe, she is like a winner, the losers in front of the humiliator.

The disco of the fox sacred place is wrong first, the dog's eye is low, and now it is ridiculed by the lotus, but even wants to find a place to sneak in, the demon cloud does not stop, because she feels that the fox sacred disciple this time, indeed a bit Too much, just because of the lotus thing, she is too lazy to talk to the sword.

"You can't run in this direction. When those Ashura rush out of the illusion, they will definitely chase them in anger. Let's go in that direction."

The demon cloud pointed in one direction, that is, it was at the forefront. The swordsman and the lotus were behind her. The other foxes and sacred disciples were behind the swordsmen. They did not give the swords face, but To the face of the lotus, after all, the lotus is like the demon cloud, the holy woman of the heavenly fox.

Because they were escaping, they did not temper and marched at a very fast speed. Because of this, after half a day, they once again met the disciples who killed the temple. The last time, the disciples of the Taiyin Temple and the disciples of the temple were very unpleasant. I have already taken a shot and split up and parted ways.

The disciples of the Temple of God have changed three directions before and after, just to avoid the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land. I did not expect the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land to catch up. In fact, they misunderstood the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land. The demon cloud is just to avoid The warriors of the Shura tribe are just one direction.

"What do you mean? The last time we assassinated the swordsman, it was only because of the collection of the Lingshi. Now the mission fails. We will not shoot the swordsman again. Why do you want to chase us?"

"We kill the temple and your fox sacred land, and do not make the river water. Do you want to fight for us because of the sword magic?"

The disciples of the Temple of God were so excited, but the disciples of the Temple of the Holy Land were shackled on the spot. They did not wait for the demon cloud to explain. One after another, the disciple of the Temple of God was taken out of the weapon, and a pair of disciples who were desperate with the Tianhu Holy Land, especially The head of the peak, Tian Jun, took out the holy soldiers.

"The big deal is just a death. If you have to do it, even if you come over, we will accompany you." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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