The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 288: Say one


There is a head in the middle of the Promise, a refreshing one, a satisfied face, a warrior he eats, a human race, and other races. Although he looks like Ashura, he and Ling Dao and others see The Ashura was not the same, at least the warriors of the Ashura tribe did not eat.

What's more, when the infinity is still in the black whirlpool, the patriarch of the seventh tribe of Ashura is eaten into the stomach. He not only eats other racial warriors, but also eats the Ashura tribal warriors. Lingdao even thinks, the Promise is in the end. Is it Ashura?

“Not bad, good taste, right in the taste of this seat.”

A group of young warriors burst into tears, how much they hoped that they couldn’t say the taste, they were really afraid of the Promise, even if they were killed alive, it was better to be eaten into the stomach by the Promise, especially when they thought of the Promise When they chew, they feel cold in their hearts.

"Predecessors, you are already full, can you let us go, we don't die, it doesn't matter if you die, it's not our fault."

The demon cloud smiled and said with respect, Rao is the sacred woman who is used to the strong, still timid in front of the Promise, fearing that the Promise is not happy, she swallowed her in the belly, the Promise is obviously not Will care about the identity of her saint.

"Small girl can talk, but unfortunately, he ate, I haven't eaten yet. When I finish my poems, I have to eat a meal. Don't worry, I won't delay the time."

The head on the left speeded up the speed of speech, as if he really worried that the disciples of the major forces were anxious. However, the saliva flowing out of his mouth sold out his real thoughts, and the disciples of the major forces could not help but rolled their eyes. How can you be anxious, and you can’t wait for a few hundred years to be right.

"What a joke, you are three heads, but you have a stomach, can you put us in the thigh?"

Another peak, Tianjun Lingguang flashed, raised the problem, the Promise has three heads and six arms, but he has a body, a stomach, whether it is in the middle of the head to eat, or the left head to eat, or the right head to eat In the end, it must be put into a belly.

"As you talk a lot, you are smart, this seat has to eat for you."

The head on the left violently opened his mouth, and the huge suction force made the face of the peak that had just opened up changed. He did not sit still, but took out the weapons of the ground and displayed the most powerful school. The source of the body rushed out wildly. The Tao is all attacking the Promise.

It is a pity that the Promise has no meaning at all. The Fengjun Tianjun is not worth mentioning at all. It can kill the Tianzun’s school, and it falls on the mouth of the Promise, without causing a little bit of harm. The poor peak of the Heavenly King, self-righteous, is not offended. The endless shackles, only to become the end of the food in the abdomen.

Other warriors made a chill in their livelihoods. Fortunately, they did not remind the Promise, perhaps they would say euphemistically, and kindly reminded that the Promise is a stomach thing, but who knows, Promise will not eat them. , and talk with the Promise, can you avoid a death?

"No, you two have eaten, I have to eat too. Whoever wants to do it with me, I have to take it out quickly, I can't wait."

The head on the right is no longer on the list, but it is discussed with the most powerful disciples. It is a pity that the disciples of the major forces regard him as a snake and avoid it, and they will not follow him. The Promise is very clear, he is If you enjoy the sacrifices, you have to do it with them. Once you start, there is only one end, first being beaten up, and then being eaten by the Promise.

"Miscellaneous things, this seat is for you to face, only to start with you, or with your cultivation, are qualified to compete with this seat."

He stared at the young warrior in front of him. Unfortunately, one young warrior couldn't help but go backwards. He couldn't help but go farther from him. Even if his head is no longer light, now he can see that the major disciples are afraid of him, no. Dare to do it with him. If so, then he has to choose his own opponent.

"You, yes, don't look around, it's you, fight me."

The head on the right chose a peak Tianjun, and then a **** hand grabbed the past. The peak of his choice was scared and stunned. He turned around and ran, with his cultivation, and a doubt. For the strong man of Dao Jun, he was simply looking for death. His first thought was to escape, and then he did not hesitate to escape.

It is a pity that the **** hand directly tore the void and grabbed him back. He did not move with the Promise, and the Promise was obviously angry. The dark hand slammed a bit and let the 天峰天君 smash the bones. Most of the time, if you have a little more strength, I am afraid that he has already died.

"The dead sacrifice is not good, the living sacrifice is delicious, this seat allows you to do it, you don't give face, then, this seat will kill you, if you know, this seat can also swallow you. To protect you from some pain, the road is your own choice, no wonder this seat."

