The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 54: Make up the sky

Although Xuanji is only a woman, she is more aggressive than other men. It is not easy to put other strong people in the eyes, except for his own strength and strength, but also because the Tian Yao domain is the site of the Tian Yao family. Unlike her, it is purely in the place of others, infinitely arrogant.

The strong person she targeted was not including the days, and it was not easy for the day to confront the strong players of the great emperors. She did not see it. Ming knows that the sky is not easy to be powerful, and still has the absolute confidence to take away the beast tower. The strong person present can't find the second one except her.

"The old man has been retiring for many years. I didn't expect the young warrior now to become so rampant. If you stop you, you have to die?" It is not easy for the gods to come over to the mysterious master. He said ridiculously, "The old man will try to find death today. What do you feel, can you be a good man?"

Other strong people only feel that they have a flower in front of them, and then it is not easy to block in front of the mysterious master. It’s so hard to see how strong the sky-cutting technique is. They know it with their own eyes. Who knows that the speed of the sky is not as fast as they are. If they are one-on-one, they may not even be able to escape in the face of the sky.

"The teacher has heard thousands of requests, that is, I have never heard of such a squat, old man, are you tired of living?"

The voice of the mysterious teacher is very good, but what she said is very unpleasant. It is not easy to be the great law of the demon family. The status is respected. Why did the warriors dare to speak to him? His face was immediately black, and it was a squat and an old man. Can it be replaced by any one of the Taoists?

The strong powers of the great emperors are shocked because they understand that there will be good dramas. Even if they don't want to admit it, they know that the sky is not as harder than them. Now Xuanji teaches the Lord and the sky is not easy to confront, if they fight, it must be very exciting.

The Tianzheng family of five guards carefully arranged a large array, the mysterious master can easily break, just this point, it is enough to let other strong people look at her. Of course, if you look at it from a high perspective, no one still thinks that she can beat the sky. Although they don't know how old the mysterious master is, they are certainly not younger than the sky.

"Good! Good! Good! Have courage! Have courage! Just don't know if there is strength!"

The black-faced day is not easy to say three good words in succession. One bites more than one bite. At the end of the day, the mountain shakes and the wind whistle. One after another, like a dragon, hovering in the void, claws and claws. A strong will, covering one side of the world, the pressure of the monks, so that the strong people closed their mouths.

If there are no other warriors present, the mysterious teacher will not have any influence on the sky. The reason why the sky is not easy to anger is not because of himself, but because of the identity of the demon family. Xuanji teaches the main insults and protects the law, which is tantamount to disrespect to the demon family. It is not easy to be tolerated.


The blood-colored sword and the red-colored long knife reappeared. Once on, it seemed that a **** held the scissors and cut it toward the mysterious master. The void splits, the gap grows longer and bigger, and it is like a huge beast, and slowly opens his eyes.

It is not easy to use the big slashing technique to break the martial arts of the strong. Now he only deals with one of the mysterious sects. He personally taught the great slashing technique. It is that the day is not easy and the confrontation of the mysterious lord will soon be able to win the game. The victory is definitely not easy, and the defeat is of course It is a mysterious master.

To say that the mysterious master can block the big cuts, they don't believe it at all. The only one who has confidence in the mysterious lord is the soul of the beast tower. At that time, there was a mysterious lord around the great emperor who rebuilt the beast tower. The soul of the beast tower naturally knew the skill of the mysterious master.

"You cut the sky, the teacher will come to fill the sky, see if you cut fast, or I make up fast!"

The fingers of the mysterious master, the lightning trembled, thousands of roads turned into a large net, including the big cut. The sky is not easy to smile with a scorn, the **** sword and the red long knife gently touch, and the big net cut out a huge hole.

However, soon the hard-to-find smile was on the face, because the front of the blood-colored sword and the red long knife, once again appeared a big net. The blood-colored sword and the red-colored long knife swayed, and once again cut the big net, and the result was another big net block in front.

"It’s a big battle. I didn’t expect that she was able to make such a powerful approach at a young age.”

The soul of the beast tower of the beasts is full of emotions. The strong powers of the major forces may not know how to make up the sky, but he knows. The mysterious master is definitely not the name of a young woman, just like the inheritance of a human being. In the past, her mysterious master couldn’t easily make up for the sky.

"It's a good skill to do a good job. I didn't expect her to really block the sorcerer's school."

"It's no wonder that arrogance can't be done, although I can't understand what she did, but I admire her ability."

