The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 8: Against the peak

Dealing with the six mid-term Tianjun in front of you, you don’t need to use the Tao. You just rely on the physical strength. Lingdao takes an absolute advantage. The fierce punches, like the waves, slammed the night of the Yaozu. Jun, the two mid-term princes who are closest to Lingdao, can't resist the first, and fly out.

In the past, the two mid-term Tianjun finally won time for the four mid-term Tianjun. They showed their other martial arts as quickly as possible, in an attempt to block the attack of Lingdao. Unfortunately, their strength is worse than that of Lingdao. Too far away, let alone they rushed between shots, even if they were prepared for time, they still lost to Lingdao.

The latter four mid-term princes are worse than the previous two mid-term princes. Some of their hands are bloody, some have broken arm bones, and some have chest sag. Even if their six mid-term geniuses add up, it is still better than no. On the Lingdao, not to mention their power can not be concentrated on a Tianjun.

"I have never seen a human warrior. How can Tianjun have such terrible power in the early days of the district."

"The flesh is our strength, strength is our advantage, how is it now?"

"What the **** is he coming, can you infer it?"

Just for a moment, Lingdao and the six mid-term Tianjun are the winners and losers. The original enchanting martial arts have already become curious about Lingdao. If Lingdao uses powerful martial arts, or is powerful. Weapons, defeating the six mid-term Tianjun, other demon warriors will certainly not feel anything, because the Terran does not lack genius.

The number of Terran warriors is not double that of other races. Even if the Terran warriors are more likely to be geniuses, they are lower than other races. Under the huge base, the number of geniuses of Terran warriors can exceed that of other races. What's more, the Terran empire has a lot of power and more exercises.

What is really interesting to the demon warriors is that Lingdao defeated the six demon warriors and relied on the physical strength, the idols, and the first strength. Although the tiger clans are far less than the idols, they are better than the humans. Still a strong one, the result is that their realm is higher than the Lingdao, but the power is far less than the Lingdao.

At the same time, the five demon lords looked at each other and shot at the same time, killing Lingdao. If Lingdao was allowed to take the shot, Lingdao could completely kill the six demon mid-day princes who had previously confronted him. Of course, they are not trying to save the mid-term prince who just shot, just don’t want to make Lingdao murderous.

Although the Tian Yao family did not regard the Tian Yao domain as the territory of the Yaozu, but the Yaozu Warrior always determined that the Tian Yao domain belongs to the territory of the Yaozu. If a Terran Heavenly King is allowed to relax outside the Tian Yao Hall, it is not a demon. The face of the family, in the early days of the Tianjun period in their hearts, what counted.

"Too much, five late Tianjun deal with a former Tianjun, but also shameless."

"Not only take advantage of the realm of the realm, but also take advantage of the quantity. When are your demon people so degraded?"

"If it wasn't for me that I was injured some time ago, I will definitely join him now and kill you without leaving a piece of film."

The Terran martial artists are angry, dissatisfied, and regretful. The only ones who have not shot, the Terran empire forces have many evils, and other military forces have difficulties. Many warriors will not risk saving, even Even if it is a disciple of the emperor's power, when you are in danger, consider yourself first.

There are clouds in ancient sayings, people are not for themselves, and they are destroyed. They say that if people don’t plan for themselves, they will not be for the heavens and the earth. They don’t help Lingdao. Once they are shot, they will anger the demon warriors. Know how many demon warriors will start with them.

The five late Tianjuns use the road to condense the sword, or use the road to condense the axe, or use the road to condense the sticks, or use the road to condense the big prints, or use the road to condense the spears, they have Mastering the five principles, and some mastering the six principles, is not at all comparable to Lingdao.

"Just take your try, what is my way."

Lingdao has just sacrificed his own way, which is the ridicule of the demon warrior. The number of Taoist is especially important. Generally speaking, the former Tianjun has one or two Taoist rules, and the middle Tianjun has three or In the fourth way, in the later days, Tianjun had five or six roads, and Qifeng Tianjun had seven or eight roads and even nine roads.

"You have a way, you still want to fight with us, I really don't know how tall and thick."

"I must have broken through to the pre-existence of the Heavenly Kingdom. If we ruin your way, will you vomit blood and will not regret our offense."

"Wrong, he will not vomit blood, nor will he regret it, because he will soon be a dead person, how to vomit blood, how to regret it."

The five late Tianjun of the Yaozu are full of confidence. They use the Taoism to display martial arts. They can definitely crush the frontiers of the martial arts. The other genie warriors nod their heads, and the road is very important. Ling The road not only lowered two small realms, but also dealt with five opponents at the same time.