Promise 放 晏 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里 手里A happy, don't start with him, will suffer from inhuman torture before he dies.

In addition to the creepy chewing sounds, there is also the scream of the screaming peak of the monarch. The rest of the young warriors only feel that they are cold and sweaty. The Promise is not only powerful, but also cruel to the extreme. They are in the heart, they don’t know how to How many times the patriarch cursed, but the seven patriarchs were already dead, and it was useless to curse them.

"He is too cruel, and instead of doing things with him, it is better to be against me, right?"

The head on the left opened again, and then I chose a peak Tianjun, and I read the poems I made to the peaks of Tianjun. The peaks that he chose were already appointed, and they can’t beat them. Can't escape, except what he can do, he can do anything.

Promise is not wrong, after listening to his poems and then die, it is better to be beaten than to be beaten and die more comfortable. Although the poetry of the infinitely sturdy, the poor is to the extreme, but he is soon a dead man, not a mouthful If you are irritated and unhappy, you might end up with the same as the previous one.

After a poem was finished, the Promise was swallowed by the peak of his choice, and the head on the right, like the head on the left, and quickly chose another peak, let the other He started, there is a tragic death peak Tianjun in front, this peak Tianjun even reluctant, but also had to fight with the Promise.

Promise is not eager to win, but the use of a **** hand, once and for all, to break the attack of the peak Tianjun, where he used to live, long time no life, can only play against the sinister living environment, Now there is Fengfeng Tianjun and him, he naturally wants to have fun.

"Not bad, you are very good, know the time is for Junjie, this seat allows you to do it, you will go all out, to be honest, this seat appreciates you."

The words on the right side of the head made him laugh at the peak of the peak, because this peak Tianjun felt that with the endless beaten up to the present, the promise has been made, from the smile on the right head, you can see Out, the mood is very good, I think he can escape.

"Thank you for your predecessors, I have known that my predecessors are generous and will not start with a junior."

As long as he can survive, he doesn't mind taking pictures of the injustice. The other warriors are also bright-eyed. It seems that there is no way to live. If you listen to the Promise, and you can play it with the Promise, you will be free from death. Promise will not come up with all the strength to compete with them, otherwise, they will definitely be killed alive.

"Thank you, of course, this seat will not start for you a junior, but you are a good sacrifice, this seat must be to your mouth."

Just because he is admired by the Promise, he has to eat him into his stomach. He has no logic. He certainly does not understand. Other military people are equally ashamed. They think that they have found a way to live. Who knows the Promise? I ate the Fengfeng Tianjun who had just started with him.

On the other side, a peak Tianjun stunned his conscience, and he praised the poems made by the infinite head of the infinite head. He thought that he would be able to survive if he was pleased, but when he found that the right head had eaten the peak, he I know that I am in danger.

"Ha ha ha... I have a letter in my speech, and I will give you a good time in this seat."

The Promise is laughing, but the rest of the young warriors do not know what to do. Perhaps they have only one choice, that is, they obey the instructions of the Promise, and then let the Promise take them into their stomachs. Even if they are not reconciled, how can they be.

"You, come on, come over, your blood is very strong, this seat is very interested, come and come, first warm up with the 300 rounds of this battle, because the memory of this seat seems to record, cooked food It's more delicious. If you want to become a cooked food, you have to heat it up. You have to work hard."

A dark finger, pointing straight to the Lingdao standing next to the big demon, the words of the Promise, enough to make people laugh off the big teeth, but unfortunately, no military dare to laugh, because dare to laugh, no one, only one end, I was chewed again and again by the Promise, and then I ate it into my stomach.

Ling Dao took a deep breath and he was really helpless to the Promise. Fortunately, he still has the last card. If he is infinitely wanting to eat him, the existence of the devil's forbidden land will certainly not agree. He takes the initiative to use the magical hand to ban the existence of the land. But now it is the Promise to provoke him, the presence of the magic hand ban will certainly not be ignored.

If it is the Iyo in the heyday, the Promise is definitely not an opponent, but the magic hand is forbidden to suppress it. It is only a palm of Yiruo, and it has not been known for many years. I want to come back to Yiruo’s strength and regress a lot. Lingdao is really I don't know if Iru's one hand can beat the Promise.

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