"I thought that the battle between the two of them would end in an instant. Now it seems that there may be some fights. The great demon method of the demon family is certainly strong, but this woman is also not weak."

Seeing the excitement is not afraid of big things, they can't wait for the mysterious master and the sky is not easy to fight for three hundred rounds. The mysterious teachings of the mysterious masters have made many strong people feel ashamed of themselves. Because of this, the mysterious masters and the hard-to-find confrontation are more interesting. The confrontation between the two powerhouses will certainly benefit them a lot.

"Old man, if there is time, the teacher will definitely take your first level. Unfortunately, if you don't have time today, let your head stay on your neck for a while!"

The mysterious master once again shot, countless big nets, not easy to cover the sky. After all, the Tian Yao domain is the site of the Tian Yao family. If the Tian Yao family comes back to one or even a few more difficult lives than the sky, she does not say anything to win, can not escape, is a problem.

In fact, the degree to the present is already the limit of the mysterious master. Other strong guesses are correct, she is not a difficult opponent. If you continue to fight, the loss will be the mystery. Of course, it is definitely impossible for the sky to be difficult to kill the mysterious master.

It is not easy to defeat the mysterious master. However, the mysterious master has a way to escape under his hand. What the mysterious master is worried about is the other strong people of the Tian Yao family. After all, where they are now, not far from the nest of the Tian Yao family. If the Taoist comes, it doesn't take long.

"Want to go? Dream!"

It’s not easy to guess the mystery of the mysterious master. The heavens are too big. If the mysterious master leaves the Tianluo domain, he wants to find the mysterious master. It is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. It’s just that it’s too annoying to cover his big net, because how many sheets he broke and how many more will appear again.

To make up for the martial arts, you can not only resist martial arts, but also can be used to trap other powerful people. It’s not easy for the first time to encounter a big array of talents. Even if he is strong and strong, in a short period of time, he can’t get out of the sky. However, the sky is not able to limit the difficult movements of the day, that is to say, even if the sky is not easy to fill the sky, other strong people want to deal with him, it is still not a simple matter.

"As a human race, the lord will help you, leave with the leader."

Time is tight, and the mysterious master is definitely not willing to delay, but later will change. As soon as she came, she didn't know how long it would be difficult to get stuck in the sky. It is not easy to get out of trouble at any time. Secondly, she did not know whether there were other strong people in the Tian Yao family, or it was wonderful to leave early.

The mysterious master of the mystery stretched out the slender hand and grabbed it toward Lingdao. Lingdao still doesn't know what's going on, that is, he has been caught by the mysterious master. Fortunately, the mysterious teacher did not have any maliciousness against Lingdao. She grabbed Lingdao in order to help Lingdao get out of danger.

"Predecessor, she is my sister!"

Lingdao refers to Wei invincible, Xuanji teacher understands what he means. One road turned into a white, and Wei was invincible. In fact, Xuanji teaches the Lord to save the Tao, and there is no relationship between the Terran and the Terran. Since Ling Dao wants to bring Wei invincible together, then she will become a full Lingdao.

"Slow, you think that I am in the demon domain, I want to come, I want to go and leave?"

The five-guardian of the Tianxue family said in a stern manner that the mysterious master can compete with the sky and is not easy to deal with. However, if he does not say anything now and does nothing, it will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction with the sky. Maybe he will not find him after he returns.

Whether it is true or false, anyway, the five-guard method is not easy to see. Although he is not an opponent of the mysterious master, the five-guard law can be determined. In a short time, the mysterious master can't treat him. However, he did not think that the voice had just fallen, and the mysterious master had shot him.

"Great extinction!"

The mysterious master took out a sword from the palace, and the sword was very common, but there was a great extinction in it. Even if she has a very high talent in the battle, she wants to use the big battle again and again in the battle. It is still not a simple matter.

She uses the ordinary soldiers, seals the big array, and the key moments will definitely work. The mass extinction array is very troublesome, and correspondingly, it is extremely powerful. The five-guard method of the Tianxue family is not easy to be compared with the sky, and it is weaker and more sustainable. Even if he does not kill him, he can make him suffer a big loss.

"Why don't you tell him the truth?" The soul of the beast tower sent a voice to the mysterious master. I want to ask, "Because his realm is too low, don't you want to recognize him as a young master? Or because you think he doesn't have Qualified to be your young master?"

The mysterious teacher did not answer the soldier's soul of the beast tower, but used the big line to clear the way. She could feel that there were several strong breaths coming. If it is entangled by the powerful forces of the great emperors, let alone the salvation road, she may be killed here.

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