The sword was killed, and the knife was everywhere. It was like a huge army. It was killed from all directions. The axe fell down and the edge was not cast. It was like the gods and gods, and the invincible, the big seal descended from the sky, just like the sky fell, the heavy incredible The spear attacked, and the void was as if it had been scratched, and it made a loud noise.

The most powerful thing is that the Yi people who use the road to condense into sticks have the strongest fighting spirit and good for the sticks. Although he is not a holy shrine, but after all, he has the blood of the holy family, he just throws one. The stick is carrying the thunder and the shackles, as if it can divide the void into two.

Lingdao looks as usual, as if he did not see the attack of the five demon queens in the late Tianjun. He used the Taoist way, condensed into a fist shadow, and blasted toward the front. It was the so-called one-force tenth meeting, using the seventh turn nine Turning to Long Jin, he has a total of 5,600 Tianlong power.

The fists that condensed into the road were first bombarded on the spears, causing the spears to blast, and then the boxing shadows were smashed on the sword, the axe and the big seal. After the moment, the sword broke and the big The rupture of the seal and the axe turned into powder. Only the late Tianjun of the Yi people used sticks to support the five-point time in front of the shadow of Lingdao.

However, after the five interest rates, the sticks appeared one after another, and fortunately, the Yi people’s eyes were fast and they retreated, and the sticks were saved from the smashing. The fist shadow not only did not stop, but instead went to the five late Tianjun. The five demon Tianjun who did not put Lingdao in their eyes did not understand how terrible Lingdao was until now.

Lingdao is not only their weapons, but also their way, even their confidence. In the future, if they encounter Lingdao, they will be timid before they shoot, because they are now two smaller than Lingdao. In the realm of joining forces, they still lost to Lingdao.

The refining and bodhi fruit, the breakthrough to the advantage of the heavenly kingdom, finally manifested itself. If Lingdao is only a force far beyond the demon warrior, the collision just now, I am afraid that it has not broken other people’s weapons, his own way It has broken or even collapsed. It is like a person who is even more powerful. He uses a wooden sword to cut other people's iron swords. The first damage is his own wooden sword.

The late Tianjun of the five Yaozus is like a broken kite, one by one lying on the ground in the distance. Their injuries are not light. They are bombarded by the shadow of Lingdao. The real problem is the way out. Then, the road collapses or splits, which will cause them to retaliate and injure them.

Unfortunately, Lingdao did not have the time to pursue them, because he felt two dangerous atmospheres. At the beginning, there were thirteen Tianjun who stood up to deal with Lingdao. Six mid-term Tianjun had lost to Lingdao, and five were late. Tianjun also lost to Lingdao, and now there are only two Fengfeng Tianjun.

"It's no wonder that such arrogance is indeed a bit of a thing, but unfortunately, the realm is too low. If I shoot, killing him only takes twenty minutes."

"Then you are not as good as me, because I am killing him. I only need sixteen minutes of time. It is better to stand by and see how I kill him. How?"

It’s not the peak of Tianjun, even if they have witnessed the singularity of Lingdao, they still have absolute certainty to defeat Lingdao, and even have a leisurely playfulness. They must know that they are not ordinary peaks, if they even have a human race Jun can't solve it, they are not alive.

"They were like you, and now I am not playing the same as a dog."

Ling Dao gave a laugh, and his mid-term Tianjun and later Tianjun were all ashamed. Their realm was originally higher than Lingdao, and in the case of joining forces, the result was lost to Lingdao. If you go out, they will definitely be laughed at innumerable times in the future.

"Oh... what is it like playing with a dog, what happened to our dog."

One of the peaks, Tianjun, gnashed his teeth, because Lingdao said that it is not a good thing, but he is a dog family. Although the dog family is not comparable to the dragon, the idol, etc., but also comparable to a product, he is The young genius of the dog family, of course, does not allow Lingdao to say that the dog family is not.

"Don't argue with me. Didn't you say that it only takes sixteen months to kill him? Well, I will let you know now. Once I get serious, killing him doesn't require twenty-times. ""

The peak of the dog family screamed fiercely at Lingdao, and then he sacrificed his own eight roads, ready to kill Lingdao, and another Fengfeng Tianjun smiled helplessly, so he had to sneak Let the peak of the dog family, anyway, is just a pre-existing Tianjun, even if it is killed, it does not have much benefit.

Eight Ways, like the sword of the handle, strangling from different directions, the peak of the dog family is the fists of both hands, punching out, as if there are thousands of dogs, biting toward Lingdao, He said that he would kill Lingdao in the ten-day time. Of course, he would not be merciful to Lingdao, otherwise he would not be his dog face.

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